60 yrs and up



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    KeriA wrote: »
    I didn't make it around Greenlake yesterday but I did walk longer and farther there than I have lately been able to. Right now I have upped my exercise up from 1 Aquafit session to adding at least 30 minutes during each weekday. I have been pushing for 1 day to be a longer walk and I am doing 1-2 strength training sessions for the weekday exercise. I really wasn't doing much since our trips to France and to see my Son, DIL and grandson's Thanksgiving. So this is a big accomplishment.

    I have lost 8 lbs since I retired from full-time work. Last month I lost the most weight and this month I finally achieved my goal of exercising 6 days a week at least 30 minutes. I think this week I will be able to start to make progress on both. My other goal is to cook most meals at home. With 3 adults working full time we were eating out or taking out too much. I tend to lose when I am not working full-time since I get more exercise and cook at home. Since we eat healthy when we eat home cooked meals I lose. However this time when I started to up my exercise my weight loss stopped. So today is a watershed since I have been exercising more and lost weight too. I am not doing IF but I don't have to have breakfast right away since I don't have to start work at 8. On days I worked remotely I usually brought my breakfast down to my home office and ate it while I started work. I would grab breakfast on the way to work and eat it during my commute.

    We still have what we call Friday breakfast which is usually Starbucks or I can go to a cafe. I do have a goal to be able to walk to the nearest cafe, spend and hour there and walk back thereby earning my latte and pastry for my 'Friday breakfast'. My walk yesterday gets me close to this goal.

    Anyway being retired means that most of breakfasts are healthy and most of our other meals too. I am getting regular exercise finally. However I need to lose weight but I am starting to lose.

    @KeriA, it's pretty common to add some water weight when exercise increases, for muscle repair. Then, even if we lose a bit of fat, the water retention hides it on the scale. Is it possible that happened for you? Unless your calories eaten increased alongside the increased exercise, this seems like a strong possibility. If so, it usually sorts itself out within a couple of weeks.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,944 Member
    Sharing an amazing photo taken by one of the Brinnon Fire Department firefighters. vom8kd9xd52q.jpeg
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    @MargaretYakoda, that's a "wow" photograph. Thank you for sharing it.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    @AnnPT77 I think that it was a combination of that and my changing my eating with more exercise. I am eating more like I did when I was losing. I think it was an adjustment to exercising overall not to mention a big family party.

    The good news is that today I lost another lb. Now at 9 lbs loss since retirement.

    @jfrench255 Now I have to look up what a moose weighs. I am a bit afraid to though. I have a lot to lose.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,899 Member
    @jaded989 Yay!!!! That's definitely reason to celebrate!! Good for you 🎉💐🥰
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,622 Member
    Congratulation @jaded989 what an accomplishment!!! what was it that kept you going? It may help & encourage others to hear some of your journey
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Congratulations @jaded989 .

    I just lost some more so I have lost 10 pounds since I retired but need to keep up the exercise as well as I was earlier this month. I have skipped a day here and there recently.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    @jaded989 - my friend! Miss you on my Newsfeed!! ❤️ So, so happy for you and proud of you for hanging in through your looong period of slooow, little to no progress. Just goes to remind us all (you included) that perseverance is so necessary. Thanks for posting 🥰
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    I was away camping in the rain earlier this week, me, my daughter and granddaughter, and we are not hardy sorts haha but my granddaughter held up really well and we certainly had an adventure!

    Naturally (sigh) my weight rebounded while away, but at least I had lost my August vacation weight before camping, so pretty confident this will drop off quickly too and I can get back to where I was and maybe a pound or 2 more before leaving in my cruise.
    Hmm, might be bit of a tall order since there are only 9 days before our flight!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    @jaded989 - Well done. Enjoy your beach time in Florida.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    Welcome to the new participants: Hope we'll get updates from you regularly as you head toward your goals!

    Greetings to the long-timers here, and congratulations to @jaded989 specifically on hitting the normal BMI range!

    @BCLadybug888, camping with daughter and granddaughter sounds fun! Has your granddaughter camped before, or was this her first time? How old is she, if you don't mind my asking?

    Nothing really exciting going on in my life. I'm going through one of those periods where I know I'm over-eating, but so far not terrible impact. I need to rein things in, though, before bad things happen. I'm usually triggered when my jeans get snug, and in a couple of months I'll need the jeans to accommodate long underwear, so I see "motivation" in my future. :D

    Besides the regular rowing, I had another opportunity for a "functional fitness" workout, helping spread limestone gravel on the path at the boathouse. I think the raking part of it somewhat kicked up my recurring shoulder nerve impingement, unfortunately, so I skipped Saturday's coached row and coxed a boat for my friends instead. (The cox steers, so the rowers don't have to.) I think the extra rest day did help.

    I've been doing physical therapy for a different nearby problem, some movement limitations of my shoulder blade over my ribcage that sometimes relates to rib pain (minor thing), so I'll ask the therapist about this at next visit. I've had PT for the nerve impingement before, so can do some of those exercises, too.

    OK, I'll stop whining about trivia. Life is good, overall.

    I hope everyone else is doing well, enjoying life, crushing those goals. Let us know how you're doing?
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,052 Member
    I like this thread. It's nice to see so many of us more "experienced" folks succeeding and sharing here. thank you all!
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,899 Member
    I had an appointment with an RMT (registered massage therapist) on Thursday and I feel like I could now audition to be a member of cirque de Soleil. Okay....maybe not. But my back is feeling great again 🙂. I also ordered the Younger Next Year Back Book so my goal over the winter is to improve my core strength. I've been focussed on upper body the last couple of years and I think I've neglected my core. Just trying to own my part in this "healthy aging" adventure and control the things that I can control. The rest is out of my hands!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    edited September 6
    I had an appointment with an RMT (registered massage therapist) on Thursday and I feel like I could now audition to be a member of cirque de Soleil. Okay....maybe not. But my back is feeling great again 🙂.

    This cracked me up - have y'all seen Cirque du Soleil? Crazy contortionists!

  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited September 6
    @BCLadybug888 Congratulations on reaching the 50 pound mark. That's a big milestone! And is even more impressive given the amount of travelling that you do 🙂

    I'm going to a Celebration of Life this afternoon for a friend who was an accomplished athlete, teacher, and volunteer in the community. She was a fellow dragon boater and loved the water. The COL is a casual bbq get-together at a lakeside park so, in her honour, a few of us are taking our kayaks and going for a paddle prior to the celebration. I think she would have liked that ❤️
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    Drum roll please 🥁

    I am down 50 lbs since joining MFP August 2021, and inched past the previous low weight achieved in 2022! I came so close, but never quite made it across the 50 goal line then.

    And I am only 2 lbs from getting into the next 'decade' but will be tough getting there because tomorrow I fly to NYC, cruise for a week and then visit the Big Apple for 6 days - fly back evening of 19th. Hopefully I won't be up too much upon my return and can swiftly see it to the door ( 🙏 ) - I expect to do a tonne of walking while away, and that may offset some of the oh so many treats I may well indulge in! I have never been to NYC and will be hitting all the tourist spots I can.

    I will try to diarize my food and weigh daily, but we'll see how that goes lol 😅

    Keep on keeping on folks!

    Hi, @BCLadybug888 - sounds like you have a lot of fun coming up!

    That walking will burn calories, and I know you know to eat lightly when the food is routine, and indulge more in the special things.

    I'm sure you also know - though others new here may not, which is why I'm bringing it up - that special times like this tend to add some water weight. Unusual eating patterns, maybe some unusual activities (like more walking than we usually do), and especially airline flights or long drives . . . oh, man, the temporary water retention! The scale can jump up quite a few pounds. To the extent that it's water retention, not fat, we know it's going to drop off in a couple/few weeks without doing anything special, so no point in worrying until we get past that reasonable time horizon.

    The actual fat-gain "damage" we can do in a week or two tends to be pretty minor in the big picture, compared to the impact of routine day-in, day-out habits . . . but that post-trip scale jump (mostly from water weight gains) has the potential to rattle a person, for sure.

    Your trip sounds great, very fun: Give us a report when you get back, if you feel up to it (including reporting the treats!).

    Happy travels!