

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Welcome Keri!

    You sound a lot like me, I was very intimidated here at first (honestly am still intimidated sometimes, I am very socially awkward in groups, tho). But please know you don’t need to be. Jump in on topics that speak to you and soon you will find yourself getting to know some folks, as they get to know you too! It will happily snowball!

    I lost 50 lb in the last year, and like you my having extra time to exercise was invaluable. This month I have gone back to full time work and am having a rough time scheduling in cardio workouts. (I prioritized weight training) so you very possibly will be able to teach me a thing or two!

    Speaking of which, I have to get in my exercising now before Pip’s boot finds my door!

    We are glad to have you here!

    Rye in Tx
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Keri, don’t be intimidated. I’ve been here a long time and I still get people confused. I just keep bopping along. It’s all good.

    Jo, welcome! I’m so sorry about the loss of your husband and his terrible disease. I may be wrong (see note to Keri about not always keeping up), but I think there is another member of this thread whose husband has the same thing. I know I only recently heard of that disease and I feel like it was on here.

    Welcome also to the newbie who posted right after Jo whose name I have already forgotten. Please come often. I will remember you next time.

  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Keri, don’t be intimidated. I’ve been here a long time and I still get people confused. I just keep bopping along. It’s all good.

    Jo, welcome! I’m so sorry about the loss of your husband and his terrible disease. I may be wrong (see note to Keri about not always keeping up), but I think there is another member of this thread whose husband has the same thing. I know I only recently heard of that disease and I feel like it was on here.

    Welcome also to the newbie who posted right after Jo whose name I have already forgotten. Please come often. I will remember you next time.

    Think it was me and Rebecca talking about Lewy Body Dementia. My 91 year old Dad has it and Rebecca's dear Dad died from it.

    Jo;- so sorry to hear about your husband. X

    Karen UK
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,295 Member
    Greetings Ladies -

    FINALLY got the yard finished. I was mowing over a stump yesterday that I've mowed over for a couple of years now and apparently hit it just right (or wrong) and bent the blade, bent the cast iron deck of the mower and broke the spindle on the blade. Luckily the tractor store had a replacement spindle and hubs got me back up and running this morning.

    I am now clean again and have the yard clothes in the dryer. It is only 4 o'clock here, but I'm starving so I am heading to the kitchen to put together a big ole salad.

    Talk to you all soon! Hugs to those that need them, high fives to those with accomplishments and a big welcome to the newbies. Hang in there, you'll get to know us all eventually. If you are interested in a topic, jump in. It helps if you sign your posts with what you would like to be called and where you live, as general or specific as you would like to be.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    All this talk about Correlle plates makes me miss Corning, NY the birthplace of Pyrex and Corning Ware. Great museum on site with every style imaginable!! A fun place to visit in upstate ny.

    This a.m. I hit the gym (yeah me) then helped DD purge so many clothes and shoes we filled 3 large trash bags to take to good will. Altogether positive and constructive first day of summer for me, despite the cool and rainy temps :(

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Went on a wonderful garden tour in Hudson Wisconsin today. I am also reading a book on gut health.The Microbiome Solution by Robynne Chutkan M.D. She makes some compelling arguments of how our gut bacteria effects our health and weight.

    Mary I am so sorry about your daughter and DIL. You have your plate full.

    :heart: Margaret
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    I thought a 2-day 'liquid diet' was difficult and not at all 'filling'. Now after my LINX procedure, I am on a 2-month (to 10 weeks) 'soft diet'. UGH! I have no problems drinking my Protein Shakes slowly and they are cold; but, not ice cold or iced. Can't drink anything iced because it causes spasms in my esophagus. Trying to swallow pills one at a time is awful - they seem to get bigger and bigger. I'm not going to take any of the vitamins, that'll cut out 4 pills. My Seroquel is a fairly good-sized pills. Scrambled eggs, grits (which I don't like - even though I am a "Southern Girl"; but, will eat them, pudding, protein shakes, don't like applesauce; but, guess I might break down and buy a few snack-sized containing, … cutting anything I eat has to be 'fork cut'; if I cannot cut it into dime-sized pieces with a fork, I won't be able to chew it up enough. Cut food into dime-sized pieces, put my fork down, chew until it is the consistency of baby food (or mush), then swallow. GAG! About the only thing that will push stuff down is hot water, then eating again to strengthen up the muscles in my esophagus. I'd never heard of "Barrette's Esophagus"; but, it is caused by many years of 'acid reflex' not being controlled with a medication that is meant to do so. Repaired a hiatal hernia while in there. Now have a card to carry with me so that nobody will perform an MRI without knowing I have this link of chain in my body. Not saying that I can't have an MRI 'if I need one'; but, there are 3 levels of a MRI. I've already lost 3 lbs. I'm pretty sure I will lose more; but, I am not sure this is really how I wanted to do it. I guess it has been so hard for me because I would 'inhale' my food. Louis wants to try to go 'out to eat' tomorrow, maybe Olive Garden, maybe spaghetti will go down easily I've got to 'eat' to 'exercise' my esophagus; it has just been difficult for me. I don't like the feeling of food stuck in my throat and the pain it produces right between my breasts and behind the sternum. Room temperature water SUXS!

    Gee, watching NatGeo and they were showing a woman giving a man a massage with snakes. Nah! Don't think I would do that. Why do women who like snakes always look about the same? Black, long-ish hair, very 'hippy' looking (like the '60's and '70's, weird looking clothes, etc.

