Is 5 2 just a fad?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    What exactly are the purported health benefits to this way of eating and are there any actual clinical trials proving that it works? Not for weight loss because I get how that can work but actual health benefits with scientific proof to back them up.

    Here's some light reading:

    Abstracts of clinical trials:

    Yes, those minor studies show that calorie restriction will result in weight loss for the obese which may lead to better health in general. Still doesn't prove that the non obese individual will see any health benefit by any kind of fasting.

    And on the other hand to you have any clinical evidence or trials that show that IF is unhealthy?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    And on the other hand to you have any clinical evidence or trials that show that IF is unhealthy?

    I didn't say it was unhealthy, I just keep hearing all the hype about how good it is for you but no one seems to be able to come up with anything but weight loss if you do it at a calorie deficit. I'm at maintenance so I don't see how it would be a health benefit to me since I don't need to lose weight. If fasting is the cure for cancer or heart disease, etc then I think the world needs to know about this.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    And on the other hand to you have any clinical evidence or trials that show that IF is unhealthy?

    I didn't say it was unhealthy, I just keep hearing all the hype about how good it is for you but no one seems to be able to come up with anything but weight loss if you do it at a calorie deficit. I'm at maintenance so I don't see how it would be a health benefit to me since I don't need to lose weight. If fasting is the cure for cancer or heart disease, etc then I think the world needs to know about this.

    You are not being told you MUST do it are you? Being forced at gunpoint? So really why do you give a toss what other people do? I was like you even 3 weeks ago..... now....... I'm a definite convert. If you don't try it...and I mean really try not like the half assed attempts by some people who find fasting for one day so damn hard..... then you have no right to complain about it at all or even really have an opinion.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    And on the other hand to you have any clinical evidence or trials that show that IF is unhealthy?

    I didn't say it was unhealthy, I just keep hearing all the hype about how good it is for you but no one seems to be able to come up with anything but weight loss if you do it at a calorie deficit. I'm at maintenance so I don't see how it would be a health benefit to me since I don't need to lose weight. If fasting is the cure for cancer or heart disease, etc then I think the world needs to know about this.

    You are not being told you MUST do it are you? Being forced at gunpoint? So really why do you give a toss what other people do? I was like you even 3 weeks ago..... now....... I'm a definite convert. If you don't try it...and I mean really try not like the half assed attempts by some people who find fasting for one day so damn hard..... then you have no right to complain about it at all or even really have an opinion.

    Why is everyone getting their shorts in a knot? I didn't say don't do it, didn't say it was unhealthy, just ask what the big deal is. No one seems to be able to answer that and it's fine. The OP ask if it was a fad diet and so far it seems that's just what it is. Eat whatever, whenever, however you want. I just think if something is as wonderful as the proponents of this "diet" claim it is that their would be some data to back up the claims.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    And on the other hand to you have any clinical evidence or trials that show that IF is unhealthy?

    I didn't say it was unhealthy, I just keep hearing all the hype about how good it is for you but no one seems to be able to come up with anything but weight loss if you do it at a calorie deficit. I'm at maintenance so I don't see how it would be a health benefit to me since I don't need to lose weight. If fasting is the cure for cancer or heart disease, etc then I think the world needs to know about this.

    You are not being told you MUST do it are you? Being forced at gunpoint? So really why do you give a toss what other people do? I was like you even 3 weeks ago..... now....... I'm a definite convert. If you don't try it...and I mean really try not like the half assed attempts by some people who find fasting for one day so damn hard..... then you have no right to complain about it at all or even really have an opinion.

    Why is everyone getting their shorts in a knot? I didn't say don't do it, didn't say it was unhealthy, just ask what the big deal is. No one seems to be able to answer that and it's fine. The OP ask if it was a fad diet and so far it seems that's just what it is. Eat whatever, whenever, however you want. I just think if something is as wonderful as the proponents of this "diet" claim it is that their would be some data to back up the claims.

    The only DATA you need is the proof of it working for people. I lost 2.5kg in 2 weeks... I only wanted to lose 5kg to get to 55kg.... for some reason eating at a deficit was not shifting a damn thing for months... even while working out daily.

    I go on this 2 weeks ago..... and BAM weight starts melting off. Still working out daily.

