It Erks my nerves when...



  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Expresso. Use of it should be punishable by death.

    Also, more specific to here, people who substitute "the process of no longer being a lazy lard-*kitten*" with "my journey".
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.
    Well one or two I can live with the book had more red lines than anything else.

    Harry Potter was hard for me to read, I love that series but my god did I want to stab myself in the eye sometimes lol.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I think you mean IRKS...not Erks... there is big difference between the two.
    erk [urk] noun British Slang. aircraftsman of the lowest rank in the Royal Air force.
    2. a worthless, stupid person; jerk.

    irk (ûrk)
    tr.v. irked, irk·ing, irks
    To be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to. See Synonyms at annoy.

    Go on then - it is also nerve RACKING....

    Wrecking - to destroy
    Racking - intensely distressing
  • FeleciaMiller
    FeleciaMiller Posts: 68 Member
    Your title says Erks my nerves... it really should just be. It really gets on my nerves, or it really irks me when... or even it really annoys me when...

    irks my nerves just... no. Things like this irk me beyone belief.

    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    When people have to post/comment more than once to get their point across! You're Point was well token,
    That seriously IRKS me (Iphone puts what it wants and I will not go back to fix it.) . :wink:
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    when someone says "you welcome" instead of you're.

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm the same I walk into a restroom and someone comes out the stall and goes straight for the door. I want to grab their wrists, stand behind them and put their hands under the water with soap and sing, "This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands. This is the way we wash our hands, after we go potty."

    I'm totally doing that next time! Just calling them out never works.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    Your title says Erks my nerves... it really should just be. It really gets on my nerves, or it really irks me when... or even it really annoys me when...

    irks my nerves just... no. Things like this irk me beyone belief.

    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    haha! yes, spelling errors (although I am guilty of it myself sometimes). I once applied to do a qualification and when the materials arrived, I found they were littered with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors which really didn't give me confidence in the qualification.....I sent it back and requested a refund. They didn't want to give it back but luckily I'd paid through paypal who agreed that the material was substandard....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.
    Well one or two I can live with the book had more red lines than anything else.

    Harry Potter was hard for me to read, I love that series but my god did I want to stab myself in the eye sometimes lol.
    It was probably either self-published or a small press if it was that bad. They really don't edit and the author's usually have no clue.

    Rowling did an excellent job with setting scenes, creating a world and character development, but it was clear she was not an English major! Her editors (I mean, for books like those, the publisher gives a lot of attention) should have fixed the grammar. It took me out of the story every.single.time.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    when someone says "you welcome" instead of you're.

    You can hear that???
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.

    What sort of grammatical errors? Or are you referring to traditional grammatical rules like not opening sentences with conjunctions? Which seems to have been abandoned, I do it all the time, it feels natural, I don't care if it's technically incorrect. As was that sentence. And this one.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    my ten year old eats like that. I love him and all but sometimes i want to drown him in his cereal.

    Oh my! I really LOL'd at this! I have a 9 year old son who does this, and I feel the exact same way!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.
    Well one or two I can live with the book had more red lines than anything else.

    Harry Potter was hard for me to read, I love that series but my god did I want to stab myself in the eye sometimes lol.
    It was probably either self-published or a small press if it was that bad. They really don't edit and the author's usually have no clue.

    Rowling did an excellent job with setting scenes, creating a world and character development, but it was clear she was not an English major! Her editors (I mean, for books like those, the publisher gives a lot of attention) should have fixed the grammar. It took me out of the story every.single.time.

    The author's what?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Your title says Erks my nerves... it really should just be. It really gets on my nerves, or it really irks me when... or even it really annoys me when...

    irks my nerves just... no. Things like this irk me beyone belief.

    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    When people have to post/comment more than once to get their point across! You're Point was well token,
    That seriously IRKS me. :wink:

  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I could care less.

    Every time someone says it I want to drive them into the floor with a bat whilst screaming "NO YOU COULDN'T" loudly in their face. How have so many people failed to notice that what they're saying is the complete opposite of what they mean?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.
    Well one or two I can live with the book had more red lines than anything else.

    Harry Potter was hard for me to read, I love that series but my god did I want to stab myself in the eye sometimes lol.
    It was probably either self-published or a small press if it was that bad. They really don't edit and the author's usually have no clue.

    Rowling did an excellent job with setting scenes, creating a world and character development, but it was clear she was not an English major! Her editors (I mean, for books like those, the publisher gives a lot of attention) should have fixed the grammar. It took me out of the story every.single.time.

    The author's what?
    Ah crap! lol
  • 200ripped
    200ripped Posts: 41 Member
    People that use the QUOTE feature in forums!
  • chai_masala
    chai_masala Posts: 51 Member
    Irk, people. Irk.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And spelling errors in novels. I sent a letter to an editor once because of the novel I was reading, I included a copy with every spelling error and incorrect punctuation in the novel.

    Typos here and there don't bother me (as an editor, I know you can't catch everything) but when a small press publishes a book, they really don't edit at all and it can be AWFUL. Really, really, really awful.

    Even worse is that all seven Harry Potter books are FULL of grammatical errors. Full of them.

    What sort of grammatical errors? Or are you referring to traditional grammatical rules like not opening sentences with conjunctions? Which seems to have been abandoned, I do it all the time, it feels natural, I don't care if it's technically incorrect. As was that sentence. And this one.
    No. Like modifying singular nouns with plural pronouns. She does it constantly and it's irksome.

    There were others, but that was her most common offense. It's wrong and it's lazy.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Given that - the editor thing - post titles with errors

    Is there any.... that sort of thing.

    I am a self confessed grammar/spelling fiend. I can accept typos as human error, but consistent and persistent errors - heurgh!

    (I won't mention sites that have spellcheck enabled and tell me I am in English then correct everything to American variants.)
  • boredlimodriver
    boredlimodriver Posts: 264 Member
    I could care less.

    Every time someone says it I want to drive them into the floor with a bat whilst screaming "NO YOU COULDN'T" loudly in their face. How have so many people failed to notice that what they're saying is the complete opposite of what they mean?

    strong THIS!