

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    edited July 2018
    As we know, menopause officially occurs when we've been 12 months without a period ... but what about spotting? Does spotting count as a period?

    I made it to 3 months with nothing, and then a few days of spotting.

    Can't wait to get to 12 months period free!! It's been almost 40 years of despising every single one of them. And it didn't help that exercise (long distance cycling) triggered 2 each month.

    Machka in Oz
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,066 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    As we know, menopause officially occurs when we've been 12 months without a period ... but what about spotting? Does spotting count as a period?

    I made it to 3 months with nothing, and then a few days of spotting.

    Can't wait to get to 12 months period free!! It's been almost 40 years of despising every single one of them. And it didn't help that exercise (long distance cycling) triggered 2 each month.

    Machka in Oz

    BTW - there is a Near or Post Menopausal Group (where I've also posted this question). It isn't overly active, but it might be of interest to some of you too. :)

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I was right, there is a countertop!!


    My husband was sitting beside me when I saw this. He was quite envious.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    The fam-damily is killing it... I'll have only one wall to prime in the morning in the living room and then I'll be able to finish coat it whenever I'm ready to do so. Still thinking about colors. Probably bright white and bring color and life with furniture and books, but still thinking.

    Tomorrow is kitchen work. Learned how to texture a wall from my sis, and thinking about patterning the bedroom walls with quilt patterns. Will be quite subtle, but beautiful if I can do it right.

    Will also be soaking a wallpaper border off the bedroom upper walls.. Apologize to those who love it, but as someone who has renovated a number of houses, I HATE wallpaper. Worst mess to try to remove, and never seen one that could be equalled by the work my family can do with a broadknife and a paintbrush. I'm a novice at some of it, but I've got time...

    Love y'all,

    I agree have had to remove wallpaper and 80’s borders way too many times.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I bit the bullet and rented a movie I really wanted to see..on Prime Video.... I Can only Imagine.... wow what a movie.... if you haven't seen it.rent it or buy it... ..hope we hear from Barbie soon... and hope they have found the problem..

    I didn’t know what this movie was about when a lot of my friends on fb started talking about it. I texted my friend who is a movie buff and she immediately said well go the next night. It was a truly amazing movie. What a story. I love movies and books based on true stories.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I impulsively bought tickets to the NASCAR Pinty Series race yesterday as a surprise for my husband. It has been at least 3 years since we have done anything more than a dinner out for ourselves. We went today and had s wonderful time. I tracked my food and allowed myself to go into maintenance for the day. I’m so happy I did it!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited July 2018
    Suebdew - Haven't heard much from you about your cruise. How did it go? I know you liked Moscow. :D

    Barbie - That is so sad about your back. Did the doc say about what it is? Are you worrying if you've done something to your op site?

    Okie - Garage envy, big time. :o

    Kylia - Great job cleaning. All shiny! :D But you definitely have too much stuff. :bigsmile:

    Trip nearly over. We leave after a leisurely breakfast. Yesterday we found my grandfather's house and I will post a pic later from my phone. We visited the stately home which had a fascinating history of women artists, dating back to the 16th century. Very talented and very determined women. :D
    The evening was good with a glass of champagne to start and then we walked to the Turkish restaurant, where I had the best falafel and hummus I have ever had. :D:D Big salad. Then I had a mixed fish kebab. DH and DSIL had moussaka, which was very disappointing. Mine was good.
    I took my Alcohol Free wine with me and drank the whole bottle. 160 calories. :D They kept it cold for me. The other 3 got through almost two bottles of the real stuff, so, guess who felt better and happier last night??? :D:D
    I was over calories, but nothing that one day can't sort out.
    Lunch was very late and I got very faint and dizzy. I did have some mints on me to stop me being ill. I have to eat at my regular times or my blood sugar plummets and then it's hard to get it back up.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    What are you doing to make your life simpler and easier?

    For example ... we have a gardener to do the lawns, and are doing our grocery shopping online.

