Is my husband sabotaging my weight loss? HELP!



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    In your diary have a look.

    Every single day you are over in calories, over in carbs, over in fat, over in sugar, over in sat fats...... yet way under in protein.

    Why is that? More protein. Less 'junk'. What's with the cream? 194 cals of cream? Ummmmm ewww. I can feel that coating my throat & stomach just thinking about it. Ease up on the treats. You don't eat anywhere near enough good stuff....fruits, vegetables, nuts. Make the most of the calories you have.

    Nobody (I hope) is trying to make you feel bad or put you down.... just trying to make you see what we all have learnt over the months/years doing it ourselves.
  • Ccuser99
    Ccuser99 Posts: 47 Member
    In your diary have a look.

    Every single day you are over in calories, over in carbs, over in fat, over in sugar, over in sat fats...... yet way under in protein.

    Why is that? More protein. Less 'junk'. What's with the cream? 194 cals of cream? Ummmmm ewww. I can feel that coating my throat & stomach just thinking about it. Ease up on the treats. You don't eat anywhere near enough good stuff....fruits, vegetables, nuts. Make the most of the calories you have.

    Nobody (I hope) is trying to make you feel bad or put you down.... just trying to make you see what we all have learnt over the months/years doing it ourselves.

    I was substituting milk with cream as I was trying the low carb diet.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    You really dont understand how bad food poisons your body and mind until you cut yourself free of it.


    the food shaming inherent in so-called "clean eating" is nonsense. utter nonsense.

  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    OP, you don't have to justify your eating. You ate chocolate cake. It's not a big deal. Plenty of people on here regularly eat ice cream, chips and hamburgers.

    You came asking a question and are being remarkably patient with those not being particularly polite.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    OP, you don't have to justify your eating. You ate chocolate cake. It's not a big deal. Plenty of people on here regularly eat ice cream, chips and hamburgers.

    You came asking a question and are being remarkably patient with those not being particularly polite.

    But you can't complain about somebody giving you chocolate & then turn around & eat an entire cake for days just because you didnt want it to go to waste after you made it. People who eat it don't normally have the right to complain about eating it or about others giving it to them because it comes down to them eating it.
  • squishy84

    What about asking for small individual portions of dark chocolate instead? So rather than a whole slab/ bag, he just brings you a small portion - that way you get good chocolate, and he feels happy because he can treat you? You'll feel happy because it's a small portion, so you won't feel guilty and it's easier to work it into your diet - and eating one portion every now and then isn't going to derail you completely.

    Otherwise, I would always appreciate flowers or bubble bath or something from my hubby if he feels like spoiling me. Believe me, I know how hard it is hun - my husband does the same (chocolate biscuits!! Two "evils" combined!!) and then says the same thing "I am not making you eat it" - it's horrid!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Your husband isn't sabotaging anything. You are sabotaging yourself and using your husband as an excuse. Own up to your actions - You don't HAVE to eat the chocolate he buys you.
  • squishy84
    In your diary have a look.

    Every single day you are over in calories, over in carbs, over in fat, over in sugar, over in sat fats...... yet way under in protein.

    Why is that? More protein. Less 'junk'. What's with the cream? 194 cals of cream? Ummmmm ewww. I can feel that coating my throat & stomach just thinking about it. Ease up on the treats. You don't eat anywhere near enough good stuff....fruits, vegetables, nuts. Make the most of the calories you have.

    Nobody (I hope) is trying to make you feel bad or put you down.... just trying to make you see what we all have learnt over the months/years doing it ourselves.

    I was substituting milk with cream as I was trying the low carb diet.

    Honestly, I get so confused over this milk/ cream issue - paleo (or is it primal?) and atkins/ low carb say cream, then everyone else says fat free milk and it just gets overwhelming!
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    In your diary have a look.

    Every single day you are over in calories, over in carbs, over in fat, over in sugar, over in sat fats...... yet way under in protein.

    Why is that? More protein. Less 'junk'. What's with the cream? 194 cals of cream? Ummmmm ewww. I can feel that coating my throat & stomach just thinking about it. Ease up on the treats. You don't eat anywhere near enough good stuff....fruits, vegetables, nuts. Make the most of the calories you have.

    Nobody (I hope) is trying to make you feel bad or put you down.... just trying to make you see what we all have learnt over the months/years doing it ourselves.

    I was substituting milk with cream as I was trying the low carb diet.

    Honestly, I get so confused over this milk/ cream issue - paleo (or is it primal?) and atkins/ low carb say cream, then everyone else says fat free milk and it just gets overwhelming!

    Do what works for you.
  • Ccuser99
    Ccuser99 Posts: 47 Member
    In your diary have a look.

    Every single day you are over in calories, over in carbs, over in fat, over in sugar, over in sat fats...... yet way under in protein.

    Why is that? More protein. Less 'junk'. What's with the cream? 194 cals of cream? Ummmmm ewww. I can feel that coating my throat & stomach just thinking about it. Ease up on the treats. You don't eat anywhere near enough good stuff....fruits, vegetables, nuts. Make the most of the calories you have.

    Nobody (I hope) is trying to make you feel bad or put you down.... just trying to make you see what we all have learnt over the months/years doing it ourselves.

    I was substituting milk with cream as I was trying the low carb diet.

    Honestly, I get so confused over this milk/ cream issue - paleo (or is it primal?) and atkins/ low carb say cream, then everyone else says fat free milk and it just gets overwhelming!

    Hi Squishy,

    I have been following atkins for a while and have felt healthier for it. I have been eating whole foods instead of processed mixed foods, but I am unsure if it worked which is why I decided to come onto MFP to see if I could look a little closer at my diet. I know my diary looks bad because it just happened at the wrong time with hubby buying chocs and me baking a choc cake lol I know it sounds like an excuse, but before I logged on to here, I was following the Atkins quite strictly and it did work for me health and energy wise, but I just wasn't loosing the weight.

    I haven't reacted strongly to the people who have slammed me for my diary because I agree with them for the last week, but I didn't want to lie about what I had eaten just so people didn't have a go at me, afterall, isn't that what MFP is for? keeping honest records?

    Re Low carb diet, all I can say is that in my experience, my body feels better for eating low carb food, even though it does look higher in fat and protein. cream is definately better for me than milk, but maybe this is not the case for everyone.

    Anyway, it is a new day and I am back on track and have no more sweet stuff left in the house, so hopefully the people who have an issue with me on here will see a better picture of what I am all about ;)
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I wouldn't take it this way, it sounds like he's doing what he can to be nice. In his own mind it makes perfect sense.

    My boyfriend does something similar. I'm a sugar junkie so I am pretty strict about not having candy/ chocolate etc at home. Sometimes he'll get home and have a chocolate bar or a bag of m&ms and a bottle of wine. I put all the treats in a big jar that's hidden so I wasn't constantly reminded of it. A few weeks pass and he comments, don't I like candy any more.

    I explained to him that some of those things have the same calorie counts as an entire meal so I was saving them for emergencies. He says I'm too hard on myself but then next time he gets home, he gets a small pack of treat-size chocolates. "They're under 100 calories, I thought you could take them into work if you wanted to take something sweet for lunch."

    More than any grand gesture, stuff like this makes me realise he's a keeper. So glad I didn't go nuts at him at the beginning, I had no idea that it was him being a sweetheart. Also, best thing you can do... steel your resolve not to touch them. Consider it training for all the resisting-sugar you'll be doing at birthdays, work lunches, thanksgiving etc...
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    As a former binger and "food addict" for years, I just wanted to say it is possible to learn moderation. I never thought I would be one to be able to eat just one serving of anything yummy, but now I do it all the time. When my husband buys me yummy treats (once in awhile) I will have 1 serving of that a day. I also have received big boxes of chocolate. But now those boxes take me 1-2 months or more to eat.

    Take 3 chocolates out (or whatever is a serving), close box, eat it and log it :smile: Don't go back for more. I'm not saying it's easy, but if you are tough with yourself it will get easier over time. I try to set aside 20% of my daily calories for treats. Just budget it in!
  • squishy84
    As a former binger and "food addict" for years, I just wanted to say it is possible to learn moderation. I never thought I would be one to be able to eat just one serving of anything yummy, but now I do it all the time. When my husband buys me yummy treats (once in awhile) I will have 1 serving of that a day. I also have received big boxes of chocolate. But now those boxes take me 1-2 months or more to eat.

    Take 3 chocolates out (or whatever is a serving), close box, eat it and log it :smile: Don't go back for more. I'm not saying it's easy, but if you are tough with yourself it will get easier over time. I try to set aside 20% of my daily calories for treats. Just budget it in!

    I like the idea of 20% for treats
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    The only way your husband could be sabotaging you is if he was sitting on your chest shoving food down your throat. otherwise you are sabotaging yourself.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    The only way your husband could be sabotaging you is if he was sitting on your chest shoving food down your throat. otherwise you are sabotaging yourself.

    This. Not because it's in the house that you have to eat it.

    We are all adults here and we are responsible for our actions, no one esle is (unless it's forced down your throat
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    but I really can't say no to chocolate if it is in the house.

    thats just silly.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Sabotage would entail your husband sneaking things into your food. Perhaps baking a giant chocolate bar into a meatloaf, or filling the salt shaker with sugar.

    He's just being nice. Eat the treats, or don't.

    If it helps, you can send the galaxy counters to other MFPers in the USA. Maybe some smarties if it's handy.
  • Ccuser99
    Ccuser99 Posts: 47 Member
    but I really can't say no to chocolate if it is in the house.

    thats just silly.

    silly but honest
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Is your husband overweight? Does he eat or choose to eat healthy. I myself never had a weight issue but i started "OUR" diet for my wife she is over 100lbs overweight and i figured this would be the best way to inspire her. Eating clean changed my whole outlook on life itself. You really dont understand how bad food poisons your body and mind until you cut yourself free of it. When my wife was quitting smoking years ago i would offer to buy her smokes because i saw she was in pain. That might just be what he is picking up from you at times? My personal belief is that, unless everyone in the house is on board, someone is going to tip the ship so to speak.

    Yeah, no.

    I do just fine eating my southwest salad while my husband eats his bacon cheese burger or my 6 ounce steak while he eats two six ounce steaks or my one serving of ice cream to his two...or four. He doesn't have to change his habits because I changed mine.

    ^^THIS nailed it!!!!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    willpower.......honestly you either have it or you don't. I don't like blaming other people for my struggles.