Mini Challenge: 10lbs down by Valentines Day? <3



  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In
    Dec 16 - 149.4
    Dec 23 - 147.7
    Dec 30 - 148.4
    Jan 06 - 146.8
    Jan 13 - 145.4
    Jan 20 - 144.9

    Small loss this week, only half a pound. But I’ll take it! I had two days of stress binge eating and being kind of sluggish in my workouts so honestly I’m just thrilled not to have gained. I’m back on track now so hoping for a better loss next week.
  • LMK20018
    LMK20018 Posts: 38 Member
    I honestly have not lost any weight. lol I am eating within my calorie amount. Guess maybe I need to eat less salty foods.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    LMK20018 wrote: »
    I honestly have not lost any weight. lol I am eating within my calorie amount. Guess maybe I need to eat less salty foods.

    You can make the amount of sodium you have been eating visible to see how high it has been most of the time, to see if that might be the problem ... especially if you are often having salty foods AND not drinking enough water at the same time.

    Also, these two Information Threads might help.
  • reevess113
    reevess113 Posts: 29 Member
    Started two weeks ago at 155 and today am 153.6. Slow and steady and I had a week of vacation in between. I think I’ve finally figured out weight loss for me - portion control. It sounds so simple but I love food so it’s hard to say no to the extra bite. My new mantra is “it’ll be there tomorrow if you still want it”. Thanks for all the positive support on this website!
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    reevess113 wrote: »
    Started two weeks ago at 155 and today am 153.6. Slow and steady and I had a week of vacation in between. I think I’ve finally figured out weight loss for me - portion control. It sounds so simple but I love food so it’s hard to say no to the extra bite. My new mantra is “it’ll be there tomorrow if you still want it”. Thanks for all the positive support on this website!

    Love it. I often have to remind myself of this. I also have to remind myself that, if I only have the two options, it's better to throw something away than to consume it when I don't really want it. I consistently battle the "waste not" mentality.
  • merekins
    merekins Posts: 228 Member
    edited January 2019
    SW: 195
    1/9: 191
    1/15: 189.2
    1/23: 185.2
    Challenge Goal: 185
    Made it!!!!! I kinda want to reset goal to 180 but don’t think that would be realistic before Valentine’s. Lost a lot more than than expected this week and worried it will impact my 2lbs per week goal over next few.
  • LadySaton
    LadySaton Posts: 500 Member
    @merekins Wow, great job! I know what you’re saying though, my ‘whooshes’ tend to be followed by a bit slower loss for awhile too.
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    Starting weight 225
    Challenge start weight. 210.4
    Challenge goal. 199.8
    Final goal 126ish

    12/28 - 210.4
    01/04 - 208.8
    01/11 - 207.4
    01/18 - 204.6
    01/25 -
    02/01 -
    02/08 -
    02/14 -

    Huge whoosh this week which is a good thing because I'm post ovulation so the next couple of weeks will be crankiness and bloating and tears.

    Great! We have a couple more weakens until Valentine's day. You have time to have another whoosh and reach your goal
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    edited January 2019
    MsBaz2018 wrote: »
    MsBaz2018 wrote: »
    SW (January 2): 210 lbs
    CW : 207.2 lbs
    GW for this challenge: 199.0

    The drop was very encouraging. Especially since I had been at 210 since December pre-Christmas.

    02 Jan: 210
    09 Jan: 207.2 (-2.8)
    16 Jan: 205.6 (-1.8)
    13/02 ?

    This close to Onederland I am very motivated. I need to drop 1.65 per week to meet challenge GW; there is no room for error.

    02 Jan: 210
    09 Jan: 207.2 (-2.8)
    16 Jan: 205.6 (-1.8)
    23/01: 206.4 (+0.8) One of those puzzling weeks where calorie goals are met, exercise done and yet the scale goes up after going down to 204.6.
    13/02 ?

    This challenge is really keeping me motivated. Eye on the goal. Next week will be better.
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    MsBaz2018 wrote: »
    MsBaz2018 wrote: »
    MsBaz2018 wrote: »
    SW (January 2): 210 lbs
    CW : 207.2 lbs
    GW for this challenge: 199.0

    The drop was very encouraging. Especially since I had been at 210 since December pre-Christmas.

