December 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Wooo! (in a good way - I did not woo your post) @PastorVincent

    I listened to a podcast not that long ago and they were talking about how those rankings are good for ebook sales. I don't remember the exact details but it was interesting to hear a bit how amazon works.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    This is WAY off topic, but some of you have known me for quite a while and might care to hear this...

    One of my books just hit #112 BEST SELLER on all of Amazon. I am the #1 Space Opera book, and the 14th most popular SciFi author on Amazon right now! It will not last, never does, competition is way too fierce, but, eh, I am here for now! :)

    Congratulations, @PastorVincent!!!
    Every Pulitzer Prize winner had to start somewhere.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    This is WAY off topic, but some of you have known me for quite a while and might care to hear this...

    One of my books just hit #112 BEST SELLER on all of Amazon. I am the #1 Space Opera book, and the 14th most popular SciFi author on Amazon right now! It will not last, never does, competition is way too fierce, but, eh, I am here for now! :)

    That's great news!!! Amazing!

    12/1 - 4 miles + transform app - upper body. RwRunStreak Day 10
    12/2 - 1 mile + 25 miles cycling #RwRunStreak Day 11
    12/3 - 1 Mile + transform App - legs #RwRunStreak Day 12
    12/4 - 5 miles #RwRunStreak Day 13
    12/5 - Transform App - legs/abs + 3 miles #RwRunStreak Day 14
    12/6 - 3 miles #RwRunStreak Day 15 + transform App = upper body
    12/7 - rest day so just 1 mile for the #RwRunStreak day 16
    12/8 - 44 miles cycling; 1 mile #RWRunStreak Day 17 + transform App Arms/Back
    12/9 - 3 miles #RwRunStreak Day 18
    12/10 - Transform App - legs/glutes Starting Phase 4 of women’s physique! + 4 miles #RwRunStreak Day 19
    12/11 - Transform App - arms/back + run tbd

  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    My physio has just told me I can run again (well, he waited until the end of the appointment just in case I bolted out the door). And when he said run, it came with the proviso that I don't do any hills and that I walk 1-2 minutes in every 5. Better than nothing!!

    Yay, excellent news! Take it slowly :-)

    @quilteryoyo haa yeah he reckons so... he comes for a run with me once every 3 months or so, runs as far as he can before almost keeling over (I've given up repeating the too much too soon thing now, it's like banging my head against a brick wall) then spends 4-6 weeks moaning about how much his feet/ankles/knees/legs hurt.
    @Elise4270 @rheddmobile etc. it was probably not said with bad intent, I'm telling myself it's just cause he's not 'one of us' so has no idea lol. One of the things I was most amazed/entertained by was the variety of random people doing weird/wonderful things during the race. There's a group that runs pretty much every race round here with 3 people in wheelchairs... around km 3, two of them disappeared then turned up again 10 minutes later with a bag of 'churros' (typical Spanish thing a bit like long strings of fried donut dough) which they proceeded to share round on the go. One barefoot dressed in some sort of Vietnamese looking gown and a straw hat. One with two tennis rackets and a ball which he was bouncing the whole way, and another barefoot guy that I ran close to most of the way. Oh and another group dressed as Romans, one carrying a massive cross! I left them behind around km 19 hehehe.
    Once I'd had my medal engraved, inhaled breakfast, been back to the hotel for a quick shower, checked out, collected the car and was heading for home we passed the end of the pack that were doing the full marathon. Tennis racket guy and my barefoot guy were there. They were doing the whole dang marathon!
    Back on topic (sort of) I had my soup and went to bed with cold compresses on my knees, they feel a lot better so far this morning, will have to force myself to keep resting them today.
    @rheddmobile still laughing over the clashing sword sound effect, love it!

    I genuinely can't decide what I love more, the churro & wheelchair group or the tennis racket guy. Awesome!

    @PastorVincent: Congratulations!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    So I had a session with my trainer yesterday. She said she was "blown away" (her words) by how well I've been doing on my training and in the 2 years we have been working together, this is the most "in control" of myself she has seen me! I'm humbled.

    Since my 15K is this weekend, I wanted to have another goal, something else go aim for so I don't just "whatever" it. I have done Gasparilla Distance Classic every year I have been running save 1 (recovery from surgery). So I'm DEFINITELY doing it in 2019. Was thinking of another 15k....but we decided that I'm going to do a half marathon! I'm nervous, but, like she said, I'm already doing 9 miles, I'll have 10 weeks to add another 4 onto it! She's excited, my BF is encouraging me, a couple friends at work are encouraging ("I've walked 2 halfs in 4 hours. I've seen you at races, you definitely got it! Go for it!") I have Hal Hidgon's HM novice plan in my calendar, as I've been using his 15K plan & it's been working well. When I started running, I NEVER thought I'd EVER say I'm going to do a HM, but here I am!

    Awesome stuff, go for it! For the record Hal's HM novice 1 just got me through my first and if I can do it, you definitely can!!!

    @MegaMooseEsq if you're bored, churros/wheelchair team and racket man are next to each other about half way down page 3 here: