

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allie, gorgeous daughter and granddaughter. Thanks so much for sharing. Hope you can rest now <3

    Janetr7476 OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Good evening ladies! :)<3B)

    Cheri, thought of you as we drove by TX A&M the other day.

    Janetr OKC
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    ALLIE and JANETR lovely wedding pics

    REBECCA happy happy birthday xx

    LISA I so agree about weighing every day, I am exactly the same.

    Kate UK <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2018
    Janetr & Allie Lovely weddings! Today - R&R!

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Do any of you and your husband's do ballroom dancing? ? ?

    Remarkably few husband's on this trip even attempt it, though a few will take to the floor for a waltz. Only two or three have much idea. I am so proud of DH for having a go. Often there are quite a few people in the auditorium just sitting and watching us making our mistakes. :o:o There are dancing hosts, Colin and David, for ladies who want to dance. Of course, I prefer to dance with them, but I don't tell DH that. ;):p

    My husband and I have talked about it in the past. There is a dance studio nearby and we've thought about signing up for classes.

    I think my brother and his wife do. I know they both take dance lessons of some sort.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Machka - Still sending healing angels.

    Thank you!
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: I'm glad the medication is helping with your hot flashes. My doctor gave me an estrogen pill to help me with "the change" but the side effects were horrible and I threw them away. He said, "You'll be back." I didn't go back. I found this article that seemed to fit my experience.

    Yeah, the side effects of estrogen would be horrible for me too ... blood clots!

    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Machka – maybe some ginger tea would help your tummy?

    I'm doing both ginger tablets and ginger tea. It does help a little bit.

    Tonight (like in a couple minutes) I'm going to clean out one more cupboard, then ride my indoor bicycle, and then settle down to some paperwork.

    My course is finished, and my next one doesn't start for a few weeks yet. So now I'm suddenly swamped with 4000 small projects to do to keep the household running.

    Meanwhile I'm envious of all the warm weather some of you are experiencing. It's so cold, wet, windy and dark here.

    Machka in Oz

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Exhaustion is the word of the day...I have to get up and get dressed in a bit though I don't want to ,will take Alfie for a walk then go feed Ginger and get her outside.
    Then go feed DFIL.
    After that I might just come back and take a nap..go though mail and paperwork,print out the will to take with me to the closing Friday.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    Good evening ladies! :)<3B)

    Cheri, thought of you as we drove by TX A&M the other day.
    Janetr OKC

    Had I known I would have given you a wave!

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Janet - you look fantastic!!

    Allie - love your daughters dress and your granddaughter is a cutie!

    My neighbor texted me he was thinking of making ribs tonight and asked if hubs and I would be around. I told him it was just me here with this weekend. I told him if he wanted to make ribs, I was his girl to eat them. He said if I was in, then he would cook. I have taken salad for the last year when anybody has done anything. Looks like it will just be he and I and his teenage son tonight. I didn’t want there to just be ribs and salad, which would be OK with me, but not so much for two guys. I told him I will go all out and bring potatoes and a vegetable. I’m thinking roasted potatoes (easy to toss leftovers to the deer) and roasted cauliflower and broccoli. I can use the leftover b&c with protein from the freezer or in egg white scrambles for dinner this week.

    I’m going to do a few things around the house and then head to the store. I don’t have potatoes. :smile:

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Barbara Southern Oregon .... tuition costs are insane! My son will have a very large debt load when he graduates. His Dad and I are taking a hit to our retirement ... which scares the dickens out of me ...

    Drkatiebug ... my husband’s family has a Methodist background and I’ve recognized some of the things you’ve referenced. But don’t laugh... I think you look Methodist! :D

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Janet ... you look very proud of that handsome groom!

    Allie ... lovely wedding pics!

    Lisa ... perfect words about weight loss

  • ScrapStitching
    ScrapStitching Posts: 51 Member

    Karen in Virginia

    I’m in VA too.


