Getting out of the 150's!



  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    Highest Weight: 158
    Current Weight: 153.6
    Goal Weight: 123
    Way of Eating (WOE): IF 12-8 eating window, 1200 calories
    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: weekly on Mondays and Fridays

    Last check-in weight: 155.4
    Current weight: 153.6
    Pounds until 149 (or 149.9 or whatever you would count as being completely out of 150's): 3.7

    3.7 lbs until I see the 140s sounds like May 12th is a possible date for hitting that milestone, but I have a one-week vacation coming up next week, so I'm not likely to hit it that early (sigh).
  • CowgirlConnieMay
    CowgirlConnieMay Posts: 300 Member
    April 5 lbs. Challenge
    1st - 158.6
    5th - 154.5
    8th - 158.2
    12th - 154.9
    15th -
    19th -
    22nd -
    26th -
    29th -
    30th -
    Goal: 153

    Soo excited to see this number more than once. I am headed that way like the rest of you are👍👍🎉🎉
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Preferred Name: Maddie
    Highest Weight: ~237
    SW: 228.3 1/1/16
    OGW: 166
    Then GW: 155
    Starting Current Weight: 150.6
    Current Goal Weight: 149.8 then reassess!
    (WOE): high fiber & water, low sodium, and moderate protein & sat. fat. Minimum five 3 ounce servings fruit/veg.

    >60 mins exercise daily & >10,000 steps per day

    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: I weigh daily & use weekly, monthly averages

    Going for it the next 33 days. It’s time. I know what I need to do.

    No eating out if I weigh 155 or more until I am back in low 154’s or 153.

    33 days to go: 3/24 155.2 Start✅
    32 3/25 154.8✅
    31 3/26 153.6✅
    30 3/27 153.4✅
    29 3/28 152.6✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    28 3/29 152.8 ❌some mex. food
    27 3/30 155✅
    26 3/31 154.4✅
    25 4/1 154.4✅
    24 4/2 153.0 ✅(but ate out so cal count not exact)
    23 4/3 154.2❌ mex. food (gonna have to start making healthier mex food at home!)
    22 4/4 155 ✅Avg wt down 0.2 since last Thursday
    21 4/5 154.2❌dessert
    20 4/6 154.2✅
    19 4/7 154.4 ✅ perfect day - home eating, no sugar
    18 4/8 152.6 ❌ some extra sweets but WOW! I’m Happy - Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    17 4/9 152.8 ✅✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    16 4/10 152.4 ✅✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    15 4/11 151.2 ❌ All good, but ate out with dessert. Calories etc all good.
    Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    14 4/12 151.4 ❌ All good, but ate out with dessert again. Calories etc all good.
    Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    13 4/13

    ✅ calories, salt, fiber, sugar, exercise all good
    ✅✅ all of above & no restaurant meals
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Highest Weight: 158
    Current Weight: 153.6
    Goal Weight: 123
    Way of Eating (WOE): IF 12-8 eating window, 1200 calories
    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: weekly on Mondays and Fridays

    Last check-in weight: 155.4
    Current weight: 153.6
    Pounds until 149 (or 149.9 or whatever you would count as being completely out of 150's): 3.7

    3.7 lbs until I see the 140s sounds like May 12th is a possible date for hitting that milestone, but I have a one-week vacation coming up next week, so I'm not likely to hit it that early (sigh).

    You’ve got this, @Hilogirl2018. I try to think of these final ups & downs as we get closer to our GW as Very Important Practice for what we’ll need to do in maintenance: persevere, identify behavior creeps, handle vacations etc. usually, it helps my mindset :)
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 You're right, and something I read on a different MFP thread gave me a lot of clarity about how this works. Instead of being anxious about my upcoming vacation and the inevitable fluctuations that will come with it, I am going to choose to go on a diet break:

    It's basically what you said, practicing maintenance as we go along. This author advocates for a planned break vs. oh, whoops, went over today, and cites a study to support the idea that planned breaks of at least a week can and should be part of the dieting process ("For anybody who wants to look it up, the full reference is “Wing RR and RW Jeffrey. Prescribed ‘Breaks’ as a means to disrupt weight control efforts. Obes Res (2003) 11: 287-291.”).

    I'll be trying an official break Wednesday to Wednesday, and I'll be sure to update here on my results.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 You're right, and something I read on a different MFP thread gave me a lot of clarity about how this works. Instead of being anxious about my upcoming vacation and the inevitable fluctuations that will come with it, I am going to choose to go on a diet break:

    It's basically what you said, practicing maintenance as we go along. This author advocates for a planned break vs. oh, whoops, went over today, and cites a study to support the idea that planned breaks of at least a week can and should be part of the dieting process ("For anybody who wants to look it up, the full reference is “Wing RR and RW Jeffrey. Prescribed ‘Breaks’ as a means to disrupt weight control efforts. Obes Res (2003) 11: 287-291.”).

    I'll be trying an official break Wednesday to Wednesday, and I'll be sure to update here on my results.

    Thanks so much for this, and for taking the time to cite the research!
  • CowgirlConnieMay
    CowgirlConnieMay Posts: 300 Member
    150's Challenge
    Last weigh in: 154.5
    Current Weight: 153.4
    Goal 14 anything 😊

    I am also headed for family vacation/break next Saturday. I am still slightly nervous but I love the progress I have made so far 😊
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Preferred Name: Maddie
    Highest Weight: ~237
    SW: 228.3 1/1/16
    OGW: 166
    Then GW: 155
    Starting Current Weight: 150.6
    Current Goal Weight: 149.8 then reassess!
    (WOE): high fiber & water, low sodium, and moderate protein & sat. fat. Minimum five 3 ounce servings fruit/veg.

    >60 mins exercise daily & >10,000 steps per day

    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: I weigh daily & use weekly, monthly averages

    Going for it the next 33 days. It’s time. I know what I need to do.

    No eating out if I weigh 155 or more until I am back in low 154’s or 153.

    33 days to go: 3/24 155.2 Start✅
    32 3/25 154.8✅
    31 3/26 153.6✅
    30 3/27 153.4✅
    29 3/28 152.6✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    28 3/29 152.8 ❌some mex. food
    27 3/30 155✅
    26 3/31 154.4✅
    25 4/1 154.4✅
    24 4/2 153.0 ✅(but ate out so cal count not exact)
    23 4/3 154.2❌ mex. food (gonna have to start making healthier mex food at home!)
    22 4/4 155 ✅Avg wt down 0.2 since last Thursday
    21 4/5 154.2❌dessert
    20 4/6 154.2✅
    19 4/7 154.4 ✅ perfect day - home eating, no sugar
    18 4/8 152.6 ❌ some extra sweets but WOW! I’m Happy - Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    17 4/9 152.8 ✅✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    16 4/10 152.4 ✅✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    15 4/11 151.2 ❌ All good, but ate out with dessert. Calories etc all good.
    Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    14 4/12 151.4 ❌ All good, but ate out with dessert again. Calories etc all good.
    Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    13 4/13 152.2 ❌✅all great except sodium & ate at home!!
    12 4/14 152.7

    ✅ calories, salt, fiber, sugar, exercise all good
    2nd✅ no restaurant meals
  • Daisy_Girl2019
    Daisy_Girl2019 Posts: 209 Member

    Intro template (if you want):
    Preferred Name:Daisy
    Highest Weight:5'2
    Current Weight: 127
    Goal Weight: 120
    Way of Eating (WOE): 1200 calorie daily, no food weighing, only estimate.
    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: Every morning.

    1 hour cardio and 1 hour weight training. Plan was to do it 4-5x a week, but lately I have been working over time, so only been going 2-3x a week for the last 3 weeks.

    Weight update template (if you want):Being so close to my goal, I have been thinking to drop my goal to 115.
    Last check-in weight: this morning
    Current weight:127.6
  • pinkfairy88
    pinkfairy88 Posts: 88 Member
    Last check-in weight: 150.3
    Current weight: 149.5
    Pounds until 149's: reached just need to maintain it!

    Happy Monday guys!
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member

    Highest Weight: 158
    Current Weight: 152.8
    Goal Weight: 123
    Way of Eating (WOE): IF 12-8 eating window, 1200 calories
    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: weekly on Mondays and Fridays

    Last check-in weight: 153.6
    Current weight: 152.8
    Pounds until 149 (or 149.9 or whatever you would count as being completely out of 150's): 2.9

    Only 2.9 lbs until I see the 140s, BUT I'm going on a road trip vacation this week so my goal will be maintenance of around 153.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Highest Weight: 158
    Current Weight: 152.8
    Goal Weight: 123
    Way of Eating (WOE): IF 12-8 eating window, 1200 calories
    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: weekly on Mondays and Fridays

    Last check-in weight: 153.6
    Current weight: 152.8
    Pounds until 149 (or 149.9 or whatever you would count as being completely out of 150's): 2.9

    Only 2.9 lbs until I see the 140s, BUT I'm going on a road trip vacation this week so my goal will be maintenance of around 153.

