

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Bear hit us again last night despite hornet spray, two straps and pokey things. Pries lid up enough to drag bag out. Joe will add pepper spray and another strap crosswise. Any other ideas welcome.

    Machka brava for getting rid of clothes you really don't like any more. I donated 3 tops last week, loved the color, hated the fit. For me that's a victory as de-cluttering feels like diminishment and loss, not liberation. ;) I do have one dress and one coat from my 20s that though I'll never wear again, I can't part with for sentimental reasons. Maybe will pass on to god daughter's oldest girl, if she shows interest in Renaissance Faire (the dress) or Dr. Zhivago (the coat) :}

    Bear bins ... like in the Canadian Rockies?

    I'm with you ... de-cluttering is never liberation.

    In 2004, I did my first big purge ... got rid of about half my stuff, packed up the rest and put it into storage. Then cycled around Australia for 3 months before returning to Canada to university. But there are things I still miss. It was pretty traumatic.

    In 2009, I did my second big purge ... dug everything out of storage and went through it again. I had to get all my stuff down to 300 cubic feet, which is a space about the size of a small bathroom. For example, slightly less than 8 feet tall x 6.5 feet long x 6 feet wide. That was the space I had reserved in a container to go onto a container ship between Canada and Australia. That was another traumatic event. Although I was looking forward to moving to Australia, getting rid of so much of my stuff was sad.

    I also have sentimental pieces I won't give away. One is a dress my grandmother made for me ... that's not going anywhere!

    But tonight I went through a small drawer of sports tank tops ... things I wear for running etc. ... and I pulled out two that will go. Both were from OP shops and neither fit me very well from the beginning. It seems to be I bought one without trying it on, thinking it would be OK, but nope. I may have worn it once or twice. They're cute but these days, I'd have to be underweight to wear them.

    M in Oz

  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Checking in... just hot in Hot Springs! I was out in the garden for the last few days. Now I have chiggers on me! Ugh!! I just hate those things! The itching drove me crazy last night! If I ever move, it’s going to be a place where there’s no chiggers!!

    Dana In Arkansas
  • beadowl
    beadowl Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2019
    Morning to our successful group of ladies!. Yikes, miss a few days and it’s tough to catch up, only 1/2 there.
    Kim:not sure if your employer offered you something yet. More free unsolicited advice: Don’t agree to the first offer, make them a counter offer after you take a couple of days to consider their offer. They were clearly in the wrong, don’t let them buy you off with a lunch, it would cost them more than a lunch to consult a lawyer. Keeping up the relationship is good too. You’re doing a great job!
    Lanette:I have a Morton’s neuroma on each foot, arthritis. It significantly cleared up losing weight, but I still “roll” every night.
    Pip:Your pics of Bullwinkle are captivating, I can’t get through the rest of the posts, she’s enchanting.
    Auntiebk:Bear Spray? I’m sure you already tried that. I play a radio, human voices to scare racoons & possums, this might work.

    Off to finish a long line of tasks and visiting the Mom. Kind of blew out my “lifestyle change” yesterday by eating caramels. Forgot how good sweets can be. Now I will have to erase the memory or I will come home with 2 bags of caramels tonight. And you get a caramel, you get a caramel and you get a caramel😋

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    KJ - JR was born early on March 9th yes he’s a handful one minute cuddled the next ALL BOY! He ran into the wall looked confused repeats multiple times waiting for a different response. Lol We have to distract him because he gets mad at the wall lol. You know how them walls just leap in front of you lol.

    Machka- I don’t fully purge my closet gets passed down to the kids lol or sits in mine forever.My Daughter y Sons purges go to Mexico,family,charities,etc but even they aren’t good purges lol. Only JR purges Daughter holds in tight to most.

    Barbara SOC - Might have to do a trick with your trash rinse stuff out before tossing it in the bin.Seperate spot for food scraps! Far away from the other trash cans. Clean the bins with water hose y bleach! Some people freeze their food bits in a deep freezer in a open trash bag then toss in on trash day works for some.Bear resistance enclosure (cage for the trash 🗑). My old job had wild animals issues old dog food y bird seeds we took into the woods in a certain spot dumped it.Of course the vultures started living in the trees for it lol 😂 switched one pest for another.

    Backs hurting today carried JR too much feeling it in my bones
  • MichelleMinn
    MichelleMinn Posts: 90 Member
    Pip-I’m sorry about your puppy.We lost our last shepherd a while back and I still miss him.He was my guardian.
    Debby In Va

    Oh my gosh, I didn't realize all the pictures of the gorgeous dog were a memorial. I'm so sorry, Pip!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lanette your dinner sounds yummy. :)

    Barbie I am absolutely going to apply your attitude for my remaining years as a teacher, loved being reminded of the power of a positive, growth mindset.

  • MichelleMinn
    MichelleMinn Posts: 90 Member
    edited June 2019
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Barbara AHMOD

    I had a few more thoughts on the Law of Attraction - Years ago, we put in an offer on the PERFECT house. Sadly, we didn't qualify for the loan but it stayed on the market. I would drive by now and then, "mentally moving in". Our job situation changed (more income) and we made another offer a year later. The price had actually dropped. So we went from mentally moving in to actually moving in. Visualization and patience was the key. It works.

    SW WA State

    Oh, wow, that's freaky. I had a similar thing!

    I wanted to move to my grandmother's hometown in Northern MN and was really doing the Law of Attraction thing without any concept I was doing it. I was in a good place emotionally, physically, believing it would happen. On our next visit, we went to look at houses, and I walked into one, and had this great feeling.

    We put a bid in ... AND were outbid. And not in a position to counter. I went into an epic funk. I'm not even going to share the details, because I'm embarrassed.

    We ended up moving to the town a year or so later, and being a small town the place we rented was literally the next block over and the last house on the opposite end of the street ... what I mean is that both of the houses were corner lots, and in a weird way mirrored one another.

    A 3 minute walk between the two, maybe, and so I ended up seeing this house I missed out on ... a lot ... while walking the dogs or getting from Point A to Point B.

    After renting this place for a year or so, my grandfather passed away. My mother and I were his only beneficiaries. AND the house went back on the market within a week!!!

    LOL, guess where I am sitting right now! Of course, I ended up paying more than if I'd gotten it the previous time, but...

    Anyhow, I took from it a message of patience, like I was right to believe this would happen, but made my mistake in rushing it. Of course, I tend to forget that message.

    I love that we had such a similar thing!

    Oh, and now when I walk the dogs, I get to walk past the old rental, where a husky now lives.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @auntiebk Barbara, wow for the bear! scary!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    ✔️1. weigh in
    ✔️2. log all
    ✔️ 4. five minutes meditation
    -5. Take care of at least 3 shorter (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill, (union work doesn't count)
    ✔️6. At least 15 min cleaning
    x7. At least 5 min day filing
    ✔️8. average 1100 calories net

    • Overall Feeling : fine
    • Log all: I think so
    • Exercise : walking
    • 1100 calories net average : I think so
    •3 Short term writing/admin per week: did 1
    •cleaning : 25 min
    •filing: no

    Grateful :
    1. a Gf treat
    2. decent weather