    Figure that one out.

    I eat next to nothing 3 days a week (I'm on 4:3) and dont give a rats about my calories on the other 4 days a week. I'm not obsessed with calorie counting anymore (that's a big deal for so many people) and I have more energy now than I did before. I sleep through the night....have not done that since my back injury 4 years ago..... THAT is a big deal for me. That proves there are health benefits for me. I can run 10km without having to eat that day at all & still have so much energy that 40,000 steps is nothing. In fact that's daily since doing this.....a minimum.

    The other skin looks & feels better, my nails & hair have improved so much, I'm less moody & have not had to worry about being depressed, I think better, I study better, I eat better. Other things more personal..... no more incontinence..... like really... at 38 mine was horrid. Could not walk without leakage.... now I can run without it. Hell I can do a star jump & not leak....holy cow.

    You don't need studies to prove something works when you can see it for yourself it does..... but if you don't do it then you don't know.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I give up. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Have at it.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    bump - to read later x
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I give up. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Have at it.

    Lol. Sorry Mokey. I'm not getting my knickers in a knot or picking on you. I responded to your comment because you did seem somewhat open about the idea.(I think you mentioned u fast too). I do understand what you are saying though. I think most diets/change of lifestyle have health benefits that are fairly comparable and equal. The 5:2 is no different but to suggest at all that it is a cure for something like cancer, for example is, well, reckless. I get your point and will not be advocating this method on the basis of such claims.

    I actually went the opposite way in research to find reasons why you SHOULDN'T fast and the only negatives I could find were really related to the approach towards the method. People fasting too long consecutively, regaining after stopping the fasting altogether, not being aware of high days being too high etc. Apart from people with chronic health conditions and those with a history of ED who should avoid it, the average healthy individual will not suffer any undue affects provided they use commonsense. Im saying this for the benefit of others reading.. I won't be touting it as the end all be all approach to improved health, however I will be looking out personally, out of curiosity for any signs of change in my own health that are noticebly different such as pink stated above or anything negative.

    Sometimes research arises out of anecdotal evidence....What makes research problematic is the stakeholder.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    ITT: Lots of placebo effect and people associating health improvements with the VLC days and alternating calories...when in fact it is just because they're losing adipose tissue and exercising.

    Seriously, people. If you are in a caloric deficit at the end of the week, you will lose fat. If you exercise, you will improve your health. The hormonal changes that occur in 24 hours of a VLC diet amount to glycogen depletion. You won't even release cortisol at that point. Your nails and hair are dead cells that have been extruded from pores. Your IBS won't flare up if you aren't putting food in your gut.

    It's not even actual fasting. You are still providing calories and on your high days you are replenishing your glycogen. It's just a way to make you feel like you've done something 'different' because eating less and moving more just isn't fancy enough. You'd get the same rapid weight loss from, say, keto or Atkins.

    Yes it is a fad because it is glorified binging and fasting.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    ITT: Lots of placebo effect and people associating health improvements with the VLC days and alternating calories...when in fact it is just because they're losing adipose tissue and exercising.

    Seriously, people. If you are in a caloric deficit at the end of the week, you will lose fat. If you exercise, you will improve your health. The hormonal changes that occur in 24 hours of a VLC diet amount to glycogen depletion. You won't even release cortisol at that point. Your nails and hair are dead cells that have been extruded from pores. Your IBS won't flare up if you aren't putting food in your gut.

    It's not even actual fasting. You are still providing calories and on your high days you are replenishing your glycogen. It's just a way to make you feel like you've done something 'different' because eating less and moving more just isn't fancy enough. You'd get the same rapid weight loss from, say, keto or Atkins.

    Yes it is a fad because it is glorified binging and fasting.

    And it concerns you in what way now? Binging is when you have no self control over any food & just go for it. I guess you don't realize that most of us end up with better self control on our normal days & will be lucky to reach TDEE.

    Also eating a deficit & exercising was not making me lose any fat at all after I hit 60kg. I was simply maintaining that weight which is not what I wanted. Doing this it's moving that fat suddenly. That means it does work...for me & for a whole lot of others.

    I'm sick to death of defending my way of eating. I don't pig out, I don't overeat, I don't binge. I eat better now that I did when I was just eating less calories normally.

