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Let's Do this! - 2019 Challenge - Be the best you can be!



  • CardioPaintbrush
    CardioPaintbrush Posts: 9 Member
    @msarobix sorry I didn't see your question about goals. So here's the deal! I am 5' 0" and currently 197 lbs. My goal is to lose 10 lbs a month, and my final weight goal is 125. I am going on vacation this summer for 2 weeks to Maine to see all my family and friends and I want to make everyone's jaws drop!
  • CardioPaintbrush
    CardioPaintbrush Posts: 9 Member
    Today, I did 2 miles run/walk intervals.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Today was a running workout for me. I have totally caught the Running Bug again. I actually look forward to the mornings when I get to run, instead of walk. I remember this feeling from when I use to run. but somehow I forgot what a great feeling I get during and after a run.

    My problem happens when it is time to stop running, I just don’t want to stop. Luckily I do my workouts in the morning before work so I have a strict time limit for my workout. Sometimes I will try to stretch it a bit, but I can only stretch it so far, otherwise I will be late for work.

    The weekends are a big problem for me because once I get on the treadmill and start going, I find it very difficult to stop. Last weekend I was on the treadmill for 90 or more minutes both days. I could have gone longer, but I had to get some other things accomplished.

    What I don’t want to do is over do it and end up with an over use injury. That could keep me from running for weeks or even months, and I definitely don’t want that.

    @loonyhiker - Thanks I am going to check it out.

    @soul_mate - Wow, that still seems very low, but I guess if MFP recommended it maybe I am just off my rocker. I guess it will also depend on how intensely you workout. I tend to be an aggressive exerciser and can’t see to stop once I get started. So it is probably a good idea that I don’t limit my calories to 1500. My Apple Watch tells me that I burn between 2400 and 2800 calories a day depending on if it is a running workout day or just a walking workout. For me 1800-2000 calories is an adequate calorie intake to lose 1-2 lbs per week. I don’t want to take the weight off too fast because I know I will more than likely just put it back on. So I am okay with the slow and steady. If I can lose up to 40 lbs by the end of the year I will be extremely happy.

    @cardiopaintbrush - great job on the 2 mile run/walk. Running can really torch some calories.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Hi @msarobix
    Is there a group/community for the challenge and if so where do we join/log in? Also is their a leaderboard?
  • Soul_mate
    Soul_mate Posts: 77 Member
    @msarobix - Ya might be, my lifestyle is sydantric.. i hv desk job of almost 9-10 hours daily
  • Soul_mate
    Soul_mate Posts: 77 Member
    Today, I did 2 miles run/walk intervals.

    Good 10 lbs a month is easily achivable.. provided u have a strong determination. Good job keep it up
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    Happy Friday. So finally after 3 weeks with no weight loss, -0.60 lbs. I am going to update my spreadsheet and see what the difference might have been. I did stop my daily protein smoothie and change up my walking with a "running" interval, going to check the eat/burn.

    I am off Monday so long weekend I am hoping to get out for a hike on Saturday. have a great weekend.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @allceinw - I haven’t set up a group/community, so far we have just been using this thread to communicate. If the daily posts get too overwhelming we can think about taking it to a group forum so the participants will only have to read the topics that interest them, but for now we are just here. Just share your goals and start.

    @BackinSoFl - Nice job on the weight loss this week. It is very possible this is due to stepping up your workouts.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    I did a walking workout today, but was still able to close both my exercise and move ring during my workout. And as of 7:30 pm I have 200% on my move ring. I think it is time for me to increase my move ring threshold a bit, because I have been hitting 200% most days of the week. The only time I don’t is when I do a walking workout.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    I'm babying my heel and taking some aspirin which seems to be helping my heel. I almost got 10,000 steps yesterday so hopefully, I will get it today. We are going to a flea market today so I will get some steps in. It is our last day in Florida so then I'm back to the cold weather!
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    Just disconnected Runkeeper from MFP. I am doing a challenge with The Bakery Bears and my walks have to be logged in as "runs" which makes me look like I'm doing magical things here on MFP. I just figured out how to connect my apple watch to MFP so hopefully, my steps and activity will look more realistic. LOL
  • Smilely3
    Smilely3 Posts: 21 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone,
    Congratulations on powering through this week @msarobix @loonyhiker . My job keeps me pretty active on my feet 6 days a week. My goal was to also exercise 7 days a week. Most days I'm to tired and end up sleeping. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Has anyone tried premium did it help you meet your goals faster?
    I'm thinking about trying it to customize calories on my off day.
  • CardioPaintbrush
    CardioPaintbrush Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone. I just finished a 3 mile run/walk this morning. 45 minutes. I feel great :-) I’m 4 lbs down from where I started at the beginning of the month :-) hoping to lose a few more before Feb. hope everyone has a great weekend! Rest day tomorrow for me.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @loonyhiker - Glad to hear that your heel isn’t keeping you from walking. Just be careful because if the aspirin is masking the pain you might be doing more damage without knowing it. What is the challenge you are participating in with The Bakery Bears? I haven't watch knitting podcasts since I stopped doing my own.

