A poll to convince my a**hole boyfriend he's wrong



  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    And congratulations on stirring up so many replies in one day!! Lol!
  • katymambros
    katymambros Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, my name is Katy. I'm sorry to hear your story. No, if you lost that much weight, that fast, you would be starving yourself and end up gaining it all back when you finally couldn't starve yourself anymore. Please tell him you want to be healthy, not look like a "super model" who has no shape whatsoever anyway, lol. There is lots of support here for you, and I'm one to tell you the truth. If you watch what you eat, your portion size, and do some kind of exercise at least 3 times a week, you will lose weight, and BE HEALTHY, AND KEEP IT OFF.
  • sugarchic64
    ur boyfriend is dead wrong is it impossible no! realistic yes! everyone loses at a different rate. you will set urself up failure if you dont reach that goal! so jus loose at your own rate! most people dont loose a 100 lbs in a year. the biggest loser only does that b/c 1 they have a professional chef and trainer (who work out 8-10 hours a day) so yes ur bf is a &%$^ hole!! especially to put that much pressure on you you need support and motivation!!!
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    I think you should tell your boyfriend those types of comments are unwarranted and unwanted. If all else fails, move on. Who needs it.
  • notelling123
    notelling123 Posts: 14 Member
    100 lbs of fat and lean body mass lost in 4 months = Liver problems in your future. You don't get fat in just 4 months, just like you don't get skinny in just 4 months. Time to find a boyfriend that can read.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Healthy and realistic weight loss is 4-10 lbs. a month max. So if you tried really hard without starving yourself or over exercising you could lose UP TO 30-40 in 4 months. Anything more than that, and you are risking your health.

    Oh, and if he were my boyfriend I would kick him in the nads. Then break up with him. :smokin:
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    He kinda sounds like the man to me...
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    Go to youtube. Type in "extreme weight loss makeover edition". Watch LaRonda. She started at 430ish. He goal for the first 3 months was 100lbs. BUT keep in mind, she was living with her coach, not really working, was given money for food and her living room was turned into a gym. The odds were KINDA in her favor...

    Yes it's "possible" for the SUPER obese to do that but for anyone under 400lbs who doesn't live with a doctor/trainer/nutritionist I don't think it's safe.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Your boyfriend is a ****ing moron.

    25lbs a month? Sweet jesus. If you did manage it, a very large portion of that weight loss would NOT be fat. If I was to get some 'pharmaceutical assistance', I'd be happy with 15-20lbs a month.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    NO!!!!:noway: :noway: :noway: Now that I have picked myself up off the floor, was he even serious? Is he a personal trainer with a new workout/food plan he wants some idiot to try?

    It took a lot longer to gain the 100 pounds. He knows he is wrong! Even men losing weight (which is usually faster than women) couldn't do this in any healthy way. Remember you have to lose weight for yourself! Good luck with the relationship.
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member

    Through diet and exercise - 3000 calorie deficit a day.... Don't think so.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    yea, that's not gonna happen, but you could lose 250 pounds in 5 minutes...... Just break up!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Yes. Liposuction stretched out over 4 months.

    Get a new boyfriend. Tell him to kick rocks.
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Even if you *could* lose that amount of weight your skin would sag from losing it too fast, and then you would probably gain most if not all of it back! I suggest changing your lifestyle and allowing your self to becoming healthier over a slower period of time.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    It is possible. Is it realistic? No..
  • candymara
    How much does your boyfriend weigh? Because you could lose his weight in about 30 seconds just by dumping his *kitten*.

    I can't imagine being partnered with someone so unsupportive and douchey as to inspire me to call him an a**hole on a web forum.

    We all deserve better partners than that!
  • mellawella77
    mellawella77 Posts: 34 Member
    I'd say if you haven't seen it happen on Biggest Loser then probably not. I'm sure you're aware of the strict regimen on that show. I don't think I've seen a woman lose 100 in a month on that. Unless your boyfriend can channel into Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper, forget it. Besides if it were possible it wouldn't be pretty and probably very unhealthy at that.
  • LynneAmelia
    problem: u start the discussion with " my *kitten* boyfriend" just a thought maybe you would lose the 100 pounds if u lost the boyfriend...
    it is physically possible but it would take alot of hard work and dedication. . google a programme called I used to be fat.. watch some with the trainer Joey he is the best.. he has had a few people that lost more than a pound a day.. which would make your boyfriends statement correct. however this is with at times 6 hours a day exercise and is hardly possible for most people. they also change the complete eating habits and deal with emotional problems which lead to comfort eating...they also monitor medical aspects as dealing with weightloss of that extentt would probably be dangerous.. most of the people kept the weight off but its surely not easy. I lost 30 kgs in two months doing fatlosslab... around 60 pounds also a program monitored with blood tests etc... however it was after pregnancy, since I have never carried that much weight it was alot easier than someone who has had weight for a long period of time.. most of it realistically was probably water.. after fatlosslab I became lazy and gained ten..20kgs still worth it and was all food related.. I think and its only my opinion amyone wanting to lose that much weight should always get advice from a doctor. .

    good luck...
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    is this ignorance on his part? or is he just being mean?
    if its ignorance, then he needs to understand what is realistic, if he's being a ****, then kick him in the balls and ditch him.
  • SmoothRiko
    SmoothRiko Posts: 193
    You'll die if you dropped 100lbs in a month.

    Not good advice. IMHO slow and steady wins the race. It took time to put the weight on...it's going to take time to take the weight off.