How gross is fast food to you



  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    Actually the "fresh" lunch meat and vegetable at subway are horrible.

    Don't get me wrong I have it from time to time , but if you are turning your nose at fast food then you should not be eating at subway.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    It is part of the same system which dumb's down what food is, and how its to be prepared or in this case assembled as the cook is routinely left out of the equation. I like how your diary says you nommed on Subway for lunch and dinner yesterday....

    because fresh lunch meat and chopped vegetables are bad? and the alternative on the interstate is McDonalds, Starbucks and generic pizza?

    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with fast food, including Subway. I put that in my original post on this thread. I just find it amusing that someone who speaks so harshly about the industry is also a consumer of their products.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I know how bad it is. I read the book fast food nation and I mostly trust and agree with the information in it. I've seen super size me. I regret eating that junk every single time.
    Yet I find myself mindlessly driving thru ordering the usual.

    I would like to know how disgusting you find fast high-calorie low nutrient food, in my effort to find it uneatable.
    And for the one's who'll say it's delicious and tell us their favorite mcdonalds joke or pun, I'll let a ha ha out in advance.

    But seriously does anybody else know how bad it is, and still eat it regularly? what do you tell yourself to stop it?

    Thank you

    LMAO, your "sources" for how bad fast food are Fast Food Nation and Supersize Me?
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    It is part of the same system which dumb's down what food is, and how its to be prepared or in this case assembled as the cook is routinely left out of the equation. I like how your diary says you nommed on Subway for lunch and dinner yesterday....

    because fresh lunch meat and chopped vegetables are bad? and the alternative on the interstate is McDonalds, Starbucks and generic pizza?

    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with fast food, including Subway. I put that in my original post on this thread. I just find it amusing that someone who speaks so harshly about the industry is also a consumer of their products.

    You drive for 16 hours in a car and see what you find to eat along the interstate, and the limited options that be in an emergency.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    McD's, KFC etc. I avoid. Not because I think they're going to kill me, but because the food is generally... crap. The last time I had a burger and chips from McD's, the burger was drier than sandpaper and the chips... I felt like I'd swallowed an entire ocean and I didn't even put any salt on them myself.

    Now, my local fish and chip shop. Well, that's a different story. Cheat day Half Pounder with Cheese and a large chips? Yes please.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You drive for 16 hours in a car and see what you find to eat along the interstate, and the limited options that be in an emergency.

    You can find better options if you want to. You made a choice.

    But, please continue telling us all how much better you are than the rest of us.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It is part of the same system which dumb's down what food is, and how its to be prepared or in this case assembled as the cook is routinely left out of the equation. I like how your diary says you nommed on Subway for lunch and dinner yesterday....

    because fresh lunch meat and chopped vegetables are bad? and the alternative on the interstate is McDonalds, Starbucks and generic pizza?

    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with fast food, including Subway. I put that in my original post on this thread. I just find it amusing that someone who speaks so harshly about the industry is also a consumer of their products.

    You drive for 16 hours in a car and see what you find to eat along the interstate, and the limited options that be in an emergency.


    I remember my parents gave me a credit card as a kid for "emergencies." I suppose that word is open to interpretation.
  • a_new_kiara11
    Im just like you lol..
    watched supersize me and a few other documentaries about fast food and I was instantly like "oh yeah Im never eating there again!" next morning i was in mcdonalds drive thru ...

    I really dont want to eat it anymore :(
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    McDirty's; mediocre food, bad service, I've had some very annoying experiences there and have boycotted the place since....12 years now. I'll starve before I eat at that chain..
    Arby's; I love the roast beef sandwiches, though I don't eat them often anymore. The shakes are the BEST shakes ever, but I can't get past the 570 cals. each, so I don't order them anymore. My loss. The last time hubby bought the triple berry shake, I had one sip. Oh my god was that good.
    KFC; Best fried chicken ever. I love fried chicken. I don't have it that often, maybe every two weeks, just love it. Will NOT give up fried chicken.

    I don't go to any other fast food chains. Living in the country, it's not that convenient. I have to go out of my way, and if I'm in town, there are places I'd rather go, like my favorite Chinese restaurant for the peanut butter chicken.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't think it's all disgusting, but I do think most of it is. I rarely eat fast food. Besides the high calories, it's much more expensive for smaller servings than I can prepare at home. And my homemade food tastes 1000 times better than most fast food.

