What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,605 Member
    Loading luggage.

    I helped as land crew for a two-day paddle trip where we carry gear for people and a caterer feeds them. It's an educational trip of sorts, and a bit of a fundraiser for the organization that runs it, but they really don't make much money. It's an expensive venture.

    I was in charge of the U-haul. I handled every persons bags four times - loading at put-in, unloading at camp, loading the second day, and unloading at the end. I also loaded/unloaded dishes, flatware, wine glasses, coffee glasses, tables, and linens, but I had help with most of that. I helped set up the camp, break down the camp, and tomorrow return all the rented dishes and such, and then I can rest.

    My feet were filthy. I wonder how much weight I picked up and put down for the 110 people that put stuff on the U-haul.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    mrmota70 wrote: »
    Thanks… I do not use a pod. I just take what I’m getting out of the Apple Ultra guesstimate. The most important thing I take from it is distance and time. I know stride, power and many other stats could be fudgy data. I’ve been in enough races that the watch is spot on for distance and time. Only an ever so slight difference in what the race tracking bib and watch #s. I do occasionally look at spm # and a fast time usually does correlate with a higher spm. And yeah wattage does also go up. Overall the watch does a decent job so for me it provides good enough tracking. If I were a full on pro yeah I’d look into something with better accuracy and likely supplement tracking with a pod.
    Gotcha, thanks. When I worked with a coach, half the runners used a pod, though I never did. Pace, heart rate and cadence were enough for me.

    I did occasionally carry my phone in my vest so I could run a metronome app. The “tick..tock” beat played at 180 bpm and I matched my cadence to it. Over time, this promoted more speed for the same perceived effort on longer runs. I’m far from that run fitness at the moment, but it was a fun addition to training in the past.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,802 Member
    Upper body power day in the weight room, featuring 5x5 bench press and cable row. Total beast mode!
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    Kicked off the week with a 5 mile run. Left when it was 84 and got back home at 92 🥵. Humidity was 70%. Didn’t feel to insane since I got 15+ mph winds on about 30% of the run. I actually enjoyed running into the wind more that when running with dead wind. Sun was a beat down during the last 1.5 miles. I improved on every single mile so happy with the run overall. Missed a 10:15 avg by 15 secs. Will hopefully do better on the next run. I intended to leave by 8. Didn’t leave until about 10:30.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    edited June 2023
    Normal row, 2 seat of the quad. Gloomy and humid, but serious rain held off until shortly before we pulled into the dock, and carried up the boats. Slippery underfoot on the dock, got pretty soaked, but only briefly, and at least we got a row in.

    Learn to row class again tonight. I spent most of the class flat on my stomach on the dock, holding the stern of a single steady, and coaching several of the class members primarily about bladework and how relaxed hands are a key part of it.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,802 Member
    Power leg day in the weight room, but had an early meeting at the office which meant I only had time for half my normal workout. In this case that meant one-leg presses to warmup, knock out the 5x5 deadlifts, and hit the showers.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    5 mile run 10:15 avg. 75% humidity. Some windy spots which helped with cooling off during the run.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Today I did spinning first thing, lots of heavy climbs, am already feeling my legs! Won't be able to make this particular spin class for a month due to work commitments so will have to find another suitable one.

    I've also done 30 minutes core pilates this evening and have walked for about 45 minutes at lunchtime.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    Felt like I should take it easy so decided no outside activities. UV level was in the red before 11 so I think I choose correct to stay in doors. Prepped lunch for the family then knocked out a slow and steady hump day 10k.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Terrible air quality here, too (red/"unhealthy"/"everyone may begin to experience health effects"). Perhaps foolishly, we rowed as usual this morning (in a quad), but kept it easy pace. I skipped the Fitlot circuit outdoor class, and our learn-to-row class was cancelled tonight (a decision I was in on).