
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Definitely got my exercise this afternoon! Helped move boxes from son's place. My dear husband took the Xfinity router box, so son's roommate will come home tonight and not be able to play his Xbox, (son took his own TV), or go online with his laptop, (husband took son's internet service router box)! Boohoo! Hoping his roommate won't pull a disappearing act tomorrow. We are giving him an opportunity to be able to use son's uhaul over the weekend. Only if roommate helps son move his washer and dryer though. That's the deal!

    I'm one tired puppy!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi all!
    I am in awe of all of you doing all this moving business, lifting heavy stuff. I have got to an age when I wouldn't even consider it. Not worth the risk of pulling something and getting an injury. Now I am an old lady I can gracefully duck out of all that. :laugh: I try to prevent DH from doing silly stuff as well, but you know men! The other day he decided to rake the moss out of the grass and pulled a muscle in his side. His daughter ricked her back shovelling soil into a wheelbarrow and has been off work for over a week. Definitely not worth it. I don't think I have even mowed a lawn in 30 years. As my mother would say, "You don't keep a dog and bark yourself."
    I am very fit, but it's always when you do something you are not used to that causes the trouble. Sometimes you don't always know it while you are doing it. It's the next day.
    Roger Federer put his knee out while bathing his baby daughter!

    Weather not looking good for the wedding on Tuesday. :( Thunderstorms.

    Sue - I will be thinking of your whole family while your grandson is in hospital. I'm sure he is in excellent hands. <3 We can't help worrying, can we.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    I slept alright.. but not great... going to close the house up tight as it will 90 today here, and it will keep it cool..
    put some dried mealworms out and enjoying watching the birds come.. I have my granddaughter again this afternoon and have to take her to Horseback riding lesson...then back here... have enough leftovers that she wont be hungry..
    Trudy coming over tonight for leftovers and wine...
    everyone really enjoyed themselves yesterday and really loved the patio...I am so glad,Like Barbie enjoying her fenced in yard,I do so with my patio,Ladies it is my Zen Den Patio, and thanks for all the encouragement along the way..
    going to hop in the shower and go feed DFIL and then back home.do some laundry and try and hoe out my walk in closet..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) We moved to our current house about six years ago. We had a lovely home on the other side of town with a beautiful yard with lots of grass and many flower beds that needed tending. One day Jake walked into the house after mowing and said, "I'm finished with yard work. I want to move." He called the real estate agent that day. Our current house has very little yard and very little that needs care. He mows the tiny back yard with a light weight electric mower. All the yard work I do is something I've designed for myself. I limit my efforts to 90 minutes a day so I don't hurt myself or get resentful about it. I do only as much housework as is required tomaintain cleanliness and order.

    <3Allie, have you posted a picture of your Zen Den Patio?

    <3Machka, sending hugs to you as you walk this difficult path one day at a time.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie in beautiful NW Washington
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Terry – sorry to hear you are in pain, I have a machine embroidery business. I do logo’s, stuff for schools, names, art work… Christmas stockings, Monograms… PM me and I’ll give you my facebook page so you can see pictures. I have multiple things going, mornings I garden for any one of 3-4 clients, afternoons/evenings/weekends I embroider… There are a few other things I do on a “one off” basis… I am really living the “gig economy” and both love and hate it.

    Karen – my heart breaks for your grandson….

    I ran a workparty of volunteers this morning for the camp garden I work for – the amount of work 11 people got done in 3 hours was amazing! I always feel like I have a new lease on life after they have been there, it is like catch up has happened.

    I have this great recipe for ribs, it takes soaking them in apple juice, then smoking them on the BBQ then baking them long and slow. They come out great but it is a pain – especially the smoking them part, keeping the coals hot enough to create smoke but not to hot as you don’t really want to cook them through that happens in the oven. Friends are coming tomorrow for lunch so I soaked them (4 hours) yesterday and am smoking them now, its supposed to be 4 hours, but will do 6 as the gosh darn fire keeps going out so I am in and out fussing with it.

    And in California in May it should not be 59 degrees but that was our high today, which makes the BBQing on low just that much harder!


    Kim from N. California

    I don’t have Facebook. Could you post a picture here?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited May 2018
    Ginger - Your post reminds me that I am the last person to remember who is who in the old family photos. My grandmother would tell me the stories. I don't think my brother has much idea and my sons have not shown much interest. Maybe they will, one day. I ought to make notes on the old photos for future generations and get the photos up on a Cloud somewhere. Weird to think there is no one to ask about things I don't know. I don't even know what has happened to one of my cousins I was in touch with before this Christmas. I did not get an email card from him this year and haven't managed to find him on social media. He is the Keith in my book.
    When my mother died I contacted everyone in her address book, but people don't seem to bother these days.
    One of the drivers in writing my memoir was to somehow anchor all those memories so they aren't lost. I hope to go into more "backstory" in the next book as my teenage self becomes more aware of family history.

    Making veggie and lentil curry for dinner with all the ophaned vegetables in the bottom of the fridge. :D Hate stuff going to waste.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member

    Rita – I’m glad that you had a good time with your Mother and that it was the best trip ever and that y’all will never forget it.

    I think there are a lot of things that go on, that put people as ‘sex offenders’ that really aren’t; but, some things I guess could be. I think we have all been expected to be ‘politically correct’ that we can’t please 100% of the people 100% of the time. It is like ‘gun control’ … it is a matter of interpretation and both are pretty vague. There is soon going to be a time where a man won’t be able to tell a woman that she ‘looks nice’ – thinking ‘oh $#*T – how is she going to take that’? This “Me, too” movement has gotten pretty damn old, if you ask me. But, that is totally IMHO. Why wait 15 or 20 years to bring something up? You’d think there would be a Statute of Limitations on some of the things these ladies are saying. They’ve ruin reputations and put these men on ‘public display’ … and then 20 more will accuse them as well. What are they looking for – vindication or money or their 15 minutes of fame? OK, I can understand if someone got ‘raped’; but, I don’t understand ‘how one man could molest 200 women or young girls’. What exactly did he do to them? Now Morgan Freeman is up on ‘display’ and he is in his 80’s. So, he likes to look at women. Sure, he should not have asked ‘if she had panties on’; but, when a woman wears a dress or skirt that is so short that she could not bend over without showing her ‘hoo-hoo’ … it is pretty hard to sit on a dress or skirt that short; then when she crosses her legs – anybody could see up her dress. She should only be crossing her ankles.


    Completely agree with you Lenora. Enough is enough!

    RV Rita
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Karen in VA))) As a retired teacher I know I wasn't always the perfect teacher for each child but I tried my best and was never cruel to any child. Your grandson deserves better than he's been getting. Oregon had an online Alternative Education system for students who aren't comfortable in a class setting when I was teaching I suspect there is still that option. I wonder whether your grandson's state has anything similar. :heart:

    Pip: Happy birthday!!! :bigsmile:

    SueBDew: Prayers for your DGS and the whole family. I'm happy to hear that he's getting up slowly and walking. That is great news. :heart:

    Machka: I am delighted that your DH is making good progress. You're doing a good job taking care of yourself, too. WTG!!! :flowerforyou:

    One of my riding friends has put me in an awkward spot. She wants me to ask my teacher to lead trail rides this summer for the price of a lesson. I am not happy to be in this position. My teacher has been amazingly generous with her time and I don't want to be anything but grateful for it. I'm not sure what I'll do when I see her later today. Advice welcome.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hi to this Group:
    May I Join?
    I am definitely over 50.
    A retired, thank the Good Lord, 67 year old retired nurse, after 43 years on my worn out knees.
    Terrible eating habits, like most nurses. Nothing surprises me. Seen everything, more than I have ever wanted to.
    I have learned how to do and succeeded in many things in my life....except how to stay slim. I have fought weight problems since college....I thought I was heavy in high school (ha! ha!) but I was really just right. Society talked me into thinking I was fat and I started dieting....just started a disaster of yo yo--ing.
    But that was many years ago....I would like to bring my weight down to 170....I would feel better, walk the stairs easier, and look better in my clothes. My general practitioner would be thrilled.
    Married to a retired teacher who is fighting with diabetes (his retirement present!), no children, one Yorkie who thinks she rules the house (my 18 year old Golden Wheaten Terrier died 3 months ago and broke my heart in two). Our new Yorkie, Lexie, is adopted. Her 'Mom, Mary" died of colon cancer two days after Lexie came home. Mary and I worked together for many years and attended church together. Lexie got passed around several homes while Mary was ill for over a year....we really thought she would recover...so Lexie just "visited" friends. Then it became obvious Mary would not recover.
    I volunteer with a non-profit organization called Project Cure--we take medical supply donations from hospitals, clinics, individuals of any types, clean them up, put them back together, and ship them to developing countries. We have distribution centers in Denver (HQ), Phoenix, Houston, Chicago, Nashville, and Philadelphia.
    A 58 year old friend of ours just collapsed and was found to have a massive brain tumor (glioblastoma). Without treatment, he would only have a month to live. With chemo, if possible, he might have five years. Another wonderful, Godly man I know, just passed away last year with the same type of tumor. It's the same type Sen. McCain and Ted Kennedy had. Very aggressive and it never shows any sign until it's almost too late.
    As a nurse, I have seen everything. Everything. It's just harder when it's the ones we love. And you KNOW, you KNOW what's coming down the road.
    You all sound like you really care for each other.
    I sure could use that.

    Welcome Karen!
    I sense frustration in your tone, so pull up a chair anytime, and sit for a spell (mentally). All your mental baggage just throw onto the sidebar here, we have someone that sweeps all that up, haahaa! The nice thing I have found, is you get so many different views of issues you might have questions on. These ladies are very knowledgeable! I mentally have them in my back pocket all the time. As you can see I'm very mental!
    One thing I want to tell you is how much I admire your profession, and the good you are doing now. My dear husband received a new liver in 2014, and nurses in general saved not only my husband but I as well. I was very hands on, emptying drain bulbs, changing dressings when, before transplant, his belly would need draining. Course I didn't do the actual draining, just helped mop up! He had a years worth of stent work to try to keep the bike ducts open, but in the end he had a procedure to re-route his bike ducts directly into his large intestine/bowels. This was in February. Now he's doing well! As a nurse you can appreciate this pic. For those of you squeamish, well just ignore it.
    Anyways, nice ta meet cha!
    Whidbey island
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Sue - Happy to hear it all went well. :D The resilience of youth!

    Felicia - Well said!

    My veggie curry was heavenly. And only 275 calories, including the raita and hot pickle. Used up onion, garlic, potatoes, carrots, flat beans, cauliflower and cabbage. Thickened with a few red lentils.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited May 2018
    Karen ~ In Georgia there is a public online education program called Georgia Connections Academy. I am sure there are probably such systems available in your state too. I think it is wonderful that your DnL will be able to help her son with his work at home.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    (((Karen in VA))) As a retired teacher I know I wasn't always the perfect teacher for each child but I tried my best and was never cruel to any child. Your grandson deserves better than he's been getting. Oregon had an online Alternative Education system for students who aren't comfortable in a class setting when I was teaching I suspect there is still that option. I wonder whether your grandson's state has anything similar. :heart:

    Pip: Happy birthday!!! :bigsmile:

    SueBDew: Prayers for your DGS and the whole family. I'm happy to hear that he's getting up slowly and walking. That is great news. :heart:

    Machka: I am delighted that your DH is making good progress. You're doing a good job taking care of yourself, too. WTG!!! :flowerforyou:

    One of my riding friends has put me in an awkward spot. She wants me to ask my teacher to lead trail rides this summer for the price of a lesson. I am not happy to be in this position. My teacher has been amazingly generous with her time and I don't want to be anything but grateful for it. I'm not sure what I'll do when I see her later today. Advice welcome.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Just tell the instructor straight up, thanks for thinking I’m good enough to teach a class, I’m flattered but honestly, I’d rather not.