

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2019
    I started 'thinking' I could thank all of you individually; but, then - mini-meltdown time. M in OZ - I did see a Neurosurgeon; one reason I was moved from the ER in Americus because they did not have any Neurological support there. But, going to the hospital in an ambulance beats 'walking in' and sitting. I don't remember either ride. But, I do remember Louis or Trey telling them that trying to get out of the other end of our road was worse than coming in. If it is raining, has been raining, might rain ... you do not want to try to get to us by their classic GPS. We have to tell them to come out and up Hwy 45 and turn right on Scrap Israel Road, then left on Cox Road. The last time I had a seizure they ended up sending 3 ambulances out because 2 of them had gotten stuck trying to come the 'supposedly best routes'. So, now, they are told to come a certain way if anyone on this stretch of the road needs an ambulance, the person calling needs to tell them how to get here. I'm sitting here and wondering why there is a big stack of empty bank envelopes by my chair. I don't remember doing anything; but, trying my best to get 'off online banking'. I will NEVER, EVER purchase anything that is involved with PayPal. I wrote them a $300 check today and a week ago, my cards were ALL changed. I called the PayPal credit guy a J-@$$. One month late. Gee, paying my bills was definitely pretty low down the poll.

    You said you were surprised that they let me out of the hospital - with the flu going around, they don't want someone who has an injury to get the flu ... so now ... I do understand the advocate side of the PN, PAs, R Q U's - I have a whole different attitude about it. I guess having one really bad experience with a mean-spirited female MD (actually a DO - whatever that is) makes me a little less comfortable around a lot of them. I grew up in a totally different time - we all did - but, I have learned (sometimes the hard way) that I have to remember not all of us are in the USA - other countries have things going on that affect all of us.

    Answering the remark about NP or RN or PAs... I have great respect for them; but, I got upset when the receptionist at my Neurologist's office just made the decision that it would be slap-to-slap; back and forth. I am not quite sure that when my Neurologist says 4 months and it is 6 - she is controlling and loving every minute of it. Since he had been called out for a family emergency ... I would have been less upset about it. I know the MDs are the bosses and they set their rules; but, I had just been taken off Dilantin in a 2-week time-frame, I wanted to talk to HIM and ask questions. I think what really upset me so much that I just burst into tears was she 'thought' it would be 'easier' if all 4 (now 5) MDs were here. NO WAY, when she brought up the name of one - who does NOT have hospital privileges because of her treatment of me. I like my Psychiatrist and driving almost 2 hours (good, bad, or indifferent) I am NOT going to change. It also gives me time to have lunch with some of my old HS friends and their husbands. I did get a phone number today and I called and asked if he was there; nope, still have not found an office for him and 2 others; but was told that 'if' I need a refill on any of my meds to call back and they would handle it. Sometimes you just have to learn the rules. Have an appointment with my GP on Friday and, while Louis is getting 'tired' of the MD appointments (he does not like hospitals either). But, I had gotten an email that was like a patient portal and could not get past the 2 questions it was asking. Today, I called my GP's office and asked the receptionist if they had changed their patient portal and she told me 'no, but, I had an appointment Friday. I would have totally missed it. I know it is a follow-up for the tests they ran. Some of them I know I was told they were 'high'; but, had never even heard of it before.

    PT and OT came today (they had not been able to get down the road for a few days). I must have really been 'out of it'. I remember "Red" coming and teaching me how I could get into the bed. Louis finally put some sand in the paint so I would stop slipping off it. I told him now I could get up on it and basically dive into position. Louis still makes me get further over into the middle. Wasn't able to do it with the staples in my leg. Now, I think my cane is 'possibly in the car' ... but I'm not going down those steps again. Louis can get it.

    God definitely has a wicked sense of humor - he made camels - the "Hump Day" commercial came back on. But, he could have left the gnats out of the ark. Oh well - "Mayhem" keeps me laughing, too. I still the Dubshot or whatever it is called ... of Tami saying what the camel says. She and Mallory and Will have a great time with their joking around.

    Oh well, my shows are coming back on this week. Whoo Hooo!!!!

    Gotta go - "This is Us" ... sounds like it is going to be a good season.

    Love ya!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Viv - the new Reader's Digest published here in the US has a neat article about a border collie that went running with his master in the mountains, tumbled down a cliff. The owner found him but he was in tough shape, tucked into the rocks and the owner couldn't reach him, gave up and the family mourned Merle's certain death. Several weeks later, Merle showed up at someone's house, in pretty rough shape. Dog was soon reunited with his owner and family and is as good as new. Seems border collies have many lives similar to cats!

    Allie - DH and I have had some pretty severe disagreements during our marriage, but seems like concern about whatever dogs we had at the time forced us to sit down and work out the problems. Had the problems been insurmountable, we would have had to figure out "custody" much as you and Tom are doing. It's good he loves them and cares for them as well even though it's awkward for you to have to go to the old house to get them.

