Things you hate at the gym!!!



  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    when there are no hot women
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    When no buff men are working out. Booooring.
  • RBurnham90
    RBurnham90 Posts: 202 Member
    I just moved to Los Angeles and i've tried out about 8 different gyms to decide which one to go to, and the common theme here is no one ever re-racks their weights. That rustles my jimmies more than anything.

    Also when people aren't even near the weight/bench/machine/squat rack that they're using then you assume it's open and then they come out of nowhere and say they weren't done using it
  • brittyandian
    brittyandian Posts: 241 Member
    I just moved to Los Angeles and i've tried out about 8 different gyms to decide which one to go to, and the common theme here is no one ever re-racks their weights. That rustles my jimmies more than anything.

    Also when people aren't even near the weight/bench/machine/squat rack that they're using then you assume it's open and then they come out of nowhere and say they weren't done using it

    "rustles my jimmies"=one my my favorite expressions of all time :)
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Okay, when I have to hike to the north 40 to get dumbbells that weren't put back, I admit that bugs me.
  • bros who workout together
    they spend 10 min chatting between sets and lean on equipment
    then they scan the cardio area for girls obviously, creeps
    no wonder theyre 15%+ body fat

    personal trainers/clients getting in your way
    the worst is when they are seniors doing 6am sessions
    some of us gotta go to work and trying to get in a workout
    you can schedule a session anytime of the day :indifferent:
    its great that you are exercising at your age but why not after 8am
    you can have the gym to yourself
  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    1) People who like to talk on their phones in the loudest possible voice so that you can hear them from across the gym while they're running on the treadmill/using the equipment. I don't give a flying f about your personal like & I don't want to hear about it from the other side of the room.
    2) People who come to the machine right beside you when there are other empty machines and stare at you. Especially if they're making faces (I had this chick the other day turn towards me & started making weird faces, like sticking her tongue out at me and slanting her eyes etc etc. Totally weirded me out, I thought something was seriously wrong with her.)
    3) People who don't wipe down the equipment.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    When it's too crowded to properly work in and I have to use the Keiser machines. . .
  • nino07110922
    nino07110922 Posts: 2,149
    It absolutely frosts my nuggets when

    * people don't wipe down equipment
    * they come to the gym to socialize and clown around
  • DrNerdy
    DrNerdy Posts: 168 Member
    Stinky people.... I understand that in the gym we are hopefully going to get a bit sweaty... But when you smell like you don't wipe after you poop... That is just disgusting.

    People who hog the bench... Do you really need 40+ minutes on the bench? I think it might just be time to move on to your next exercise.

    People that don't rerack weights... "Are you done.... or not......?"
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    People that don't put the free weights back in the right spot and people that don't unrack weights when their done need to jump in a fire. It pisses me off so much not being able to find a 2nd weight to do something and finding it later near the cardio machines or someone racks 300lbs on a bar for deadlifts and just leaves it on the floor and goes to his next exercise.
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    Racks in the squat curl
  • At the climbing gym...

    Newbies bringing their kids for the day AND letting them run around like crazy people! I have a kid and I take her climbing; I'm all for bringing kids. However, don't let them run around and not pay attention to where people are climbing. We're bouldering up to 12 feet off the ground, and if one of us falls on your 4-year-old, it's going to be a bad day all around!

    A crowded facility. It's hard to find a free route some days. Hopefully the new location will help that problem a bit come January.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I hate when I can't lift more than the last workout.
  • RBurnham90
    RBurnham90 Posts: 202 Member
    Racks in the squat curl

    this ^

    or squatting in the curl rack
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Haters,judgmental,insecure,jealous,disturbing you and the people who know it all wants to teach you and force you to do his program or the proper way even if u know ur program or what u doing or u have different goal
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    People who have been attending the gym for a prolonged period of time, still doing the same vague upper body routine with 10lb dumbells 3 days a week and getting nowhere.

    Are you actually interested in making progress or is this just a way for you to get out of the house?
  • fish1552
    fish1552 Posts: 7 Member
    1) People who spend 75% of their "workout" looking at themselves in the mirror
    2) People who look down on others starting out - HEY! At least they are trying to make the effort to do something to change things - maybe if you encouraged more people instead of trying to knock them down we wouldn't have as many obese people.
    3) People who can't turn their phones off during workouts (Hell, that goes for just about any place any more. That is what voicemail is for!)
    4) Always seeming to get the urge to pee in the middle of my cardio workout. :)
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    My previous post probably makes me look like I'm incredibly guilty of point number 2....

    The truth is, I pretty much keep to myself at the gym. I will always be friendly, courteous and kind if somebody want to ask me something and I never force my opinions or advice upon them
  • ladybosie
    ladybosie Posts: 41 Member
    1) Where I go, we have an actual track, and the weight room is in perfect view of said track, so the guys in the weight room line up to watch the women jog by.
    2) People who jog/walk side by side on the track so you can't pass them if need be.
    3) Old guys with short, loose running shorts who are basically deliberately trying to flash everyone.
    4) Those same old guys wearing their loose running shorts to the yoga class.
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