    Did I tell everyone here that I am doing the Run the Year Challenge? I know I probably won’t do it this year, but I am interested to see how far off I am. Then I can push even harder next year.

    @Smiley3 - My suggestion to always getting your workout in is do it in the morning first thing. When I worked out after work I would always find excuse after excuse on why I can’t workout. I’m too tired, I had a stressful day, I am hungry, I have a million other things to do. The list goes on an on. But when I get up early to workout, and have laid out my close the night before all I have to do is get dressed and GO!

    @CardioPaintbrush - Way to go, both on the run/walk and your weight loss. Keep it up!

    My goal for the first quarter (January-March) was to lose 10 pounds, but I might actually get close to losing that in January. I am already down 6 pounds this month and we still have 12 days to go. I could legitimately lose another 1-2 pounds before the end of the month.
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    So I’ve been complaining about the scale not moving the last ~3 weeks (I’ve been tracking “this time” since Thanksgiving 7 weeks), I took a look at my spreadsheet and came up with this:

    My ave daily eaten calories has been 1360+-, my ave cal burn (per Fitbit blaze) is 1745 that’s ave deficit of 386. My weight loss is 8.5# over 7 weeks.

    When I use the formula total observed tdee = ave daily eaten cal = (total # loss * 3500/7/#weeks) I come up with Observed TDEE of 1970, so less 20% deficit is 1574 is where this formula says I should be eating, which is 16% more that my current average. I know I don’t track/measure correctly 100% and incorrect labels are +-20% so I am hesitant to change my eating, but maybe I could take a cheat day each week.

    My ave weekly loss has been 1.2 over the 7 weeks, at my age 56 I am good with that. I’ve increased my ave steps and added a little interval to my walking the last two weeks. Anyone see where I might be off track? Would you stay the course or increase to eat @1500? I am not ever hungry @1360, and it seems when I’ve added calories in the past it is fat (nuts dairy snacks). Thoughts?
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @BackInSoFL - Have you been eating at the 1360 calories since Thanksgiving??? If so, then perhaps this is too few calories for you. When you drastically decrease your calories, you will likely see fast weight loss in the beginning, but then over time your body starts to panic because you are not eating enough. Your metabolism slows down to retain the extra body fat in case of famine.

    You will need to play around with your total calories, and those macronutrients. Try eating more protein and less carbs, and increase your calories to 1500-1600. If I remember correctly, protein will not be stored as extra fat. Whatever protein you don't need your body will get rid of. If someone knows differently please share your thoughts.

    Continue to eat carbs in lower amounts and see how your body reacts.

    I just looked up my TDEE and it is 1683, however I still try to eat between 1800-2000 calories a day, because I am burning anywhere from 600-1000 calories a day from exercise.

    I can also tell you over all the years I have gained a lost weight, the whole 3500 calorie deficient never equated to 1 pound. Body composition changes daily, and sometimes even hourly depending on the weather, hydration and physical excursion. Try not to focus on this formula, it is a good jumping off point, but doing get frustrated it the numbers don't add up.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @msarobix We are using Runkeeper to keep track of our miles. All walks/runs are logged in as runs. The goal is to get 100 miles every month. All you have to do is contact Obiwanknitter and ask to join if you are interested.

    Thanks for the warning about the aspirin. I didn't think of that. We are traveling back home tomorrow and taking two days to do it so I may not get all my steps in and will let my foot rest.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @loonyhiker - That is an awesome challenge. So do you only count your workouts, not general steps towards the 100 miles?
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @msarobix You can use the runkeeper app to track your distance but since I walk on the treadmill, I just manually upload the distance from my apple watch.
  • mynacha73
    mynacha73 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm still healing, but able to walk further each day. I'm up to about 6000 steps today which is AMAZING! Just a week ago 2000 steps felled me. This is the first day I have closed my move circle, and I even managed to shop at a grocery store pain-free. Woot woot! I've been really careful about my food since I hurt myself, and I'm still losing weight. I think I may even make it to my birthday goal of dropping below 200 by my birthday. I'll keep everyone posted.
    Reading all of your posts has really been inspiring!