
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Ladies - do any of you have morning stretch/exercise routines you do before you start your day? If so, what do you do? I'm looking for more ideas. <3B)

    SW WA State

    Does 'sprint for the bus' count?

    Ha! I was also thinking of a similar answer -- does sitting on the edge of the bed for a few minutes until the dizziness stops count?

    But seriously, even though I don't do it every morning, and not recently in any case, I find light yoga refreshing. I haven't found anything like it to get all of the morning kinks out of my system. You could google Sun Salutation Sequence and find a number of varieties.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Happy Monday. Yesterday went by so fast. Went to DSIL's retirement party. She is not happy as was not her idea, they forced her out. She is 72. But enjoyed seeing a couple of my DB's. Went to a graduation party for a friend's from church granddaughter. Now work every day this week until Saturday. Have afternoon class Thursday, so going to be a busy week.

    Allie--I would of done the same thing. You have to think of the saftey of the residents. And she may have something going on that she needs help dealing with.

    Janetr--I am saying a prayer for your neighbors. I hope he does not find himself sorry later on.

    Rori--Glad you made it home and pray that both your ankels feel better soon.l

    Carol--Sorry to here you had to go to doctor, but hoping you caught it early and no major problems.

    KateUK--The socks look very good. Like the picture of you and DH with your roses.

    NYKaren--I think that was a great way to talk with new people and share things in common. Iwill have to remember and use that next time I have to be somewhere I do not know most the people.

    Beth--Saying a prayer that the move for DS goes well and the ajustment fast.

    Found out when I got to work this morning I have to back to back meetings for the afternoon, so had to call and have someone come in and man the desk while I am gone. I get so tried when they keep scheduling these meetings at the last minute. Since I am a working supervisor I have to have someone cover my desk to answer phones. (I work the main switchboard at the hospital) as would not be good if they could not reach anyone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    machka9 I'm so sorry about your husband. wow. Glad to hear your glasses are working. I'm slightly nearsighted and use glasses only ro seeing far away and manage ok still without reading glasses (the near and far sightedness cancel one and other out). I may need progressives at some point though. very fine print is so hard to read now.thanks for letting me know how you work it when you aim to lose.

    Okie thanks I do adjust my calories. I think mfp originally gave me 1200. I adjusted it down to 1100 this morning to adapt to the surplus in activity calories. I feel like I need to eat some of them back.

    ginger 50 carbs per day seems really low.i bet it really helps with weight loss and feeling full.

    barbiecat thanks

    Katia I think my original goal was 1200 by mfp. I don't know if I've seen mfp change the calorie goal on it own.

    Tracey how nice about your mom being a delight. being in the green sounds about right. do you eat your activity calories though? it sounds like you do.

    I4M really in the red today.. I'm finding it super-hard to stick to plan. nothing dramatic, but it's hard! and I could easily still eat a pizza or something. jeeze.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    osteopath work was good but very deep. knocked me out.
    I had to go home and sleep. went to work function in the evening. it was good. I made an appointment with a nice person I really need to speak but who's contact info didn't have, as he's relatively new.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    ✔️1. weighed self:
    ✔️2. tracked all yesterday & today
    ✔️ 3. Got 30 min of steps today.
    x 4. five minutes meditation.
    x 5. Spend at least 2h on long term writing project (produce at least 2 pages per day) :zilch
    x 6. Take care of at least one short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill. not really
    ✔️ 7. At least 15 min/day filing/cleaning. yes!
    x 8.average 1200 calories net. 500 over!

    • Overall Feeling: not bad
    • Tracking yesterday and today : yes
    • Exercise today: 30 min of steps apparently.
    • 1200 calories net: 500 in red
    • Long term writing: nil
    • Short term writing/admin : nil
    • Bright Spots today : osteopath deep work, work event and meeting

    Today im grateful for
    1. nice people at work
    2. good nap
    3. deep osteopath work
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Skimmin', only through pg 59 but break time from "Lord, I loathe vacuuming" is over.

    pip and Katla re: maintaining streak while no internet: cool, thanks! Now why didn't I think of that?
    Janet when your daughter moves to Tuscany, let her know to be prepared for guests. Lots of us 50+ers will want to come visit, I do already!

    Later and Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 18/30, 60 g protein 25/30, rx/vits 24.5/30, meditate 8/30, knee exercises 8/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 17/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 20/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    04/26: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: call BrushBusters about rip chain-Y ST: devil eggs for world T'ai Chi day-Y
    04/27: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: weed-N ST: World T'ai Chi Day-Y
    04/28: CFRFPD minutes-N MT: trunk slices between raised bed and snow peas-Y ST: Call Carolyn-Y

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    RV family of four: I always ate healthy food but I ate too much. That is how I gained weight. When I started here I found that my problem was portion control. I bought some scoops (aka dishers) at a restaurant supply store. One is a half cup, one is a third cup, and one is a fourth cup. They show me how much I can eat for a certain number of calories. It was a revelation. I had been eating good foods but was eating way too much. The dishers aren’t cheap, but I recommend them because they make dishing up the right amount of food so easy. I still use mine and did so for my lunch a few minutes ago. Regular measuring cups also do this job well but are slightly less convenient in my experience. I also bought a food scale through Amazon. That was another good way to know how much I am really eating. It was far less expensive than the dishers. :flowerforyou:

    Tracey in Edmonton: My friend and I are back on good terms. YAY!!! Thanks for asking. :star:

    Lanette: I go to yoga two or three times a week, but also stretch if I’m feeling tight when I get up in the morning or sore after a horseback ride. :smiley:

    Nananasandoranges: When I started here MPF set a calorie goal for me. As I lost weight they lowered the calorie goal until I reached my goal weight. Then I continued to measure to try to stabilize. It works. Lately I’ve been slacking and have put on a few pounds so I’m measuring portions again. :embarassed:.

    It is a pretty day outside but a bit on the cool side so I’m in the house rather than out on the deck. My big project for today was to track down the insecticide that I need to get the bugs out of my wool rugs. The right stuff is organic and doesn't harm mammals, such as humans, and furry pets.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • mllegordon
    mllegordon Posts: 4 Member
    Is there a group for older MFPs. Y'all are babes compared to me. Another generation. :smile: My age comes with added challenges to break through.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Milegordon ~ There are several of us here who are not spring chickens. I am going on 71 and I think there are a couple in their late 70's and 80's.

    Carol in GA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Hi Gals,
    Kate in Uk – great sox!

    Rori – thinking of you – hope RICE helps

    Bananas – I let mfp set my calories for me, based on ½ lb loss and low activity, and then log the activity and eat back between 25 and 50 percent. I agree that the calorie count for activity can be way off…

    Machka – the new glasses are really cute!

    Lisa V – losing weight is not a straight line down, DO NOT let it get to you. You may plateau, you may even gain a little bit, but when you look at the progress over 3 + months you will lose weight.

    Mllegordon – I’m not sure how old you are but we range from just 50 to mid 80’s, I would think you would be able to relate to some of us; and maybe you can help guide the youngsters.

    Kim from N. California
  • mllegordon
    mllegordon Posts: 4 Member
    Is there a group for older MFPs. Y'all are babes compared to me. Another generation. :smile: My age comes with added challenges to break through.
  • mllegordon
    mllegordon Posts: 4 Member
    Glad to hear there is a wide range of ages in this MFPs group. But not so glad that we seniors are STILL DIETING. I'm 71 and no stranger to dieting. It seems like I've been doing it my whole life. But if I don't watch my weight I will gradually and stealthily gain the pounds. So, here I am in my golden years, :D following another weight loss plan. I know everything that needs to be done regarding food choices but when I'm not on a plan, I lose it. Hopefully with this community, I will be able to learn habits that will stay with me whether I'm counting calories or not.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Mllegordon - the ultimate goal is to stop dieting and make the lifestyle changes to keep us each healthy, maybe different choices of food, and/or different quantities of food, more activity, new skills for dealing with stress, loneliness, boredom. I expect to still be checking in the week i die. this is a new lifestyle.

    kim from N. California
  • audreygal
    audreygal Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone: Its almost spring and I am trying to get motivated. I went to my Planet Fitness gym and was disgusted with myself when I saw myself in the mirror. I know what I have to do. Daily exercise of some kind and log my food journal. It really does keep you accountable. I am semi retired and don't have a job right now so it seems to challenge me more. I am trying to keep busy with projects around the house and plan to get rid of a lot of stuff on my June 1 yard sale. How does everyone stay motivated?
  • beadowl
    beadowl Posts: 22 Member
    Snowflake Quick note re UR H’s flu. Had a similar flu-cold about 6 weeks ago, as did a couple of friends. 1 or 2 days of chills, fever then a dry cough that lasted 6 weeks. Dropped in at drs Thurs. night, he told me a viral tracheal bronchitis had been in the community last month. Never heard of this, but we all had same symptoms and lingering cough. He advised to stay hydrated & lozenges. No drugs, won’t make a diff. Also suggested getting a script for Tamiflu, keeping on hand at home for next time. You have to take at onset. Have you guys been hanging out with folk from the Big Smoke?🥵

    Gotta go ladies, tax time in Canada. Will check in later this week.🦉
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rori - I hope your foot isn’t fractured. It’s best to check it out though for sure.

    Katla - thank you. He did have a terrible fever, I don’t have a thermometer in the house but I have never felt anyone that hot. I didn’t have a hot water bottle, but tucked him under the electric blanket turned on high. He seems to be better today, not 100% and didn’t go to work but better. I don’t think I have seen him this sick in at least a decade if not longer.
    Riding Arrow was a workout for you? Is Arrow the horse of your friends that was upset with you? Did you two resolve the issue?

    Lisa - I can see the romance in your carnival adventure looking back to myself at 18. Sorry you ended up with a broken nose. My long time babysitter when my girls were young was the daughter of a carnival worker, he came through town met the woman she knows as Mom when she was 1. They married and had another daughter, found out he wasn’t who she thought he was when he was arrested and jailed for a murder he had committed. To adopt the now little girl, she had to post in newspapers across the country for three months searching for her. When no one came forward she was able to legally adopt her.

    Ginny - I am like that walking outside as well, when I get going I really enjoy it. It’s the getting going part that gets me.

    Karen in BC - have some great snuggles and a great trip.

    Karen in VA - congratulations

    Kim - you are a brilliant woman. House sitting to save for a down payment. How smart is that!

    Lenora - I cant imagine not being able to drive. It was terribly hard on my Mother when her licence was taken away. She lived out in the country and I will swear until my dying breath the loneliness sped up her Alzheimer’s. Since she has been in the nursing home the disease seems to have slowed its progress. She is very social and I have been told by several people that she is a joy to have there.

    Rebecca - putting Legos back into original sets would be very interesting indeed. I bet it requires lots of patience.

    Felicia - What a handsome couple they make! nice setting for the picture as well.

    Bananasandoranges - I am 5’5 and find I don’t really lose unless I am in the green by about 100-150. I have mine set to 1200 calories a day and that Is what MFP gives me to lose .5, 1 or 2 lbs a week. I think right now I have it set to 1lb. That’s interesting about the calorie burn, maybe that is why the 100-150 works for me.

    Kate - I love your socks. I want to learn to knit so I can try to make socks and mittens. I have all of my grandmothers old patterns.
    My daughter was hospitalized when she was 18 for an untreated UTI it almost made her lose a kidney. She had been treated for one and was going to cadet camp 3 provinces away. She didn’t tell me the prescription hadn’t worked. When she first went to camp she was a sail instructor and thought the pain in her back was from being in a boat and not used to it. She ended up in a hospital in Ontario for almost a week with the doctors saying one minute I should come and the next saying she was turning around. After the first 48 hours she was on the mend. She got nicknamed Kidney Girl and has that embroidered in her Camp Hoodie from that summer. It’s also the summer she met her now fiancé.

    Karen in NY - I’m so happy you enjoyed yourself. My eldest daughter suffers terribly from social anxiety, I am going to share your conversation starters. Those are awesome.

    Lisa - I had never heard of that Native American Proverb, thanks for sharing.

    Machka - the new glasses look great. Happy to read that new glasses has helped your husband too.

    Beth - I hope your son has a smooth transition.

    Lanette - I look back to my teen years too when I see young people making some questionable decisions. It helps me understand them and not criticize. I don’t look at my early 20’s, I married at 18, three months shy of my 19th birthday. My husband bought a bottle of champagne for us to share but we did it in the privacy of our hotel room as I wasn’t legal age yet. Funny how you could marry but not drink. I had my first daughter when I turned 20. Looking back there were probably some stupid decisions made, but I wouldn’t change it.

    I’m going to watch that video shortly.

    Rodger stayed home from work today, he is not as bad as he was, but still not 100%. It’s been a long boring weekend. The sun is out today and it’s calling for snow the rest of the week, so I’m going to get out for a walk this afternoon.

    I’m hoping that the cheque for my election work is in as well. I have a few things I need to buy.

    I have read 2 of the 3 books that the lady from the job gave me this weekend. I need to read one more and then do some studying on some other things she told me to look at.

    I hope that all of this focus pays off.

    Have a great day everyone
    Tracey In Edmonton

    Oh Tracy, he has boxes of sets he's yet to put together, plus he used the boxes for instructions and extra stickers. Some of his sets are large, ($200 or more), and the boxes are well made so he used them for other stuff. He has many Chinese Lego sets, and their instructions are bound nicely, its like a fancy coffee table book. He is one amazing you collector!

    Moving is gonna be so much fun! Not!😁
  • beadowl
    beadowl Posts: 22 Member
    Lisa. I have a very similar carnival story, in early 80’s. Romance and the carnival, I worked the birthday joint, my boyfriend was a wheelman (gambling games). Funny things we do when young. When I look back now, I loved the language of the carnys, they had old slang for everything. I also loved all the stories and families that ran businesses for generations.

    Back to the grindstone.🦉