How gross is fast food to you



  • gabijadc
    gabijadc Posts: 90 Member
    Try eating a cold burger. Yuck!!!
  • LeanAmbitions
    Well, when I was pregnant, I had horrible, terrible morning sickness and the smell of fast food places and the idea of eating the food (which I had enjoyed quite a lot prior to that) turned my stomach and even now, 19 years later, it still turns my stomach.

    But I'm guessing that won't help you.

    Also, I don't think a fast food burger has any fewer nutrients than one you make at home. Just sayin'.

    Lol. I'm 25 and my mom still can't eat stuff she got sick on when she was pregnant with me. It's crazy.

    Sometimes I think I want fast food. Then I eat it and it's unsatisfying. Plus, I work at a fast food place and all the grease and grossness is turning me off to it.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I like fast food, but it's too high in sodium for me and honestly, I would rather spend the calories on other foods. Unfortunately, on a road trip recently, we went through McDs and I ordered a small chicken burger and small fries, and within an hour of eating it (and all the next day) I had stomach cramps - and other.. issues o.O. I blame this, in part, on having been almost a year since my last McDs food experience - I suppose I blame lack of grease tolerance for the unpleasant 24 hours after the meal. It sure puts me off from wanting to find out if I am right about my theory or not ^,^

    In short, I dont care about what they do to the food, I worked there a long time ago, I already knew all the crap and yes still ate there a LOT. Too much, really. Now all I care about is the sodium and calorie numbers, and neither are appealing to me.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Fast food makes me sick within an hour of eating it, except Subway.

    That's purely mental.

    Why would you say that? Fast food often makes me sick as well. My son too. I love it; it does not love me.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Not really an issue for me cause I find the smell of most fast food places really off-putting. I do have some exceptions though - I really like Chipotle and Jimmy Johns. Generally a bit healthier and fresher, but still can have some off-the-charts calorie counts!

    Have you watched Supersize Me? That was pretty disturbing in terms of the effects on someone's health of eating McD's 3 times a day.

    Try to remember the fact that it's not the food that is necessarily delicious - it's all the additives and MSG and salt and other crap that they put in it which makes it taste that way.

    I truly believe that if you avoided it for a full month, you would start to see it, smell it and taste it more accurately.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well, when I was pregnant, I had horrible, terrible morning sickness and the smell of fast food places and the idea of eating the food (which I had enjoyed quite a lot prior to that) turned my stomach and even now, 19 years later, it still turns my stomach.

    But I'm guessing that won't help you.

    Also, I don't think a fast food burger has any fewer nutrients than one you make at home. Just sayin'.

    Lol. I'm 25 and my mom still can't eat stuff she got sick on when she was pregnant with me. It's crazy.
    It's crazy! I can't stand certain smells, either -- like popcorn and buttered noodles and certain perfumes.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Fast food makes me sick within an hour of eating it, except Subway.

    That's purely mental.

    Why would you say that? Fast food often makes me sick as well. My son too. I love it; it does not love me.

    Because it's nonsensical. Even at a single restaurant, the vast variety of foods offered don't all have some magic ingredient in common that would make someone sick. "Fast food" isn't a single thing - it can be a grilled chicken salad, a steak taco, french fries, a bean and rice burrito, a double cheeseburger, whatever.

    "Fast food makes me sick" is a purely mental thing because there's zero biological plausibility to the idea.
  • AmandaSomething

    Joined Jun 2013
    Posts: 21

    So...I have mixed feelings about this. I think largely the best answer came early on in the having a healthy relationship with food, we can choose to eat something that wouldn't be the best choice for a steady diet and still be aware that it needs to fit into our overall plan. Moreover, I think it's important that we do exactly this sometimes - at least for me. If I really thought I had to live on nothing but Brussels Sprouts forever and never touch another french fry, it would only guarantee that at some point I would be beating myself up for failing. Luckily, I don't have to make that choice.

    However, there is much to be said for attempting to choose "mostly" higher quality foods, striving to be not just thinner, but also healthier. It's not all just about 'calories in, calories out' in the big picture if this is what a person is working toward. So - yes - an occasional cheeseburger or whatever...? Heck yeah, if that's what today is calling for. But don't let the wily lil things take over!

    My sense from the OP, though, was more that he already knows this, already struggles with his idea that the food is 'gross', and pulls in almost against his will. So then the question becomes.....why? Is it just a habit to replace, an emotional crutch, leaving himself hungry or without other options at the wrong times....? Maybe it's just as simple as keeping a bag of something else in the car. Guess you need to answer that one yourself, OP. :)

    This is my experience. For years, I gave in to the cheap and easy fix and developed quite a liking for fast food. I gained a ton of weight. The dollars still added up. I developed high blood pressure, painful back and foot problems, and more. I was able to do less with my daughter (for whom I also was setting a less than stellar example) and with my husband. Fast food wasn't the only contributor, but it was certainly high on the list.

    And I still like it. I don't, though, actually eat it very often - because at the end of the day, I feel better about that choice and about my progress in the other direction. A couple of years ago, well before it was about weight loss, I began cooking at home a lot more and remembered how much I liked doing it, realized anew how much cheaper it was in the long run, and reveled in learning how to make dishes that my family and friends loved. Still, though, office lunch runs were pretty common, and they still added up.

    Now that I have begun to work toward losing weight and being healthier (just since the beginning of June, but I have lost 30 lbs, so I'm pretty excited about that), it's easier to say no because I don't want to waste my other efforts, but at the same time, I'm not going to beat myself up (much lol) if I choose that for a meal or a treat or for a convenience that fits into that day.

    I will say this....when I have it, it does seem to have lost some of it's shine. lol I can't tolerate as much of it and sometimes I find that I don't feel well physically afterward. The awareness of how much of my calorie 'budget' I've used in one fell swoop isn't encouraging. It's all just a little....meh....

    And, frankly, I like the feeling of taking back my power, because I totally remember being the exact same spot, leaving work saying, "I am not going to stop at ____ today," and then pulling in on auto-pilot anyway. And I knew the same things you do. Maybe, when it's all said and done, the question isn't about how gross it is, but how well and how much of it fits with what you want in your life. But I bet you already know that, too. :)

    Perfect response, quoting so it doesn't get lost.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Have you watched Supersize Me? That was pretty disturbing in terms of the effects on someone's health of eating McD's 3 times a day.

    That wasn't about the effects of eating McD's 3 times a day. It was about the effects of massively overeating, sometimes to the point of puking, every day.
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    A lot of the comments I've seen have to do with indigestion following eating fast food. I have a problem with some non fast food restaurants in the way they treat their meat and salads. The tenderizers on the meat and the solutions to promote shelf live of salds upsets my stomach every time. So it's not necessarily the curse of fast food.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Have you watched Supersize Me? That was pretty disturbing in terms of the effects on someone's health of eating McD's 3 times a day.

    That wasn't about the effects of eating McD's 3 times a day. It was about the effects of massively overeating, sometimes to the point of puking, every day.


    I guess most people overlook that when Spurlock ate there he ingested some of the most calorie packed meals they had. Large strawberry shake? The 32oz triple thick shake has over 1000 calories in it. I would gladly trade that in for 3 slices of pizza.
  • chatpeau
    chatpeau Posts: 9 Member
    I actually do like an occasional McDo... but at 700 kcals a BigMac and at 350 a med. french fries... Would I trade the french fries for a nice grilled salmon fillet on a bed of greens with some roasted new potatoes and a glass of wine? YES SIR
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Not gross to me at all. I would love a cheeseburger and a milkshake from Checkers.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    It's not gross to me. I like it, which sucks.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    Not the least bit. I love it.
  • johnnysdurl13
    To me, it's heaven, only better.

    Health-wise it's effing disgusting, but for some reason IDGAF.
  • mbucchieri
    mbucchieri Posts: 44 Member
    Just read an article about stem cell beef patties..really makes me think twice abouts fast foods!!! I won't say that I don't ever splurge, because i do,, but there's certain things I have chosen to just stay away from..
  • beepermad
    beepermad Posts: 198
  • mbucchieri
    mbucchieri Posts: 44 Member
    Have you watched Supersize Me? That was pretty disturbing in terms of the effects on someone's health of eating McD's 3 times a day.

    That wasn't about the effects of eating McD's 3 times a day. It was about the effects of massively overeating, sometimes to the point of puking, every day.

    Go on you tube , watch fat head ..It's a documentary that breaks down supersize me,, pretty interesting...
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I don't really eat much fast food. The whole fits in your macros thing is fine but the majority of if lacks any micronutrients. You know, the vitamins and minerals we all need to survive.

    That being said, McDonalds' fries are just fantastic, but just google "year old happy meal". The burger and fries look almost the same 12 months later. Something definitely something wrong with "food" that doesn't rot!