

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Michele, I knit blankets in the cool weather so I can use them to stay warm. I don't tie them up, just carefully turn them over to start each new row.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Trying to play catch-up here.... <3

    - that letter from your dad brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful thing to discover. Your RV was very nice!

    Katla - have fun in your new RV! Now I'm starting to pay more attention to them when I see them on the road. I see SUV's that seem just as big as what you'll be driving - I'm sure you'll do just fine. I'd be nervous towing anything. Oh, and hope your DD's house sale in Colorado goes quickly and smoothly. The older I get, the more I like things like that tidied up - "done and dusted" as Lisa would say. B)

    Michele - just because I'm snoopy, I'd be anxious to check out Denise and Pete's new digs with MIL, lol. You'll get to do that soon. Hope Vince watches his back. He's probably like my DH - will turn into "superman" then be in pain for a week. :#:s

    Lenora - wow, hang in there!

    Rita - are you going to be heading north or to the coast any time soon?

    - that photo of you in front of the waterfall is absolutely GORGEOUS. Cover girl!! Update - and the photo of you on your hike. All of your running and exercise has sure paid off. Another Cover Girl shot!

    Katiebug - hope you heal quickly. Don't blame you for the melt-down after the mammo bill, especially when you had the gut feeling everything was OK to start with.

    Kelly - so glad you'll be getting the new little guy, I'm sure he'll get along fine with you.

    Went to optometrist on Tuesday - have flashes and now floaters in my left eye. He said it's the vitreous gel tugging at the retina causing flashes. Just something I have to live with that will get better with time. If I develop a "curtain" of darkness, however, call him ASAP as that's detaching retina which is rare.

    I think grass pollen must be at record levels. Allergy shots are helping but I have to take antihistamines as well to get this stuff dried up. Hopefully only a few more weeks of pollen then I can cut back the shots to once a week.

    The weatherman is giving us hot weather for the next 10 days, in the mid to high 80's. I know for many of you, that's not hot and I am so grateful to live in the Pacific Northwest where it cools into the 50's at night. Sometimes it takes a while, but by morning we can open windows and exhaust the hot air out then button up the house which often stays cool until mid afternoon.

    Welcome Sheila and other newbies, by the way. This group of ladies is the best. A good way to start out is to pick a conversation and add a bit or even ask a question about a certain weight loss plan or exercise. You'll get mobbed, lol. We are happy to help and tell you our experiences.

    Still missing Terry. And Teri. Waving at all of you!!

    OK ladies, time to put on the shoes and get a walk in.

    SW WA State
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Gawd, how I wish Vince would get moving. I really don't want to get to Steve's (we're staying at his house) late.

    I've already called the lady who is going to watch the cats because Vince thought he gave her the wrong code to the garage. I didn't. I put the Fancy Feast in bags for "treats" so Betsy will have enough. I made the bed (Vince usually does since he's the last one up)

    We can't finish packing the car until he has all his toiletries. I've packed my food and food that we'll need at Steve's

    Now it's just wait...and wait...and wait. If it had been me, we would have left hours ago.

    Michele in NC
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Sheila- Welcome! My name is KJ (Kelly) and I have been a part of this group since January 2016. I am 51 (will be 52 in November), and work full time as a home childcare provider (24 years), married 29 years, three children ages 31, 28, 24. One absolutely fabulous grandson (age 1). I am 80 pounds over my goal weight. Like the others have said, logging your food each day is a HUGE wake up call and really makes you more aware of what/how much you are eating. Some lessons I have learned from this group: 1. LOG EVERY BITE and check in daily! 2. Take time to prep/plan your meals for the week. (if you plan your meals and wash, chop, prep your veggies, prep your proteins, etc; meals become an automatic thing. You will not be standing wondering what you are going to eat and be tempted to make something easy or non-nutritious) 3. Prep a pound of veggies/per day to use in your meals or as snacks! Veggies are a great way to fill up with healthy vitamins/fiber. Buy a food scale and measure our a pound a day and store it in a container/baggie labeled with the day it is to be eaten. I label my food and try to store it in the same area in the fridge/cupboards so that my DH and DYS do not eat it by mistake (I am sure my veggies are safe; I would fall over dead if either of them ate a veggie without my encouragement). The other thing, man people wonder about our group. We do set goals, talk about our meals, our exercise, our injuries; but we also talk about life. Because so much of living a healthier life style begins in your head. You have to get your head in the right place and being able to talk out things that you are dealing with reduces stress and invites others to help you find solutions or just give you some strength that you need to get through the tough times. lol Sorry so long! Glad you have found us! <3
    Kelly - Great summary! It inspired me to go prep my daily veggies - which I didn't do at breakfast time.

    Welcome Sheila! Stick with us and eventually that weight will come off. It may not all be gone before you turn 53, and you may find that the struggle doesn't end when you reach your goal, but you'll find lots of support here along the way. :flowerforyou:
    Me on our hike. B)
    Love Heather ☓
    Oh Heather... This picture really hit home to me. It took me back to the years I spent wandering around that same archipelago, albeit on the Swedish side. We had exactly the same stunted pines and low juniper bushes and glacier-smoothed rocks. If I close my eyes I can still smell the spicy air over lichen-covered rocks in the hot sunshine. And I couldn't help but notice the dry brakes of heather at your feet, Heather. Darn it, there are too many beautiful places in the world. I want to be in ALL of them!