    It's not YOU eating this way. So really YOU should have no problem with it..... yet your attitude is somewhat like you are going to be forced into taking this path.

    People are not dying on this, people are doing this because it does work. It has for a long long time. What do you think cavemen did when they could not get food daily? They ate some days & when could not get food they kinda went hungry or on very little. They didn't have the ability to graze all day, or pop out for some extra. They did just damn fine..... people have for a long long time.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    And it concerns you in what way now? Binging is when you have no self control over any food & just go for it. I guess you don't realize that most of us end up with better self control on our normal days & will be lucky to reach TDEE.

    Also eating a deficit & exercising was not making me lose any fat at all after I hit 60kg. I was simply maintaining that weight which is not what I wanted. Doing this it's moving that fat suddenly. That means it does work...for me & for a whole lot of others.

    I'm sick to death of defending my way of eating. I don't pig out, I don't overeat, I don't binge. I eat better now that I did when I was just eating less calories normally.

    It's not YOU eating this way. So really YOU should have no problem with it..... yet your attitude is somewhat like you are going to be forced into taking this path.

    People are not dying on this, people are doing this because it does work. It has for a long long time. What do you think cavemen did when they could not get food daily? They ate some days & when could not get food they kinda went hungry or on very little. They didn't have the ability to graze all day, or pop out for some extra. They did just damn fine..... people have for a long long time.

    Are you hangry? You seem to have a lot of hostility bottled up there. Considering cavemen rarely lived to more than 30 I wouldn't get excited about comparing my way of living to theirs.

    songbyrdsweet makes a lot of good points whether you choose to acknowledge them or not. You would need at least 3 months to see any difference to hair or nails since they are dead cells growing out. Your hair has not had a miraculous replacement in the last few weeks nor have your nails. That's the placebo effect of wanting it to be so.

    From the beginning I've said it works as a weight loss plan if you follow it keeping your "normal" days in check so you are creating an overall calorie deficit.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    And it concerns you in what way now? Binging is when you have no self control over any food & just go for it. I guess you don't realize that most of us end up with better self control on our normal days & will be lucky to reach TDEE.

    Also eating a deficit & exercising was not making me lose any fat at all after I hit 60kg. I was simply maintaining that weight which is not what I wanted. Doing this it's moving that fat suddenly. That means it does work...for me & for a whole lot of others.

    I'm sick to death of defending my way of eating. I don't pig out, I don't overeat, I don't binge. I eat better now that I did when I was just eating less calories normally.

    It's not YOU eating this way. So really YOU should have no problem with it..... yet your attitude is somewhat like you are going to be forced into taking this path.

    People are not dying on this, people are doing this because it does work. It has for a long long time. What do you think cavemen did when they could not get food daily? They ate some days & when could not get food they kinda went hungry or on very little. They didn't have the ability to graze all day, or pop out for some extra. They did just damn fine..... people have for a long long time.

    Are you hangry? You seem to have a lot of hostility bottled up there. Considering cavemen rarely lived to more than 30 I wouldn't get excited about comparing my way of living to theirs.

    songbyrdsweet makes a lot of good points whether you choose to acknowledge them or not. You would need at least 3 months to see any difference to hair or nails since they are dead cells growing out. Your hair has not had a miraculous replacement in the last few weeks nor have your nails. That's the placebo effect of wanting it to be so.

    From the beginning I've said it works as a weight loss plan if you follow it keeping your "normal" days in check so you are creating an overall calorie deficit.

    Not hostility at all. Just sick to death of defending myself.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    Not hostility at all. Just sick to death of defending myself.

    No one ask you to defend yourself or jump in on the topic at all. You chose to come in here guns blazing to defend your right to eat as you please. No one has said a word about you not eating however you like. Carry on.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    This came up on NPR the other day. Small preliminary test indicate that intermittent fasting resulted in lower fat in the blood than people who eat every two to three hours, but "they" aren't sure of long term health benefits of that ( in other words, if it is significant enough to matter). Also, lowered and better controlled blood sugar levels in those who IF. If I recall, participants were encouraged to follow a Mediterranean diet, so not sure if that would have skewed results. NPR has their stories on their website, so I'm sure you can read or listen to it there. I have no dog in this fight, just relating a report.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    ITT: Lots of placebo effect and people associating health improvements with the VLC days and alternating calories...when in fact it is just because they're losing adipose tissue and exercising.