    02 Jan: 210
    09 Jan: 207.2 (-2.8)
    16 Jan: 205.6 (-1.8)
    13/02 ?

    This close to Onederland I am very motivated. I need to drop 1.65 per week to meet challenge GW; there is no room for error.

    02 Jan: 210
    09 Jan: 207.2 (-2.8)
    16 Jan: 205.6 (-1.8)
    23/01: 206.4 (+0.8) One of those puzzling weeks where calorie goals are met, exercise done and yet the scale goes up after going down to 204.6.
    13/02 ?

    This challenge is really keeping me motivated. Eye on the goal. Next week will be better.

    Less than a lb fluctuation....I bet its hormone related. So frustrating though I know. That'll be me next week ugh. I'm due to start shark week next Thursday oh joy. You know you've stayed under calorie goal.... you're doing awesome! One day at a time girl...I have all the faith in you!
  • TexasChic1998
    TexasChic1998 Posts: 21 Member
    Sounds good
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Start: 160
    1/10: 159
    1/17: 159.2
    1/24: 160
    Goal: 154
    12/27 - 160
    12/28 - 161.4
    12/29 - 159
    12/30 - 153
    12/31 - 155
    1/2 - 161.2
    1/5 - 160.2
    1/6 - 160.2
    1/7 - 161.2
    1/8 - 161.4
    1/9 - 159.8
    1/10 - 159
    1/11 - 159
    1/12 - 158.6
    1/14 - 163.2
    1/15 - 161.4
    1/16 - 159.6
    1/17 - 159.2
    1/18 - 160
    1/21 - 161.4
    1/22 - 160.2
    1/23 - 161.2
    1/24 - 160

    Lucifer's waterfall is still on today, but I actually don't feel like I'm retaining water in my hands at this point, but I am still pretty sore so I could still be packing a lot in muscles...whatever, I'm not going to sweat the scale since my clothes are fitting looser...I'm looking forward to the 4th and final week of my lifting routine!!!

  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member

    Lucifer's waterfall is still on today, but I actually don't feel like I'm retaining water in my hands at this point, but I am still pretty sore so I could still be packing a lot in muscles...whatever, I'm not going to sweat the scale since my clothes are fitting looser...I'm looking forward to the 4th and final week of my lifting routine!!!

    Lucifer's waterfall... bahahahaha totally stealing that! I'm dealing with that as well currently. Hoping the water retention lets up soon.
  • LighterLife is a amazing diet, the Total VLCD plan can helped me to loose 3 stone in 3 months! They now have weekly Xpress meetings which help to identify reasons for overeating and teach you the tools and skills to loose weight and keep it off! The meetings are completely free :) really recommend x
  • sassysmom35
    sassysmom35 Posts: 130 Member
    Starting weight 225
    Challenge start weight. 210.4
    Challenge goal. 199.8
    Final goal 126ish

    12/28 - 210.4
    01/04 - 208.8
    01/11 - 207.4
    01/18 - 204.6
    01/25 - 202.2
    02/01 -
    02/08 -
    02/14 -
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    BMcC9 reporting in ....
    Personal goal for Valentines Day => break out of 140's

    SW this challenge: 144.6
    Dec 21: 143.3 (-1.3 so far)
    Dec 28: 144.4 (- 0.2 from SW .... with 4 big meals over the past 14 days, I consider this a maintain-so-far)
    Jan 04: 143.7 (- 0.9 from SW .... weighed in ~ 4 hours earlier than last week so even better than number indicated
    Jan 11: 144.2 (-0.4 from SW .... weighed in an hour earlier than last week, for the whole past week ...)
    Jan 18: 142.6 (-2.0 from SW .... settled back into early weigh-in for two weeks now, and have increase my daily exercise burn for ~10 days now)
    Jan 25: 143.0 (-1-6 from SW)
  • MarisaMSimon
    MarisaMSimon Posts: 277 Member
    Here are my weekly weigh in stats:
    SW for this challenge: 208.4
    CW: 203.8
    GW for this challenge: 199

