

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did one segment of 10MS Butt Lift DVD then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Firm & Burn DVD.

    Kate UK – “cat café are prisons”???? I would think the opposite because they give more of a chance for the cat to be adopted and isn’t that what we’d all like to see?

    Lanette – good luck to you Update: glad you’re home and all went well

    Katla – good for you going!

    Terri – welcome! Do you do hand or machine quilting?

    JR – our local theater was doing a show (I don’t remember which one it was), it was set in something like the 1950’s. I was talking to one of the guys who was working on it and it was interesting…the kids in the show had no idea about jacks or a phone on the wall, things like that

    Janetr – prayers for your gd’s boyfriend. I hope everything goes well for you at the doctor’s

    Yvonne – any idea of the calories in the yogurt in the IP? How do you log it?

    After exercise went to the Salvation Army, got a shirt, then Aldi then Habitat for Humanity. See, Denise has this basket on her toilet with these washcloths in it. She’s pretty particular, they have to be folded a certain way and the taller ones in the back. Anyway, when I was there I wound up taking everything out and using the basket for my toiletries since there isn’t a whole lot of room in the bathroom. Well, I remembered that HFH usually has a lot of baskets so I got one for us to use for our toiletries. Only 25cents, so I guess we can live with that.

    Then bowling, ceramics, then mahjongg.

    Michele in NC
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Pip Such sweet pups!!

    Luci NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Caught up. Temp today 103 with heat index of 111. I am so tired of this heat. Rita, I can sympathize with you as it is too hot to go outside.
    Meg- glad you are ok. Take care of you.
    Lanette- happy that your surgery went well and you are home.
    Happy anniversary to Carol. Cute picture.
    Finished cleaning and organizing my kitchen. Will start on master bath tomorrow.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    🍁 not much to say, but wanted to say hi.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi folks! Just checking in. My weight loss efforts have been up and down, I return to my doctor in November and I’m determined to be down 10% by then.
    Lanette - So glad you're surgery went well and that you're home. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
    Teri - Welcome! This is a great group. I think many of us are over 60. I just had my 62nd birthday.
    Vicki - Rain, Rain Go Away! Come again another day. But, spread out and hit the dry spots! Praying for all effected.
    Carol - Happy Anniversary!
    Heather - I would stick with Word. And, I love Midsomer Murders. I'll have to see if it aired here and if my DVR recorded it. I don't watch much television. But, I have a few shows recorded regularly and catch them up when I get deep couch sitting time.

    Still reading through messages.
    — Ginger in Texas
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Super rainy day here, but comfortable temperatures. Supposed to be hotter than Hades by Saturday. I knew summer wasn’t done!

    Hoping to get the results of my mom’s scans tomorrow. Praying all are negative.

    It’s not been a good workout month. Seems I keep having multiple things to do. I think I’ve made it to the gym about 5 times all month. I have walked outside the last 4 nights.

    Connie in Ky
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Penny You must be super busy right now! Hope you can pop in soon and regale us with a tale or two about your current doings. xoxo

    Karen in Virginia
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Machka I had never heard of cat cafés. Very cute. Sounds kind to the cats for the most part in the Usa versions. I just read that there is one in Paris too. I'm sorry about the travel limitations. I know it doesn't resolve all, but are you able to convince some of your family and friends to pop over and see you? I would go to Tasmania if I had close friends or family there inviting me over. Great that you use your TM! So many people buy equipment and then just leave it there to take up a room.

    @Kjlamore Kelly, I hope you feel better.

    @lhscapil Lanette wishing you a quick and happy recovery.

    @cityjaneLondon Heather Cute photo. I believe the most common microsoft office compatible freeware used to be Open Office and then was, if I'm not mistaken, sort of replaced by Libre Office. I've been using them for years. But I can understand the need to stay w same software etc. I re-bought a Mac computer last time cause I was in a busy period and not free to get used to switching over. (Next time I plan to switch to a good quality Pc)

    @AZTeri2016 Teri, Welcome! Congratulations on your recent weight loss.

    @Vickil57 I'm so sorry about the flooding. Are you still able to go to the concert?

    @janetr7476 sending healing thoughts for your granddaughter's boyfriend. I'm so sorry about your knee and surgeries.

    @Ydally Yvonne, I didn't really stay on the flylady mailing list for more than a few days or weeks, as is was overactive and, yes, a little hyper, but I adopted the 15 minute timer sessions and adapted it to my own needs, and try to keep the sink area clean. On anaemia, I was more or less anaemic my whole life, always at least slightly and very extremely at one point in late 30s. When I finally stopped eating gluten at one point due to other symptoms, the anaemia stopped. I'm not saying that's it for you. Im my case as I understand it the gluten was irritating my innards and causing poor absorption of some nutrients. Do you take iron pills?
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    Nice weather in mornings and evenings
    Big windows
    Fan still works
    Got ironing done
    Cleaning person was pleasant and worked well yesterday (third time coming, there were some adapting pains)
    Home looks ok (except paper mess)
    morning coffee at café
    no appointments today
    1 more week before schools open again
    Knee is somewhat better today (I think)
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I had a slight scooter accident before vacation, involving mostly my foot. it could have provoked the knee thing. I don't have a great doctor at present. Now the foot thing is acting up again. I have to get a foot MRI on Friday. And still follow up on the knee thing. I almost never went to the doctor even for checkups except Gyn before I was 40. Now it seems there's massive stuff to follow up on. I find I tend to slack off and not do all.

