JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Friday
    1. Leave work at work :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Two more waters before leaving >:) only one
    4. Bed by 10 :)
    5. Set out clothes for work tomorrow :)
    6. Put away laundry :)
    7. Run dishwasher :)
    8. Quality time with DH :) snowboarding!
    9. Cook dinner at home - steak :) pork chops but still at home

    JFT Saturday
    1. Log all food
    2. Waters
    3. Be kind
    4. Quality time with DH
    5. Eat afternoon snack
    6. 10 squats/bathroom trip
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    I went over yesterday, but enjoyed an evening out with my family. I overate at dinner. I noted when I full, but continued to eat. Old habit. Did well with movie popcorn. I ate some, but not like I used to.

    Today I’m a bit overwhelmed, The anxiety, fear and depression has been building for the last few weeks. Saint Patrick’s Day is a dark day for me. It’s triggering a lot of negativity and putting a dark cloud over what should be a really good day. This isn’t something I talk about in TRW. Sorry if it’s TMI.

    Goals are minimal, but I plan to stay aware of my intake rather than just binging my emotions away.

    Please, if all you can do over the next few weeks, is to briefly check in, then do so. This is a haven of rest, where you can let your hair down, prop your feet up, and just be. I'm glad you bought a journal. I had not written consistently in one since 1993. I'm on my third one since January 2018! just ordered it yesterday. PM me if you'd like and tell me how I can pray for you.

    Peace and joy.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Howdy Peeps! I haven't had a chance to read or post in a few days, so today I'm going to at least post goals for today and then later I'll come back on and catch up. You're all in my prayers in one way or another and I think of you every day!

    Oh, and an update on the Ultrasounds and blood tests - results came back yesterday. No masses in my liver, pancreas or right kidney. Gallbladder free of stones. I do have fatty liver disease and we are going to follow it with labs for now to see if diet and exercise helps it and make sure it doesn't get worse. So I am ONE HAPPY CAMPER! I never thought I'd be excited to hear I had a fatty liver, but I sure am! :smile: Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

    Just for Saturday
    • Journal every bite
    • <29 g added sugar
    • <75 g net carbs
    • Add protein to every meal or snack
    • 75+ oz water
    • Eat only when sitting down
    • Give myself credit
    • Be mindful. Slow and mindful. Savor each bite.
    • Go to the Woodworker's Guild annual show with husband either today or tomorrow, depending on how he feels. (He had tooth pulled yesterday that was infected and isn't feeling the best.)
    • Listen to my usual podcasts for inspiration
    • Depending upon when we go to Woodworking show, get outside and clean the yard.
    • Take Miss Maddie for a walk OUTSIDE! Whoop Whoop! It's not Florida out there, but it's better than it has been in a while!
    • Sew or watch You Tube videos on how to crochet tonight while husband watches TV.
    • Gratitude journal | Simple Abundance | Read Scriptures | Calm app

    I wish you all a wonderful day full of things you love most!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    I went over yesterday, but enjoyed an evening out with my family. I overate at dinner. I noted when I full, but continued to eat. Old habit. Did well with movie popcorn. I ate some, but not like I used to.

    Today I’m a bit overwhelmed, The anxiety, fear and depression has been building for the last few weeks. Saint Patrick’s Day is a dark day for me. It’s triggering a lot of negativity and putting a dark cloud over what should be a really good day. This isn’t something I talk about in TRW. Sorry if it’s TMI.

    Goals are minimal, but I plan to stay aware of my intake rather than just binging my emotions away.

    - Get S & her friend to crew. :)
    - Shower and get ready
    - Pick up girls. Take friend home
    - Go car shopping
    - Pick up other kid after her field trip
    - Dinner
    - Write in my journal for the first time. Finally bought one.
    - Be kind to myself
    - Get to bed at a decent time.

    Awh no i hope youre okay. I have a day like that, 21st August.
    Obviously i dont know what makes your day so bad but just focus on getting past it and healing mentally from all the negative emotions.
    Hugs for you anyway xxxx
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    I went over yesterday, but enjoyed an evening out with my family. I overate at dinner. I noted when I full, but continued to eat. Old habit. Did well with movie popcorn. I ate some, but not like I used to.