    Seriously, people. If you are in a caloric deficit at the end of the week, you will lose fat. If you exercise, you will improve your health. The hormonal changes that occur in 24 hours of a VLC diet amount to glycogen depletion. You won't even release cortisol at that point. Your nails and hair are dead cells that have been extruded from pores. Your IBS won't flare up if you aren't putting food in your gut.

    It's not even actual fasting. You are still providing calories and on your high days you are replenishing your glycogen. It's just a way to make you feel like you've done something 'different' because eating less and moving more just isn't fancy enough. You'd get the same rapid weight loss from, say, keto or Atkins.

    Yes it is a fad because it is glorified binging and fasting.

    I'm not as well knowledged as you on the physiological aspects of the human body. I thought I'd read that if you were to eat just one meal on a fast day then it was better to do it at lunch or dinner due to something to do with a lower cortisol levels later in the day.. Is this the case? Just curious.

    And, I'll admit, to some degree this fancy method is keeping me interested in reaching a goal. Cos otherwise, I was ready to kiss it goodbye.

    It is simply arranging my calorie deficit in a way that currently suits my lifestyle. However, I see people who don't understand that. They eat too high on high days and wonder why the "magical" low day doesn't work. They have no clue what a TDEE and no grasp of macros.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    IIRC, from the Michael Mosley book, there are no "binge" days. Supposedly, the fasting reduces your appetite and you naturally eat less than your TDEE even on the free days. (I think the figure was meant to be about 90%, but I could well be wrong there). So rather than having fast days and binge days, you have a large deficit for two days and a small deficit for the other days. The point about doing it this way, is that the small deficit is meant to come naturally (you don't actually want to eat up to your TDEE) so you don't have to deal with calorie counting the rest of the week.

    Now, this never quite made sense to me, because if it was actually true, then you'd carry on losing way past your goal weight. 5:2 wouldn't work for maintenance. ( I believe some people change over to 6:1 for this reason).

    Speaking personally, though, it didn't work this way for me. When I tracked my calories (you're not supposed to, but I was curious), I ended up eating up to around my TDEE and even a little beyond on my free days. I also didn't feel all the benefits on fast days that you're supposed to feel, being energised and so on. The two fast days gave me a deficit of 2400 a week, but eating beyond my TDEE on some days cut into that, so I probably had a deficit of 2000 max per week. That's a deficit of about 285 a day (about 1/2 lb a week weight loss), and to be honest, I think it's easier to try to keep to that daily than have two crap days a week.

    Meanwhile I have friends that 5:2 has worked very well for, so I know my experience isn't typical. I just wanted to point out that isn't supposed to be fast/binge, but to be large deficit/small deficit.
  • bsmith404
    bsmith404 Posts: 333 Member
    It's not for everyone. I lost about 1.3 per week BUT I started to feel: very nauseous, dizzy, sleepy, no energy, shaking, etc. i even took a preggo test and got blood work and my Dr. said everything was fine and to stop the 5:2 as My Dr. Recommended this to me so he thought it was the 5:2. I gained 9 of what I lost back and have recently started losing again and I don't have those systems anymore. That's just what I went through and everyone is different. I drank a ton of water and I made sure to count my weekly average. I ate at 500-550 on my fast days and at about 2000 or more on others but it just didn't work for me.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    My husband and I did it for 3 weeks. I lost 3lbs and my husband lost....nothing! We did 4-3 too. I didn't find it hard but I've decided that I'm going to go back to good old exercising and eating healthy instead, it's working out a lot better! I do have 2 friends who have had great results doing it however. Do your research and make your own mind up.
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    Why do you eat 500 calories on the fast days and not zero?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Why do you eat 500 calories on the fast days and not zero?

    To get the beneficial effects of fasting (lower igf -1& lower growth hormone putting the body into repair mode, lower insulin, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, weight loss is a side effect) without ACTUALLY starving. Having those 500 or 600 calories gives you something to tide you over to the next day while getting the benefits of fasting.

    If you want more science the results of a long trial of a 2 day diet were published recently.
    It was done as a study into breast cancer prevention.