    But I'm hoping for even more ideas!! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Thanks for your kind words Ladies. I love organizing!!! I considered becoming a closet organizer as my hobby job when we moved to the Hill Country.....until a friend pointed out I would be touching peoples (maybe dirty) underwear, gross!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello all!
    Dana- WE are here! lol All of the ladies you mentioned missing; you must have just missed our posts. Most of us are VERY vocal on this site. But you love that about us, right? >:)
    Machka- I have been spotting for about four years. This year, the spotting, has changed to "Surprise! You are going to have no regular period!" The past three periods have been extremely irregular and a heavier flow (sometimes). For instance: May period one spot, sixteen days later heavier period lasting five days, forty five days later spotting for three days...Can't wait to find out when and how the next one will be! (NOT!)
    What am I doing to make my life simpler and easier? I am letting go of some things. I don't mean getting rid of things; just deciding that things I felt I needed to do (clean) often, have taken a lower spot on my "priority" list in my head. I have also stopped my weekly visits to my inlaws place. I know that sounds awful; but I am working full time (plus part time on weekends), maintaining our house and yard, going through massive redecorating. DH's RA is preventing him from working and from helping much around here; but I pretty much told him that he needs to step up and be the one doing the visits. His parents. I am sure they would rather spend time with their son than me.
    REbecca-Hmmmm...self love. I do two things to love myself. 1) I get outside! My soul is at peace when I am outside. 2) I wear a cape (in my mind). I watch movies and read books with strong women. As I go about my day or begin a new task, I mentally become a superhero. Sounds weird; but if I can imagine myself doing heroic and strong things, I can make it happen. (Assume Superhero pose)
    Lisa- Your renovations are coming along, wonderfully! How exciting! It is amazing how much can be accomplished with a couple extra hands, music, and laughter. Makes the work so much easier!
    Okie-Love the garage! There was a time when my DH would have loved a garage set up like that (we have a clean and organized work bench in the garage; but the garage is unfinished); but he doesn't do much at the work bench anymore. That is becoming my domain.
    Suebdew- Yeesssss! I agree with Heather! Tell us about your cruise!

    Lots of love and good vibes going out to all who need them! Putting final coat of paint on the cupboard doors and re hanging them today! Whoot! Finally done! Then I will peruse the grant catalog and place my order. One of my little guys peed on my couch (again) while napping, I think I am going to invest in some cots for the kids to sleep on, to save my furniture. One more couch bites the dust. Of course it was the butter suede couch :s ttfn xoxoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    morning ladies~
    I got right out of bed and went to my daughters house to get the dog out and fed her and the cat..
    they went camping last night and got rained on.. but had a good time..
    today I will feed my DFIL and then come home and do stuff around here, laundry and maybe stop at Walmart..
    watching the news and having my tea..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- I have been spotting for about four years. This year, the spotting, has changed to "Surprise! You are going to have no regular period!" The past three periods have been extremely irregular and a heavier flow (sometimes). For instance: May period one spot, sixteen days later heavier period lasting five days, forty five days later spotting for three days...Can't wait to find out when and how the next one will be! (NOT!)
    What am I doing to make my life simpler and easier? I am letting go of some things. I don't mean getting rid of things; just deciding that things I felt I needed to do (clean) often, have taken a lower spot on my "priority" list in my head. I have also stopped my weekly visits to my inlaws place. I know that sounds awful; but I am working full time (plus part time on weekends), maintaining our house and yard, going through massive redecorating. DH's RA is preventing him from working and from helping much around here; but I pretty much told him that he needs to step up and be the one doing the visits. His parents. I am sure they would rather spend time with their son than me.

    Periods ... mine went really wonky in early 2014 and I had about 2/month for the entire year. Usually a long heavy one (10-14 days) and then about a week later a short spotty one. Finally I went to the Dr and found out I had a large precancerous polyp. Got that removed in early 2015, things returned to "normal" for a few months and then gradually went wonky again. In 2017 ... precancer surgery again. Then this past year everything has been normal until 3 months ago when I had two in two weeks, and then nothing ... until I spotted now. Really hoping this all comes to an end soon.

    Visiting inlaws ... maybe they're relieved that there are fewer visits too! ;):) My family isn't into frequent visiting ... I think once a week would become an imposition on all of us!!

