Trying to lose 40lbs by February 2019



  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    shovav91 wrote: »
    Happy Saturday! I’ll be checking in here frequently because these weekend / unstructured, busy kid days are more challenging for me than the work week. I mean c’mon, the fridge and pantry are SO close! Have a great weekend everyone! :):)

    30 lbs to lose here, desperately need a support group to keep me accountable. I cannot stop snacking and though I exercise daily it isn't enough to offset my comfort/stress/compulsive eating. Please feel free to add me and give me a swift kick in the butt.

    Welcome @shovav91 ! I can relate. I have had a dysfunctional relationship with food for the last 9 years but I am happy to report that I am finally fixing the dysfunction. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need to.
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    edited September 2018
    solorex wrote: »
    Welcome newbies! You got this. :wink:

    I second @solorex 's welcome! Hello and it's great to have more people on the board. I'vve been doing a lot of updates on my private wall but will make more of an effort to come back to post updates here as well.

    40 + days in I'm 6.2 pounds down. B) It is slower than I like but I do have a thyroid condition and I'm 40+ so I will take it!

    My success comes from the following:
    1. Showing up every day and logging my food and exercise, even when I go over my calories.
    2. Prepping my lunches (which I take to work).
    3. Clean eating. I eat food that gives me energy and makes me feel good. I also tend to eat the same thing or variations of it to keep things simple.
    4. Practicing mindful eating. When I catch myself overeating or snacking mindlessly in the pantry or fridge, I stop and analyze the situation. I'm getting better at this and catching myself before I start.
    5. Getting daily exercise - some days that is just a stroll around my workplace.
    6. This one is proving hard but I am trying to get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
    7. Posting on my wall, this board and posting / liking "friends' progress.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • gabi_texanmom
    gabi_texanmom Posts: 201 Member
    Hey peeps. I'm Marissa. I'm a Pisces, I like cookies, and I'm serial starter/serial failure when it comes to losing weight. This is my...fourth or fifth time doing MFP, the most recent being last year. I dropped about 20lbs between November 2017 and March 2018 on a 1200 calorie/day diet and it was freaking awesome. Even got over my gym anxiety and started working out regularly. So gaining those 20lbs AND an additional 8 or 9lbs back as of today? Not so awesome. Seriously...I was in ONEderland for, like, three weeks for the first time in over a decade and I royally screwed it up. Therefore, since I quite liked having a distinctive hourglass body shape instead of a looking like a stumpy potato, I'd like to get back to that lifestyle.

    Let's be friends.

    SW: 225.2LBS
    CW: 225.2LBS
    GW: 150LBS


    Your profile pic is hilarious!

    This funny tweet is more me:
    1. Wear Fitbit
    2. Pack gym clothes
    3. Pack salad
    4. Go to work
    5. Eat donuts
    6. Go out for lunch
    7. Skip gym
    Rinse and Repeat.

    The good thing is that I haven't gained anything, but I haven't lost anything either, these last few weeks that my life has gone off the rails! But I am back on track...I feel great and have been hitting the gym every AM.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  • gabi_texanmom
    gabi_texanmom Posts: 201 Member
    solorex wrote: »
    Welcome newbies! You got this. :wink:

    I second @solorex 's welcome! Hello and it's great to have more people on the board. I'vve been doing a lot of updates on my private wall but will make more of an effort to come back to post updates here as well.

    40 + days in I'm 6.2 pounds down. B) It is slower than I like but I do have a thyroid condition and I'm 40+ so I will take it!

    My success comes from the following:
    1. Showing up every day and logging my food and exercise, even when I go over my calories.
    2. Prepping my lunches (which I take to work).
    3. Clean eating. I eat food that gives me energy and makes me feel good. I also tend to eat the same thing or variations of it to keep things simple.
    4. Practicing mindful eating. When I catch myself overeating or snacking mindlessly in the pantry or fridge, I stop and analyze the situation. I'm getting better at this and catching myself before I start.
    5. Getting daily exercise - some days that is just a stroll around my workplace.
    6. This one is proving hard but I am trying to get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
    7. Posting on my wall, this board and posting / liking "friends' progress.