    Barbie - Happy Anniversary!! That Mexican food sounds great - last time I picked up some carry out from our favorite restaurant, it was so salty that even DH complained and he salts everything.

    Sue in WA - keep us posted on your DH's immunotherapy. Hope he's coming along well despite the side effect from the drugs he was taking.

    Machka - I am enjoying your pictures a lot! Look at that sheep checking you out, lol. As long as it's not a ram you'd have to outrun, you're OK, lol. Sorry to hear about your leg - do you have new running shoes by any chance? Dr. Google or Dr. YouTube likely has some good stretches in case it is sciatica or psoas muscle.

    Karen in VA - your homeschooled grandson is one clever kid!

    Lenora - so tickled to see you posting again. You are seeing WAY too much of doctors lately - does Louis think something is up? LOL! >:) Seriously - take care of yourself! So sorry your bill paying got backed up, more stress to an already stressful situation. Is Louis still painting full time or is he now semi-retired? He could probably work 24/7 if he wanted. This is US has started up again? Woo hoo!!

    I woke up at 1:30 this morning with sinus headache starting and achey shoulder, so got up and took a sinus pill (there's a great herbal once called "Breathe Free" by Rootology. Amazing how well it works.) and made coffee -- my favorite painkiller, plus hauled out the ice pack. Slept in the recliner with the dog on my lap.

    Re the luncheon meeting today....
    Went to the AAA luncheon meeting. The "surprise" was not G. Clooney. The lady decided to have us all paint - I missed the very beginning but it involves putting a base color of acrylic paint on a little canvas, then dripping colored paints on that have a little oil in them, swirling it around on the little canvas then drying it with a little blowtorch to make the paint bubble. That project ate into our luncheon and meeting time. Here's a recap of the meeting if you are interested:

    The luncheon was at the local Tribal center just down the road, and it's a Federal grant funded senior nutrition program. The meal was delicious - chicken fajitas, chips and salsa, mandarin oranges and a HUGE chocolate chip cookie. The site leader told how she sourced local organic meat and fruits/veggies for a fairly well-balanced nutritious meal at around $2.60 per meal.

    That was compared to the nutrition lunches served at our county senior centers which are super heavy on starch, sodium, and other foods that many seniors shouldn't be eating. But the menus are the same for all of the 5 centers, cost to taxpayers is over $4.00 per meal. Menu's are OK'd by and funded through federal $$ administered by the State AAA office.

    There was discussion about how to get the county meals more senior friendly. I had to leave at 1 so I'm not sure if anyone came up with viable solutions.

    The discussion made me think tho, there's no way I'd go for "free" or cheap meals of mac n cheese, roll and butter, piece of fruit and pudding on a constant basis, although it's probably "balanced" per the old food pyramid. And, it's better than nothing I'm sure. I think the government school lunches and breakfasts have similar challenges.

    The meals prepared for the Tribal seniors vary from a dozen per day to up to a hundred a couple times a week. They don't have to be OK'd by the State AAA office.

    Looks like other counties in our area are able to provide healthier meals more on the order of what the Tribe is providing, so I'm sure there will be some research.
    That's the quick version. Have a good night, ladies!

    SW WA State

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a workout on the rebounder today. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Barbie – thanks for the suggestion. I called a yarn place around here. The only thing I could find was that they helped someone with a knitting project, so I don’t know for sure that they also work with crochet. I would tend to think so but I asked them anyway

    Welcome everyone new!

    Viv – I sure do remember fiddling with the horizontal and vertical hold. Those were the days!!! How I wish Vince would get rid of stuff! For example, I asked him last year if we need this bug zapper that we’ve never used. He didn’t want to get rid of it. I asked him again this year and pointed out that in 10 years we’ve never used it. He didn’t want to get rid of it but I finally succeeded. Well, it took him one day to find something else to put on that shelf where it was!

    Allie – I like M and barbie’s suggestion. If you can’t meet at a neutral location for the exchange of the dogs, I think you’re going to have to change your mindset otherwise every time you go in the house you’ll feel sad. Or hard as it would be, you may have to let them go.

    Not going to log today since I never know what people will bring to Rummikub and I just feel that it’s rude not to at least try what is brought.

    Karen in VA – I never knew you could make salmon in the microwave! How long do you cook the salmon for? I’ve fried it, baked it and for some reason, it doesn’t seem to be as juicy as when you get it in a restaurant. Maybe in the microwave will work better. What lovely pics in the calendar! I’m wondering if his dad couldn’t have some of the patients bring in pictures of things like flowers in their field etc. and if he couldn’t paint a pic with that as the basis? Just would sort-of personalize the calendar some. But his pictures are wonderful

    Barbara – “vinegar and newspaper”..I don’t know if that would work. BUT….you’ve given me an idea. I wonder if I were to put some vinegar on a paper towel and wipe the inside of the glass before putting it in the dishwasher, would the vinegar take the “cloudiness” away?