    Hugs to you <3. I hope you get past the days those bad days, and just focus on just taking good care of yourself. Lots of rest ... and just be gentle with yourself. Remember, food will not help you . but only make you feel worse. But I will keep you in my thoughts on St Pat's day. I am that way around the holidays. .. always a harder time for me.
    But the day will past, and you will be happy with the decisions you make. Hugs to you <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member

    Oh, and an update on the Ultrasounds and blood tests - results came back yesterday. No masses in my liver, pancreas or right kidney. Gallbladder free of stones. I do have fatty liver disease and we are going to follow it with labs for now to see if diet and exercise helps it and make sure it doesn't get worse. So I am ONE HAPPY CAMPER! I never thought I'd be excited to hear I had a fatty liver, but I sure am! :smile: Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

    SO happy all tests results are good!! And the fatty liver disease I am sure with your diet and exercise that will improve! (I've never heard of that before though ... I probably have it to!). Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, got the new cooker installed today, im just burning it off before i can use it!
    Im absolutely frozen! No heating til monday! And all my clothes are packed away lol, kinda wish i had xray vision or whatever, little annoyed at my partner because at first we were labelling boxes and i labelled every box i did, about 1/3 of boxes arent labelled so we all know who that is...

    Not quite sure where to start with all this, i guess the first step is to get all the boxes in the right room and all the big stuff like tvs, cabinets in place?

    So thats my only goal today, get the house arranged ready for unboxing.

    So good to see you back Bex!! Yes ... I am once again filling out disability paperwork. Here in the states they think a person can live on XX amount of money... and if you go over that, no more disability. Our daughter needs to work some because the disability is just not enough money ... so its tough. Main problem is her spending though ... but... we just have to deal with what we can. But yesterday spent the day trying to draft a letter to go with her paystubs .. pretty much begging them to keep her on disability.

    But ... I know you are probably exhausted with the moving, especially with 3 little ones. But how exciting!! Soon you'll be all settled, and things back to normal! That sucks though about no heat!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    JFT, Frd
    1. go to WW meeting :) Down almost 3# .. have now met my 5# loss!
    2. jan challenge -8+ water :)
    3. feb challenge - 1 snack, then brush/floss teeth :)
    4. march challenge - go outside for a walk. Really need to do this!! :):s I walked 4 miles, mostly to relieve stress. But it was FREEZING cold out! Temps said 44, so I wore my winter coat ... but the wind was so strong!! I am home, and was completely exhausted the rest of the nite ... I think the cold just sapped all my energy (what little I had left).
    5. mindful eating :)
    6. plan meals for the week :/
    7. work on cleaning house :/
    8. try and finish baby quilt at least :/
    9. work on pc boards .. busy day :)
    10. stay positive. try not to be patient. :/ Not so good at this. I am very worried, yet at the same time angry with our daughter for the lies. All year she kept saying she was well below the limit allowed by disability .. while she was over every month. And all the money is gone ... internet scams, overdraft fees, starbucks coffee.Very frustrating, yet I know it is her illness, so at the same time, my heart goes out to her. So ... letters prepared to deliver on Monday, and just pray for the best, and if not, pray that financially we can bail her out, and she will be moving back with us. A day at a time.

    JFT, Sat
    1. gym :) Already done
    2. mindful eating
    3. jan challenge -8+ water
    4. feb challenge - 1 nitetime snack/ brush teeth to stop from eating
    5. mar challenge - outside 15 mintes (going to do this shortly and rake up some leaves)
    6. plan meals for the week
    7. house cleaning
    8. help hubby with work stuff - so far behind
    9. take daughter with me to Trader JOes, and hope for some talking time. We need to figure out a way for me to manage her money. I do manage the disability money, but hoping she will let me help her with money she earns.. especially if disabiilty stops.
    10. do something tonite to relax .... maybe a bubble bath.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @PackerFanInGB - So good to hear not-awful news with medical tests :D
    @mytime6630 - Will be thinking of you and your daughter.

