
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    B4ieaving--Sending prayers and hugs. Important thing is never give up. Let us know how your surgery goes. One day at a time.
    Machka--So very true. Relity has a way of getting in the way of my plans.
    Going to be another day of meetings. So not a lot of time. Thanks everyone for the support and fellowship here.
    I do not listen to the news as feel I get to stressed about things I have no control over. It's One day at a time for me on so many things.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Katla have you tried lavender or cedar on your rugs?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I haven't tried lavender or cedar on my rugs thus far. Scented products usually cause DH & I both allergic responses. I am using pyrethrin sprays on the backs of the rugs. I ordered a stronger version of the pyrethrin and it should be sent to us soon. Meanwhile, I'm vacuuming the backs and using the wimpy pyrethrin spray that I was able to find locally. :ohwell:

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Heather - your workouts amaze me. I so agree with you about attitude. I have worked very hard the last year to improve my attitude. I have been severely depressed twice in my life. Last year I couldn’t afford anti-depressants and I believe that showing gratitude reading positive stories and quotes have helped me through and I have not needed to go back to the doctor. I have found that a couple of days of not paying attention to my attitude I can start thinking negatively very easily. You just inspire me so much. I truly appreciate you and your wisdom. Your exercise routine exhausts me though, even reading about it. 😂

    Bananasandoranges - I do eat back some of my exercise calories. I try to have a little left over but struggle with it. I need to up my exercise a bit, but this is my 3rd go round losing the same weight and I’m forcing myself to go slower with it so I can maintain it easier. I know, for myself, I can knock it off fast, but I can’t keep that pace up over the long haul. So this time I’m trying a very slow loss and hope that it reaches me a lot on the way.

    Kim - I agree, I think besides the intensity of exercise I did the last two times I lost weight my other downfall was I quit tracking. I just completely ignored the numbers of calories going in and I ignored the scale. This winter since I have been off work, I’ve struggled with exercise but I’ve still weighed daily and still logged. If I hadn’t I truly believe I would have gained my 25 lbs back. I managed to gain 5 back and happily as of today they are gone again.

    Beadowls - thanks. He is starting to feel better today. I am glad I don’t know how I would get him to a doctor. He refuses to go to one.
    What is Big Smoke?

    Rebecca - Wow - that is a lot of LEGO. It’s a fun hobby though.

    Rori - its smart to use the convenience of grocery delivery when you need it. I picked up a Woman’s World magazine yesterday because Dolly was on the cover. I see there is an article about foam rollers that caught my eye, but I haven’t read it yet.

    Ginny - if I was working, I don’t think I could respond like I do now. I spend about 2 hours in the morning reading and responding on two community boards. I will have to cut back when I find a job.

    Barbara - I will pm you. Your story on your car made me chuckle, I think sometimes all the gadgets are not worth it.

    Lisa - I grew up in the country, I know all of the “treats” cats bring home for you. My Mother got in the habit of only opening the door a tiny crack before allowing the cats in. The dogs had to pass a sniff test after one came bounding in the house and then racing up the stairs to wake my brother and I for school. This was the daily routine, this one morning though he had been sprayed by a skunk! It was terrible!

    Machka - great perspective to share with your husband. Years ago my husband was in a serious transport accident in PEI, I went with his boss from NB to pick him up and bring him home. His boss was trying to warn me that we didn’t know what shape he would be in and I should prepare for the worse. We knew he was alive and going to be fine, but we were talking about bruises and cuts. I told his boss that I was a worrier and had already imagined how bad it was. When I went to the hospital the nurses directed me to the smoking room, he had been discharged officially but was just waiting for us to arrive. I walked to the smoking room looked in, didn’t see him and started to turn around to leave when he called my name. His head was bandaged, he had almost lost his ear and had over 40 stitches to put it back on. They had his head wrapped like a mummy. I hadn’t expected that and I broke down in tears.

    Kelly - I so agree with everything you have said, including leaving Tim. Why do people think it’s all right to say that to people anyway. I don’t get it. I would never presume to know what a person should do with their life. It is their life to live. I would speak up in an abusive situation though and have. I have worked for a dozen years trying to change my husband out of a depressive state, I don’t know if it was my attitude change or if he has changed but in the last year I am seeing some improvements in our interactions.

    Felicia- I am a big believer in there being a difference between excuses and reasons. I don’t thing losing your sister is an excuse, an excuse to me is not taking any ownership of the problem. A reason is a legitimate cause of why something is happening. I hate the term, don’t make excuses. I understand how your sisters death could be the reason you are struggling. I struggled terribly after losing my Dad. It sounds though, like you are ready to decide to make some changes. Hugs to you.

