60 yrs and up



  • elithea175
    elithea175 Posts: 34 Member
    elithea175 wrote: »
    @BCLadybug888 sorry to keep bombarding you…do you have any clue the best was to avoid having to double entry food logging?
    i think it’s fixed! seems to have been a latency issue. now noom is showing my weight, foods and steps, all of which seem to be running through fitbit. i’m entering only food on mfp and fitbit is transferring the rest, but apparently only a few times a day. which is fine, as long as we know it will.

    @AnnPT77 thanks, the fitbit group was the first place i went but there seem to be no recent posts there either. so i just pressed on until i found somebody live!

    thanks for putting up with all this, people. i guess i’m just used to things being quicker, and will adjust myself accordingly!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    @elithea175, glad you got it all working! I am medium techie, but don't have all the gadgets you have lol.

    My only thought was sometimes tablets have issues where phones don't, and vice versa, so linking apps with different devices sometimes helps.

    And I've noticed some apps, like MFP, are hard to 'force' an update.

    @AnnPT77 - fantastic news about your rib pain! Can be so tricky getting the correct diagnosis.
  • Bflyn2
    Bflyn2 Posts: 5 Member
    New to this program but not new to trying to lose weight :neutral: I have Stage 3 CKD so I have to watch what I eat and don't eat. Covid Long Hauler - I have been off of oxygen a while and now just need to be motivated to keep moving. Would love to have a few people that just check in with me from time to time to encourage me to keep going with my diet plan and exercise and I can do the same.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    edited July 19
    Bflyn2 wrote: »
    Would love to have a few people that just check in with me from time to time to encourage me to keep going with my diet plan and exercise and I can do the same.

    We will be happy to do that! Just post here regularly and join us! 😊
    All are at different parts of the journey, but I don't think any joining in here are ever 'true' beginners lol, we have all been at this rodeo before, just not on MFP perhaps. 😆

    I had to google Stage 3 CKD and I am sorry to hear you are dealing with this. As with practically every medical condition known to man, managing our weight can be very beneficial, and I wish you every success and encourage you to stick with it, no matter what. And eating healthier alongside calorie reduction is beneficial too.

    I myself knew better but still managed to basically yoyo diet over the past 30 years, getting ever heavier with each boom or bust cycle!! So I made a personal commitment when joining MFP (almost 3 years ago) that this time it was FOR LIFE.
    And I lost close to 50# the first year, then drifted up about 15+ the next 18 months (but kept tracking and working on lifestyle improvements) then buckled down again this year and expect to finally cross the 50# marker by the end of this Summer 😎 and hope to not slip back. I have lots more to lose, so we'll see. 1 pound at a time 🤗

    Anyway, welcome to you and any/all newbies, please add to this chat anytime to vent, ask questions or share progress!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,622 Member
    Just want to say hello, I had to go to the discussion page & scroll through the discussions to find ya'll again & it is marked to my favorites. Don't know why it disappears. Time to eat lunch, will check in later
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    Hey, did you try looking under My Bookmarks? At least it is a shorter list to search through!
    If no one posts for a couple of days, it's easy for our thread to get buried.

    I had been having a very 'on point' week, but the scale was not budging - until it did! Hurrah, I am definitely down over 1 lbs.

    Today (Saturday) I was at a backyard BBQ all afternoon and evening, which I was happy to attend but still did so with some trepidation - and while I pretty much wiped out my calorie deficit, I did not go over and feel great about it really ☺
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,622 Member
    @BCLadybug888 one day won't matter, it's what we do on the other days consistently that makes a difference. Well at least I know where to find this group, it's on page 5 of the Discussions. I was surprised to find MFP gave me an anniversary badge for 8years! Has it really been that long? I was thinking 6, time sure passes fast some times. I started because a friend had lost 80lbs & she told me it was through counting calories. She was on Spark people. I decided to give it a try but not expecting it to work & have accepted me weight of 200lbs after trying many things to lose with no success. I was maintaining it & I was active & loved going to the gym. I went 5-6 days a week & even played racquetball. Spark people seemed complicated to me so I found MFP. My friend started coming to the gym with me. We went to aqua aerobics 3 days a week together. I still kept going more as I was used to. She has fibromyalgia so didn't feel up to more. Calorie deficit worked for me. I lost about 1lb a week. I learned so much about food & added so many new foods I wasn't eating before. It really wasn't hard because I didn't have to change what I ate just how much. I really didn't know much about calories before. I'd love to hear some of your stories how it began for you
  • elithea175
    elithea175 Posts: 34 Member
    And I lost close to 50# the first year, then drifted up about 15+ the next 18 months…then buckled down again this year!

    well, i’m here to report that my experience was almost exactly the same and today was my first weigh-in after restarting last week: the 1.3# i lost was the first actual loss in well over a year! the plateau finally broke!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    elithea175 wrote: »
    well, i’m here to report that my experience was almost exactly the same and today was my first weigh-in after restarting last week: the 1.3# i lost was the first actual loss in well over a year! the plateau finally broke!

    Congrats on breaking your plateau!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    My news?

    And this time it’s permanent.

    WOOHOO!!! Well done 👏 👏 👏
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    Greetings, all you seasoned citizens. Good to see some of the regulars and some new folks, as well.

    Holding steady weight wise - better than gaining, I suppose. Enduring a heat wave and wildfire smoke currently, so outdoor activities are limited. That should be my impetus to do a workout in the house, but I much prefer doing something outside.

    Hang in there, my friends. It's a marathon, not a sprint. 😊
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    KeaKawa wrote: »
    Hi everyone. Just joined, I'm also in 60s and my goal is really to eat healthier, less fat, less sugar and lose a couple of kgs as well.

    Make sure you get some of the good fat like that in avocados, salmon, olive oil etc. They have calories but they help your metabolism.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    My son gave me his fitbit some time ago because he doesn't use it but I'm having a problem getting the app for it so I haven't used it. Do you have to pay for the app? So far it has a fee

    Google bought out Fitbit so it has changed but you don't have to pay for it.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just got back from our family annual camping trip which we haven’t done since COVID. However since my husband is still healing from a car accident (the other guy got the ticket) we didn’t tent it and stayed at an inn at night. They had a beautiful, salt water, big pool so we did our Aquafit before getting back to the camp the 1st day. I got a lot more exercise and activity on the trip so hoping that will help kick start a regular exercise routine. Lost .4 lbs so not bad for a camping trip.

    @ridiculous59 Thanks for passing on the great advice. Right now I no that I need to focus on my health. Then I want to get back into my art. But still I need to hear these words of wisdom. I had too many friends on my newsfeed because of group I started. But now I don’t know how many of them are doing. I used to have the top of the line Fitbit smart watch but started to react to it. I just got a slimmer one but not sure it is the best one yet. However I need it more for tracking my activity levels than for exercise and longer walks. I am being careful to rest my wrist this time around.

    @Evanmutt part of my goals now is to limit eating out or taking out meals. Working full time and before that remodeling our kitchen eating out was hurting my health. We try to eat healthy foods when we cook our meals but really just eating at home and getting some exercise is what works for me to lose weight. We remodeled our kitchen not because we wanted to but we had to replace the floors and counters. We finally have a dishwasher that works after decades. Finally we have our house in shape enough to have friends over. Friends are important to our health. Before we had to meet them at cafes etc. I love reading but now that I am retired I am wondering if I should keep it for later in the day like I did when I was working or whether I just read when I want to.

    @SummerSkier yes that is a loss having the newsfeed gone. Give yourself time to heal even if it is frustrating.

    @AnnPT77 thanks for your insights on retiring. I think I miss the interaction with co-workers and I decided that for now I need to be less other focused. However, I need to work on developing friends that are retired too. Our best friends are retired but live here only in the late spring summer and early fall. Yes I have a good sized list too and that had something to do with why I retired when I did because I couldn’t get these important things done. My husband isn’t retired but works mostly remotely so I am not alone during most days. I was an artist before and plan to get back into it once I get some priorities addressed. I appreciate you confirming that it can take a while to find the new routine. My son who lives in Houston just decided to take a trip rather than deal with Beryl. You do not know whether they will increase their category or change direction at the last minute. He wanted to make sure his family was safe. They came home and stayed with friends since the electricity was still out. He is trying to move up here.
    @MargaretYakoda glad you are close to onderland.
    @elitheal75 yes you did that right. Sometimes people use the “Quote button on the bottom of the post you want to comment on and it adds that post to comment on. You can get rid of the part of the quote you don’t need. I am having trouble with fitbit too. My iPhone version of MFP isn’t working for me yet. Although we have done some renovating we have more to go but not as fun. We plan to add some heat pump split systems upstairs since our radiator doesn’t get much heat upstairs and with climate change we need a bit of air conditioning up here in Seattle. We need a new roof, and I can’t believe we need to paint again. We need new blinds and except for the kitchen and bathroom we need to paint inside. Yes there is actually a thread on MFP for all of us working on de-cluttering. I am lucky that my 30 year old youngest lives with us and is helping with that. @BCLadybug888 I used to have my fitbit and MFP linked but need to do that again since all the changes with both apps and I have a different fitbit.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,899 Member
    I haven't been on here for a bit. We've been away for the past 10 days and the cell service ranged from "not at all" to "okay for calls, but definitely not enough for scrolling anything on-line".

    My daughter got married last Saturday in another province. It was smokin' hot and there was so much work to do but we got 'er done. She has married into an amazingly kind family, which makes me so very happy. Our trip home took longer than expected due to highway closures from forest fires but we made it through. I have not stepped on the scale yet and don't plan to for a week. I didn't eat crazy amounts of food, but I may have drank too many adult beverages. I generally allow myself two glasses of wine on a Friday night, but visiting with family members, bbq's, etc. kinda turned every day into Friday 🙃.

    Between the busy-ness and the ridiculous heat, I didn't do much in the way of intentional exercise while I was away, but we worked hard setting up and tearing down the wedding venue so I managed to average over 13,000 steps per day over the ten days, which is pretty good considering four of the days were travel days. But now it's back to real life. On the way home I stopped at a farm and stocked up on a ton of veggies so I'm set in that regards.

    Welcome to the new people on here! My back story is that I have always been very active, but for 23 years I allowed myself to lose my way in the forest of child rearing, working, and general family life. I joined MFP in 2013 and lost 90 pounds over 4 years by counting calories and exercising. Maintenance was actually harder than I expected and I let a few pounds creep back. I have lots of excuses as to why it happened: retirement, COVID, car accident and subsequent back pain. But they are just excuses. At the end of the day, I opened my mouth and too much food found its way in. So here I am working on the 15-20 pounds that I gained back.

    As Red Green says "We're all in this together" 🙂
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,944 Member

    As Red Green says "We're all in this together" 🙂

    We definitely are!

    I saw the news about Jasper. When I was traveling with my husband’s band we used to play in various little clubs up around there. It’s heartbreaking.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,589 Member
    I saw the news about Jasper. When I was traveling with my husband’s band we used to play in various little clubs up around there. It’s heartbreaking.

    It is frightening, one of 2 wildfires coming for the town covered 5km (3 miles) in less than 30 minutes and was a 3-400 feet tall wall of flames (higher than the trees) when it reached the outskirts... this is a small tourist town with only 5000 year round residents. Everyone had to retreat including firefighters. Thankfully, there has been no loss of life but the mayor estimates 30-50% of structures have burned, and fire is not out.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 161 Member
    Disclaimer. In my professional life I am an accountant who is still trying to retire. I can keep track of just about anything.
    In my private life I don't want to count anything including calories, but that is one exception where I just have to force myself.
    To those of you who track all kinds of other things - sleep, steps, heart rate, macros, whatever - how do you use the information you collect?