

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Happy Friday!

    Trying to play catch-up here.... <3

    - that letter from your dad brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful thing to discover. Your RV was very nice!

    Katla - have fun in your new RV! Now I'm starting to pay more attention to them when I see them on the road. I see SUV's that seem just as big as what you'll be driving - I'm sure you'll do just fine. I'd be nervous towing anything. Oh, and hope your DD's house sale in Colorado goes quickly and smoothly. The older I get, the more I like things like that tidied up - "done and dusted" as Lisa would say. B)

    Michele - just because I'm snoopy, I'd be anxious to check out Denise and Pete's new digs with MIL, lol. You'll get to do that soon. Hope Vince watches his back. He's probably like my DH - will turn into "superman" then be in pain for a week. :#:s

    Lenora - wow, hang in there!

    Rita - are you going to be heading north or to the coast any time soon?

    - that photo of you in front of the waterfall is absolutely GORGEOUS. Cover girl!! Update - and the photo of you on your hike. All of your running and exercise has sure paid off. Another Cover Girl shot!

    Katiebug - hope you heal quickly. Don't blame you for the melt-down after the mammo bill, especially when you had the gut feeling everything was OK to start with.

    Kelly - so glad you'll be getting the new little guy, I'm sure he'll get along fine with you.

    Went to optometrist on Tuesday - have flashes and now floaters in my left eye. He said it's the vitreous gel tugging at the retina causing flashes. Just something I have to live with that will get better with time. If I develop a "curtain" of darkness, however, call him ASAP as that's detaching retina which is rare.

    I think grass pollen must be at record levels. Allergy shots are helping but I have to take antihistamines as well to get this stuff dried up. Hopefully only a few more weeks of pollen then I can cut back the shots to once a week.

    The weatherman is giving us hot weather for the next 10 days, in the mid to high 80's. I know for many of you, that's not hot and I am so grateful to live in the Pacific Northwest where it cools into the 50's at night. Sometimes it takes a while, but by morning we can open windows and exhaust the hot air out then button up the house which often stays cool until mid afternoon.

    Welcome Sheila and other newbies, by the way. This group of ladies is the best. A good way to start out is to pick a conversation and add a bit or even ask a question about a certain weight loss plan or exercise. You'll get mobbed, lol. We are happy to help and tell you our experiences.

    Still missing Terry. And Teri. Waving at all of you!!

    OK ladies, time to put on the shoes and get a walk in.

    SW WA State

    Oh, it made me cry too, when my sister had made copies of it and sent it to me! You just never know people, what they write, little pictures of their soul.
    When my parents divorced, I was kind of caught in the middle. My father trying to "find himself" at 50 years old. All I remember was calling him and calling him, and he was never home. My Mother, having to pick of the pieces of a child hurting. But on an interesting note, I would meet him for coffee during the summer between my junior and senior year. I worked as a lobby assistant at the same branch of US Bank in Portland. So, I learned how to stir my coffee just like him, and we chatted about life. So those moments made up for the times I didn't have him. In fact at one point, after graduating, I lived in his condo, while he was living with a girlfriend! I suppose he knew it was short term, and he didn't want to lose his condo. I think I was there for 2 months....
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    KJ: The photo of Lake Michigan is fabulous. What a lovely place to have nearby. :star:

    smmmcgill: Welcome to a great group. I suspect you'll hear encouraging comments from others, too. Many here have lost loads of weight, and I am one of them. Best advice: Be patient with yourself. There may be some ups and downs. Choose the foods you eat & measure the portions you eat by using a food scale or other measuring tools. MFP supplies the calorie value of an amazing variety of foods to help us. Nobody is perfect every day. Stop by often for encouragement & support. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love hearing about your travels. :bigsmile:

    Regarding the RV: I have driven it in this small city, on a country road and on Highway 30, all for short distances. I haven't tried a freeway yet, but I suspect that will be in my future because we will want to visit DSIL in Eastern Oregon. The scariest part of that trip is not the freeway. :noway: It is getting past Portland to the open freeway. Yikes! Timing will be very important. We will want to skip the morning rush and the evening rush.

    [b}Katla in beautiful NW Oregon[/b]

    I was telling my husband last night about you driving the RV, we had a great discussion about whether I would be able to do it or not. My husband drove truck for years and had experience with militia driving a lot of various tanks, trucks with guns on the back, etc. I have never felt my driving was equal to his due to all of his courses and experience. He shocked me when he told me he thought I would be able to do it, it would take practice like anything else. I said, well you would need to back it in. (I have hit our house backing a half-ton in before) he said No you could do it, you might hit something a couple times, but you could do it. I was shocked at how supportive he was and I guess it might be a different story if it was reality, but I'll take it.
    I am in awe of you driving this, I bet you'll rock it!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Sheila- Welcome! My name is KJ (Kelly) and I have been a part of this group since January 2016. I am 51 (will be 52 in November), and work full time as a home childcare provider (24 years), married 29 years, three children ages 31, 28, 24. One absolutely fabulous grandson (age 1). I am 80 pounds over my goal weight. Like the others have said, logging your food each day is a HUGE wake up call and really makes you more aware of what/how much you are eating. Some lessons I have learned from this group: 1. LOG EVERY BITE and check in daily! 2. Take time to prep/plan your meals for the week. (if you plan your meals and wash, chop, prep your veggies, prep your proteins, etc; meals become an automatic thing. You will not be standing wondering what you are going to eat and be tempted to make something easy or non-nutritious) 3. Prep a pound of veggies/per day to use in your meals or as snacks! Veggies are a great way to fill up with healthy vitamins/fiber. Buy a food scale and measure our a pound a day and store it in a container/baggie labeled with the day it is to be eaten. I label my food and try to store it in the same area in the fridge/cupboards so that my DH and DYS do not eat it by mistake (I am sure my veggies are safe; I would fall over dead if either of them ate a veggie without my encouragement). The other thing, man people wonder about our group. We do set goals, talk about our meals, our exercise, our injuries; but we also talk about life. Because so much of living a healthier life style begins in your head. You have to get your head in the right place and being able to talk out things that you are dealing with reduces stress and invites others to help you find solutions or just give you some strength that you need to get through the tough times. lol Sorry so long! Glad you have found us! <3

    Pip- Love that Yogi!
    Kate UK- regarding dancing in only flip flops, I don't do anything without support for my "girls". Uncomfortable to say the least! Even when I was in high school and a size 6, the girls were a C cup. I have never been comfortable going braless.

    My interview with the woman looking for care for every other weekend for her seven year old son went really well. She took my enrollment paperwork with her and her son's first day with me will be July 7! He is a sweet kid, was interested in the toys that I have and the science experiments that we are doing during the week. He likes legos, the beach, and reading. He does have ADHD, but he isn't the first little guy I have had with it and his meds seem to be working for him. I think this will work well. I talked to him and his mom about taking some "field trips" on the weekend to local parks, nature centers, the beach, down town, library, etc. He is excited. So am I. I think it is going to be a great summer!

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Kelly, I love how you wrote about the group. I don't post a lot on here yet, but I feel like I'm getting to know everyone.

    I am so envious of your childcare business, that was my dream job growing up. I am enjoying living it vicariously through you right now .

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Becca: Your RV was lovely. I'll bet you had some good times in it. The view back through the galley and hall to the bedroom looks very much like ours. We have a flat bus style front rather than a van style front, though. My MIL & FIL had one similar to yours, but smaller & not as nice. DSIL has a flat front one that is more like yours on the inside. We hope to go on a trip with she and her DH this fall. Keeping my fingers crossed on that since she is heading in for a shoulder replacement surgery in July. :star:

    Barbara: I'm tempted to look for the Route 66 discs. I loved that show when I was a kid. :bigsmile:

    Dr. Katie: I hope the boot does its job well. I think of surgery as a last resort. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I tried DVD's when I started this weight loss process but have found that I do much better with the social support of a yoga class. In addition, our townhouse doesn't really have a good space for exercising. It is possible to use the living room, but not all that comfortable. :ohwell:

    Barbie and Rebecca: We have been sailors since we were in our twenties. We worked out way up to a 32 foot sailboat and have sailed it out onto the Pacific and cruised up to Puget Sound, the San Juan and Gulf Islands and back several times. We loved the adventure. On our last trip DH started to have trouble that eventually was diagnosed as MS. He can't balance well enough to safely sail anymore and gets seasick. Now we will be cruising on the roadways. I hope to have similar fun as what we loved in the past. :broken_heart::heart:

    Felicia: I hope your son has a wonderful life. He is lucky to have such a wise and loving mom. :star:

    KJ: I love your comments to Sheila. :bigsmile:

    Heather: You look fabulous! I hope you enjoyed the hike. :smiley:

    Lanette: Thanks for your good wishes. I hope DD gets a good price for her Colorado home and a quick sale. They've been working on getting it fixed up for a long time. :heart: I'd be nervous towing anything behind the RV, too. Our neighbors have one of a similar size and tow a little bitty car behind it. I don't plan to follow their example, but at this point don't have enough experience to base a reasonable opinion. We will see how things go. :flowerforyou:

    We have rented a large storage unit for several years. Our son rebuilt a boat inside it, and sold the boat when he moved to the east coast. The storage unit currently contains two other boats and an old car along with other items. Yesterday, DH sold the car. We will be rearranging things inside the storage unit so that we can use it to house our RV when it is not in use. This makes me very happy. The RV will be well cared for and safe from weather worries, and we won't have to continue to park it is the street.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    We had a large storage unit in 2000- 2004, when the boys were younger and into G I Joes. So picture a two car garage size storage unit with a town in it. A couple of blocks of boxes sprayed with paint that look like rock, many buildings that were handmade, war torn, a Barbie house spray painted gray, a Barbie bistro with outdoor seating the was painted. My eldest organized US troups, my middle son was in charge of the British troups, and my husband was in charge of German troups. Each had 30+ G I Joes. At one point I had about 5 nurses, but my husband bought an I Dream of Genie outfit, and had them entertaining the troups! I will find the photos. Anyways, it was quite a hobbie! Each had a huge tank, and on rainy days husband would transport all the tanks to a field that looked muddy. Then the boys and him would push them alone, getting mud on the treads and sides. Then lifting them gently into the back of our Sport Trac truck, and take them back to the storage unit all realistic!!! Haahaa!
    The boys learned tactics, strategy, and how to move their troups through the town. They took turns, rolling dice, and each G I Joe had a stats fact, that was listed on a board with each G I Joes face. Like playing a Dungeons & Dragons role playing game.
    My job was keeping Owain happy while they were off doing that.
    That time was when husband was paid a ridiculous amount of money for his job as a purchasing agent with a construction co. My son's call it the rich years! Thinking back, we could've saved more, but we have no regrets!

    Your RV will last a good many years in that storage unit. It's more tricky packing it though. I know in the overhead bins, I put four collapsible canvas square bins. I used puffy fabric paint pens and labeled each, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It was easier to make sure I had everything for each meal. Plus for making meals, it was easy to just take down the bins and not be searching. I also used the shower to put sodas in as we drove. We mostly went to the resort, the boys stripping before we even got done parking! Haahaa!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Gawd, how I wish Vince would get moving. I really don't want to get to Steve's (we're staying at his house) late.

    I've already called the lady who is going to watch the cats because Vince thought he gave her the wrong code to the garage. I didn't. I put the Fancy Feast in bags for "treats" so Betsy will have enough. I made the bed (Vince usually does since he's the last one up)

    We can't finish packing the car until he has all his toiletries. I've packed my food and food that we'll need at Steve's

    Now it's just wait...and wait...and wait. If it had been me, we would have left hours ago.

    Michele in NC

    That is frustrating! I would want to be on the way as well.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD., Oh it's quite hysterical! It's a matter of isolating your upper body, so you don't get side swing! I always wore a swag (scarves with trim), so I didn't have to care about my belly going one way, and my bosom going the other!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    edited June 2018
    ryenday wrote: »
    Oh, Rita! Winslow AZ was niggling at my mind and I found myself humming:

    Well, I'm a standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
    Such a fine sight to see
    It's a girl, my Lord, in a flat-bed Ford
    Slowin' down to take a look at me
    Come on, baby, don't say maybe
    I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me
    We may lose and we may win, though we will never be here again
    So open up I'm climbin' in, so take it easy
    one of my favorite songs! (The Eagles, Take it Easy).