    Welcome and good luck!

    No stinking thyroid conditions will stop us!

    I agree, getting enough sleep is so very hard. Up late last night helping daughter with a school project after school's open house, then she missed her bus, so I had to get up early to drive her 45 minutes away, still made it to the gym, only 15 minutes (or so) late for work...and we will have another crazy night tonight. Appointments, daycare, when's the last time I washed dishes?, does anyone have clean underwear for tomorrow? Yikes!
  • solorex
    solorex Posts: 696 Member
    I'm envious of you gym types. For whatever reason I can never bring myself to go to the gym. So rather than throw money away there I try to find other avenues of activity. I've been walking/hiking 2-3 times a week for the past few months. Last week I got a wild hair and decided to drag out the old bikes (both mountain and road) that have been sitting, collecting dust for the past decade. I used to ride a lot in the late '90s - early '00s...but then had a string of circumstances happen that put me off the saddle for a while. I never really got back on again. So right now I'm going through doing a deep clean and full overhaul (repacking/replacing bearings) on the road bike. Once I'm done with that one, I can get it set up on the trainer so I can spin for half hour or so after work in lieu of walking once it gets dark by the time I leave work. Then tear into the other one for a rehabilitation.

    Week 7 checkin (9/10-9/16):
    Days on or under calorie target : 7/7 days
    +/- Weekly calorie target (14,114) : -1127 (-8.0%)
    Total lbs lost/goal : 16/50 (32%)
  • Rockitdumbo
    Rockitdumbo Posts: 8 Member
    Just stopped ww as not working this time around. Need a clear idea of what I can eat. I'm healthy but struggle with portion sizes. Need to lose 4 stone so thought I'd try this. Heard good things. Weigh day will be friday night. Having looked around seems great. As far, sugar protein is shown. Happy so far.
  • lk2011
    lk2011 Posts: 153 Member
    Same same same.... My goal is 50-60 lb loss. I have been doing the 5:2 intermittent diet for 2 weeks now. So far Im down 4 and I am committed to being successful. I have been logging food and exercise every day. I could always use more motivation, support and FRIENDS! :smile:
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    solorex wrote: »
    Welcome newbies! You got this. :wink:

    I second @solorex 's welcome! Hello and it's great to have more people on the board. I'vve been doing a lot of updates on my private wall but will make more of an effort to come back to post updates here as well.

    40 + days in I'm 6.2 pounds down. B) It is slower than I like but I do have a thyroid condition and I'm 40+ so I will take it!

    My success comes from the following:
    1. Showing up every day and logging my food and exercise, even when I go over my calories.
    2. Prepping my lunches (which I take to work).
    3. Clean eating. I eat food that gives me energy and makes me feel good. I also tend to eat the same thing or variations of it to keep things simple.
    4. Practicing mindful eating. When I catch myself overeating or snacking mindlessly in the pantry or fridge, I stop and analyze the situation. I'm getting better at this and catching myself before I start.
    5. Getting daily exercise - some days that is just a stroll around my workplace.
    6. This one is proving hard but I am trying to get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
    7. Posting on my wall, this board and posting / liking "friends' progress.

    Welcome and good luck!

    No stinking thyroid conditions will stop us!

    I agree, getting enough sleep is so very hard. Up late last night helping daughter with a school project after school's open house, then she missed her bus, so I had to get up early to drive her 45 minutes away, still made it to the gym, only 15 minutes (or so) late for work...and we will have another crazy night tonight. Appointments, daycare, when's the last time I washed dishes?, does anyone have clean underwear for tomorrow? Yikes!

    Thank you! That's right @gabi_texanmom ! It might slow us down but it won't stop us. You have all my empathy for your late night and daughter's school project. I swear, if it were just me - I might be able to swing through life and this weight loss. But carrying our kids stress and helping them either with projects or achieving independence is all time consuming and mentally and emotionally stressful! As for undies - this maybe TMI but it's a common concern and cause for late night laundry. Have a fabulous day!

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    solorex wrote: »
    I'm envious of you gym types. For whatever reason I can never bring myself to go to the gym. So rather than throw money away there I try to find other avenues of activity. I've been walking/hiking 2-3 times a week for the past few months. Last week I got a wild hair and decided to drag out the old bikes (both mountain and road) that have been sitting, collecting dust for the past decade. I used to ride a lot in the late '90s - early '00s...but then had a string of circumstances happen that put me off the saddle for a while. I never really got back on again. So right now I'm going through doing a deep clean and full overhaul (repacking/replacing bearings) on the road bike. Once I'm done with that one, I can get it set up on the trainer so I can spin for half hour or so after work in lieu of walking once it gets dark by the time I leave work. Then tear into the other one for a rehabilitation.

    Week 7 checkin (9/10-9/16):
    Days on or under calorie target : 7/7 days
    +/- Weekly calorie target (14,114) : -1127 (-8.0%)
    Total lbs lost/goal : 16/50 (32%)

    I can't bring myself to go to the gym either. I did buy a membership though in March and still pay for it bi-weekly. Luckily it is only 12.00. I went for about 3 weeks and then haven't gone back. Maybe when the weather gets bad I'll start again. It is so close to my office, I can do it on my way home no problems.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    My kids are grown and I now have grandchildren. I have to share this story about kids and laundry though.
    When my eldest was 12 and my youngest 10 I had had enough of washing folded clothes.
    You know what I mean, I washed it, dried it, folded it, put it on the end of their bed for them to put away.
    Then the next week when they are told to gather the dirty laundry off the floor and take it to the laundry you find folded clothes.
    You know they weren't worn, they were just needing to be washed again because those lazy little brats didn't do their part!
    Anyway this went on for a while with me threatening every week that if this continued I wouldn't do their laundry. One week I screamed at the top of my lungs. "If I find one more piece of folded laundry in the dirty clothes, I'm done!"
    Come the next Sunday and I have finished the "gather the laundry" battle. I start sorting the pile and lo and behold I come across folded clothes. I never said a word to anyone, I just piled all of their laundry in a separate pile. I washed my husbands, mine and the household stuff. I never say a word and they never realize they don't have laundry sitting on their bed.
    I went to work way earlier than my girls had to go to school, along comes Thursday morning.
    My youngest daughter calls me at work. "Mom, I don't have any clean panties. Do you know where they are?"
    I said, "did you do your laundry because I didn't".
    Needless to say, lots of tears occurred but I never did laundry for either of them again. They did their own from that point forward. Once in a while they would ask if they could throw something in with mine, but they always helped and put their clothes away if I allowed it.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    edited September 2018
    Well I haven't checked in here for a few days and thought I better say Hi.

    I have celebrated my 50th, my daughter's (yes the two brats from above) planned a surprise birthday party for me at Olive Garden. Needless to say I am still struggling with the carb gain from that. It snowed here off and on all weekend. Was rainy and cold on Monday and is beautiful yesterday and today. Supposed to get crappy again starting tomorrow though . :( Makes it hard to find ambition to get out and walk.

    I need to get back on that proverbial wagon. The scale is not moving in the right direction and I'm a long way off of 40 lbs by February at this rate.... as a matter of fact still about 40 pounds LOL
  • blewbell
    blewbell Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 47, in low 170's need to be in low 130's. 5 foot 1 inch. Doing 16:8 intermittent fasting mainly so I won't overeat my 1200 calories. Two weeks in and I might be 2 lbs down but my weight fluctuates terribly. I'm doing strength training and have always walked and swim so still doing that. My back went out (again) and I got test results back from doctor so I need to get strong and healthy! Please add! I have no friends :)
  • iceax123
    iceax123 Posts: 13 Member
    50lb ish id like to drop.

