

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited July 2019
    So many posts to read and so little time!

    Machka: Totally get the accidental filing! I end up doing lots of things ‘accidentally ‘.

    ☘️ Terri
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2019
    Annie D- it’s a slow process my weight trickles off then pours off then trickles. Bring your own food less awkward plus you can sit y enjoy 😉. Then if you eat what’s there go for the healthy stuff they brought to add to your own. Takes time to get into the swing of a new life style ,but you’ll get it we all struggle with the same issues. Perhaps bring along a Tupperware with premade salad 🥗 (watch dressing calories I use 0 calorie dressing from Walden Farms or Amazon has Primal kitchen y skinny girl y many more) can bring your own BBQ sauce They make some as low as 0cal (G Hughes,Walden Farms,Stubbs,many more) plus some chicken with no skin in a ziplock bag or Tupperware.Sandwhich ...so many choices.

    Grandparents Safety Proofing for the babies visits this year (especially ages 0-4yrs old). A lot of the things that happened as kids in the past are a no go legally now. Plus I know your thinking well when I was a kid....
    Step back look at the big picture not just you even your hyper cousins to siblings or parents stories about when they were little ... how many oopsies were there? Tractor 🚜 turned on in a field, injury from a rooster 🐓 to the face, the broken vase 🏺 that was treated like an unforgivable act, things your parents never found out about ever or until you were adults lol, fall from a loft, falls,The rat poison incident!
    Lots of bumps,bruises,bandages that back then no big deal.Now a baby sitter to Doctors alert cops ,CPS,Government offices,y a in-law mad at the kids for allowing them to visit an unsafe environment judgement (could be your poor Daughters MIL wagging a finger or your DIL’s Family). If their family is bad (like my moms was) they call on the kids for it (yes was held by CPS in a hospital once thanks to then luckily my Dads Mom rescued me by showing medical proof but everyone walked on eggshells no bumps or bruises allowed) .Im lucky 🍀 both sides aren’t that way for JR but not telling my Moms side nothing since a simple splinter leads to harassment. Our city too many hospital visits is bad so is no visit so it’s a lot of padding in my home. Something I never had to do with Daughter 20yrs ago I see the difference it’s so Wow odd.Many states to countries don’t allow a kid under 13 to play out in the yard unsupervised or walk to the park or convienient store (lol we had real jobs at that age). Plants even Christmas ones can be poisonous ☠️ .Pets/animals who scratch,jump, y bite or too old to be terrorized need to be put in a separate room so Baby is safe on the floor not being held above the kids heads making them rethink visits. Medical things are great for you but baby doesn’t need a diabetes needle or pill 💊 to find. Daughter found my Dads rat bar 20yrs ago under his bed back then hospital with understanding doctors making sure none was swallowed (she chewed it thought it was a granola bar).Now someone would be in jail lots of family service visits. Since I was at the Dentist 🦷 while my parents were having grandparents day would have been Dad on the news!

    Also on vacations safety one squirming baby fell from a cruise ship from grandpa arms killing her recently.He said he would never forgive himself.None of us need to have this happen.I worked for hotels before have seen the worst (no one wants to find a baby wander out of the room into the pools or near cleaners on a hall way cart or the kid we got loose from a toilet 🚽 (was holding on to a toy car wouldn’t let go of it lol 😂).
    No one wants a balcony falls or window fall. I requested y moved hotel rooms 20yrs ago when Daughter found a unlatch-able window in our hotel room (1 yrs old) with no screen ! She was persistent once she found it cause a doggie 🐶 was outside. Dad has a rooster to the face as a 1yr old permanent scars. Cousins age 6&12 found tractor 🚜 keys drove through the garage door caving in the whole work garage! I was 4 they searched the debris for me then heard me talking to the cows on the wrong side of a barb wire fence!

    Amber Tx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Sunday all :)

    Weekend social eating is tricky for me as well. 2 things help, I make sure to up my calorie burn with exercise, eat before I go to the bbq, and have a super large glass of water with me the whole time I’m there so I feel full (and dont drink alcohol). The only problem with this last strategy is the fact I have to use the bathroom frequently :s

    Got in my 3 miles treadmill today, and cleaned up in the kitchen so feel like superwoman ;) Meal planning and a to do list are in my future.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Went for my run first thing this morning. :D Lots of people out running, cycling, swimming, walking. I came back and did a bit extra on the bike to make up the calories.
    With the calories burned on a solo supermarket shop this afternoon I've nearly got to my daily norm.