    Well I woke up to another 2-3 inches of snow after the snow from Saturday had all melted away by last night. The sun is shining but there are still flakes in the air.

    Rodger is home sick again today, I am trying to get him to go to a doctor to make sure it isn’t some kind of bacterial infection but he won’t go.

    Today I am going to go try to find a couple cheap pairs of jeans. I am struggling trying to keep my one pair up. Maybe a little tighter pair will inspire me to get more active too. I also need a few groceries and my friend has asked me to take her to Costco tonight.

    I am halfway through my last book that I need to finish. Then I will contact Sarah again to see what’s next for learning.

    Have a great day everyone.
    Tracey in a wintery Edmonton
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Oh, Machka! I DO like the frames on the upper pair with your face! I dealt with glasses or contacts for years - until I got cataracts! Once those were bad enough to be irritating, I got the surgery done. My left eye is corrected for computer distance, so I read printed material at a slightly farther distance, but my right eye is done for driving and sightseeing. I never have a problem between the two.

    I’ve developed wet macular degeneration in my right eye, but I get a shot into it once a month (don’t worry - they numb me up thoroughly.) and it will take a number of years before I have big troubles with it. Right now if I look up from my phone the doorframe looks a bit warped. Eye problems are always scary for me, though not so much as they were before I “read” most books with Audible.

    Lisa in AR, i feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit. I was a go-go dancer back in the mid-60s in a night club in Columbus OH. Columbus being Columbus, it involved a black leotard with long fringe sewn around the neckline and around the hips coming to a V front and back - and high black heels rather than the white boots. I was also, shortly thereafter, a PI that did in-house observances for till-tapping and other misbehavior in bars and restaurants for a private firm that contracted with the owner. I have a friend who worked the web in circuses and was a carny to help pay for her education as a special education teacher.

    Anyone else have a bit of interesting backstory on their misspent youth? Or adulthood, for that matter?

    Lisa V, hang on! Some weeks we lose, some we don’t. It could be sodium, your body readjusting, you added some muscle - who knows? If you’re weighing and measuring your foods and tracking that and exercise accurately, plus getting in your liquids, you WILL lose - I promise. I had gastric bypass surgery, and I’m in a stall right now, but I know why, and am taking measures to correct it.

    Sharon Near 190# Near Seattle
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Yay, I have been using the incline button on the treadmill. 5.0 incline for a while, ( usually just a songs worth on my mp3 player) at 3.0 mph. My glutes are feeling it, as well as the back of my legs. I go from 119 heart rate, to about 154, so my heart is working out too! I do two of those incline moments during my 30 min walk. I make sure to have a 5 min cool down where I only walk a 2.5

    I think my husband has a visual feast at the gym some days. He's a raunchy Chief, so what can I say. Sometimes he gives me this smile, when a cute lady in yoga pants is on the stairmaster in front of the treadmill he's using. Its like, "thanks lady, for being a nice visual motivation for my husband today! I really appreciate that'! Of course I never would actually SAY that, but I think it! Today an old dude read my Donate Blood shirt I had on. I held it out so he wasn't blatantly looking at my chest area sheesh!. We talked about the issue of no donation places on the island. I need to contact the Navy hospital and find out who the coordinator is, because I do see a Red Cross donation bus there every so often. I can't donate on a whim, I need to schedule so I get my mind prepared.👍

    Donated some items to our Garage of Blessings place. Its like Goodwill, but nothing costs money. The homeless love it, because that place outfits their various homeless camps on the island. With free bus service they just travel around to all their panhandling corners easily. Its a big problem. I tried to sell my items for a $1, with no takers so I had no choice but donate them.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Today I am grateful for oat bran and oranges ;).

    Julie aka bananasandoranges "paniers des crabs" what a perfect image and metaphor for so many human organizations, not just workplace either! ;}
    Lisa tea gives me that monkey in the pool feeling. SMH at all those moves. Thank you for sharing your carnival story. Not as much fun as my Strong woman/Stunt rider/Trapeeze artiste imaginings, but truer, more real. Your comment about military movers made me laugh and reminded me of unpacking a trashcan complete with garbage when we got to our first house. Joe's friend Dave did the packing. $#!+ for brains ;}
    Carol post-knee op weight loss? You are amazing!!! Good for your DH and you for listening. post-op infections need immediate attention.
    Tracey hot soup helps me when chills strike. "We all are different but our hearts are all good." Amen! Even those of us who try to tell others what to do are really good-hearted inside, some times its just way way down deep ;)
    Heather "woman was playing bagpipes on the beach" so wish I had been there!
    Rori ditto Carol's admiration for you. Hoping your radiant good health is soon restored.
    SueBDew good to see you checking in, catch us up please?
    Katla does your Arrow ride mean the stable owner has recovered her equanimity?
    Michele had to smile gently at the juxtaposition of "get the cat's nails trimmed" and "finish rescreening the porch".
    Karen in BC safe travels, enjoy Mexico.
    Felicia love that couple's smiles :heart:
    Julie at 4'11" I accept mfp's minimum 1200 calories. My Wahoo heart rate monitor gives a better estimate of exercise calories burned. Found weighing food to be MUCH more accurate than measuring, sometimes by a factor of 3! To lose weight I'd need to NOT eat back in most of my exercise calories, but I haven't accomplished this... yet! Feeling groggy at first stand up? Could your blood pressure be low?
    Kate thanks so much for the electric toothbrush timer balance on one foot then the other trick. Also trying when flossing but will stand on both feet if flossing quality dips ;) 50 years in one house? Almost unimagineable here in the US. Those socks look pretty pretty to me!
    NYKaren Bravissima!

