
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Oh my @b4leaving - that's a lot going on at once. Good job keeping up with exercise. You can stay on track. Minor setbacks don't ruin everything. You should be very proud of keeping new routines going. Keep it up. And it does seem that this group is pretty open to folks sharing frustrations and being supportive.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    audreygal wrote: »
    Hello everyone: Its almost spring and I am trying to get motivated. I went to my Planet Fitness gym and was disgusted with myself when I saw myself in the mirror. I know what I have to do. Daily exercise of some kind and log my food journal. It really does keep you accountable. I am semi retired and don't have a job right now so it seems to challenge me more. I am trying to keep busy with projects around the house and plan to get rid of a lot of stuff on my June 1 yard sale. How does everyone stay motivated?

    :) I take it one day at a time and do what I need to do just for today. I walk a lot and listen to podcasts and audio books for entertainment to keep me walking longer. I go to line dance classes twice a week. Other people go to other kinds of organized exercise (Zumba, yoga, tai chi, etc.). I read this thread every day and read books about health and creating good habits. Being retired provides lots of time to be active and burn calories.

    petting-poodle-smiley-emoticon.gif Barbie from NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Evening ladies..
    Im.home and in bed....long long day and tomorrow even longer...
    Going to go to sleep
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,388 Member
    Felcia-thanks for the yoga routine tip. I have some books on yoga but they are a bit intimidating to figure out a good, basic routine to start with, so I was just doing some random poses. Printed off one of the routines and will try tomorrow.

    I have to admit--reading how some of you can respond to every post is intimidating! When I get home from work to check on this thread I read so much that is good and that touches my heart in terms of the things you are struggling with. I also enjoy the humor. Maybe I will catch on to a better way to respond--but you are all helping me everyday!

    I had a good day. Actually got three separate exercise periods in-treadmill before work for 30 minutes, walked for 30 minutes on my lunch hour, and took a 20 minute walk before dinner. Currently have 15,500 steps in. I am just making myself move more and the more I move the more I want to move. Somedays I can't get as much in (work can get in the way!), but I am finding I can fit more in than I ever thought.

    I had used MFP just for logging food in the past, but this time when I came back I thought I would check out the Community and see what that was about. I never dreamed there would be so much information and so much support. I didn't even understand the whole eating exercise calories and paying attention to net calories. It has made a tremendous difference. Hoping to notice a difference on scale tomorrow, but have noticed in last few days a definite difference in clothes.

    Hope everyone ends their day (or starts it depending on where you are) on a good note.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Skimmin', only through pg 59 but break time from "Lord, I loathe vacuuming" is over.

    pip and Katla re: maintaining streak while no internet: cool, thanks! Now why didn't I think of that?
    Janet when your daughter moves to Tuscany, let her know to be prepared for guests. Lots of us 50+ers will want to come visit, I do already!

    Later and Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 18/30, 60 g protein 25/30, rx/vits 24.5/30, meditate 8/30, knee exercises 8/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 17/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 20/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/26: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: call BrushBusters about rip chain-Y ST: devil eggs for world T'ai Chi day-Y
    04/27: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: weed-N ST: World T'ai Chi Day-Y
    04/28: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: trunk slices between raised bed and snow peas-Y ST: Call Carolyn-Y

    Cuz, that’s what you have us for
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Ways to stay motivated every day: Tiny actions, trigger strategies, small choices, routines/habits so I don’t get caught without some protein when I’m hungry. I am not looking too far down the road at a big goal like lose 20#s, run a marathon, bike to work. I’m just making small choices one step at a time. It is not all or nothing, it’s one food choice at a time and one step at a time—. Reading success stories and journaling are also really motivating to me.

    These strong wise women share the small NSVs and cheer me up, and inspire me just by checking in with them.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rori is swelling still going down? When’s the X-ray, soon?

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8min, 11.9amph, 136mhr, 1.58mi= 72c
    SKI MACHINE- 40min, 126mhr, 10incl, resist20, 1.73mi= 245c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.17min, 137mhr, 16.7amph, 1.46mi= 58c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.35min, 11.8amph, 141mhr,3.05mi, then ride to wk- 2.46min, 11.3amph, 144mhr- = 189c
    bike ride wrk 2 sta- 3.18min, 108mht, 8amph, .44mi= 20c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- windy!- 19.30min, 8amph, 145mhr, 2.61c= 164c

    total cal 748
  • lalalacroix
    lalalacroix Posts: 834 Member


    Misty, dark and cold here today. Might even snow. Will mentally go back to a week ago when we were sitting by a pool in bright sunshine.

    Colorado Foothills


    I'm in Denver (hi neighbor) and loved those fat snowflakes we got tonight. I love our weather! And we were at the pool yesterday. It's crazy but fun. 🙂
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Adopt a Shelter Pet Day!

    "This day was created as a way to raise awareness for thousands of pets that are waiting for (and needing) adoption from the shelters." As a long-time shelter volunteer, foster mom, and adopter, this is my kind of holiday!

    Tracey - Heather is lucky to have a supportive friend in you! When I look back at my life, I wish I'd quit doing what society expects sooner. Hope your husband is feeling better by now!

    Janet - You look SO fabulous! I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. Was continuing with their plans for the motor home rally her husband's choice or was she on board with it? Maybe they just need some time to absorb the news before taking any more steps.

    Felicia - Love the prom picture. Those two are just adorable!

    We had such a nice anniversary weekend. Our friends married right around the same date, a year after we did, so we've often celebrated together since Philip and I moved back to Texas. This year we went out for a fabulous Italian meal and spent the rest of the weekend lazing around at the river house. It was a lovely little break.

    Now I'm back to my usual routine. I've been using Noom and it's been really helpful, but my subscription will be up soon and I won't mind letting it go. Most of what I learned will transfer here once I'm not checking in with the app every day.

    Wishing you all a happy week!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I had a good night's sleep. yay.

    I'm really having a hard time staying in the green, especially in evenings. Any tips ?

    I'm bummed.
    From ages 15- 35 or so I dieted or watched my weight a lot. I was a bit obsessive. binge exercise cycles.
    From ages about 35-50 I didn't need to watch weight at all or much and till 2 years ago.
    When I did gain a few pounds I lost it pretty easily. I'd start dieting and go for a few runs and a first few pounds of water weight or whatever would drop off right away -which was so encouraging.
    Now I don't binge, but due to lowering metabolism and not lowering appetite: yikes.

    I eat about 350 calories in breakfast. Then either lunch or dinner is high. My self-control in regards to food is not very good at present.

    Now I can't run any more due to a foot thing.
    In theory I could fast walk, but it doesn't work out the same. I tend to end up ambling or strolling at some point. The foot thing can come up on longer walks.
    I don't feel it with the elliptical due to the lack of impact.

    A new day, I say, today it should not be too difficult, but when evening comes I'm so tired and feel frustrated doing food control and just want to eat "normally" not watch my weight. Hopefully I will get into the swing. I don't know.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather I remember how long and how tough the search for your new home was, you hit so many dead ends and challenges with the housing market. You never gave up, you took breaks, you kept at it and now here you are at your beautiful home by the sea! Perfect metaphor for the health journey we're all on, not easy, not a perfect straight line, but oh so worth the little efforts!

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Still skimmin' up to pg 64

    Sharon and Evelyn, would either of these do?
    Yvonne, totally agree with all you said about health care. Would insert "go bankrupt" just before "then you die".
    Michele I'm in awe of your JC Penney coupon success (a Bra for $2?!?). The last bra I bought from JCP ended up costing $35 when the shipping got added in. No more for me! Will reserve JCPenney purchases for the quarterly Medford trips.
    Machka thanks for the "grit"ty link. My score was higher than I'd've guessed ;}
    Katla Too bad the iphone is a long term purchase. I did NOT like T-Mobile when we had it in Idaho, too many dropped calls/dead zones. Now that we're in remote Southern Oregon Coast, I'm thinking of changing from Consumer Cellular to Verizon but holding off because of the cost. My iPhone works ok from our house, but my husband's flip phone (he will NOT upgrade) cannot access voicemail from our house. The third party agreement they have with our nearest tower doesn't support voicemail on old phones. To setup and access his voicemail, he'd have to go to the end of the lane or drive up to the main road. Not gonna happen!
    Tracey I'd love to have you make an AHMOD shirt for me, and not necessarily in the Game of Thrones mode as I've not watched it. PM me your ideas, ok? I likewise do ankle exercises before arising, circles, flex and point, alphabet sometimes print, sometimes cursive ;) Keeps the plantar fasciitis at bay.
    Lanette would you share link to the youtube interview with the perky 90 year old's morning routine?
    Rebecca WoW what a lot of moves! I have 3 junk drawers ;}

    Belated welcome to bananasandoranges. Yes this thread is ok regardless of level of success, a no judgement zone full of compassion and wisdom, and your are welcome here!

    KJ need your "flip"ping help to reframe my relationship with my car. I call her "Bossy" for all the frustrating verbal interactions. Bought for the foot activated hatchback, but ... I'm so short my feet get in the trigger zone whenever loading groceries and the &@%# thing kept closing onto my head. Finally had the dealer disable it. Now I regret giving up my 12 year old Freelander for the new Escape and car payments. Pfaugh.

    Tracey's doll/punchboard story reminds me of little grandma and the pocket watch but too sleepy to tell it now...

    Later and Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 19/30, 60 g protein 26/30, rx/vits 25.5/30, meditate 8/30, knee exercises 8/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 18/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 20/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/29: LT: CFRFPD minutes-N :( MT: long walk with Tumble-Y ST: Lord how I loathe vacuuming-Y
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Banana - I too am a snacker, I tend to eat smaller meals so I have room to snack. Right now I am back in the zone and doing well with my eating. One thing that works for me is to set a cut off time for eating. If I have an arbitrary time in my head that I can't eat after, I do pretty good sticking to it. Some of the ladies will brush their teeth as a signal to themselves that they are done eating for the day. If you can't stop your evening snacking, then plan smaller meals throughout the day that allow room for the snacking. Pre-log your food so you know that the snacks don't take you over your calorie goal. As for walking, even a stroll will burn some calories, which in turn will allow for more food. Inside walking counts too, get up and move while you watch TV. Stick with it. It works in the long run. Come back when you need to vent, we are here to listen.

    As for me, not a lot going on today. I have to work and then need to pack to head out on my hubs business trip with him tomorrow. Added bonus, we will stay with our best friends so I get friend time while he is working during the day.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country who finally has the scale moving in the right direction