    Cleaning ... I don't do much. No, it's not as bad as that sounds. :grin:

    About once a week, when I'm in the bathroom getting ready for work, I'll give the sink and mirror a spritz with Windex and wipe things down. I have a shower cleaner that gets sprayed onto the shower walls and a mould killer that gets sprayed in places that tend to grow the pink mould that's so prevalent here. I spray all that in, then brush my teeth, clean the sink etc. then hop into the shower and give the place a rinse before I continue with my shower. Oh, I'll also squirt a little toilet cleaner into the toilet once in a while too, and give it a quick scrub. All that just takes a few minutes.

    We've got a dishwasher, and my husband's homecare worker will load or unload it, but I'll take a few minutes in an evening to do that too. Then a quick wipe of the counters.

    And my laundry.

    The rest of the house gets done whenever I've got time to do it ... about once every 3 months. Fortunately our homecare worker is doing some of it now and then. If she goes, at some point, I might have to get a housekeeper in once a month.

    M in Oz
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Good Sunday!

    I LOVED spending time with my other family yesterday. The little ones are growing up so fast. They all told me they miss my visits as family time is important. :) Came home and guess what I did.....more cleaning! Hallway done. Mandy my GS, likes to lay up against the walls. Even when bathed she leaves yucky marks. They are all gone for now. Also cleaned up mud/laundry room. Even pulled washer and dryer to remove a "small puppy" worth of hair from underneath. My DH even remarked on how fresh every thing looks. :smiley: I know it feels better, but is something if the blind man notices-lol!

    HeatherUK YES!!!! There is too much stuff! I have already gotten rid of a lot of my nic-nac stuffs. Most of these are the DH's! I believe he is an organized horder which is why cleaning out those cabinets will wait until he is gone for the weekend ;) About 4 months ago, I got rid of a bunch of stuffs from the living room. He couldn't figure out what was different since most of the stuff I got rid of was mine. A friend came over and wanted to know what I did different as it looked so nice. I too have a problem with blood sugar dropping. Most of the time I manage it well, but some foods make it really bad.

    Barbara My prayers and hugs join the others. I hope you were able to get some rest.

    Kelly It is a hard lesson to keep from "helping" little creative hands. I have finally learned to just let them do it. Two of my grands are all ready showing perfectionist tendencies, I try NOT to encourage that! Congrats on the cabinets!

    Okie Love the workshop area! Our house garage is the man cave. I will have to get pictures. Painted walls, signs, work benches, and tool boxes. All very organized. Oh, TV, AC, heat, and loungers. ;) Last night, my DH had to put all the tools away from working on the Model A, because he was having trouble finding the ones he needs. He always puts things away after using, but has had lots of help lately. I think he was getting overwhelmed by the amount of stuffs out of the boxes.

    [/b]Tracy[/b] Glad you got to enjoy something different with DH! Looks like you had fun!

    What am I doing to make my life more simple....... Getting rid of nic-nacs and paper. It is a process kind of like losing weight. For me it is a journey. I am trying to break things down into small bites instead of giant ones. One room at a time, instead of stressing over getting everything done at once.

    Heading to a car show today with DH. My KY grands and daughter may come up for a short while. That will be nice. If get home early enough, I may start on kitchen cleaning or my bathroom. More purging to come! I cleaned out my cabinets in the bathroom about a year ago, but there is still stuffs in there that I haven't touched in a year. Time for it to go!!!!! The rooms that will take the longest to clean will be the "kids" room, aka my husband's nic-nac room. I won't do the closet in there as he has it organized the way he wants it, but there are shelves along the top of 2 walls filled with stuffs to be cleaned. Plus two shelves with old decanters and Budweiser steins. Ugh! Also the guest room, AKA, my room. All my stuffs are in there. Papers, crafts, books, and yes, more nic nacs that are going bye-bye! So much money spent on stuffs I am getting rid of........need to make my purchases more meaningful! That room will need a closet rework, but that may have to wait for major until DH out of town. Do you see a theme there?????

    DH needs my help. Have an awesome day!

    You are all STRONG and LOVELY ladies!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    What are you doing to make your life simpler and easier?

    For example ... we have a gardener to do the lawns, and are doing our grocery shopping online.

    But I'm hoping for even more ideas!! :)

    Machka in Oz

    What about along the lines of planners, calendars, etc.?