

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Pip))) Still thinking about your loss. :heart: :broken_heart::heart: Our dog is on the downward slope and we hope he has quite a bit more time. We hope to do as well by him as you and Kirby did for Bullwinkle. She was lucky to be your dog. :star:

    Barbara: I had no idea that bears had litters! I thought twins or triplets might be possible but you have so many! No wonder you’re having trouble with the garbage. :noway:

    I was mistaken about leaving for our campsite. We go tomorrow. That means we can get some additional tasks done today that will smooth out our whole trip. Yay!!! One of them is to get more CBD oil for DH and the dog. This is made from hemp, not MJ, and we get it at the pet store. The pot stores charge a LOT more for it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Barbara- 2 baby bears 🐻 🐻 how cute too bad mamas trash digger. More bears die from trash than folks realize it’s so hard to keep them out! Bleach is more to clean it every so often to kill food smells. We have a giant raccoon 🦝 I mean old old old y bigger than any raccoon we have ever seen. He stands 4ft tall walks upright which looks weird but guess all the muscles 💪 he has to. It is a male saw him up close when I thought a short man was breaking into our glass doors .So saw him just a pane of glass between us he broke a lot of stuff so far. He’s so big when he jumps like a human from a tree it leaves 2 giant foot holes
    🕳 🕳 .He’s mean territorial lucky only comes out at night but he can turn door knobs so he’s mischievous. Hubby finally saw him scared him to death since it walks upright he kind of has a shock factor.Looks like some muscle guy from a gym walking up but hisses. Thinking it has thyroid issues gigantism it’s rare but happens looks like a skinnier muscular healthier version of Bandit.We have to do a lot to keep him out but luckily he loves our fruit trees y pecan so he eats them if available.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- I’m sorry for your loss <3
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited June 2019
    Amber ~ I had to check out raccoons since it is so hard to believe a raccoon could be 4 ft high. This is what I found: The largest recorded wild raccoon weighed 28.4 kg (62.6 lb) and measured 140 cm (55 in) in total length, by far the largest size recorded for a procyonid.

    Carol in GA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hugs Pip and Kirby I am So sorry.💖
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 857 Member
    Pip, so sorry to hear about Bullwinkle, but glad the end was quick and not drawn out and painful for her. Hugs to both of you.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 857 Member
    Lisa, the glads are gorgeous! I have glads planted, but they're nowhere near blooming yet. And if the @$%&amp; squirrels don't stay out of there, there is a possibility that nothing will bloom as they are eating the bulbs! Little bugg-ers! Actually not so little, there are four of them and they are all a good size! I have sprinkled red pepper flakes around where they were digging, keeping my fingers crossed that that will keep them out.
    Barbara, I would recommend putting the garbage cans either in a covered enclosure or the garage until its actually garbage day. We've had issues with a few bears in our 'hood also and the conservation guy says there are 3 or 4 of them in the forest next door to us. Don't want to involve the conservation guys too much as a garbage bear is a bear that gets shot. We have invaded their space so don't want to make them pay more than they already have.
    Oh, have to go, at work and it's getting busy!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,983 Member
    So sorry PIP. :'(