    Went looking for a car for me. Personally, I don’t have a problem driving a car with a rebuilt transmission. But that makes Vince feel uncomfortable. We found a 2015 Hyundai Elantra for $15,000 with 29K on it. It has all the features that I’m looking for. I do wish it was in silver, but it’s a gray so I think I can live with that. To me, the glove compartment looks small, but I don’t know how much smaller it is than the usable space I have in my glove compartment right now. I do want to test out the water bottle holders, it just seems weird to me that they’re slanted because of the speakers in the way. I did take my water mug with me and it fits (that’s one thing I absolutely hated about the loaner that I had). At least it doesn’t have all that (to me) distracting stuff like pop up speed indicator, indicator to tell you if someone is in the lane next to you, etc. I found most of that stuff to be distracting.

    Katla – Craftsman tools are also available at Lowes Hardware

    Sue in WA – fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else that I can cross that your dh gets good news

    Hosted Rummikub. Tomorrow we have a meeting about the car, they’ll look at my car and tell me how much they’ll give me for a tradein.

    Michele in NC
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    edited January 2019
    Yes Michele, just table salt and water
  • PurpleSparkles85
    PurpleSparkles85 Posts: 44 Member
    Iamauntbeth: Hi neighbor and welcome! I’m just down the road a piece in Bowling Green. Don’t psych yourself out, and there’s plenty of support here.

    SweetiePie: welcome to you too. Balance is a great word, and I’m in the midst of finding some with school just starting again. It’s always a juggling act, isn’t it? But you’re right—we can’t do this without taking time for ourselves.

    Have a great Wednesday all!

    Kathy in KY
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    So I probably strained a muscle in my right leg. The recommendation is to focus on cycling for a little while so it can heal. :) Fortunately, that was exactly what I was planning to do!

    No stretching yet ... just let it heal a while first.

    However, I do have to decide if I want to do a particular 10K run in February.

    Barbie - Happy Anniversary!!

    Welcome to the newcomers. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - is there a certain way to serve the pavlova. Going right now to put the cream and the fruit on it for tonight

    Michele in NC

    Just a great big blob on the plate. :)

    There's a chance you'll be able to cut wedges, but mine don't usually stay in a wedge shape for very long.

    M in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Iamauntbeth: You can succeed at improving your health, one day at a time. The myfitnesspal system works with time & effort. The women in this group provide great support. Stop by often for encouragement and support.❤️
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
    edited January 2019
    I want my word for 2019 to be success, but I feel it will be failure.
    I live in Bardstown, KY, USA.
    The only failure is giving up, and the fact that you are here is only the first of many victories. Celebrate every little step along the way.

    I am working on reframing my attitude towards 'failure'. Not every path leads to where you want to go. However, you often successfully reveal, and can eliminate, a strategy that doesn't work for you. I choose to view this as a victory, use it as a learning opportunity, and look for another route to my destination.

    This has helped me lose over 60lbs so far. At the moment I am still eliminating many unworkable strategies. 😂
    I am just starting out to lose weight this year after being off here a few years. I have 70 lbs. to lose and it seems impossible. I want my 2019 word to be "balance" because I put most of my time into work and do nothing for myself.
    We all need to be a little selfish, and put ourselves first at times. This is the place to be, now that you have chosen to restart you path to better health and fitness. The girls on here are supportive and informative, and most importantly, entertaining.
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) We just got home from our anniversary movie event. We saw "Green Book" and it was fabulous.
    Happy Anniversary. Barbie. I love that you celebrated in your own way, just the two of you. This is also what we do. Our anniversary is in the summer, and we go out for the day to enjoy ourselves, then cook together for dinner.

    Sue in WA I hope your husband gets good news soon.

    Machka: One step at a time. Only you know how it feels and how far you can push it.

    Viv: I remember almost the whole street squeezing into a neighbour's parlour to squint at a tiny screen to watch the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in the 1950's. I was about 7 at the time. Those were the days.

    Pip: Great picture! You and Kirby are a lovely fit.

    ☘️ Terri ☘️
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up and having my tea..about Toms house and the dogs, I cant bring them to where I live because I am only aloud one dog and they are more comfortable in there own enviroment.they are both almost 14 yrs old and especially chester wont be here long..Toms deal is he wont retire and move until both dogs have gone and his dad has passed..
    I will continue to go down there and take care of them, I am the bigger person and will do it will grace and dignity...
    today working10-6 and then going up to give Kitty a shower , then home...
    tomorrow day off o will go walk dogs, feed DFIL , then help Kitty in the morning and then take my son out to run a couple of errands then the snow and ice will start...