    Hubby just read a social media post about a cruise ship that will be docking in Longyearbyen tomorrow - one with 4500 passengers plus 1500 crew members. They're staying about 18 hours. That will spread out the crowd to some degree, but still... quadrupling the number of people in town is liable to cause some congestion. The advice to locals: Do your weekend shopping TODAY. :laugh:
    /Penny, currently enjoying the sole company of my husband, not at the t07190.gif
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Just NOW Vince is putting the lights on timers. Why he didn't do that last night is beyond me. If his back was hurting him, he could have had me do it

    Michele in NC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Michele ~ Perhaps he is dawdling because he really doesn't want to go! JMHO
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    Morning all
    I'm getting a Mani pedi ,this is nice...the calm before the storm ...
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Michele ~ Perhaps he is dawdling because he really doesn't want to go! JMHO
    I was thinking just that!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allie, wedding bells tomorrow for both our families. S!ow down long enough to enjoy the moment.

    Much love to you!!

    Janetr OKC in San Antonio where its raining , probably will be short lived
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Greetings friends!

    Lenora - Prayers said.
    Allie & Janet - I hope the weddings are both fabulous tomorrow and go off with only small glitches that everyone will laugh about later!
    NYKaren - Yeah for another pound lost!
    Heather - Love your travelogue!
    Michelle - Breathe! If Vince is always like this, then try to change the way you react. You aren't going to change him, so you can only work on changing your reaction so you don't get so upset and stressed.

    I've gotten my walk in and got all of the veggies and meat prepped for the next 7 or so days salads. I did my monthly measurements and have remained the same everywhere except my belly button bulge area, it went back down to where it was in April (the lowest point). I have gained back 1.4 lbs, which is good, except I don't know that it will stay with me. It is TTOM, so I know I am retaining some water. I ate like a person not concerned with weight all weekend last weekend (Fri/Sat and Sun) and then have eaten normally this week. My long term goal is to eat well during the week and eat more freely, but still mindfully, on the weekends. I am hoping this will allow me to maintain. I will continue to weigh myself regularly to be sure I am within range....at this point, I still need to gain 3.6 lbs to get back in my range.

    Have a great Friday friends!
    Okie in the TX Hill Country where it is expected to rain all weekend and only be in the high 80's.....if that happens, I'll be on the covered porch with a book!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: Your RV was lovely. I'll bet you had some good times in it. The view back through the galley and hall to the bedroom looks very much like ours. We have a flat bus style front rather than a van style front, though. My MIL & FIL had one similar to yours, but smaller & not as nice. DSIL has a flat front one that is more like yours on the inside. We hope to go on a trip with she and her DH this fall. Keeping my fingers crossed on that since she is heading in for a shoulder replacement surgery in July. :star:

    Barbara: I'm tempted to look for the Route 66 discs. I loved that show when I was a kid. :bigsmile:

    Dr. Katie: I hope the boot does its job well. I think of surgery as a last resort. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I tried DVD's when I started this weight loss process but have found that I do much better with the social support of a yoga class. In addition, our townhouse doesn't really have a good space for exercising. It is possible to use the living room, but not all that comfortable. :ohwell:

    Barbie and Rebecca: We have been sailors since we were in our twenties. We worked out way up to a 32 foot sailboat and have sailed it out onto the Pacific and cruised up to Puget Sound, the San Juan and Gulf Islands and back several times. We loved the adventure. On our last trip DH started to have trouble that eventually was diagnosed as MS. He can't balance well enough to safely sail anymore and gets seasick. Now we will be cruising on the roadways. I hope to have similar fun as what we loved in the past. :broken_heart::heart:

    Felicia: I hope your son has a wonderful life. He is lucky to have such a wise and loving mom. :star:

    KJ: I love your comments to Sheila. :bigsmile:

    Heather: You look fabulous! I hope you enjoyed the hike. :smiley:

    Lanette: Thanks for your good wishes. I hope DD gets a good price for her Colorado home and a quick sale. They've been working on getting it fixed up for a long time. :heart: I'd be nervous towing anything behind the RV, too. Our neighbors have one of a similar size and tow a little bitty car behind it. I don't plan to follow their example, but at this point don't have enough experience to base a reasonable opinion. We will see how things go. :flowerforyou:

    We have rented a large storage unit for several years. Our son rebuilt a boat inside it, and sold the boat when he moved to the east coast. The storage unit currently contains two other boats and an old car along with other items. Yesterday, DH sold the car. We will be rearranging things inside the storage unit so that we can use it to house our RV when it is not in use. This makes me very happy. The RV will be well cared for and safe from weather worries, and we won't have to continue to park it is the street.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
    Still traveling but slowly. We stay in one place for two weeks at a time. We didn’t start out traveling the Route 66 but as it turns out, traveled all of New Mexico and half the Arizona parts of Rte. 66. Next stop is a campground near Winslow AZ. I have a book on the haunted places of Rte 66. We have seen most of them in NM and AZ. Such fun!

