

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,983 Member
    Skimming. Up to page 54.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    edited April 2019
    <3 Lanette thanks for the insurance info.... they need more of these, the closest one to me is a couple of hours drive each way....
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,441 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    <3 Lanette thanks for the insurance info.... they need more of these, the closest one to me is a couple of hours drive each way....

    Kim - crossing fingers for you. <3 Seems like a year ago, there were only 4 in WA State. I see there are now many more. The one we go to is 15 minutes away. It appears there's one 1/2 from us and another 1 hr south of us. Workable if there's not an emergency but some folks (like my DH) won't go UNLESS it's an emergency, lol.

    I know our doctors really, really like this arrangement so hopefully the news will spread and more will get on board. Not having to deal with insurance, they've been able to run the clinic with a fraction of the staff it used to take.

    Sunny SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Barbie ... is it a bear?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Did a pilates for the lower body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some balance games on the Wii

    Ginger – love your saying “motion is lotion”

    Welcome everyone new!

    Banana – I need music to motivate me at the gym. One instructor in my water class doesn’t play any music, but, fortunately, it’s only at the beginning of the class. Then she turns on the music. She says that she does this so that some of the people can converse. To me, some people go to the gym mainly for the comradery and that’s OK. No one seems to mind having music during the beginning of the class – the other instructor does. So I don’t know. I only know that music motivates me.

    M – glad to hear you were safe from that tree

    Banana – I wish all the gyms I go to would block cell phones. I don’t go there to hear someone else’s conversation. I can see a cell phone only in case of an emergency, but that would be very rare.

    Made more chocolate chip cookies for Vince, cut up the lemon bars I made yesterday, made shrimp tarts to take with us to bowling Monday and these lemon cookies for a gal that I play mahjongg with on Mondays. Then put down some grass seed. When we were at the store, Vince kept saying how it would do so much more. Didn’t even get the whole front yard done. I put down weed killer, went to church where I lectured and ushered.

    Michele in NC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Michele ~ You are the busiest person I know! :)

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
    stats for the day:

    Spin bike- 70min, 87aw, 69ar, 122ahr, 145mhr, incl single leg spins, 16.1mi= 553c
    mall walking- 2hr 17min = 346c

    total 899 cal
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    katla in Oregon - T-mobile all the way here. They’ve always been great for tech support, range, and everything else.

    Tracey in Blizzard Central - there is a Facebook Page called “Bariatastic Social” that has some decent information about this surgery. There shouldn’t be a large chance of complications if you live near a teaching hospital, or really any large reputable hospital. I’m 76 and I survived mine just fine. Feel free to share any parts of my posts that you think are helpful.

    I am doing a Game of Thrones catch up marathon today. I’ve read all the books, but I enjoy some of the great actors, and to see these imaginary exotic locales fascinated me. I’d love to take a trip based on them. I know Iceland and Malta were involved, and wasn’t some of it in the desert near Algeria or something? I’ll have to read up! (Imaginary trips can sometimes be as satisfying as real ones!)

    Meanwhile, I’m having real problems getting in my liquids. I’m not really all that aware of thirst until my mouth is so dry my dentures are flapping due to lack of moisture to adhere to.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Barbie ... is it a bear?

    :) Yes, it's a bear with the imaginative name "Bear". It survived the washing machine and being left in the backyard overnight several times.

    :)Banana, I bought an external memory card for my phone so I can download music, podcasts, and audiobooks. The card has been transferred to each new phone I've gotten since 2004.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    My mother kept only one toy from my childhood and I kept it until a few years ago when I decided to take its picture and discard it. Digital photos take up a lot less space than the objects themselves and are easier to pack when you move.

    I did that with a lot of my things in 2009 when I moved from Canada to Australia. I could only afford to ship 300 cubic feet of stuff, so I had to downsize considerably. I had already gotten rid of about half my stuff in 2004, but had to get rid of about half the remaining stuff in 2009.

    So I took a lot of photos.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    As of next year people from outside of europe in the university system (most students) will be required to pay around 3-4000 euros. there have been protests, petitions, and long or repeated occupations, by French students of universities in response to this choice.

    The idea shared by many here is that we don't want there to be a difference of student profile based on whether they are from Europe or not. That would basically mean many African and Asian students would be relatively well-off ones in their country to have the means to pay 3.000 euros.

    In Australia, if you're not Australian with at least a permanent residency, you pay double what Australian students pay. And yet, I'm often the only Australian (Canadian-Australian) in a class of 500 students. I suspect it is a case of kids from well-off families being sent over to get their Master's degrees here, and to learn English.

    I've been teaching only in higher ed for 10+ years but only with a masters. I'm working on phd. It's hard as work and the to-be-expected unexpected things in life really get in the way sometimes.

    I don't have the same level of energy as I did at 20 or even 40 (at least now- hopefully that will increase). I got my master's 7/8 years ago.
    It was a lot of work but just one year and I was really able to give it my all for the many months required.

    I often think I would like to teach in a University or tech college (post-secondary). It is possible that when I complete my Master's it might open some doors in that regard.

    I notice that many of my instructors are "instructors" and not "professors" and I recently discovered one woman, who I thought shouldn't be teaching at a Master's level actually did not even have a Master's degree!! In fact, right now I have a higher level of education than she does. Interestingly, she vanished from teaching in our department last year some time ... so perhaps I was not the only one who made that discovery.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    M in Oz I can't take time off for studies either. that would be super-expensive. does your work help out? I have born witness to storms like that. glad all are safe.

    My employer does not help with the cost. They have "scholarships" for certain educational programs, mainly directly in health, and I've tried to present the case that IT is related to health, but they haven't gone for that.

    However, they do give me the time to attend during working hours which is really good because my university looks at me like I've grown a second head any time I suggest they have classes in the evenings or on weekends. "Our instructors would have to work in the ... evening!!" :anguished: Yes, well, when do you think I'm doing homework? I work all day and do homework all evening ... so why shouldn't the instructors hold the occasional evening class?

    The storm that blew through a few days ago reminded us of a storm that hit the west coast of France in 2012. My husband and I were on a RTW trip and spending some time in France. We had arrived at Bordeaux and cycled out to Lacanau Ocean ... and fell in love with that part of France. We would dearly love to go there for 2 or 3 months every year. After a few days in Lacanau Ocean we cycled north and stopped in Montalivet, and there a massive Atlantic storm hit. For 48 hours we were blasted and couldn't leave our cabin, then the eye of the storm must have come over and we dashed out to restock some of our supplies. The rest of the town must have had the same idea! And then the rest of the storm when over. We were planning to spend one night there, and leave on the Monday, but stayed till Friday and finally got away the Friday morning.

    Here in Australia, trees do fall with a disturbing regularity, so I was glad that was the only one we encountered and that no one was hurt.

    Machka in Oz