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Let's Do this! - 2019 Challenge - Be the best you can be!



  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    I have had a busy day today. I spent almost an hour and 40 minutes on the treadmill today. And not only did I Beat My Best Flights Climbed for January, but I also Beat My Best for my Longest Run in January, Highest Step Count for the month and most Active Energy. Actually I beat my ALL TIME HIGH active energy since I started using the Apple Watch in 2015. So needless to say, today was a goal setting day.

    The one weird thing about this week is the I have been at exactly the same weight every day since Tuesday. I think this must be one of those points where my body has to reset before it can continue losing, because I have been eating pretty well this week. And actually other than a couple of lower numbers on Sunday and Monday, it has been the EXACT same number since last Saturday. I am starting to wonder if my scale needs new batteries. LOL! I hope I see some downward movement in the next couple of days.

    My husband and I went out to eat tonight, I did eat a pretty big dinner, but I think the extra calorie burn will off set the extra calories.

    @Kimmie373 - I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope there wasn’t any major damage. Will you be able to go see her soon.

    @lolomlopez12181 - Welcome to the group. I will send you a private message to link up via Apple Watch.

    @loonyhiker - In order to share activity on the apple watch you just need to know each other’s Apple email.
  • mynacha73
    mynacha73 Posts: 120 Member
    @loonyhiker pumpkin seeds are a great idea! I teach history and ethics. I'm also the dean of students so I try to teach them to not break too many rules. ;)

    @tiff0277 this is a really supportive group. I'm glad you found us and we're all glad you're here!

    @msarobix where did you find an e-bullet journal? I would love to get in on that. Also, seems that yesterday's rest day was exactly what you needed to break a billion records today! Wow!! I think that there may be some cosmic weight thing going on. My weight was down 1.5 pounds on Sunday and Monday then was back up to its Saturday weight and stayed there the rest of the week. Black hole maybe?

    @kimmie373 so sorry to hear your mom is ill. Let us know what support we can give you.

    @KeriA I think you're well on your way to developing a schedule. I'm glad that you and your husband are walking together.

    Thank you for the travel ideas. Good stuff there and I really appreciate it!

    I had a really important conversation with a friend yesterday that got to some important truths I never want to think about. Not surprisingly, my food has been messed up since then. So, my last 3 meals weren't healthy or balanced and I've spent today on the couch with the cat and the remote control. I haven't been feeling sorry for myself, just kinda numb. What's weird is that the conversation was really positive. For me, eating is the way to hide from anything that has a lot of emotion - both good and bad. I have a work commitment tonight. I've never been so thankful to have to chaperone a high school dance! It will get me out of my house and around co-workers I like and kids that make me happy. I'm going to acknowledge and move on rather than dwell on the last 24 hours. I'm also going to do some journaling about that conversation. And I'm not going to do my usual Sunday weigh-in. I expect the salt alone will have me up a few pounds, and I don't want to send myself into self-flagellation. I'll weigh in on the 31st instead.

    I'm really grateful for you all. It's good to have a space to cheer people on and be cheered on.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    edited February 2019
    @showjumper Thank you!

    If anyone wants to connect with me on our Apple Watches, my email address is
    [personal details removed by MFP mods - please share email via private message]
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @mynacha73 - sorry to hear that you have been a little down the last couple of days, we have all had days like that, but It sounds like you have a great plan to pull yourself out of it. Let us know how it goes.

    As for the e-bullet journal. A video came up on my YouTube feed back in December and then I went crazy looking for more. I found several websites that you can purchase a journal, but I decided to make my own after learning how with Keynotes and GoodNotes. Search Digital journal GoodNotes on YouTube for more information.
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    kimmie373 wrote: »
    I got all my exercise in today. Not doing good with eating habits. I am on the verge of a little binge session. Need to find a distraction. Got a phone call this evening that my mom had a major stroke and is in ICU. I live 10 hours away by plane. So emotional eating is trying to get me.

    So sorry about your mom, it's hard when your so far away. Find a distraction, good job on getting your exercise in, try reading or start a project (I need to get working on my taxes). Good luck and prayers for your mom.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    @msarobix I spent some time Saturday looking up bullet journals and digital ones too. It is funny but I used to carry a sketch book in my purse when I was younger and I would do some of the things that are like this. I would make calendars (weekly and monthly depending on which was needed to get organized) in the sketch book. I would write daily journal entries or sketch or to do lists in it, Shopping lists, menu planning, However there was never an index or page numbers. I would also jot down peoples contact numbers etc. The to do lists or weekly calendars would include health and fitness objectives. I would put down ideas and plan ahead. I had a studio and was able to pursue my art just before and during when my kids were younger. Then I went back to working and had a daytimer. Not as fun as the sketch books. So I was basically doing something similar to bullet journals that I made up to suit my needs to organize and set down what was going on in my life and work. That was before computers. I just started carrying a journal in my purse again recently when I got a new purse but with all the computer/phone apps I don't use it like I did before. Anyway it is an intriguing idea I am mulling over.

    @mynacha73 I hope you are able to digest your conversation in a way that helps you. It takes energy to deal with certain things that we weren't really want to do. Something about what you said just resonates with me. I had a co-worker issue Friday and have been mulling on that this weekend. It has taken energy better spent on my family and home life. So a little different but still a distraction for me from what I wanted to concentrate on this weekend.

    Hope we all have a good week ahead.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    @kimmie373 I sorry to hear about your mom's stroke. My dad had one 12 years ago at the age of 89 and he is now 99 and still living independently with my stepmom. It is amazing how the brain can heal so don't give up hope. I watched a great video on TED-talks by a brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor, who had a stroke and described what happened to her and how she came back from it. I find a lot of comfort in hearing that there is no pain with a stroke. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
  • ActiveStevie
    ActiveStevie Posts: 11 Member
    Hi MsArobix & All,

    I’m someone that lost 65 pounds and was able to get to my goal weight. The busy holidays and the cheating that goes with it set me back 10. I know how I can get back on track and can help out with any questions.

    This will help me to prove it to myself at the same time.

  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Nothing really new here today. I did my walking workout today instead of running, set the incline at about 3% and just went. I probably could have gone a bit faster or increased the incline a bit more, but after I set it I got engrossed in a program and completely for got about increasing further. The time flew by. You gotta love those types of workouts.

    @ActiveStevie - Welcome to the group!
  • ActiveStevie
    ActiveStevie Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Sorry I have been absent. I had an assignment do today and my husband who is away during the week for school comes home on the weekends so I was pretty busy. I still did my scheduled workouts and trying my best to stick to my eating plan. I did have a couple glasses of wine on Saturday and some indulgences. The weekends are definately my biggest challenge. I can be so disciplined Monday to Friday but Friday night rolls in and I have the hardest time trying to not eat all the foods lol! My goals are to stick to my plan that I have put in my journal. Workout 6 days, log all food and stop eating after 7pm. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2019
    Yesterday hubby had to go to the dentist and it was the day of the "special" at the K&W Cafeteria which hubby loves. The special is 2 people get a full meal for $18 which includes an entree, 2 veggies, bread, dessert, and drink. This meal is a huge temptation for me but I used my Naturally Slim principles to help me. I got grilled chicken breast with onions, steamed broccoli, macaroni and cheese, garlic toast, apple pie, and unsweet tea. I put my timer on for 10 minutes and ate the chicken breast and onions very slowly. Then when the timer went off, I waited 5 minutes (logging food into MFP, taking vitamins, talking to hubby), and then started eating again. I ate most of my mac and cheese, and broccoli. Then I only ate the apples but not the crust and I never touched the garlic toast at all. I was satisfied but didn't feel like I overate.

    When we got home, I drank a lot of water all day long. When I went to my knitting group at Starbucks, I only drank water. This morning I was afraid to weigh myself and was relieved that I'm still at the same weight. Whew!
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Morning! Wishing everyone a great start to the week! I need to catch up and read through the last few pages. All is well here, no alcohol (Dry January), working out and eating right. Heading to Barre class and then going hiking with my hubby (we did ten miles yesterday - WOW 😯)!