    Great job! You are almost there! Hope your trip is fun.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Last check-in weight: 150.3
    Current weight: 149.5
    Pounds until 149's: reached just need to maintain it!

    Happy Monday guys!

    Woohooo! You did it! Are you going into maintenance now or trying to lose more? I am short and not too active so I still have a ways to go.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member

    Intro template (if you want):
    Preferred Name:Daisy
    Highest Weight:5'2
    Current Weight: 127
    Goal Weight: 120
    Way of Eating (WOE): 1200 calorie daily, no food weighing, only estimate.
    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: Every morning.

    1 hour cardio and 1 hour weight training. Plan was to do it 4-5x a week, but lately I have been working over time, so only been going 2-3x a week for the last 3 weeks.

    Weight update template (if you want):Being so close to my goal, I have been thinking to drop my goal to 115.
    Last check-in weight: this morning
    Current weight:127.6

    Wow!! You are doing fabulous! We have similar goals. Can't wait til I see 127.6!
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Preferred Name: Maddie
    Highest Weight: ~237
    SW: 228.3 1/1/16
    OGW: 166
    Then GW: 155
    Starting Current Weight: 150.6
    Current Goal Weight: 149.8 then reassess!
    (WOE): high fiber & water, low sodium, and moderate protein & sat. fat. Minimum five 3 ounce servings fruit/veg.

    >60 mins exercise daily & >10,000 steps per day

    Anticipated weigh-in frequency: I weigh daily & use weekly, monthly averages

    Going for it the next 33 days. It’s time. I know what I need to do.

    No eating out if I weigh 155 or more until I am back in low 154’s or 153.

    33 days to go: 3/24 155.2 Start✅
    32 3/25 154.8✅
    31 3/26 153.6✅
    30 3/27 153.4✅
    29 3/28 152.6✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    28 3/29 152.8 ❌some mex. food
    27 3/30 155✅
    26 3/31 154.4✅
    25 4/1 154.4✅
    24 4/2 153.0 ✅(but ate out so cal count not exact)
    23 4/3 154.2❌ mex. food (gonna have to start making healthier mex food at home!)
    22 4/4 155 ✅Avg wt down 0.2 since last Thursday
    21 4/5 154.2❌dessert
    20 4/6 154.2✅
    19 4/7 154.4 ✅ perfect day - home eating, no sugar
    18 4/8 152.6 ❌ some extra sweets but WOW! I’m Happy - Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    17 4/9 152.8 ✅✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    16 4/10 152.4 ✅✅ Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    15 4/11 151.2 ❌ All good, but ate out with dessert. Calories etc all good.
    Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    14 4/12 151.4 ❌ All good, but ate out with dessert again. Calories etc all good.
    Under top end of my Maintenance Range (153)!
    13 4/13 152.2 ❌✅all great except sodium & ate at home!!
    12 4/14 152.7

    ✅ calories, salt, fiber, sugar, exercise all good
    2nd✅ no restaurant meals

    You are getting close. Great job! Great discipline.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    150's Challenge
    Last weigh in: 154.5
    Current Weight: 153.4
    Goal 14 anything 😊

    I am also headed for family vacation/break next Saturday. I am still slightly nervous but I love the progress I have made so far 😊

    Hope your family vacation went well! You are getting really close. Hang in there.
  • CowgirlConnieMay
    CowgirlConnieMay Posts: 300 Member
    Fivepts.... You are so sweet to motivate everyone. We leave this Saturday for Disney World... Hoping the long walking will negate the inevitable calorie intake. Goal for the trip is to eat mindfully and not eat just to eat or eat because others are hungry if I am not honestly hungru😊
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    So happy to hear this is helping you, Maddie! Great job getting back down from the 154s! I have a horrible habit of seeing an upward bump and falling off track (especially when I have been doing everything right), so you are my inspiration for the day.

    Ugg! Me too.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    LadySaton wrote: »
    Last check-in weight: 155.4
    Current weight: 154.8
    Pounds until 149: 5.8

    Getting close!!!