December 2018 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    12/1 - 7mph for 1 hour @ 4% grade
    12/2 - 7 miles
    12/3 - 7mph for 1 hour @ 4% grade
    12/4 - 0 KM
    12/5 - 12 miles
    12/6 - Cookies
    12/7 - 12 miles
    12/8 - Christmas Party
    12/9 - Game Night
    12/10 - 7 miles
    12/11 - 7 miles
    12/12 - Work Dinner
    12/13 - 12 miles
    12/14 - 12 miles
    12/15 - 0 KM
    12/16 - 10.5 miles
    12/17 - 13.1 miles
    12/18 - 0KM
    12/19 - 8 miles
    12/20 - 7.5 rainy miles.
    12/21 - 0 KM
    12/22 - 6.5 miles @ 4% grade

    Upcoming Races
    Steel Challange 5k - May 2019
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 2019
    Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Race - May 2019

    2021 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    2019 GOAL: Knock a full hour off my 50k time at Glacier Ridge.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    And a Cooper's hawk followed us for about a quarter of a mile. I think possibly he was aiming for a squirrel (which we saw) and we startled him and he missed, and so he was annoyed with us. He kept swooping down the trail in front of us, then landing on a tree in front of where we were and yarking at us as we passed.

    HA! Sounds like he was telling you exactly what he thought of your saving that squirrel. :D
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @msarobix Welcome to the group!

    You're never too late to join! (Other stalkers, just jump on in- we already love and accept you).

    Sounds like you have a good running base already! I just started running on the TM. I do get bored. I listen to music. You have any suggestions to handle the boredom?
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @msarobix Welcome to the group!

    I do get bored. I listen to music. You have any suggestions to handle the boredom?

    I have several thing that help me engaged on the treadmill. When I walk, I am typically just watching my favorite programs on the TV. However, when I am running music is my primary motivation. As I stated in my previous post I am a former fitness instructor and always found the aerobic music with the up-tempo beat kept me motivated so I could motivate my class. The music continues to do that for me as a runner. My favorites are from Dynamic and Power Music, but I have recently discovered many more running playlists on Apple Music.

    On my previous treadmill, I had iFit, which is an app on the treadmill console that allowed you to run anywhere in the world. You just load the map and pictures of the route show on the screen. The incline adjusts as the terrain changes. I really loved that, but that treadmill only lasted 6 years, and I really wasn't using it regularly. So when we got a new treadmill we got one similar to the one I was running on before and logged so many miles. iFit wasn't available on this treadmill, so I had to find an alternative.

    My husband actually found it, which is a LIVE or on demand treadmill class by Peloton. I just signed up for the 2 week trial, and have only taken a couple of classes, but I can already see how this is going to keep me motivated this year.

    Another app that I found is called BitGym. This is actual videos of scenic trails that advance at your rate of speed walking or running. This will provide some interesting attractions while on the treadmill.

    I hope that helps you find your motivation on the treadmill.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks! @msarobix ! We have ifit on ours, i could never make it work and cancelled it. Sounds like i should invest in a tablet for entertainment!

    What a wealth of information you have! I'll look in to those options. Thanks again.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @Elise4270 Yes, I think a tablet is the way to go. It is something you can use on and off the treadmill.

    I also struggled a bit with the iFit. Sometimes it worked and sometimes I couldn't even get logged in. It was really hit or miss. Which is one reason why I decided to move away from it when we purchased the new treadmill. I would rather have a machine that will last rather than special programing that fails 50% of the time.

    Our last Spirit treadmill lasted 14 years and I was using it religiously. Sometimes running or walking for 2+ hours at a time. My husband also used it a lot. Then we got the Reebok, which is also made by the same company that makes the Nordic Track. It was a good light duty machine, But honestly it was only used 1-2 times per week for the past 4 years. And that was mostly just walking for 30-45 minutes.

    If you need any more suggestions just let me know. I only shared a couple although have found many more that I haven't fully tested yet.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Great job on the 20 mile run @amymoreorless! Sweet dreams.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ok. So now I have a question for the group.

    Tablets. What, why and how much do you love them? What do you use it for? TM? School? Everything? Love? Hate?

    DH offered to get me a Fire and unlock it where i can put Google play on it. Thinks it can be used just like any other tablet out there. I disagree. Its 50$, others are 500$+. And to me, its because there is an obvious reason- you get what you pay for.

    So after some digging I think I want a pixlebook or something like it. He says no way, not with the Hawaii trip.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member

    A 20 mile group run this morning. Thank god I don’t have to work this afternoon. It’s officially nap time!

    Awesome job!

    @msarobix Welcome! I'm going to look into some of those treadmill apps! I get so bored, but being able to see a "trail" with some scenery might be really cool. Anything that helps.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member

    I have the iPad and I also have the Kindle Fire. I am a MAC girl and would highly recommend Apple products all the way.

    I mostly got the Fire when I purchased Kindle Fires for my Niece, Nephew and Mom. I knew I would need to be their technical support and they don't live close to me so I needed to have one of my own so that I could help trouble shoot their issues.

    Anyway, I don't really use the Fire for much other than technical support, so I can't share my experiences with the apps available on Android devices.

    As for the iPad, I use it for EVERYTHING, along with my iPhone. I like that all my Apple products, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, and MacBook are all synced, and I can access almost everything from any of my devices.

    Now that I am using the running apps (Peloton, BitGym, etc) while I am on the treadmill I can't see the display on my treadmill. Luckily there is an app for my phone that will sync to my machine and display everything. So when I am running I am now using my iPad for the workout, my phone to monitor my display, and my watch to monitor my body.

    Can you tell the I LOVE technology. LOL!

    I also use my iPad for fun and games. I also use it to plan simple games when I have nothing else to do. I like having the larger screen than my phone, but it isn't as portable as the phone. Almost all my apps can be loaded on the iPad or the phone, but if I am home I tend to use my iPad over my phone whenever possible.

    I am also a knitter so I use it to store my knitting patterns, so I never have to worry about a lost pattern. And there are a bunch of other knitting apps that I use as well.

    I have also been trying to learn Spanish so I have language apps to help with that process.

    I guess it might be easier to tell you want I don't use my iPad for. LOL!

    There are so many reasons to get a tablet and I am sure that the next 10 people that answer this post will have completely different uses that what I use mine for.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I can attest that I prefer the MFP interface on my iPad to using it on any other device, including my laptop. The phone app for MFP is kind of clumsy and limited, while the iPad app is quick and elegant.

    I use my iPad like a third arm.

    My husband uses his for professional 2d artwork, within limits - there are some things it won't run - but it has replaced his physical notepad. He also chats with his mom on it.

    I use it for writing and editing, genealogy research, and of course reading. Also recipes, grocery lists, and pin boards. Now that I have a compatible phone it's going to be even more useful. I tend not to play games on it since I prefer my desktop.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited December 2018
    Omg! @msarobix ! Haha! Sound like it really fits into your life!

    I sadly am one of the "non-apple" people here. DH is absolutely against the expenses of an ipad. I'd almost er, probably will look at them now!

    So far I've settled on the fire 10. Its cheap and dh will pay for it so i don't need to dip into my "running" fund for a nicer tablet. Yet. But it will happen. Then I'll have to lie and say one of my friends sent it to me for change. :wink: oooh. Anyone get a new one and wanna sell me your old one? Haha!

    Oh i want a tablet now!!!! Like now now. Such a kid. :blush:

    ETA thanks @rheddmobile !