    The exact same thing happened to me!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Food Prep: only makes me rebellious and “want” only food I haven’t prepped that week.

    Instead I make great quantities of the meals I do prepare (one or two times a week)- huge amount of Chicken curry or large pot roast, or gallons of veggie beef soup etc- and freeze in individual portions. That suits my personality better (I still feel that I am choosing my meal on the fly) but makes the quickest and easiest option (tossing something into the microwave) a calorie and nutrition friendly option.

    Tip: Buy some Rubbermaid stock today because I’m still buying large quantities of the stackable plastic ware for my freezers whenever I can! LOL

    Stay safe all!


    Maybe I need to try your method of food prep for myself. I find that I am always looking for quick and easy because I'm lazy or tired at the end of the day so I make poor choices. I find myself way too often stopping for junk on the way home and not even using the groceries I have in the house. Thanks for sharing your plan.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Tracey My other food eating plan is instead of rice or pasta I serve with steamed frozen vegetables.

    To steam veggies in the microwave: put veg in bowl. Fill a mug with cold Water and put into microwave with bowl of veg. Cook on High 6 minutes. Carefully remove mug and rinse in cold Water til cool then fill it again and repeat. Perfect steamed veg every time (in my microwave- ymmv).

    My go to veg mix is snow snap peas, carrots, broccoli and water chestnuts. I don’t even miss pasta because I have the sauces on the veg and I like it just as well if not better and the calories and nutrition are great!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited June 2018
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Meal Prep - I keep cooked protein in the freezer all the time. I will also freeze extras when I make chile verde, chili, taco meat, etc. I freeze them all in single servings then I just have to pop one out when I want it to add to whatever meal I am making.

    Today for lunch I used one serving of chicken gravy, one serving of grilled chicken and 1/2 bag of riced cauliflower medley. It was SOOOO good. I'm sad that I'm out of chicken gravy and grilled chicken now.

    I am working my way through the freezer, I need to eat everything before I start cooking any more.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Friday. Waiting for DGD to arrive for the weekend.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Allie--I don't understand how it is your problem they didn't show up.

    Wendy--Enjoy your new way of life.

    They are moving my friend from the Rehab center to assisted living today. I am hoping to get there on Sunday. I sure hope she ajusts and can do this. Since she had the strokes just after Christmas I am not sure just what she can and can not do. Please keep her in prayer.

    Janetr--Hope your supper plans were fun and enjoy your time with family.


    Meg--I agree about the family suffers for something they had no control over, I went through that with DH#1. This weather has gone from cold to hot. Today going to be 100 again. Yestereday when I got off work at 3:30 my van said 103. Gotta love Nebraska.

    Sheila-Welcome and looking forward to getting to know you. This is a great place with loads of support.

    Lenora-Sending prayers and hugs that all goes well today.

    Allie & Janet--looking forward to hearing all about the weddings. Hope you both can relax and enjoy.

    Time to sign off for now. Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth so glad YS can earn some $ this summer, my kid is earning 0$.

    I watch the decluttering shows to understand how folks get messy and stay that way until someone comes in and shows them, I forget the. Amenod the show Peter somebody was the host. He really talked people through the reason they felt paralyzed to do anything, and that gets me moving!!

    Went to the teacher’s professional day and got a perk—-was asked to conduct a neighboring county’s spring orchestra festival next May—you never know what’s around the corner, showing up is a powerful thing-I was tempted to ditch, now I’m glad I didn’t!!

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I too love the hoarding and weight loss shows. The hoarding shows inspire me to get off my butt and donate stuff. The weight loss shows I usually watch while eating a snack. :blush:


    PS - Congrats NYKaren on your conducting gig for next year's Spring show.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Beth, you got it in one guess! We do tend to be in the news a lot lately.