    3 days into a keto plan and plan to get my running shoes out again

    Id like to be a LOT lighter by christmas
  • gabi_texanmom
    gabi_texanmom Posts: 201 Member
    solorex wrote: »
    I'm envious of you gym types. For whatever reason I can never bring myself to go to the gym. So rather than throw money away there I try to find other avenues of activity. I've been walking/hiking 2-3 times a week for the past few months. Last week I got a wild hair and decided to drag out the old bikes (both mountain and road) that have been sitting, collecting dust for the past decade. I used to ride a lot in the late '90s - early '00s...but then had a string of circumstances happen that put me off the saddle for a while. I never really got back on again. So right now I'm going through doing a deep clean and full overhaul (repacking/replacing bearings) on the road bike. Once I'm done with that one, I can get it set up on the trainer so I can spin for half hour or so after work in lieu of walking once it gets dark by the time I leave work. Then tear into the other one for a rehabilitation.

    Week 7 checkin (9/10-9/16):
    Days on or under calorie target : 7/7 days
    +/- Weekly calorie target (14,114) : -1127 (-8.0%)
    Total lbs lost/goal : 16/50 (32%)

    It's so funny to be considered a 'gym type' round and soft as I am. But I do LOVE going to the gym! It's my only ME brats, no hubby, no list of things to do, just jamming to my oldies or my classic rock music (90s rock has an honorable mention), totally getting in the zone. Then you get that runner's high, and the pain is gone, and you're sweating and feeling fabulous. The after-work out feeling is the best! I'm so proud of myself every time I go a tenth of a mile more or I can do more reps or another set.

    I'm so the opposite - I cannot work out at home or outside the gym. I will get distracted or interrupted or lazy (netflix). I have a treadmill sitting in my bedroom holding laundry.

    My hubby enjoys biking. One of our first dates was a 23 mile (!) bike ride - I knew he was a keeper because our date was so out of the box and he knew I was a keeper for hanging in there even when it started raining on us. He had us all hooked on riding for years - my first daughter was into BMX before she was in kindergarten!

    I hope you get your road bike cleaned up soon so you get a few nice rides in before winter!
  • gabi_texanmom
    gabi_texanmom Posts: 201 Member
    My kids are grown and I now have grandchildren. I have to share this story about kids and laundry though.
    When my eldest was 12 and my youngest 10 I had had enough of washing folded clothes.
    You know what I mean, I washed it, dried it, folded it, put it on the end of their bed for them to put away.
    Then the next week when they are told to gather the dirty laundry off the floor and take it to the laundry you find folded clothes.
    You know they weren't worn, they were just needing to be washed again because those lazy little brats didn't do their part!
    Anyway this went on for a while with me threatening every week that if this continued I wouldn't do their laundry. One week I screamed at the top of my lungs. "If I find one more piece of folded laundry in the dirty clothes, I'm done!"
    Come the next Sunday and I have finished the "gather the laundry" battle. I start sorting the pile and lo and behold I come across folded clothes. I never said a word to anyone, I just piled all of their laundry in a separate pile. I washed my husbands, mine and the household stuff. I never say a word and they never realize they don't have laundry sitting on their bed.
    I went to work way earlier than my girls had to go to school, along comes Thursday morning.
    My youngest daughter calls me at work. "Mom, I don't have any clean panties. Do you know where they are?"
    I said, "did you do your laundry because I didn't".
    Needless to say, lots of tears occurred but I never did laundry for either of them again. They did their own from that point forward. Once in a while they would ask if they could throw something in with mine, but they always helped and put their clothes away if I allowed it.

    Oh my goodness - too funny! Yes, my kids do that too. I will find items that are still folded and clean mixed in with the dirty laundry in the hamper. I may have to put an end to my laundry duties! The clean/dirty laundry stopped for several months after I threatened to stop doing her laundry, but just this weekend I found a few items that I know were clean.
  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    solorex wrote: »
    Welcome newbies! You got this. :wink:

    I second @solorex 's welcome! Hello and it's great to have more people on the board. I'vve been doing a lot of updates on my private wall but will make more of an effort to come back to post updates here as well.

