What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Another day similar to Monday, maybe plus a little:

    Rowed 7500m in bow of the double, a little farther than usual because we looped back to ask what was going on with a rower in a single out with us.

    I wasn't going to do the AARP circuit-in-the-park class again, but I had told another friend about it, she said she was going today, and I decided I'd feel like a weenie if I skipped it. The woman who rowed the double with me decided to go, too. Similar to before, various exercise machines and bands and bodyweight exercises, 50 seconds on, 50 seconds active rest (brisk walk), rotate through a sequence of exercise stations for about 45 minutes inclusive of a short warm-up and cool-down.

    Tonight, helped with learn to row class again, but went out in a double with one of the learners. Mostly she rowed while I set up the boat (stabilized) and coached her, but I rowed some and demoed some stuff. Carried quite a few boats, too - most of the class was out in singles which is madness (it's like atoms in brownian motion on the river, barely repelling one another before colliding, because they can't steer very well yet). That means lots of boats to carry down to the river and back up, and we're doing each single as a 2-person carry. (The wider recreational singles they're using weight probably 40-some pounds, not that heavy but very awkward to solo carry at 18-26 feet long.)
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    Keeping up with a short at home elliptical workout first thing in the morning, and again occasionally through the day. Anything more ambitious has fallen to the wayside the past few days due to a nasty head cold. I think it may be finally easing up this morning. (fingers crossed for luck)

    It's very unusual for me to get noticably sick. The first week on MFP, with an increase in activity and some dietary restraint, and a few restless nights, were probably more of a shock to the system than expected. Getting back on this horse soon though. :smiley:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    I did my "Weekly Walk" up to the peak yesterday. I brought a friend. About seven miles. Only about 1600 feet of elevation gain.

    I decided to do this hike each week to watch the progression of wildflowers. This week was slow. All the fawn lilies are bloomed out. The iris and tiger lilies are still blooming way down low. Vanilla leaf blossoms are moving upslope. We have some warmer weather coming, so next week might be really nice.

    There's a few different trails up there, so I can piece together a hike between six and 14 miles. We went up the East Ridge Trail then took the Summit Loop to the top. It was one of those days we could see the ocean to the west and the Cascades to the east. Bonus. And it wasn't too windy either. My friend didn't care how we went back, so we started down the North Ridge Trail and then used the Tie Trail to get back to the East Ridge Trail. My friend realized she had never been on the Tie Trail, and she really enjoyed it, so... bonus.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    @mrmota70 - Nice 10k. I noticed your run data showed a 221w average power figure. I'm curious, do you use a foot pod style PM, such as the Stryd wearable? ( www.sigmasports.com) If so, do you find power data helpful for running?

    I ran yesterday for the first time since my road/sand run during the Cape race. Good news was that my calf and hamstring were ok with a 40 minute zone 2 effort done as a 4:1 run/walk workout. I'm thinking that a run/walk will be the best approach for me in the next race on July 10th.

    I had a good open water swim today. Wore the full sleeve wetsuit and went for 1,950 yds at a 2:05/100 pace. This was not a very taxing swim, so I'm cautiously optimistic that the race swim will be fine. All depends on how rough the lake is on race day.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Pull day.

    Bent over rows 3x8
    Pullups 2x5, 1xfailure (I got 7, which I'm not mad about at 5'10" 260 lbs)
    Ez curl bar pullovers 3x10
    Standing curl bar curls 3x10

    and then I had to get my *kitten* back to work.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,802 Member
    Every quarter I take one week off from working out, and for second quarter 2023, last week was it. Still felt beat up, though, since we had to drive cross country to see my son graduate from US Army boot camp to become an official soldier, like he's always dreamed of being. Almost 24 hours' drive each way, wife and I alternating drivers every time we stopped to get gas. Wife looked at getting airline tickets, but she told me the cost would be outrageous. Between gas, snacks and meals for four (our two girls came with), I question which would've been cheaper, but my wife wanted to "see America" as we went, so I think she may have fudged the actual numbers to encourage me that driving would be better. Almost tore the GPS out with my bare hands and strangled it, though. While driving, bloody thing reported it had found "a shorter route" so we of course clicked accept, dutifully following directions as it took us off the interstate onto first state highways, then county roads, and at one point onto a literal dirt road between farms, all because the measured distance was technically a couple miles shorter as the crow flies, but considerably longer in time when you factor in slower speeds, plus the additional joy of driving at 3am through backwater roads where all the gas stations are closed, all restaurants and bathrooms are closed, nobody could find us if we broke down... But we made it in time (barely) to give our son a hug (had to reach up...he'd grown 2 inches and 20 pounds during the six months of training). We got to spend the next three days with him, but unfortunately the planned time of him going on vacation home with us for three weeks got nixed in favor of him being asked by the Rangers to join their training starting the following Monday. So the four of us high fived him and loaded up for home, logging nearly 48 hours of drive time in a five day span.