    Going back to the 'sleep study' MD in hopes that he can figure out what is causing the 'excessive' daytime sleepiness. He lowered my settings on my Cpap and I am falling and staying asleep at night. Don't know if this has anything to do with it or not. But, Louis and Trey won't let me drive (even though my state-mandated driving restriction because of the seizures has been lifted) until they find out what is going on. Oh well, between now and then, I will be dependent on one of them "Driving Miss Daisy" and it is a real P.I.T.A. Not convenient. Madison still isn't driving and apparently has no desire to do so, although she is driving some. I think her passing the test to take dual enrollment in school has made her think more about how she is going to do it.

    Jenn still doesn't know what is going on with her 'job' since the place has been sold to Tyson Foods. Trey was telling us about the screaming, cursing argument that the lady that has been 'supposed to train Jenn' and hasn't done so and one of the men that runs the shipping department. Don't know if he is her supervisor or not; but, Jenn stayed in her office and heard the entire thing. When she got ready to leave for lunch this man (might be someone who is in a 'boss' position) called her on her cellphone and said, 'well, I guess you heard all of that which went on today' … she isn't going to continue doing what she is trying to do. I'm surprised that she hasn't been fired for 'insubordination'. Jenn has been helping the other 3 ladies in the office do whatever they need for her to do to help out. One of them asked why this woman had not 'trained' her; and, she asked her, 'why do YOU think so'? The woman said, 'oh, trying to hold on to her job'?

    Well, waiting for my 'man-servant' to make coffee, so he can stay awake for the MSU baseball game at 8:00pm

    Well - I will be lurking, rarely posting. Please keep me in your prayers.

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Went on a wonderful garden tour in Hudson Wisconsin today. I am also reading a book on gut health.The Microbiome Solution by Robynne Chutkan M.D. She makes some compelling arguments of how our gut bacteria effects our health and weight.

    Mary I am so sorry about your daughter and DIL. You have your plate full.

    :heart: Margaret

    Margaret, let us know if you think the book is worth the time, it sounds quite interesting to me!

    Lenora one thing I like which I can recommend is a cantaloupe or watermelon blender drink. When I get good tasty cantaloupe or watermelon that has a crunchy texture it repels me and I learned to throw it all in a blender and make a blender drink (not a juice, the pulp and fiber is still intact). - Just a thought in case it appeals to you and you had not thought of it. It doesn’t have to be very cold and is still tasty, maybe you could swallow it?

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    lol Lenora- I have been reading about the snake massages. I love snakes and could say that those would be right up my alley! Kind of like a rolling stone massage with muscles. I work with small children, was a scout leader, volunteer and docent for our local museum. Most people don't know about my affinity for snakes. Snakes are kind of like tattoos. People always think you are tough or a hard-a** if you like/have them. I love snakes (had a boa as a pet) and I got my first tattoo at 50. And I look like a nice sweet grandma. B) KJ (Kelly)

    KJ I love snakes too! All reptiles really. (But, there is a good chance with my long straight hair that I *might* qualify as hippy looking (tho I tend to solid color clothes, not prints)

    I draw the line at tattoos tho, I’ve never been able to think of ANYTHING I’d be willing to have drawn on my body that I would not regret in 10 years. And looking back at the few tattoo designs I’ve thought might be nice over the years, yup, I sure would regret them now.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lenora prayers. I am sorry for what you have to go through.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lenora. I know how difficult is is to eat how you are eating right now. That's very close to how I have to eat having had gastric bypass surgery. So this is for the rest of my life. All bites are to be the size of a pencil eraser. I can however eat solids, just cut very tiny, and I can drink cold liquids. For the first year all vitamins, calcium, B12 etc had to be chewable.

    So I feel your pain. Hugs

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,678 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :) We are considering changing cell phone carriers and upgrading our current phones. I am happy with my phone and everything connected with it but Jake doesn't like the coverage we get from our current provider nor does he like the company itself. Also he has a different model phone from me and doesn't like it and wishes he had something different. The upside is that the new company would cost about the same as what we pay now including paying for two new phones. The downside is that I don't want to have to figure out how to transfer everything from my current phone and learn how to use a new phone. We have agreed to think about it for awhile, but Jake keeps watching YouTube videos about the new phone. It's an engaging project for him and is driving me crazy.

    :) I have spread almost all of the three yards of bark and my current project is dealing with the roots and shoots from the lilac tree we cut down when we built the new fence. It is slow going and very satisfying work.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the weather is perfect for yard work, dog walking, and sitting on the patio
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good evening!

    DH and I took the grandkids to a flea market today. They didn’t know what it was and Zech the older of the two asked me on the way there what was sold there. I told him fleas! LOL! We drove up to a back parking lot with gravel covering most of it and the woods growing right up to the edge. Kind of spooky looking back there really. It’s a huge old warehouse from years past and they must have 100 spaces for antiques, treasures and just stuff. Gabby found beanie babies and a sleeping kitten that had rabbit fur on it. It looks real and is battery operated to make it look like it’s breathing. It’s cute! I have to take s nail file to the battery connections to get off some rust but I put the batteries in it and it works! Zech found a car he liked. He’s getting into the age where he would rather put things on a shelf. Last week I told them I would get them something; he opted for a live plant! He likes plants. Go figure! I never know what to expect.
    It’s been 15 days now since DYD dropped them off. It is starting to wear on us. We just can’t take off like we like, you know it’s hard after all the kids have been gone for over 20 years.

    Lenora I’m so sorry you have been having such a hard time if it lately. Prayers for you dear!

    Have a good evening, I’m trying to leave to snacks alone! I’m winning!!
    Dana in Arkansas