    My knee has decided to complain. It has been clicking a bit recently and now is very stiff. I hope it goes off.

    KJ - The heatwave has gone. Thank goodness. I do have my friend arriving tomorrow afternoon from Glasgow. I shopped for a nice meal for her today. Will cook it tomorrow morning. I've also bought lovely biscuits and starter nibbles. It's a Moroccan theme. We will go together to the school reunion on the train on Tuesday. Then meet up with 'the girls' at Horsham Station, before getting a taxi to the house where they are holding it. I have not been sleeping at all well and feeling a bit down and apprehensive. I'm gradually getting back my enthusiasm at last.
    I've arranged for the cleaner to come first thing tomorrow, so I've just got to make her bed and move my stuff out of the bathroom. Sweep the front path etc.
    On the Wednesday I have the ex nanny and grandchildren coming for lunch. I was going to go to some trouble, but my son says she hardly eats anything and is very picky, so it's going to be various fancy rolls, chicken, sausages and salad filler bits to make their own. Homemade ice cream and lollies.
    I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, but it's all coming together. Not sleeping makes it hard. Not much more than three hours. I should think most of us are nervous about the school year reunion. :* I know a couple of my close friends are.

    I've done my hair roots, my toenails (blue) and my fingernails (clear).

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Oakie ~ Would love to know where you found a salad bowl that had extra spaces for other items you could add as you liked.

    Sharon ~ Great news about your improved health and mobility.

    Carol in GA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Carol GA- I got a travel one that stays cold bought it from the VA Hospital gift shop (even non-vets are allowed to eat in the restaurant/canteen y gift shop the proceeds helps the Veterans).
    Think Walmart does too
    Amber Tx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Sharon - Your Mexico trip sounds wonderful. I'm sure you will make connections with people and how great that you now feel able to take this adventure. Solo travelling has its difficulties, but so does group travelling. It's all about the attitude. In the book I'm reading there are tips for solo travelling. Sending lots of love and encouragement. B)<3

    My Glasgow friend has emailed me, so we are all set for her arrival tomorrow. I will meet her at the station after she has texted her arrival time and walk back with her. My DH is often unhelpful in these situations. He has always been the same, according to his sister, so I don't take it personally. He was brought up to be self reliant and hates asking for help himself. :s

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Oakie ~ Thanks! That's very neat.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. Today is a cloudy day (supposed to have some rain) and I am trimming evergreen bushes in the front yard. Had no idea, but they are out well over a foot onto the walkway! I have some other piddly things to accomplish, then want to relax this evening, something I rarely do. I’m a little disappointed that even with hardly any appetite, I’m not losing weight. I’m eating way less than before. Maybe it’s saving itself up and will give in and go away in a batch? I only have 60 more days of the phenteramine.

    Machka: That’s kind of how I started organizing the shoes! Now I’m on to bras. I will bet I have 40. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. You have some great advice there.

    Michelle: drinking water leads to distracted driving? That’s nuts

    Allie: I can barely figure out the remotes!

    KJ: your Coast Guard festival sounds like so much fun! I would love to watch the cardboard boats. Where are you exactly? Dd you raise butterflies?

    Kevrit: that is awesome! Good for you. I thought MY A1C was good at 5.7% You are an inspiration! And I totally agree with you on facebook. We’ve had some family deaths we didn’t know about because we didn’t have facebook at the time.

    Tracey: I know what you mean about exercise. When my knee acts up, I’m almost in tears. No exercising then for me!

    Heather: I will have to read that book! i’m not really an introvert, but at our age, making new friends is difficult.

    OK well the clouds are really rolling in now so I better attack those bushes! Take care Meg from Omaha
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,957 Member
    Sharon near Seattle congrats on your health improvements!
    Heather definitely going to get the book. Sounds great! I’m reading a book I found donated to the visitor center here called “Tale of Two Biddies” about aging gracefully. Funny and interesting.

    RV Rita

    Pic of weird praying mantis on my tomatoes. Btw anyone have any ideas on why my two potted tomato plants would not be getting tomatoes? Or why the bottoms rot before they ripen?
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Rita! it's called "Blossom End Rot"! Sometimes scratching some pulverized egg shell into the soil will help. As I recall, it's lack of calcium.

    Sharon Near Seattle (and tomato pkant-free this year :-(!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited July 2019
    Thanks Ladies for your views on my holiday situation. Kelly, your solution sounds wonderful, and Thanksgiving IS all about giving thanks. I do have my eldest still here, and so he gets spoiled more.