July 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    I still need to read about 40 pages of posts. I just learned that @PastorVincent lost his job. I hope that you have a lot of nibbles at a new job by page 78. That truly sucks! Did you have any inkling that the company was going to close its doors?

    Went down like this...

    Several weeks ago: "We have this and that new plan, and that and this new client we are pursuing and we have secured funding for the project through next year - all is good and the board is happy with our progress."

    9:30 that morning was our planning session. We planned out the next 3 months work.
    10:00 "The company is closing its doors, Wednesday the 31st we done."

    So, yeah, not much warning. I was a little suspicious for reasons, but not enough to have started looking.

    Right now I am applying/interviewing like mad. It is exhausting! But something will work out. I am confident of that much. Just gotta do the interview hussel for a bit. I have 4 face-to-face interviews this week to go to still. Which, you know, is EXACTLY what my introverted nature wants to do.

    One guy was like "we just want to see how you solve problems, you know to make sure you do not flip tables over or something" so I was like, "But what if that is the correct solution to the problem at hand?" He stumbled around with that proving once again, I am horrible at this interview game. :smiley:

    Thanks for the Cliff's notes version of the events. It sucks that you did all that planning, and I am sure that upper management knew all of the time that they would be shutting the doors.

    I actually love your answer to the interviewer. You are so quick on your feet with your responses.

    Good luck with your interviews. Remember, this is a two-way street, kind of like dating. Lining up 4 interviews right away is a really good sign that you can find something that you like.