    The cleaning person is a young woman from Portugal. She has to be here to share custody of her daughter and doesn't want to be here.
    The 1st 2 times she was grouchy, but yesterday she was pleasant and spent more than half an hour after or so, talking about the issue with her daughter since I asked her about it, so I guess it just takes time to get used to one and other.

    My physical energy is low, low, since I've had knee thing and can't go for brisk walks nor swims.
    I'm muddling and dragging and getting by. Socializng a bit in evenings (grabbing a tea or drink w friend) sometimes to make up for it. sometimes I don't have time to meet friends in busy school year weekdays.

    I'm glad to have had a good night's sleep and not too much pain. now the foot is making me limp! I feel like my body is just breaking down.

    I had much starch/carbs yesterday : a GF small store-packaged pizza vegan (not very rich but still), a few rice cakes, and these things that looked like soy-burgers (high protein) but were more like rice-burgers (high carbs).

    I have been a late-in-day overeater of late. That has not usually been my pattern over life. I just feel tired and not like always making an effort and snack on some rice cakes or crackers of whatever. It's been like that for months now.

    Well, another day before us and can always be better.

    Have a good day.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MICHELLE that's my friends opinion not mine. I'm not sure if the cafe here does have the adoption system or not but I agree with you it's a good idea. I love my friend but she does have some funny ideas abd I don't always agree with her.

    LANETTE glad things went well, look after yourself

    Been really bad weight creeping up need to buckle down starting today.

    Weather still nice but not sure how long it'll last

    Welcome new girls

    Kate UK <3
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited August 2019
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Anniversary Dinner
    Happy Anniversary. Lovely photo.

    Janetr: Sorry to hear that your gd’s boyfriend is back in hospital. (((Hugs and Prayers))) for his full recovery. I hope your doctor’s visit goes well.

    My indulgent weekend has stalled my current downward run on the scale, but it's just a temporary hiatus. These plateaux are the norm for me. But I have done well since the beginning of the month and am edging ever closer to the Holy Grail of maintenance in the 150s.

    Today I plan to declutter the surfaces in our master bedroom. I have baskets ready to tidy up the clutter which has accumulated over the summer. I already did the bedside tables, and want to finish the job.

    Mille Failte to our newbies. We are an active, eclectic, supportive bunch.

    💟 Love ☯️ Balance ☮️ Peace 🕊

    🙏🏻 Prayers for those who need them

    🕰 Tempus fugit

    ☘️ Terri Norn Irn
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Love this.Shared with DDs & GRD. Pat in OH

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited August 2019
    I don't have any mail piles. Most of it goes straight in the recycling bin. If it needs attention I put it on the floor next to the sofa so it is staring me in the face. It rarely stays there more than a day. When it's been attended to I file it in a filing cabinet.
    These days all our bills are automatic, so we rarely get a bill. Tradesmen send email bills and I pay online. My only bill is my credit card, which I hardly ever use, perhaps for clothes, and that goes on the floor until I pay it online with a future date when I have funds come in. It's always paid off.
    I'm a bit OCD about clutter, so surfaces are mainly clear unless I use something all the time. DH gets on my nerves a bit with his pens, a rubber and a pencil sharpener for his Sudoku on his sidetable. :# I buy him nice toning coloured ones so I can bear it! He has a clip board and books at the end of his sofa. I have my tablet and the tv guide. (Essential for a happy marriage - a sofa each. I even have to have one each in a holiday home!) None of it takes more than five seconds to clear up if anyone is coming round. I am always straightening mats, coasters, appliances, etc, a hangover from my childhood OCD. My cleaner moves things and I have to put everything back in the absolutely right place. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member

    Three Women who Changed the Course of History On Bicycles
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2019
    went to the gym finally and, rather than working on cardio as I usually do, worked lots of machines working on arms, shoulders and abs. felt good but, now soooo tired: sleepy tired, like I need a nap.

    ok, so I can take this leg problem as an opportunity to work on abs and upper body. my legs are fairly strong, I've spent many years and hours biking, walking, walking, walking, skating, walking, jogging, hiking.
    I used to swim a lot for many years, but have totally stopped, got tired of laps and the chlorine in most pools seemed to not agree w body.
    Now my arms and upper body are really week.
    The 3 days of hiking pre-knee thing I used hiking poles and could feel the strength coming back.

    On one should machine I could only do 5 reps w 0 weight!
    All the other ones I used the minimum 5 k or 10k so.

    I need to avoid overcompensating w upper body exercise; I had frozen shoulder a few years back.

    I had a decent lunch:
    salad w 100g cooked kidney beans, cuke, 15 g squash seeds, 15g avocado, 1 tsp olive oil, and vinegar,
    hard boiled egg
    Small slice of fresh GF bread w tiny bit of butter

    all yum and healthy feeling

    plus a tasty but less healthy feeling GF cookie (not big)

    I tracked for the 1st time in ages today.
    I didn't want to be online much when hiking and away and totally stopped tracking.
    I was finding it wasn't working but in fact I think at least it kept me at status quo or losing maybe a quarter pound or half pound a month. almost nothing, but still better than gaining, which I think I've done since I stopped tracking (and exercising due to knee thing).

    @cityjaneLondon, Heather Lol on this :
    DH gets on my nerves a bit with his pens, a rubber and a pencil sharpener for his Sudoku on his sidetable. :# I buy him nice toning coloured ones so I can bear it!

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2019
    I tried putting in an avatar (a profile picture) but it's not showing up so far
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member