    Only thru pg 66 but have been sitting WAY too long. UP and AT 'em!
    Later and Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 19/30, 60 g protein 26/30, rx/vits 25.5/30, meditate 8/30, knee exercises 8/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 18/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 20/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Bugs Bunny Day!

    "On April 30, 1938, a cartoon character known as 'Happy Rabbit' made his debut in a short Warner Bros. cartoon titled 'Porky's Hare Hunt.' He was the prototype for Bugs Bunny. ... Bugs Bunny is an anthropomorphic gray hare with a relaxed and passive personality—but he is also a trickster. He became a cultural icon and is best known for starring in Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, short films that were made by Warner Bros. from the 1930s through the 1960s. He appeared in many other formats, such as feature films, comic books, and musical records. He has appeared in more films than any other cartoon character, and TV Guide listed him as the greatest cartoon character of all time. In 1997, he became the first cartoon character to appear on a postage stamp. He even has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame." Bugs forever changed the way a generation listens to opera classics like "Barber of Seville" and "The Ride of the Valkyries."

    Barbara - Oh, yes, I forgot the "go bankrupt" step in the health care continuum! That's one reason I suspect I would choose not to treat a catastrophic illness. Of all the things I'd like to leave behind for my husband, medical bankruptcy doesn't make the list! Would rather focus on quality of life for as long as I can.

    Kelly - I probably do enough worrying for several people. I've gotten better, though.

    Rebecca - Your hair looks lovely.

    Felicia - How wonderful that your 18-year-old had the maturity to have "the talk" with you, and that it was rational and constructive. Sounds like you're doing a lot right!

    Sharon - I'm really glad to know there is a treatment that slows down macular degeneration! We have it on both sides of our family and it's one of my biggest fears.

    I've been debating what to do about the gym membership since I didn't enjoy the group fitness classes. In a rare fit of enthusiasm I paid for a year in advance awhile back. I think I'm going to look at the budget and see if I can come up with enough money to pay for a few personal training sessions. I'd like to learn to do free weights, so maybe I can get them to design a program and teach me proper form and then I can do that at the gym. We have a Bowflex strength trainer here but it's bulky and I'm trying to get rid of it.

    "Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive." - Bugs Bunny

    -Yvonne in TX
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2019
    💖 Yvonne, appreciate the compliment. I only wash my hair once a week, so wash day is my best day! By the end of the week I have about 4 clips in its unruleliness!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Sending good thoughts for your friend with cancer. I hope they can get things under control at least well enough that she is pain free. :heart: :broken_heart:

    (((Felicia))) Thank goodness the dark time is over for a while. I really used to suffer from it. Then we found LED daylight temperature light bulbs. (Prepare for rave reviews) They’re miraculous during the winter months. We use them everywhere. Ours were purchased at ACE & Costco. They seem to have very long useful lives and we haven’t had to replace any in the past several years. One that I just grabbed off of my shelf says LED 9wA19 lamp, 25,000 hour average life, dimmable, 60 watt equivalent. 800 lumens, estimated yearly cost $1.008. Life expectancy 22.8 years based on 3 hours a day. We have a mixture of brands. They all work great and have cut our energy costs down dramatically. They’re well worth the purchase price and save loads of money in the long run. We didn’t buy ours all at once. :wink:

    Sharon: You seem to have had an adventurous life. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    Barbara: I am sure that I’m back in my friend’s good graces. I apologized and also took her out to lunch. It was a good idea. I enjoyed the lunch and her company. She seems to have enjoyed it, too. I went out to her place on Sunday, visited a bit, and took Arrow for a ride. :smiley:

    I’ve ordered my pyrethin bug spray but couldn’t find anything that was suitable in the local stores so I just have to wait. I’m not too happy about the waiting. :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon