Question for those who don't want to be ripped.



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member

    That's kind of like saying you got accidentally educated by going to college and studying.

    But I did! Came for the free pizza on orientation, stayed because I'm a masochist who loves punishing herself with paper deadlines. Incidentally, I can now recite the history of science fiction and several poems by Alan Ginsberg, in case anyone's interested.

    They always get you with the pizza orientation....always!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    I want to say thank you to you, Morebean. It's people like you, Dav and pretty much most of my FL that have seen through my crap and told me things I needed to hear versus wanted.

    I've done the pity party..often. And it's people like Morebean who say..."Stop feeling sorry for yourself....stop being melodramatic...get off you butt or just stay fat...." that help me stop making excuses to not change or to succeed. because no matter how I put it...that's exactly what it is.

    "I want to do this but I don't have access to this or that..."
    "I want to do this but I don't think I can because...."
    "I want to but I'm feeling bleh, etc..."
    "I don't think I can be like this so I'll aim for halfway/half-assed...."

    Crap like the above is what I say when I just want to give up and act like I'm okay not being the best I could be. And it is people like Morebean that tell me..."Don't be a twit. You KNOW you can be as fit and healthy as you want to be if you work for it....stop with the excuses."

    So thank you mean people!!!! You help me not be/think less of myself :flowerforyou:

    The OP wasn't giving up though, they were merely asking if there was anybody else on MFP with the same goals physique-wise as herself.

    Glad you have found a support mechanism though, it's nice if you find your support crutch :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    I want to say thank you to you, Morebean. It's people like you, Dav and pretty much most of my FL that have seen through my crap and told me things I needed to hear versus wanted.

    I've done the pity party..often. And it's people like Morebean who say..."Stop feeling sorry for yourself....stop being melodramatic...get off you butt or just stay fat...." that help me stop making excuses to not change or to succeed. because no matter how I put it...that's exactly what it is.

    "I want to do this but I don't have access to this or that..."
    "I want to do this but I don't think I can because...."
    "I want to but I'm feeling bleh, etc..."
    "I don't think I can be like this so I'll aim for halfway/half-assed...."

    Crap like the above is what I say when I just want to give up and act like I'm okay not being the best I could be. And it is people like Morebean that tell me..."Don't be a twit. You KNOW you can be as fit and healthy as you want to be if you work for it....stop with the excuses."

    So thank you mean people!!!! You help me not be/think less of myself :flowerforyou:

    The OP wasn't giving up though, they were merely asking if there was anybody else on MFP with the same goals physique-wise as herself.

    Glad you have found a support mechanism though, it's nice if you find your support crutch :)

    Saying she knows she can't be as good enough shape as she was when she was in the military is an excuse. She can be. It just might take awhile. If she doesn't want to be, then fine. But when you say "Well, I know I can't really be..." ..that's an excuse.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    I want to say thank you to you, Morebean. It's people like you, Dav and pretty much most of my FL that have seen through my crap and told me things I needed to hear versus wanted.

    I've done the pity party..often. And it's people like Morebean who say..."Stop feeling sorry for yourself....stop being melodramatic...get off you butt or just stay fat...." that help me stop making excuses to not change or to succeed. because no matter how I put it...that's exactly what it is.

    "I want to do this but I don't have access to this or that..."
    "I want to do this but I don't think I can because...."
    "I want to but I'm feeling bleh, etc..."
    "I don't think I can be like this so I'll aim for halfway/half-assed...."

    Crap like the above is what I say when I just want to give up and act like I'm okay not being the best I could be. And it is people like Morebean that tell me..."Don't be a twit. You KNOW you can be as fit and healthy as you want to be if you work for it....stop with the excuses."

    So thank you mean people!!!! You help me not be/think less of myself :flowerforyou:

    The OP wasn't giving up though, they were merely asking if there was anybody else on MFP with the same goals physique-wise as herself.

    Glad you have found a support mechanism though, it's nice if you find your support crutch :)

    Saying she knows she can't be as good enough shape as she was when she was in the military is an excuse. She can be. It just might take awhile. If she doesn't want to be, then fine. But when you say "Well, I know I can't really be..." ..that's an excuse.

    Just out of curiosity, where did she say that in her own posting Joy?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    "I mean....this whole post sounds like an excuse to stay fat, honestly."

    Where did this come from? Seriously? I don't even know what to say to this. I am sorry you are feeling so negative this morning.

    I'm not feeling negative. I'm trying to help you out by being honest and pointing out what you can't see right now. I know you're not making the excuse consciously. I've been around here long enough to read between the lines, even when the OP doesn't recognize what they're doing. Sorry for the blunt delivery, I won't expect a thank you for a while. :cheers:

    I want to say thank you to you, Morebean. It's people like you, Dav and pretty much most of my FL that have seen through my crap and told me things I needed to hear versus wanted.

    I've done the pity party..often. And it's people like Morebean who say..."Stop feeling sorry for yourself....stop being melodramatic...get off you butt or just stay fat...." that help me stop making excuses to not change or to succeed. because no matter how I put it...that's exactly what it is.

    "I want to do this but I don't have access to this or that..."
    "I want to do this but I don't think I can because...."
    "I want to but I'm feeling bleh, etc..."
    "I don't think I can be like this so I'll aim for halfway/half-assed...."

    Crap like the above is what I say when I just want to give up and act like I'm okay not being the best I could be. And it is people like Morebean that tell me..."Don't be a twit. You KNOW you can be as fit and healthy as you want to be if you work for it....stop with the excuses."

    So thank you mean people!!!! You help me not be/think less of myself :flowerforyou:

    The OP wasn't giving up though, they were merely asking if there was anybody else on MFP with the same goals physique-wise as herself.

    Glad you have found a support mechanism though, it's nice if you find your support crutch :)

    Saying she knows she can't be as good enough shape as she was when she was in the military is an excuse. She can be. It just might take awhile. If she doesn't want to be, then fine. But when you say "Well, I know I can't really be..." ..that's an excuse.

    Just out of curiosity, where did she say that in her own posting Joy?

    My apologies. I read it that way in the OP because I don't understand how someone who was in the best shape of their life previously would want to settle for less later in life.
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    Quote from OP "My profile picture is me climbing Mt. Fugi in Japan. I was in the best shape of my life. My question is, What if I don't want to get back there? I want to lose weight and be healthier, but I don't need or want to be in the shape I was when I was in the military". She clearly has no problem with muscle or even "being ripped". She just doesn't want to strive for that level of fitness now, but is more concerned with getting healthy and wanting to see if others had the same goal. End of story. I think a lot of people misunderstood just because the word "ripped" is in the title, and that is such a hot button around here. This is not a "lifting will make me bulky" thread.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member

    Just out of curiosity, where did she say that in her own posting Joy?

    My apologies. I read it that way in the OP because I don't understand how someone who was in the best shape of their life previously would want to settle for less later in life.

    Ahhh no probs, thought I was going mad for a while there LOL :flowerforyou:
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Don't worry - no one gets ripped by accident.

    Actually-- you can get ripped by accident if you're really into a sport and you train for performance and incidentally get ripped.


    I train 2 hours a day for boxing because I like the sport, and I'm accidentally ripped... just saying.

    2 hours a day of boxing training is not an accident lol. What did you expect? lol

    ^^My point.....It may be a perk, or an effect of, but not an accident.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    i am allowed my opinion, and never said it towards anyone. i DO think the overly bound muscular men are GROSS. so if you want to play "MFP police on me for that.. by ALL MEANS!! Go for it!

    And if my not wanting to bulk up and gain tons of muscle is an excuse to stay fat... then please, look at my weight loss ticker....


    Um, unless steroids are one of your supplements, you can't bulk up and gain tons of muscle....just say'n.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Quote from OP "My profile picture is me climbing Mt. Fugi in Japan. I was in the best shape of my life. My question is, What if I don't want to get back there? I want to lose weight and be healthier, but I don't need or want to be in the shape I was when I was in the military". She clearly has no problem with muscle or even "being ripped". She just doesn't want to strive for that level of fitness now, but is more concerned with getting healthy and wanting to see if others had the same goal. End of story. I think a lot of people misunderstood just because the word "ripped" is in the title, and that is such a hot button around here. This is not a "lifting will make me bulky" thread.

    I'd guess the vast majority of users are trying to get thinner and in better shape, and are not preparing for exceptional fitness levels. The question is so incongruous that it results in massive confusion. Like asking if anyone else here is not trying to achieve a PhD. 99% raise your hands!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member

    i am allowed my opinion, and never said it towards anyone. i DO think the overly bound muscular men are GROSS. so if you want to play "MFP police on me for that.. by ALL MEANS!! Go for it!

    And if my not wanting to bulk up and gain tons of muscle is an excuse to stay fat... then please, look at my weight loss ticker....


    Um, unless steroids are one of your supplements, you can't bulk up and gain tons of muscle....just say'n.

    I think you found the issue here.....ripped means low body fat rather than bulking up. You don't need to pile on muscle to get ripped.

    Also, I just want to say that people's right to an opinion does not mean that people cannot disagree, sometimes emphatically.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    in for nut gifs!
    woops wrong kind
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member

    This is amazing!

    ETA - and I refuse to google nut gifs on my work computer lol.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You all have your silly fun. Childish fun. I hope you are all proud of yourselves for the people you have become. Think back to the people you once were... the bullying you one endured and how you were felt. YOU have all become those people. GOOD JOB. I will never become one of you...

    I've reported you, and this thread. This is nonsense and I cannot believe that you all get joy and laughter from it. Do you have nothing better to do than to sit here & bully others? Post silly pictures and make fun of people? DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELVES? Well, if that's what it takes.. I hope you succeeded. I hope each one of your self esteems are a little higher now. I'll take one for the team, for the "fat" people as you have called the OP and others in this thread. I have the backbone for it. I AM STRONG. See, I would have to CARE about you for your opinion to matter to me!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You all have your silly fun. Childish fun. I hope you are all proud of yourselves for the people you have become. Think back to the people you once were... the bullying you one endured and how you were felt. YOU have all become those people. GOOD JOB. I will never become one of you...

    I've reported you, and this thread. This is nonsense and I cannot believe that you all get joy and laughter from it. Do you have nothing better to do than to sit here & bully others? Post silly pictures and make fun of people? DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELVES? Well, if that's what it takes.. I hope you succeeded. I hope each one of your self esteems are a little higher now. I'll take one for the team, for the "fat" people as you have called the OP and others in this thread. I have the backbone for it. I AM STRONG. See, I would have to CARE about you for your opinion to matter to me!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

    And you think overweight/fat people, scrawny people, etc haven't been teased and called gross? that certain parts of their body haven't been called gross? You think bullies haven't belittled their goals and ideals?

    I hope you feel better doing to muscled people what bullies have done to overweight people like myself (and I've been fat since the 5th grade).... and oh, kudos to you for proving how much better you are for shaming a physique that some are working hard to achieve or maintain. are so much better than those past bullies. [/sarcasm]
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You all have your silly fun. Childish fun. I hope you are all proud of yourselves for the people you have become. Think back to the people you once were... the bullying you one endured and how you were felt. YOU have all become those people. GOOD JOB. I will never become one of you...

    I've reported you, and this thread. This is nonsense and I cannot believe that you all get joy and laughter from it. Do you have nothing better to do than to sit here & bully others? Post silly pictures and make fun of people? DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELVES? Well, if that's what it takes.. I hope you succeeded. I hope each one of your self esteems are a little higher now. I'll take one for the team, for the "fat" people as you have called the OP and others in this thread. I have the backbone for it. I AM STRONG. See, I would have to CARE about you for your opinion to matter to me!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

    You've reported us?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    YOU shamed body types. YOU name called. YOU are as close to a bully as this thread provided.

    But you think the mods are going to side with you?

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You all have your silly fun. Childish fun. I hope you are all proud of yourselves for the people you have become. Think back to the people you once were... the bullying you one endured and how you were felt. YOU have all become those people. GOOD JOB. I will never become one of you...

    I've reported you, and this thread. This is nonsense and I cannot believe that you all get joy and laughter from it. Do you have nothing better to do than to sit here & bully others? Post silly pictures and make fun of people? DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELVES? Well, if that's what it takes.. I hope you succeeded. I hope each one of your self esteems are a little higher now. I'll take one for the team, for the "fat" people as you have called the OP and others in this thread. I have the backbone for it. I AM STRONG. See, I would have to CARE about you for your opinion to matter to me!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:

    Its funny because I get insulted more now that I ever did by people calling me "gross" (and I am not even referring to this thread). or saying I look like a man since I have lost weight and gotten fit. I guess its ok though according to you.

    Please, save the drama. No one here insulted "fat" people. The only one throwing insults at all was you.

    If playing the martyr makes you feel better, go ahead. Most of us aren't buying it.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    As someone who likes having muscles and hopes to gain more, I'm feeling pretty offended by being called gross.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Its funny because I get insulted more now that I ever did by people calling me "gross" (and I am not even referring to this thread). or saying I look like a man since I have lost weight and gotten fit.

    not gross or manly. very attractive, sounds like they are jelly and that makes them feel a little better.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    As someone who likes having muscles and hopes to gain more, I'm feeling pretty offended by being called gross.

    Yeah, you're g.r.o.s.s.
    Got Ripped, Obviously Screaming Success