    We are heading West for now Lanette, north at some point.

    Here is a pic of our RV at the current spot.

    RV Rita in Grants New Mexico
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited June 2018
    Oh, Rita! Winslow AZ was niggling at my mind and I found myself humming:
    Well, I'm a standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
    Such a fine sight to see
    It's a girl, my Lord, in a flat-bed Ford
    Slowin' down to take a look at me
    Come on, baby, don't say maybe
    I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me
    We may lose and we may win, though we will never be here again
    So open up I'm climbin' in, so take it easy
    one of my favorite songs! (The Eagles, Take it Easy).

    I have had a picture of Winslow Az in my head since I was about 7 thanks to that song, I wonder if it is anything like my minds eye.

    Your travels fascinate me because we often drove that way for family vacations as a child - and you have been sparking long buried memories!

    Dana! You had me in goosebumps. You seem to take it in stride and that awes me: but I’d be freaked!

    KJ you are one of the replies I lost on my phone the other day, I adored the pics of the active boys, am jealous of the science experiments (maybe I should play with corn starch - I’ve always wanted to see and feel that effect - did you see the Big Bang Theory where the guys put the mixture in an old fashioned speaker and watched it dance to the beat?) and loved the Lake picture. I grew up in Chicago, remember, so Lake Michigan is “The Lake” to me. Honestly you make me want to come visit and pay you to let me be a kid in your daycare for a day! I’ll even take my nap without complaint!

    Food Prep: only makes me rebellious and “want” only food I haven’t prepped that week.

    Instead I make great quantities of the meals I do prepare (one or two times a week)- huge amount of Chicken curry or large pot roast, or gallons of veggie beef soup etc- and freeze in individual portions. That suits my personality better (I still feel that I am choosing my meal on the fly) but makes the quickest and easiest option (tossing something into the microwave) a calorie and nutrition friendly option.

    Tip: Buy some Rubbermaid stock today because I’m still buying large quantities of the stackable plastic ware for my freezers whenever I can! LOL

    Stay safe all!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Boy what I will do to avoid my knee exercises. Yesterday morning Rori must have been at my shoulder as I tore apart the office/exercise/music/craft/sewing/omigosh room and rearranged. Now the sewing machine is in the closet but can be opened up and used. Sewing kits found/unpacked, mending-to-be-done neatly organized, keyboard is out in the room, plugged in and ready. Got the dreadmirror out of the guest room closet, but not happy with where it is, so in the next little while (honest) Joe will help me shift the roll top a few inches toward the weight corner, move the buffet to where the yoga props shelf is and vice versa, and set the mirror up between the yoga props and the rolltop. Then I can check alignment on mat exercises, and watch to keep knees from turning in when practicing line dancing. Can I ever hope to accept the dreadmirror image? Might be asking too much. For now just striving to stop saying "I HATE the way my body looks" and instead be grateful for all its working parts.

    KJ gorgeous location and pic. Bet you get some humdinger storms! Thanks for your wisdom to Sheila, especially the reminder that "living a healthier lifestyle begins in your head." Wise woman!
    allie like you and KJ "cutting up veggies and fruits" bingo. Veg prep is key for me. If I do up a bunch in advance, then have no excuses to eat junk.
    Karen in VA and Meg what color are your Siberian irises? Decades ago I saw some hot pink/magenta irises, shaped like wild-not-bearded ones. Were those Siberians? Have never seen them since, but would love to plant some.
    Barbie Five and a half hours of line dancing every Thursday? That's like a whole workshop every week! Your stamina is astounding!
    Lenora glad to hear from you, sending quick and thorough healing thoughts.
    Michele, Rural Fire Protection District. I'd be a liability fighting fires, but can take good notes (when I remember the meetings!) and type well so am Board Secretary. "would we take her cat temporarily. It's a good thing we have a large home..." not just a large home but large hearts to take in both daughters' cats (and possibly dog?). Maybe not the grandbabies you hoped for . . . ;} Ditto "... rather . . .than . . . married for 3 days." Safe travels!
    Rebecca I'd find it impossible to line dance in flip flops! Not to mention bruising my chin and belly with DD "Flip" and "Flop" ;)
    Felicia your sons are blessed to have you for a mother. Brava!
    Dana that was entirely too close!
    NYKaren down ANOTHER pound? Hooray!
    Heather thank you so much for sharing your cruise! Really enjoying it through you. Gorgeous pic of you on the hike.
    Rita would you pm me when you start up the coast? We are just north of the California border. How big is your RV? Would it make it up a mile of narrow winding gravel lane and drive?
    Welcome ecs1516, sheila!

    Enjoy the day!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 12/14, meditate 12/14, walk one more step 12/14, knee exercises 12/14, 6/8 times walk Tumble, times SWSY 0/4, hang up or purge art 0