    It just seems pointless to spend time and gas driving somewhere to get overpriced food that is lacking in nutrients and taste. What can I say? I'm lazy and cheap.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i love fast food.

    lol @ supersize me being a source.

    you know he ate 5,000-5,500 calories a day?
  • AmandaSomething
    I know how bad it is. I read the book fast food nation and I mostly trust and agree with the information in it. I've seen super size me. I regret eating that junk every single time.
    Yet I find myself mindlessly driving thru ordering the usual.

    I would like to know how disgusting you find fast high-calorie low nutrient food, in my effort to find it uneatable.
    And for the one's who'll say it's delicious and tell us their favorite mcdonalds joke or pun, I'll let a ha ha out in advance.

    But seriously does anybody else know how bad it is, and still eat it regularly? what do you tell yourself to stop it?

    Thank you

    I think the problem here is thinking that liking and wanting something means the decision to have it has been made -- unless you're on Ambien you can't really "find yourself" ordering something that doesn't advance your goal, and it's an abdication of personal agency to treat eating like something that just happens to you. Just start thinking longer term than the next five minutes and ask yourself whether you'll feel better or worse after eating it. If it's worse, then have something else.

    You're not swearing off it forever -- you can continue to like and enjoy it, but you're not having it *today*.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    I find some fast food quite tasty. What's not to love, it's an efficient fat and sodium delivery system. That said, I very rarely indulge, as it does not fit in with my goals.
  • new_beth_2013
    new_beth_2013 Posts: 109 Member
    It really grosses me out. It doesnt stop me from eating it, but really only have a a couple times of year.

    Unless you count pizza...I love pizza.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    I can't even stomach the smell of McDonald's or Burger King. Haven't had it in years and never will again. Thankfully, where I live places like McDonald's are limited to heavy tourists areas or around NYU. I love burgers and fries, but if I want to eat that I'll get it from a place with much higher quality food. No need for that crap with so many amazing restaurants around. What can I say, I'm a food snob.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i love fast food.

    lol @ supersize me being a source.

    you know he ate 5,000-5,500 calories a day?
    I've never been able to figure out what the big deal is about this "documentary." He ate the worst things on the menu three meals a day for 30 days. Did he expect a different result? Did anyone?

    Even when I ate fast food regularly, I didn't eat it THAT much! And I was thin and healthy, too. I mostly don't eat it now because of the vegetarian thing. Most of the veg options they have aren't very appetizing and I'd rather be hungry and wait for a better option these days. I only eat it when I have no choice (which has happened exactly twice).
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    It's not that I think McDondald's is gourmet food, or the most nutritious, but that movie seemed exaggerated to me when I watched it.

    When he would supersize the meals just because he was asked I just thought he was a dollars dummy. THEN when he would proceed to force himself to eat it I was screaming at the TV more than a husband on superbowl sunday. "DON'T EAT IT! STAHP IT! WHAT ARE YOU AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!" and so the rest just seemed contrived and deserved after that. It was hard to take any of the rest of it seriously after starting on such in idiotic premise.

    Lemme know when they come out with Supersize 2.0 intelligent rational version. Maybe I'll watch that if there's no dramatic upheaval of the consumed fare.

    This is an internet forum. Your logic and rational thinking have no place here.
  • jpolinisse
    jpolinisse Posts: 149 Member
    I find fast food repulsive. I have not consumed it in five years. The cure for me.....looking at a line at Mcdonalds.....The place that had 10 people in line, and 9 were morbidly obese... Im not saying that is the case everywhere or that fast food is the cause of obesity; Im just saying due to my experience I found fast food was not innocent.

    This same observation kept me out of the line at Cinnabon.
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    I love me some fastfood, but when I compare dollar and cents what I can buy at the grocery store and what I get with fast food, the grocery store always win. I can feed my family more meals with the money I spend on one fast food meal. Every now and then if I am by myself I will get a small cheeseburger, fries and soda.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i love fast food.

    lol @ supersize me being a source.

    you know he ate 5,000-5,500 calories a day?
    I've never been able to figure out what the big deal is about this "documentary." He ate the worst things on the menu three meals a day for 30 days. Did he expect a different result? Did anyone?

    Even when I ate fast food regularly, I didn't eat it THAT much! And I was thin and healthy, too. I mostly don't eat it now because of the vegetarian thing. Most of the veg options they have aren't very appetizing and I'd rather be hungry and wait for a better option these days. I only eat it when I have no choice (which has happened exactly twice).

    hes a dope and a con. people saw him gain weight eating mcdonalds and all the negative effects it had on his body. well duh. it always pointed out how much FAT and SODIUM was in his meals, but never how many calories he was taking in vs how many he needed.

    that movie was all about the knee-jerk reaction.
    if im not mistaken there was a rebuttal film.