    I'm REALLY tired today but I can't do more than doze. But I'm having trouble being coherent/alert, which makes it tough to write an essay! Not sure how that's going to work out :P
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, got the new cooker installed today, im just burning it off before i can use it!
    Im absolutely frozen! No heating til monday! And all my clothes are packed away lol, kinda wish i had xray vision or whatever, little annoyed at my partner because at first we were labelling boxes and i labelled every box i did, about 1/3 of boxes arent labelled so we all know who that is...

    Not quite sure where to start with all this, i guess the first step is to get all the boxes in the right room and all the big stuff like tvs, cabinets in place?

    So thats my only goal today, get the house arranged ready for unboxing.

    So good to see you back Bex!! Yes ... I am once again filling out disability paperwork. Here in the states they think a person can live on XX amount of money... and if you go over that, no more disability. Our daughter needs to work some because the disability is just not enough money ... so its tough. Main problem is her spending though ... but... we just have to deal with what we can. But yesterday spent the day trying to draft a letter to go with her paystubs .. pretty much begging them to keep her on disability.

    But ... I know you are probably exhausted with the moving, especially with 3 little ones. But how exciting!! Soon you'll be all settled, and things back to normal! That sucks though about no heat!

    It must be different over there! When Ash gets disability they do an assessment, and then his claim lasts for 2 years (this can vary from person to person based on their needs) and thats it, then 2 years later you do it all again.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    swoodman45 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, this is my first day and my only goal is to stay within my calorie goal for the day. I’m 252 pounds and ashamed because I bing eat to make myself feel better. I lost about 30 pounds doing weight watcher smart points, but when they changed the program to Freestyle I gained it all back and more. I appreciate having a place to be accountable and wish you all success on your journeys.

    Welcome!! You will love this group, and we are very happy to have you join. I just joined WW in addition to this, and I know from what others have told me, that I have to be very careful with Freestyle ... too many "free" foods.
    You are not the only one that binge eates ... this is my biggest hurdle as well. I can do great all day, and if something stressful happens, I eat without even thinking .. mostly in the evenings. Holidays are very hard for me, and this year I gained during the holidays.
    But there is so much support on here ... the most amazing friends you will find if you keep coming back. No one judges ... we have all been there. We all have bad days, and days we just want to give up. But by coming here, and being accountable, it truly does help to not give up. We all set small goals ... just taking this one day at a time!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, got the new cooker installed today, im just burning it off before i can use it!
    Im absolutely frozen! No heating til monday! And all my clothes are packed away lol, kinda wish i had xray vision or whatever, little annoyed at my partner because at first we were labelling boxes and i labelled every box i did, about 1/3 of boxes arent labelled so we all know who that is...

    Not quite sure where to start with all this, i guess the first step is to get all the boxes in the right room and all the big stuff like tvs, cabinets in place?

    So thats my only goal today, get the house arranged ready for unboxing.

    So good to see you back Bex!! Yes ... I am once again filling out disability paperwork. Here in the states they think a person can live on XX amount of money... and if you go over that, no more disability. Our daughter needs to work some because the disability is just not enough money ... so its tough. Main problem is her spending though ... but... we just have to deal with what we can. But yesterday spent the day trying to draft a letter to go with her paystubs .. pretty much begging them to keep her on disability.

    But ... I know you are probably exhausted with the moving, especially with 3 little ones. But how exciting!! Soon you'll be all settled, and things back to normal! That sucks though about no heat!

    It must be different over there! When Ash gets disability they do an assessment, and then his claim lasts for 2 years (this can vary from person to person based on their needs) and thats it, then 2 years later you do it all again.

    Wish it was that way here. They just reviewed her last June ... and because she is attempting to work, now they are doing it again. I just hate it, because I feel like I have to point out all the reasons our daughter needs the disability, even though she is trying to work some. Her doctor also hates this part about disability. A person goes on disability because they need it, but if they become stabilized at all, and can earn, what the government says is "slightly above poverty level", then they are taken off of disability.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Wow...I'm almost 8 pages behind! Holy Crow! That's what I get for being out of touch for a few days! This board sure has gotten really busy!