  • ScrapStitching
    ScrapStitching Posts: 51 Member
    Riding and shining and trying to think of what to pre log today. It’ll come to me!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! Woke up yesterday morning to rain. It rained until noon; a lot and hard. I did all of my shopping and errand running during that time. The rain stopped about noon and the sun came out STRONG; and boy did the humidity rise! I did indoor work the rest of the day. Baked three loaves of banana bread, made some gluten free chicken pasta salad for DH, prepped all of my fruits and veg, and made a green salad for a family bbq today. DD called, so I was able to viber chat with her and Joaquin! He is EVERYWHERE! He is climbing onto all of the furniture, chairs, couch, coffee table, fireplace, etc. He has a shopping cart that he races around with; but doesn't seem to have the courage to just let go and walk on his own. I am sure he could do it. He stands alone without hanging on, so those first steps are going to happen in the next week or two, I am positive! He is talking a mix of french, spanish and english. He has about twenty words that I can make out. His daycare uses baby sign language, so that does make it easier for me to understand what he is saying. In fact, a week or two ago, I was viber chatting with DD, and Joaquin was fussing and making a lalala sound. She kept asking him "What do you want? Do you want...?" I noticed his hands were flexing and I said, "he wants milk! Do you call milk lait or leche?" He was making the baby sign for milk (which looks like milking a cow). He was also tossing balls around during our talk, looks like he is going to be a lefty; which just thrills my DH (who is a lefty). He just had a well child check and he is 31 inches long and 21 pounds! Still a peanut; but getting taller.
    Rebecca- Happy birthday to you!
    Allie- Your daughter and granddaughter looked lovely! I hope you enjoyed the day and can now REST!
    Janet- You look gorgeous and your grandson is a handsome young man! Wonderful picture of the two of you!
    Barbie- The same thing happened to me yesterday when I attempted to work in the yard; too hot/humid and the flies were biting (the most frustrating insect), and like you; I came inside to power out. It was only out for a couple of hours, so no harm done. I was concerned as I had just done my grocery shopping (two weeks worth of meat in the fridge and freezer)
    Beth and Barbara- The cost of education in America is horrifying! My kids, though both received scholarship money are thousands of dollars in debt due to school loans. DD owes about $15k; and this is for only two years of school and it is only partially the amount of the cost because she worked to pay down the loan while she was in school. DYS owes $30k, and he hasn't finished yet! It is SO frustrating to know that they are starting out life, in debt.
    Rita - Your photos and road stories are fantastic. Do you journal? You should!
    Heather- Loved that photo of you on the rocks among the heather! I love that you and your DH are dancing. My DH does not dance, at all. When we are at family weddings, I usually dance with my DYS. DYS has taken a couple of ballroom classes. DH thought DYS was crazy when he was taking them. BUT then, DYS explained that it's the best way to meet girls. lol He is a very popular young man at social events because he dances well.

    Well, I better scoot and get outside today, before the sun gets high in the sky! Temps are supposed to be in the mid to high 90s and the humidity is at 75%! I think, I will be looking for a chair by the pool at our family bbq! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    edited June 2018
    Donna - I would usually pre-log my whole week the Thursday night before so I could grocery shop to my log on Friday. For me it was easy, I eat the same breakfast, lunch and for the most part snacks each day. Dinner was what I was in the mood for or what protein I had on hand. It also helps that when my hub is home he eats whatever I cook. He was VERY supportive of my efforts. Edited to add that he is still with me and still supportive. I am now in maintenance. That last sentence made it sound like he wasn’t with me anymore. Didn’t want to confuse you since you are fairly new to our group.

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Donna- Break it down. Protein, carb, fat. Think in terms of meat/meat alternative, veg/fruit, and fat (oil, cheese, nuts, etc). That makes it easier to plan. :) I think of breakfast and lunch in terms of "fuel". Because those, I prepare for me; don't need to be fancy, I just need to refuel. Dinner is for myself, my son, and my husband, so I think in terms of what they like. But I still try to keep it basic without the high fat sauces, frying, etc. Meat, veg, fat (a lot of times the fat is added in the cooking of the meat or veg), also a whole grain if it is allowed on our food plan. Also, it's okay to eat the same thing every morning. Many of us do. I make a strawberry/greek yogurt smoothie pretty much every morning. On pancake day for my daycare kids; I will sometimes make myself eggs, zucchini, and cottage cheese, so that I don't feel tempted to have something covered in syrup! I eat a large green salad nearly every day for lunch. I will add four ounces of meat to it (usually a leftover chicken breast) and I make my own lemon vinaigrette dressing. You can do it! Think basic. Think fuel. <3B) KJ
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Allie and Janetr great wedding pictures.

    :heart: Margaret