    40 + days in I'm 6.2 pounds down. B) It is slower than I like but I do have a thyroid condition and I'm 40+ so I will take it!

    My success comes from the following:
    1. Showing up every day and logging my food and exercise, even when I go over my calories.
    2. Prepping my lunches (which I take to work).
    3. Clean eating. I eat food that gives me energy and makes me feel good. I also tend to eat the same thing or variations of it to keep things simple.
    4. Practicing mindful eating. When I catch myself overeating or snacking mindlessly in the pantry or fridge, I stop and analyze the situation. I'm getting better at this and catching myself before I start.
    5. Getting daily exercise - some days that is just a stroll around my workplace.
    6. This one is proving hard but I am trying to get a solid 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
    7. Posting on my wall, this board and posting / liking "friends' progress.

    Welcome and good luck!

    All these tips are great. Portion control is key, take some from the box/bag for a portion and then put it away. Glad to have you with us ; )
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,623 Member
    My kids are grown and I now have grandchildren. I have to share this story about kids and laundry though.
    When my eldest was 12 and my youngest 10 I had had enough of washing folded clothes.
    You know what I mean, I washed it, dried it, folded it, put it on the end of their bed for them to put away.
    Then the next week when they are told to gather the dirty laundry off the floor and take it to the laundry you find folded clothes.
    You know they weren't worn, they were just needing to be washed again because those lazy little brats didn't do their part!
    Anyway this went on for a while with me threatening every week that if this continued I wouldn't do their laundry. One week I screamed at the top of my lungs. "If I find one more piece of folded laundry in the dirty clothes, I'm done!"
    Come the next Sunday and I have finished the "gather the laundry" battle. I start sorting the pile and lo and behold I come across folded clothes. I never said a word to anyone, I just piled all of their laundry in a separate pile. I washed my husbands, mine and the household stuff. I never say a word and they never realize they don't have laundry sitting on their bed.
    I went to work way earlier than my girls had to go to school, along comes Thursday morning.
    My youngest daughter calls me at work. "Mom, I don't have any clean panties. Do you know where they are?"
    I said, "did you do your laundry because I didn't".
    Needless to say, lots of tears occurred but I never did laundry for either of them again. They did their own from that point forward. Once in a while they would ask if they could throw something in with mine, but they always helped and put their clothes away if I allowed it.

    I’ve been there and so done that.....after raising 2 boys........hugs to you!
    At least, now, they (mine) have moved out of the house and do their own laundry!😂
    However, I do go visit them and scrub their shower, give them a new shower curtain and bath mat....and scrub their toilet. It makes me feel good. I still laugh though, that they’re doing their own laundry. 😊
  • pjmfitforme
    pjmfitforme Posts: 161 Member
    That is my goal as well! I hoping for 40-50lbs by 2/22/19 as I leave for a 9 day trip to Hawaii!! Lets do this!!

    I want to lose 30 pounds by 2/27-we are going on a 5 night adults only trip to the Dominican Republic-
    Good luck to both of us to keep motivated through the holidays
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    I'll jump in on this. I have a 40 pound weight loss goal. I've lost 5. I think I can lose 35 more or close to by at least the end of February
  • seatownbibti
    seatownbibti Posts: 51 Member
    blewbell wrote: »
    I'm 47, in low 170's need to be in low 130's. 5 foot 1 inch. Doing 16:8 intermittent fasting mainly so I won't overeat my 1200 calories. Two weeks in and I might be 2 lbs down but my weight fluctuates terribly. I'm doing strength training and have always walked and swim so still doing that. My back went out (again) and I got test results back from doctor so I need to get strong and healthy! Please add! I have no friends :)

    Mine fluctuates too. Drives me bonkers. How do u like 16:8? I do it a couple of times per week. Welcome to the board!