    Okay so a recap of today. Today was Matt's Mom's memorial party. Cause that's what it was really. It was a really nice dinner for like 50 friends and family. There was a brief service that my brother in law held but it was perfect. We all cried but we also all talked and had a great time. Matt balled but I think so did everyone else. I know that I cried a bit. I have very little experience with death. At least with close death. My four grandparents died before I was 12. And I never had anyone close to me pass since then. Although my great godfather is probably not going to be with us much longer. So that will probably be the closest person to me that I will lose soon. And it will break my heart for a while, but I know where he will be and I know that he'll be there waiting for all of us as well. But it was great to see everyone and to meet some of Matt's more distant relatives. Matt and I are going to try and make an effort to be more a part of the family now. I've never really felt like a part of his family but I know that that has more to do with me then with anything they did. So I want to start going to his nephew's games and to his neice's chorus concerts and things. I want to be a part of it all. I want his(my) family to know that I am present and that I want to be a part of them. At least for as long as I can.

    Anyway! On our way home I called my Dad because he was supposed to finish putting up my desk which we kind of did yesterday. He was having trouble with a side job so he said he would finish tomorrow but that I could use it now if I wanted. So that's where I am typing this. :smiley: I quickly realized that if I want to use the desk at night I will have to get a desk lamp. Lol. I'm currently using a little clip-on book light. Lol. It's been a decent night all things considered.

    I guess it's time for goals for tomorrow right?

    JFT 3-17-19

    1. Actually log my food!!!
    2. Church!!!
    3. Bring back trash can
    4. Gym(or something!)
    5. Laundry
    6. Figure out bills
    7. Scan documents for Insur
    8. Sign up for 401k
    9. Actually make dinner
    10. DISHES
    11. Bed at a decent time!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    I went over yesterday, but enjoyed an evening out with my family. I overate at dinner. I noted when I full, but continued to eat. Old habit. Did well with movie popcorn. I ate some, but not like I used to.

    Today I’m a bit overwhelmed, The anxiety, fear and depression has been building for the last few weeks. Saint Patrick’s Day is a dark day for me. It’s triggering a lot of negativity and putting a dark cloud over what should be a really good day. This isn’t something I talk about in TRW. Sorry if it’s TMI.

    Goals are minimal, but I plan to stay aware of my intake rather than just binging my emotions away.

    - Get S & her friend to crew. :)
    - Shower and get ready
    - Pick up girls. Take friend home
    - Go car shopping
    - Pick up other kid after her field trip
    - Dinner
    - Write in my journal for the first time. Finally bought one.
    - Be kind to myself
    - Get to bed at a decent time.

    I hope you find some peace and time for self care. Hugs to you.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Howdy Peeps! I haven't had a chance to read or post in a few days, so today I'm going to at least post goals for today and then later I'll come back on and catch up. You're all in my prayers in one way or another and I think of you every day!

    Oh, and an update on the Ultrasounds and blood tests - results came back yesterday. No masses in my liver, pancreas or right kidney. Gallbladder free of stones. I do have fatty liver disease and we are going to follow it with labs for now to see if diet and exercise helps it and make sure it doesn't get worse. So I am ONE HAPPY CAMPER! I never thought I'd be excited to hear I had a fatty liver, but I sure am! :smile: Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

    Just for Saturday
    • Journal every bite
    • <29 g added sugar
    • <75 g net carbs
    • Add protein to every meal or snack
    • 75+ oz water
    • Eat only when sitting down
    • Give myself credit
    • Be mindful. Slow and mindful. Savor each bite.
    • Go to the Woodworker's Guild annual show with husband either today or tomorrow, depending on how he feels. (He had tooth pulled yesterday that was infected and isn't feeling the best.)
    • Listen to my usual podcasts for inspiration
    • Depending upon when we go to Woodworking show, get outside and clean the yard.
    • Take Miss Maddie for a walk OUTSIDE! Whoop Whoop! It's not Florida out there, but it's better than it has been in a while!
    • Sew or watch You Tube videos on how to crochet tonight while husband watches TV.
    • Gratitude journal | Simple Abundance | Read Scriptures | Calm app

    I wish you all a wonderful day full of things you love most!

    I’m so incredibly happy to see this, I have been thinking about you!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, got the new cooker installed today, im just burning it off before i can use it!
    Im absolutely frozen! No heating til monday! And all my clothes are packed away lol, kinda wish i had xray vision or whatever, little annoyed at my partner because at first we were labelling boxes and i labelled every box i did, about 1/3 of boxes arent labelled so we all know who that is...

    Not quite sure where to start with all this, i guess the first step is to get all the boxes in the right room and all the big stuff like tvs, cabinets in place?

    So thats my only goal today, get the house arranged ready for unboxing.

    I think getting the boxes into the right room would be an excellent start. Hope you find the warm clothes while you’re doing it. I don’t think my husband has ever packed a box in a move, I’m probably thankful for that :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    JFT, Frd
    1. go to WW meeting :) Down almost 3# .. have now met my 5# loss!
    2. jan challenge -8+ water :)
    3. feb challenge - 1 snack, then brush/floss teeth :)
    4. march challenge - go outside for a walk. Really need to do this!! :):s I walked 4 miles, mostly to relieve stress. But it was FREEZING cold out! Temps said 44, so I wore my winter coat ... but the wind was so strong!! I am home, and was completely exhausted the rest of the nite ... I think the cold just sapped all my energy (what little I had left).
    5. mindful eating :)
    6. plan meals for the week :/
    7. work on cleaning house :/
    8. try and finish baby quilt at least :/
    9. work on pc boards .. busy day :)
    10. stay positive. try not to be patient. :/ Not so good at this. I am very worried, yet at the same time angry with our daughter for the lies. All year she kept saying she was well below the limit allowed by disability .. while she was over every month. And all the money is gone ... internet scams, overdraft fees, starbucks coffee.Very frustrating, yet I know it is her illness, so at the same time, my heart goes out to her. So ... letters prepared to deliver on Monday, and just pray for the best, and if not, pray that financially we can bail her out, and she will be moving back with us. A day at a time.

    JFT, Sat
    1. gym :) Already done
    2. mindful eating
    3. jan challenge -8+ water
    4. feb challenge - 1 nitetime snack/ brush teeth to stop from eating
    5. mar challenge - outside 15 mintes (going to do this shortly and rake up some leaves)
    6. plan meals for the week
    7. house cleaning
    8. help hubby with work stuff - so far behind
    9. take daughter with me to Trader JOes, and hope for some talking time. We need to figure out a way for me to manage her money. I do manage the disability money, but hoping she will let me help her with money she earns.. especially if disabiilty stops.
    10. do something tonite to relax .... maybe a bubble bath.

    I hope you get the results you need from disability. I think it’s a sin how little they think people on disability, old age pensions, etc can live on. I know here in Alberta it is not enough for anyone.

    When my Mom started showing signs of Alzheimer’s, but not diagnosed she was spending frivolously and my Brother came up with a plan to help it. My Mother wouldn’t say no to my Brother so went along with his plan so it made it easier. He has her add him to her account so that he could have a bank card too. This allowed him to have access to her account and he could se me how much she was spending. He monitored it and if saw she was spending a lot he would go withdraw the rest and make her come to him for money. My brother did everything he could because he didn’t want to invoke the power of attorney that he had. One time, it’s sad and funny at the same time. My Mom’s car broke down, she was calling me complaining that he wasn’t looking at it, he’s a mechanic but then in the next breath would say he was just busy. This went on for about three weeks. I called my Brother to find out what was wrong with her car, he told me she had ran out of gas and he was trying to save some money for her bt not “fixing” it. It wasn’t long after this that he had to actually invoke the POA.

    I don’t have answers for you but I’ll pray with you.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    I have to share a funny Grands story:
    Jonah was using Michaela’s toy dishes to make weapons for the Zombie Apocalypse today. Michaela says to him, “Donah” (she hasn’t got the J down yet), I don’t like Zombies they scary.
    Jonah says, “it’s ok Micki (I am the only one that calls her Michaela), they aren’t real. I’m just making these in case.”

    I rarely share anything with him now because he is so much into the iPad when he’s here. Today he was actually playing! It was so nice to see!5vj2e65glu4i.jpeg