    The bullet journals sound really cool, going to check it out.
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    @melonfire - it is all about moderation. I know I don’t want to eliminate things I love from my diet forever, so I am just trying to be more conscious of what I eat and how much, and trying to limit the junk food and sweet treats. It will likely take more time to lose the weight I want to lose, but I am also more likely to keep it off.

    @loonyhiker - your meal sounds amazing, and it sounds like you really stayed in control. I always worry that I will gain weight after having somewhat of an indulging meal. Glad to hear you didn’t.

    @fitness327wk - there are some great layouts in those articles, I have book marked the pages so I can remember them.
  • loonyhiker
    loonyhiker Posts: 81 Member
    edited January 2019
    We met some friends for dinner last night at Chilis and again I hoped I could control my eating. Before we went, I drank a lot of water and I had a teaspoon of peanut butter about an hour before we left. I went online and looked at the menu so I could plan on what I would eat and research the calories. When we got there, I had a tossed salad and I had cajun chicken pasta but I only ate half of it because I was full by the time I ate half. I got the rest for lunch today. I weighed myself this morning and I'm still the same so still happy. We aren't planning on eating out for the rest of the week.

    @Fitness327wk Thanks for the sample layouts. I also pinned a couple so I could try them in the future.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    loonyhiker wrote: »
    Yesterday hubby had to go to the dentist and it was the day of the "special" at the K&W Cafeteria which hubby loves. The special is 2 people get a full meal for $18 which includes an entree, 2 veggies, bread, dessert, and drink. This meal is a huge temptation for me but I used my Naturally Slim principles to help me. I got grilled chicken breast with onions, steamed broccoli, macaroni and cheese, garlic toast, apple pie, and unsweet tea. I put my timer on for 10 minutes and ate the chicken breast and onions very slowly. Then when the timer went off, I waited 5 minutes (logging food into MFP, taking vitamins, talking to hubby), and then started eating again. I ate most of my mac and cheese, and broccoli. Then I only ate the apples but not the crust and I never touched the garlic toast at all. I was satisfied but didn't feel like I overate.

    When we got home, I drank a lot of water all day long. When I went to my knitting group at Starbucks, I only drank water. This morning I was afraid to weigh myself and was relieved that I'm still at the same weight. Whew!
    Good job! Learning to eat intuitively is a skill that will make losing weight as well as maintenance easier. Taking that break to see how you feel in between is a great strategie and I think I might try it. I eat far too fast and I know it isn't good for me. Thanks for the great idea.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    This week is flying by. I am finding the evenings much easier this week than last week. Now that I have gotten use to not eating in the evenings, I rarely get hungry anymore. It is true that feeling hungry from time to time isn't a bad thing and we have to decide when we are truly hungry as opposed to just mentally hungry ie bored, stressed ect... I weighed in today at 158.8 which is amazing at this point. A total loss of 2 pounds this week. I am now 8.8 pounds to goal. !!
  • BackInSoFL
    BackInSoFL Posts: 82 Member
    Tomorrow is weigh in day and measurements and pics, end of the month. My clothes have been fitting differently, but the waistline is still snug. I am going to update my spreadsheet with the results and try to spot some trends then come up with my goals for February. I included some intervals and increased the intensity on the treadmill for January and I'll see the results. Hope everyone's first month was successful and you've met your goals!
  • msarobix
    msarobix Posts: 211 Member
    Today was a walking workout. I thought I would do a bit of running instead, but my sports bra had other ideas. I have sports bras that are okay for walking, but just do not work for running, so that was out of the question. I did increase the intensity a bit from my normal walk and I also added incline. I didn’t quite close my Move Ring during my workout, but I got close.

    @loonyhiker - eating out is usually my downfall. I can typically stay on track when eating at home, but all bets are off when eating out. Congratulations on your successes.

    @BackInSoFL - that is a great plan for tomorrow. I will be taking my measurements on Friday and doing the same thing.