    It was a tough one! I did all things that were right but only lost 0.2 pounds this week. However, my period is starting tomorrow so I know that’s the reason why 😊

    We’re almost there!!
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    edited January 2019
    Starting weight 225
    Challenge start weight. 210.4
    Challenge goal. 199.8
    Final goal 126ish

    12/28 - 210.4
    01/04 - 208.8
    01/11 - 207.4
    01/18 - 204.6
    01/25 - 202.2
    02/01 -
    02/08 -
    02/14 -

    @sassysmom35 I want to be you :smiley: You can almost taste Onederland
    Thanks for the encouragement. Next week will be better I am sure.
  • Sasha24201
    Sasha24201 Posts: 39 Member
    I don't have any progress at all. I've actually gained a pound, went from 304 to 305. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  • MsBaz2018
    MsBaz2018 Posts: 384 Member
    Sasha24201 wrote: »
    I don't have any progress at all. I've actually gained a pound, went from 304 to 305. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    If you've kept within your calories (you are précise in your logging and log everything and stay within your allowance) then you are not doing anything wrong. Just normal weight fluctuations.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've lost about 100, but it's starting to get away from me due to a hip.

    CW: 169.4
    GW: 150

    If I can be back in the 150's by Valentine's, I'll be thrilled.

    SW: 169.4
    CW: 163.6
    GW: 150-s
    UGW: 147-152

    Getting there!

    SW: 169.4
    CW: 161.6
    GW: 150-s
    UGW: 147-152

    Just keep grinding it out!

  • Paleo_Babe
    Paleo_Babe Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in to lose 6 pounds by Valentine's Day!

    CW 131
    GW 125
    Ultimate Goal Weight 116
  • patrickaa5
    patrickaa5 Posts: 70 Member
    patrickaa5 wrote: »
    I'm in! I'm going to up the goal to 16lbs since I should be able to continue losing at 2lbs/week.

    HW 295
    CW 256
    GW 240

    High (7/18) 295
    Challenge SW 256
    Challenge CW 244
    Challenge Goal 240
    Ultimate Goal 205

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    I was a bit discouraged that I haven't been able to break below 142 (keep hovering at, then slipping back up a bit, then hovering at again over the month).

    But today I took the 3 measurements needed for the US Military Body Fat % calculation website - they were down from Jan 2 - and the resulting calculation was 1.5% lower!!!!

    I feel MUCH better now - the weight may be mostly plateauing, but changes ARE happening!

    If anyone else seems to be plateauing even though they are doing all the right things and logging properly, maybe that is the case with you too!
  • jme260
    jme260 Posts: 44 Member
    I need some new motivation!!

    SW (150)
    CW (121)
    GW (110)

    I am just about 5 feet tall, so currently on the higher end of my normal BMI. At this point for my height and weight, it takes me about 3 weeks to lose a lb, only eating 1200 calories a day, so it can be a little discouraging. I just started a lifting program, so hopefully that helps!
  • LadySaton
    LadySaton Posts: 500 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 173
    Goal for Vday: 163
    Today’s weight: 164

    I was surprised to see a full pound drop from last week’s 165 because I thought that weigh in had been a bit low. Not complaining, as I do have my stats set for a pound each week! 9 pounds off from having a healthy bmi. 🎉
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In
    Dec 16 - 149.4
    Dec 23 - 147.7
    Dec 30 - 148.4
    Jan 06 - 146.8
    Jan 13 - 145.4
    Jan 20 - 144.9
    Jan 28 - 144.0

    Forgot to weigh-in yesterday! I lost almost 1 lb last week which is pretty good. I’m starting my 10K training plan today, which is step one in training for my half marathon in September. I’m pretty excited to start increasing my mileage :)
  • cmbarbato71
    cmbarbato71 Posts: 31 Member
    I want in. I just rejoined and need motivation. CW 245 GW: 239 by 2/14
  • shawnt85
    shawnt85 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm back on track and I've ditched the excuses! I Just need 1% loss for the next 2 weeks to reach my goal. I can do this. Ideally i'd like to be in onederland but i'll take the 10.

    SW 210.6
    12/19: 206.6
    01/28: 204.8
    GW: 200.6