

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :)Bananasandoranges I walk a lot using Bluetooth headphones to listen to audio books and podcasts that I've downloaded to my phone. I am fortunate to live near two great places to walk and I walk every day no matter what kind of weather. Having something interesting to listen to makes it possible to walk for a long time without getting bored. I have good outerwear that is suitable for all the weather we have here.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    "Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination."---Gretchen Rubin
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    You will all have to move to Scotland where tuition is free if you live there. :o My ex has moved to Glasgow and both his kids will get free uni. Don't know about the accommodation though.
    I had almost free uni in 1967 - 1970 including accommodation . I did pay for my MA, but it was a small fee compared to nowdays.
    I feel sorry for kids now who are ending up with huge debts. The parents don't have to contribute though, just crippling loans for the students.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX

    All that and free camping! :) Gotta love Scotland!

    Yes, I too feel sorry for those who end up with huge education debts. I know we have to look at it like an investment, but when you do a bit of accounting and you're not really seeing a return on investment, it can be a bit disheartening.

    M in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,363 Member
    @1948Peachy - your grands are beautiful! I only got to FaceTime with mine-but that is better than not seeing them. I get to see the little changes and growing from call to call and while it is not like being there--it is a lot closer than things would have been a few years ago.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    stats for yesterday:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 6.41min, 14.2amph, 139mhr, 1.58mi= 76c
    treadmill walk/skip/sidestep- 40min, 98ahr, 126mhr, 3.5-3.9sp, 5-8incl, 2.49mi= 209c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 4.34min, 137mhr, 19.4amph, 1.47mi= 54c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.41min, 12.4amph, 141mhr,3.02mi= 144c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 4.57min, 9.54min mi, 150mhr, .50mi= 63c
    jog wrk 2 sta- WINDY 4.30min, 9.49min mi, 152mhr, .45mi= 73c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- WINDY 21.08min, 7.5amph, 143mhr, 2.62mi= 216c

    total cal 835
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Reading back I found ginger's accountability post inspiring. Is it ok if I borrow it ginger? If so I'll adapt and probably modify it as I go a long. If that's too much copying, I'll find another way.)

    It's fine with me. I hope it helps you as much as it is me.
    Ginger in Texas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I had leg cramps that were very painful during the time I was going through “the change.” Sometimes all I could do was get up in the night and walk the cramps out. I eventually found that ibuprofen and TUMS combined were very helpful in reducing night-time cramps in my legs and feet. Good luck to you. I hope you find something that helps you. :heart:

    Bananas&Oranges: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    I was mistaken about my phone being leased. We have a longterm purchase agreement and are paying for it a month at a time. I still don’t like it very well, but it would be nuts to change so I’m keeping it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited April 2019
    Katla ~ I have T-Mobile. We tried to switch to AT&T but were unhappy...when we tried to pay the bill it was a nightmare. They never gave us any paper work and when I tried to get online it would not let me in. Same thing happened Friday when DH went to the At&T store to pay the BnL's bill. They wouldn't let him pay it...so he had to come home and find an address. There was no paper bill. :s
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome and tips everyone. <3

    accountability update; first was at 11 am-ish, now 20:35, sorry if overkill. it helps me.

    Accountability Saturday, April 25th
    ✔️1. weighed self: 60,8 kilos (134 lbs)
    ✔️2.a tracked breakfast + lunch and snack (I think I didn't miss anything)
    remaining 2.b track rest of food
    x 3. Get 30 min of exercise. only 2000 steps logged. I went to the gym (just nearby) but I had forgotten my gym stuff!) it closes at 7pm and I chose to do next thing. Maybe can still walk this evening a bit. My shoes are not very warm ones and it's chilly and drizzly out. not sure
    x4. 5 minutes meditation. not yet.
    ✔️ 5. Spend at least 2h on long term writing project (produce at least 2 pages per day). Yes! and I think I did some good thinking and writing. It can be unpredictable.
    x6. Take care of at least one short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill.
    ✔️ 7. At least 15 min/day filing/cleaning. yes, regular pottering and tidying as go about the day. not major, but a minimal pass.

    • Overall Feeling: at 8:30pm : way better than this morning. got some good writing (I think) done. a relief. also, writing in café seems to work for me at present: more motivated and focused and I guess having hubbub around works at present.
    • Tracking:so far breakfast lunch and snack.
    • Exercise. not great so far!
    • Long term writing: yay! and yes
    • Short term writing/admin : no
    • Bright Spots today. writing and pleasant and hopefully productive work session at café

    • This evening I’m grateful for:
    1. pleasant and useful writing session at café -possible little breakthrough in something
    2. reasonably priced glass of Argentinian wine at end of café work session (I usually only get coffee and tea)
    3. nice people at café
    4. drawing - I enjoy doing simple sketches
    5. the newspaper- I quickly peruse the communal paper newspaper at the café sometimes
    6. low cost studies for me and many around me- I live in Europe. (still have to work and pay for living costs, so it's not so easy but not big tuition to pay to boot). having trouble getting all work done though. due to work etc.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Karen in Virginia that sounds about what I hear about tuition. public sounds somehow possibly manageable. private is just crazy. I don't get it.

    Lisa in Arkansas thanks for the welcome, despite the whinging. I'm a big whinger. lol. I usually listen to stuff online but I think my gym intentionally blocks cellphone reception or else it's the building. for the elliptical we are in front of screens but we are limited to 4 channels with long commercials. one is a news channel, one is infomercials and the 2 others or old series or soap operas or cartoons or something of that calibur. I sometimes watch the news but it's more or less right wing, without being blatantly so, and repetitive. it irks me to be compelled to watch a political slant that is not my own. plus the repetition is boring if one knows the story. it's slim pickings. one of the better options is desperate housewives dubbed in French (the voices changes everything, bleck). I like the rowing machine and weights. I need to download. I actually don't know how to download in advance and fear I don't have much memory on my phone for when I manage to download.

    That is a lot of trash! wow! bathtubs are great!

    in 80s I'm sure the usual limit for 4 years of studies was 10,000 $ of loans in the usa. I took it. Graduating in liberal arts, paying an extra 200+ dollars per month off the cuff was rough to think about. I got help paying it off from family. this exchange makes me really grateful for that. I didn't think that much about it back then. it would have been heavy to start out working life with a 10,000 debt. Thanks Dad, now gone. I believe 2 of my older sibling didnt get family help and one sister was pissed off (understandably now). on the other hand my younger sister got a new car. my dad was not very balanced and I think as he had less dependants, he had less financial responsibility and was more and more generous to those who remained. I'm pretty sure he gave some other money to that same sister and also my brother, but I don't sweat it. my oldest sister is pissed off on that point though, for eternity, understandably.

    ginny, I hope I have more energy at 64! I tried to take your advice today but mussed it up.

    M in Oz I can't take time off for studies either. that would be super-expensive. does your work help out? I have born witness to storms like that. glad all are safe.

    KJ I guess it's a shame your son is oblivious to problems of others, especially if he is lacking in compassion, and understanding, but it's great, hopefully, that he was able to study and be debt free. what did he study and what does he do?

    Heather free tuition is already not bad. do many in the uk go to Scotland for uni? I would have.

    ginger thanks for letting me borrow your approach!

    hi everyone else. ok I'm gonna see if I have courage to walk in the evening a bit. wish me luck.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Ginny--Thanks for the wise words. I need to remember to take each day as it comes and be proud of what I have gotten done.

    Pip--Have fun on your Alaska cruise. I would like to do that one day. Could you PM me your address as I would like to send a donation for your MS ride. Thanks,

    Yvonne--Happy 28th anniversary.

    Rori--Sorry to hear of your fall. By now I hope you are home and getting things taken care of.

    Carol--Lifting you and DH up in prayer as you deal with all this stuff and DBIL.

    Woke up to thunder and lightin in the night. Lots of wind and cool temps today. I am working long shift and going to watch 3 of our great grandsons for a couple hours this evening so their dad can take mom out to supper for her birthday. I am looking forward to cuddle time with the baby, only 3 months old.
    Not sure what I did to my knee, but hardly able to walk and not making me happy. Will put ice on it when I get home and hope it helps.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies!

    Just got home from a Master Gardener training class. So nice to be back among gals (mostly), many my age, who are generally just friendly, respectful, and helpful. A great group and I'm feeling very blessed.

    My allergies are trying to come back full force, so I moved the air purifier into the bedroom and my doc's office gave me some masks to wear when I'm arm-deep in potting soil. Don't mind sneezing and runny nose but waking with sinus headaches is the worst part. Anyhow, things are getting better.

    I've been following the discussions on medical costs and college costs. My observations, condensed-
    Regarding medical costs, as many of you know we doctor with a Direct Care primary clinic, pay $60 per month ($120,/mo for DH and me) and go as many times as needed and have access to very low-cost labs, prescriptions, testing. Our clinic doesn't take insurance. An MRI w/o contrast, for example, is $260. That's everything - including the radiologists report. Bear in mind we are on Medicare and also have a supplemental which kicks in for specialists, hospitals, etc. But if we didn't have insurance and had a high-deductible insurance policy, something like this might be a good option if the law allows it. The Affordable Health Care Act kind of tied people's hands and made them use "approved" plans, but that may have eased now.

    Sounds like there's a push for more and more of these types of clinics and there's some talk at the federal level I'm going to check into. To see if there's a Direct Care clinic in your area, I found a map and more info on this website:https://www.dpcare.org/.

    Regarding college costs, it really does depend which state a person lives in and the line of study. WA State, tuition and fees at our local state college is $2308/qtr, books extra. A person can get a bachelors of science in education, applied management, diesel technology, and information technology, all of these are very employable fields with jobs starting out at $40,000 per year and more in our area. The college also has scads of scholarships available (my DH and I sponsor one for some tuition assistance for students in nursing or aiming for veterinary school.)

    The college also offers AA (two year) degrees in accounting, engineering, etc. Also very employable fields and higher-paying jobs with great benefits. And high school students can enroll in the "running start" program and graduate high school with many college courses completed.

    I think these classes are in conjunction with Washington State University and are transferrable.

    Consequently, many students graduate with minimal if any student loan debt. If they wish to attend a more big-league campus experience like University of Washington, they'll pay more and may end up with big loans. There are more opportunities for liberal arts degrees there, but many which take advanced schooling to find good-paying jobs such as mental health therapists, etc.

    So looking at tuition and the cost of loans as an "investment", as Machka mentioned, can be a shrewd way of assessing the situation.
    This morning I found a variety of "Tai Chi for Seniors" demos on YouTube, and will start incorporating some of these into my morning exercise/stretching routine. They include simple balance moves, and it appears many of them are under ten minutes in length. Just want something to overcome morning stiffness and get muscles warmed up before I start my day. I found one which interviewed a perky 90 year old gal (she looked 70) who explained her morning routine and said she makes herself go through it before that first cup of coffee, lol.

    OK ladies, out to check the greenhouse. Stiff cold wind blowing right now and we're looking at frost tonight.

    SW WA State