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,983 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 857 Member
    Rebecca, well, at least your sister knows what she needs to do..... Doing it may be harder, but admitting the problem is the first step. Has she looked into AA or another organization like that? (Is there another organization like that?) Hoping that her surgery goes well and the recovery isn't too long or painful. Glad you spent the time with her, and soooo happy that you got to spend quality time with Athena! Such beautiful pics of the two of you! She sure is a cutie! (not as cute as my new granddaughter, but, well, you know..... ;) )
    Rita, you look amazing! And I love the beach at the campground you are at, it looks so inviting!
    Meg, good to see you posting, also happy for you that the countdown is on!
    Allie, happy belated birthday! Keeping my fingers crossed for you to find a nicer work environment!
    Tracy, congrats on getting a job! Nice that they are willing to work around your schedule a bit for the wedding! (which must be coming up very soon! Hope all is coming together as planned!)
    Heather, sounds like a busy summer coming up for you! I have to be honest, I envy your time with your grandkids, sure wish I could have mine for a day once in awhile, but DS and DIL are sold on daycare..... Oh well, maybe when they start school. I should be retired by the time our granddaughter starts (she's a newborn), grandson is 3 now, so will be starting school in two years, I won't be quite ready to retire then, I turn 61 this July, and I will not work past 65 which is when gov't old age pension will kick in. I'm already getting my CPP (Canada Pension Plan - we pay into this through work and can collect at age 60. Can also defer til up to 70 at which point you get more per month, but I decided to take a lesser amount and get it now.) That money goes into a separate bank account and when property taxes, car insurance and house insurance all come up (in the same 6-8 week period!!) the money is there to pay for it all. Sure took a lot of stress out of my life doing that!
    Kim Congrats on standing up for yourself! Sounds like you are going to come out at the other end of this whole non-profit work thing with a doable solution. I know here too, in order to be eligible for benefits, a person has to work a certain amount of hours. This will vary depending on the employer and the benefits group, the minimum can be anywhere from 20 to 35 hours per week.
    Have to get busy and post of few pics of my flowers (before the squirrels decimate them!) and the deer that was visiting yesterday, she was visiting the forest beside us, not the flowers, so that was okay!
    Hope everyone has a great day/afternoon/night! Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    Carol in GA- Oh Lord glad he’s not past 4ft! This ones taller than JR. I have a spot on my stomach JR came up to my belly button on a Csection belly which is 40inchs high so JR was 3ft 4 inches tall when we first spotted it (JR was under 2yrs old at the time) this thing came up so many inches past him! Measurements of the door the Door knob how high is past the knob would put the raccoon at 46-48inches tall. Luckily he has white hair patches all over you can tell he’s lived long enough to be gone soon plus he acts like he may have eye issues from age or starting to (hence his meaness) his eyes were cloudy. No tail just a bob like a bunny tail .He’s so muscular he can barely move it’s an obvious genetic defect cause other raccoons don’t walk or look like him. I have never spotted it on all 4’s ever... which makes me wonder if it has back defect even the footprints are always in 2’s. He has injured even killed a few neighborhood animals especially the Ferrell cats y the neighbors dog that kept chasing it.Pest Control can’t catch it they tried a few others tried too from private owned catchers one just screamed when he found it that the lady wasn’t paying him enough for that cussed drove off. Don’t blame him his tiny little rope he had was very ridiculous knowing this things size. He has damaged roofs to sheds so he’s a bugger. Just hoping it hurried up kicks the bucket.Yes we have roofers repair check regularly. He never has other raccoon around him either think they sensed his what I suspect is pituitary gigantism defects. Reminds me of Knickers the giant cow 🐄 if you compares him to the rest of our raccoons 🦝. Their so tiny compared to him they can’t be more than 7lbs a foot tall.Then theirs our Raccoon giant he’s around 4ft weights massive amount but I couldn’t even begin to guess cause muscle weighs a lot but he has no fat! JR weighs 35lbs is skinny frame so this things way past that.
    Amber Tx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,835 Member
    well we just had one heck of a hail storm~ Mother of Mercy.....
    hopefully my plants withstood it out there,,, it has been a wonderful day.. went out with my DD, and DGD and DSIL had a nice lunch with them , it was just wonderful and they got me a framed Blue Heron print from Christmas Tree Shop.. and will be going out on a sunset cruise tonight with my friends here from the Atrium , so a lovely day all around..
    my dear friend Jennifer sent me a birthday present , her husband sitting up in bed looking good.. God Bless him, I told her that was the best Birthday Present ever. and that is true.. he is alive and feeling much better xoxox.
    went down and fed my DFIL and he ate .so thats a plus.. Tom is taking the dinner shift tonight...I will be there for breakfast in the morning
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2019
    We’ve got most of our pre-trip shopping done and have put some food on the RV today. Fresh food is still at home. I keep thinking that our trip starts tomorrow and DH assures me it is in a few days. His opinion doesn’t correspond to our wall calendar. We have everything but fresh food and clothes on the rig.

    Our trip starts tomorrow. The campground has very poor cellular service so I’ll likely be away from chatting, but not from logging my food. I'll check in if I get the chance but I'm not counting on it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Daughter stuck in Chicago bad storm ⛈ so waiting for the storm break to fly home. Swear Chicago has too many cancellations due to weather!

    Amber Tx
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Pip and Kirby, thank you so very much! Sharing Bullwinkle’s photos with us all and sharing her end-of-life journey with us has been profoundly moving. She passed with your love surrounding her and without drama or pain. My heart goes out to you with her memory nestled in my heart too.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    ALLIE. t3361.gif
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    This is why the roofers check for Raccoon holes to damage for us. He got us before we discovered what it was...was mystery scratch y dog marks chew marks until we found out who. He leaves it alone now tho we wash our trash can with bleach.Empty them on time (Don’t miss a week he goes by smell.) I leave low fruit on my trees to pecans get what’s higher up so he eats that instead! We scare him off when he tries to climb the house he’s big so same noise as a kid trying to climb up your house. Banging with lights he gives up. He hates light shined in his eyes (Another sign his cloudy eyes are bad). We got bigger trash cans so harder to tip we stuck it in a tight area. We leave his favorite shed alone except to grab the lawn mower in case he’s there. Learning to live with him.Like I said he’s almost fully white he’s so old so can’t be too much longer I hope 🤞. Oldest a raccoon can live in wild is normally 2years due to bad diet he eats healthier like a zoo one so 10-11yrs probably he looks around that old already. Neighbors are taking their dogs y pet cats in at night now. The Ferrell cats are on their own.In the city that’s our only pest really so unless pigeons attack lol (movie Birds lol) or tiny squirrels 🐿 starts to chase will be fine.

    Amber Tx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    My mom had a raccoon living in her attic. He/she would come in when it rained. They found the hole where it got in and that stopped it.

    I just saw one going across our yard the other day. They usually come out at night. DH thinks it got some bunnies the other night too. So yes best to have pets in at night. We have coyotes too!