
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:

    manual treadmill- 15.50min, 135mhr 157mhr, 12.40min mi, 1.25mi= 186c
    arm/chip-up assist- 28.10min, 1set of 10ea, 55# assist, 7 diff floor exercises 1st of 10ea, repeat 5 times, 135ahr, 154mhr, 260c
    jumping- 8min, 162mhr, 141ahr, single double, front/back/sideways= 104c

    total cal 550
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii. The plan for tomorrow is to do one segment of the AM Yoga DVD then take the extremepump class.

    Ginny – wonderful walk!

    Had a bit of a crying spell thinking about Bryan. Hoping to get the cat’s nails trimmed today and finish rescreening the porch. Gotta call Lowes foods. I was told that you didn’t have to have a minimum order for their Lowes to Go. There is Gatorade on a 3 day sale. I wonder if they’ll let me buy it and pick it up Mon or Wed. Update: didn't rescreen the porch. Hopefully, Thurs or maybe even Wed. before ceramics. Called Lowes Foods. Yes, I can get just the gatorade. But it will cost me (in add'n to the Gatorade) $5. Not worth it. Did trim the cat's nails. Also inflated my float for the pool. Didn't go in the spa.

    Bars – my father owned a tavern!

    Heather – are you SURE it’s a UTI? Hope it isn’t

    Janetr – I’m so sorry about your friend. I can only guess that they are feeling that the tumor is cancer and she wants to enjoy the time she has. Maybe that’s the reason they’re going?

    Looks like I haven’t moved all that much. Lived in a 2-family home with my grandparents, then moved to our home, then moved to an apartment after my mother died, moved to my one-room place after graduating, then an apartment, another apartment after we got married, our first home, moved to PA, then moved to lower PA, now moved to NC where when I move again it’ll be because the kids are putting me in a home … lol. So I guess that’s 10 moves in all. Not that many

    Rori – if your foot is fractured at least it’s the left foot and you can still drive. I’m sorry to hear about your husband

    Carol – yea for your husband.

    Michele in NC
  • prisoner2food
    prisoner2food Posts: 81 Member
    Exhausted from my 2 night shifts.
    Heading over to my daughter’s for a few days to snuggle babies!!
    Will also get some walking in while playing with the 2 yr old
    Son arriving from out of town on wed then we are all going to Mexico on sat.

    Karen in BC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member
    Hi Gals,
    The weekend here is almost over… I basically embroidered all weekend. But getting caught up… A busy week ahead, but that’s ok .

    I love reading about how everyone is doing and the ups and downs.. Moves – wow! I moved twice before I was 18, and have lived in the same house for 27 years… but in between 18 and 33 I moved a LOT, for 3 years I house sat – I had no where “really” to live so I moved from house sitting job to house sitting job – I would move 3-5 times each month. But with no rent I saved a ton towards a down payment for a house. I had all my stuff in a storage unit. Some of the stuff I did not even recognize when I got it out…

    I love being settled; but honestly am looking forward to the next move. It will be interesting to look for a place, probably 5 years from now. When I bought this house it was a “starter” home no intention to stay here, and it is not what I want for retirement, it has too much maintenance (a large yard) and the layout is not great for entertaining. And I love to do that.

    Kim from N. California
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Thanks Katla for the nice words. Lisa, its a chaotic journey when you list it, isn't it? Military moves are not so bad, even the major ones. Big burly men come in and pack your stuff! I did have some Japanese movers take way too long packing my husband's books though in one move. My husband had some tasteful lingerie books, Vargas girls and such. I remember leaning in and catching them, HA! I think I scared the bejesus outta them!I

    I made $10 selling about 6 items that I wasn't using. Some presto logs, (we're moving into a house with gas fireplace), my paint pens, 2 umbrellas, and other things. I have not used an umbrella since we moved to the Pacific Northwest! Natives don't use them, as my raincoat has a hood. I posted items in my virtual yard sale sites, and people connected with me in private chat, and I have them the address to have them pick them up. Easy peasy!


    Good for you! I had to laugh about the umbrella comment. I never used an umbrella when I lived here before, but after returning from a 30 year absence, I use one now! I think using one betrays me as a transplant. Lol

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited April 2019

    Heather, 10k seems very impressive to me. I did a women’s 6K in a women's race a few years go.

    Here is a question, for any who wish to answer:

    What do you set mfp at for base calories, to be able to lose weight?
    (of course it depends partly on size, i’m 5’2”)

    Do you adjust "calories burnt" ?

    I just realized that mfp’s calculation for calories burnt during exercise is too high for me.
    I read: “the calorie goals we calculate for you are based on statistical average”
    When I went to another site, which takes into account height, age, gender, and weight, I burned about 100 calories less than mfp had me at yesterday.
    (mfp had me at 554 calories for 1h30 of exercise – elliptical, weight training, and steps). 454 still seems high to me.
    So I guess one solution would be to reduce the net calories setting on MFP by 100 to aim for an overall balance.

    What do you think?

    net average daily calories per day this past weekend according to mfp 1450
    weight up 4 lbs in three days according to scale.
    highest weight in 30+ years, even higher than 2 days ago when I joined you : 0.9 lbs up.
    BMI 24.8

    Yesterday according to mfp my net calories was 1290.

    I managed to eat lean protein and veggies instead of starch and sweets when craving at end of day. That’s some progress.

    When I stand up in morning I feel groggy.

    ✔️1. weighed self: 61.2 k (134.9 lbs)
    ✔️2.a tracked all yesterday
    remaining 2.b track food today
    ✔️ 3. Got 30 min of exercise yesterday. Yesterday 30 minutes of aerobic plus 30 + minutes of weight training
    remaining 2.b get 30 min of exercise today
    x 4. five minutes meditation.
    x 5. Spend at least 2h on long term writing project (produce at least 2 pages per day) : only a few minutes and half a page
    x 6. Take care of at least one short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill. didn’t
    x 7. At least 15 min/day filing/cleaning. no
    x 8.average 1250 calories net – 40 over + 100 more over : exercise adaptation

    • Overall Feeling: discouraged, and tired when I stand up
    • Tracking yesterday : all
    • Exercise yesterday: 1h+
    • 1250 calories net: 1290 +100 do to mfp adjustment
    • Long term writing: very little
    • Short term writing/admin : nil
    • Bright Spots today : sunny, am seeing osteopath today

    Today im grateful for
    1. ok sleep
    2. osteopath
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    about number of homes I think I have lived in 17 places. Most moves were between age 18 and mid 30s, when I would move every 1-3 years. I have been in same place for 19 years. I expect to move in 2-3 years. I have mixed feelings about next move.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning! Happy to be going back to work (lol) today after a weeklong break. I faced my friend's birthday brunch yesterday with a fair amount of anxiety, DH added to it, of course. His hearing is very poor (deaf in left ear) and noisy rooms are particularly challenging for him. So we get to this cute little bistro with a party space upstairs right along the river, my bff put beautiful flower arrangements on each table but the one couple we were expecting to be there that we kind of knew cancelled :s We soldiered on, I gamely told DH we would mingle with at least 3 couples before sitting down- check, once seated, we made sure to pass our names around and I asked the question, "how did you meet BFF?" and off to the races the conversations started flying. I also asked the question, "what have you been obsessed with lately?" this conversation starter worked as well and got DH into a 15 minute tear about cars, I was so proud of us!!! And yes, relieved when it was over ;) I did overeat desserts out of nervousness and paid for it with heartburn all night :/ But.....what lessons did we learn?......DH refuses to admit he learned anything (typical) but I learned that even when I'm anxious I can tread water socially. So there, take that social anxiety, I am growing up!!! :p

    Moving, I've lived in Phila, DC, Mass., NYC and Westchester County. Usually schooling or work related moves. The next move we make will be about downsizing and retirement adventures, probably within the next 5 years. We would like to live in a "forever" home that is based on a healthy life style where we can walk to shopping, services, transportation and medical. Ideally a much warmer climate that northeast US

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Hmmm ... moves. Just added them up and I think I've lived in 24 different places across 4 Canadian provinces and 2 Australian states. 25 if you lump in the 3 months I cycled around Australia in 2004. 26 if you lump in the 8 months we travelled around the world in 2012.

    We've lived where we are for nearly 5 years now! That's a record for my husband and me. Normally, I would be itching to move, but we've had enough excitement in the last year or so ... right now I'm happy to stay where we are for now.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited April 2019
    Machka - I love reading your posts, you take me right to whatever you are writing about. Today I went to France with you. Good job on the minimal gain, too bad you had to be sick on your trip though.

    Tracey in sunny Edmonton, hope it melts all the snow from yesterday.

    Thank you! :)

    I've actually written a lot more about that story on my website here, starting on Sunday 23 September. I'm not sure if I can post my site here ... I'm not trying to make any money off it ... but just in case, remove the spaces in the "link" below. :)

    www. machka. net/ RTW_2012/ RTW_Europe_Main_2012. htm

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Just got back from my 7.5 k run :drinker: , my furthest ever and in the rain and with a UTI starting up. :o:p
    I was inspired by the London Marathon, which I watched on tv before setting out. Couldn't believe how many overweight, unfit people were doing it! I'm never going to do a marathon, but I'm aiming for 10k sometime and even, maybe, a half marathon. (Don’t think so)

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Well done!!

    That's pretty much how I progressed too!

    Then I did a 10K in January 2018 and a half-marathon in January 2019.

    I'm really looking forward to being able to run again ... soon I hope! There's a 5K at the end of May I'd like to try.

    Machka in Oz