    This week I got back into the gym, logging a heavy upper-body weights session on Monday and a heavy lower-body weights session Tuesday (finally deadlifted the weight which resulted in injury last November, good day!), followed by an hour on the elliptical yesterday. No gym for me today on account of having to evaluate one of my trainees, but I'm back and should be with a normal work/workout routine starting Monday.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    Short-ish "paddle" trip.
    It was a garbage clean-up. It made me sad to see what's going on. I think I need to step back from this kind of volunteerism for a while. There was some stuff we just had to look at and say, "We can't get it."
    It hurts me at a very deep level to see all this happening on our local rivers.

    I'm with you, @mtaratoot. I walk my dog nearly every morning, and it never fails that Sunday morning's walks involve seeing lots of cans of booze, soft drinks, McDonald's wrappers--sometimes other types of wrappers--discarded throughout my neighborhood, which is on the edge of town. Sometimes I bring a couple of extra grocery bags, one for things the city will recycle, and one for the "trash." We are situated in the beautiful Ozark Mountains, but the way people litter around here, you'd think we were living in a dump.

    Please do take a break if it's becoming a mental health issue, but if you can get back to it at some point, know that others are also fighting the good fight in our corners of the globe. That's my two cents, anyway.

    And major congratulations to your son, @nossmf. I'm glad you all were able to make it to his graduation. My Uncle Bill was a Ranger in the US Army back in the day (1970s). My dad was also in the army--as a helicoper pilot in Viet Nam.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    Hubs and I took a rare night away from our kids, so today's workout was really just walking around and window shopping in the quaint town of Eureka Springs.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    @nossmf: Your son invited to Ranger training . . . wow! I'm sorry you didn't get the planned vacation with him, but you must be very proud (justifiably!).
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    edited June 2023
    Djproulx wrote: »
    @mrmota70 - Nice 10k. I noticed your run data showed a 221w average power figure. I'm curious, do you use a foot pod style PM, such as the Stryd wearable? ( www.sigmasports.com) If so, do you find power data helpful for running?

    Thanks… I do not use a pod. I just take what I’m getting out of the Apple Ultra guesstimate. The most important thing I take from it is distance and time. I know stride, power and many other stats could be fudgy data. I’ve been in enough races that the watch is spot on for distance and time. Only an ever so slight difference in what the race tracking bib and watch #s. I do occasionally look at spm # and a fast time usually does correlate with a higher spm. And yeah wattage does also go up. Overall the watch does a decent job so for me it provides good enough tracking. If I were a full on pro yeah I’d look into something with better accuracy and likely supplement tracking with a pod.

    Here is a breakdown per mile of that 10k.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Yesterday, just the learn to row class . . . mostly just yelling, on my part. 😆 I carried a few boats, helped people launch/land, and yelled at a few on the water to try to avoid collisions.

    Today, rowed myself, bow in the double for the usual distance, just under 7k.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited June 2023
    Had a couple of planned days off due to work commitments, did manage to squeeze in 30 minutes of pilates yesterday. Got back in the gym this morning for a full body workout. Am finally able to push arms a bit more now that my tennis elbow is clearing up but am still conscious not to overdo it.

    Tomorrow is another rest day as am on a hen do in London, hoping not to overdo it too much as don't want Sunday to be a complete write off!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,802 Member
    Upper hypertrophy day in the weight room, lots of pushes and pulls with sets of 10-12. What most people would consider a normal weightlifting day, I'm still getting used to after over a decade and a half of powerlifting.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,077 Member
    two videos: 13 minute upper body strength and 35 minute barre
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Another on water row, 2 seat (engine room) of the quad, few power 10s thrown in for a bit of interval work.

    A friend posted a video of me and a rowing buddy in the double yesterday. I appreciated it, because it had the usual effect of rowing video: I know more about what I really, really need to work on technically. :D
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    5 daily miles avg this week. Sundays usually is my easy slow 5k or 30 min workout. When I looked at my mileage last night I saw if I did 5.2 miles today I’d get 35 total. Hey it’ll pay for a drink with dinner tonight. 🍻s to all.