

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,139 Member

    Cycling inside - Zwift

    Distance - 10.72km
    Elevation - 143m
    Moving Time - 31:24
    Elapsed Time - 31:24
    Speed - Avg 20.5km/h | Max: 59.8km/h
    Heart Rate - Avg: 132bpm | Max: 145bpm
    Cadence - Avg: 76 | Max: 99
    Power - Avg: 97W | Max: 171W

    Run/Walk - Treadmill

    Distance - 3.45km
    Moving Time - 33:26
    Elapsed Time - 33:26
    Pace - 9:41/km

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,139 Member
    Lovely Saturday

    Stayed in pjs till 3 pm.
    Put on Christmas music.
    Did laundry and put away clothes.
    Tidied house ... it actually feels good to get some of that done.
    Dressed up a little and went to Christmas carols at one of the local churches.
    Cycled (Zwift) for about half an hour and then ran/walked for about half an hour.
    Pizza, mince tarts, and fruitcake for dessert ... traditional Christmas desserts. :)
    Now watching Christmas movies on TV.


    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Lisa ,goodness sales girl you look great..
    Love you all too.
    I slept well for once just getting up once for the bathroom.
    Going to have my cup of tea and then start getting ready.having my girlfriends from here down for cocktails and munchies so have to get this place in order.
    Feed Alfie and get a move on..
    Overindulged last night but will make up for it this weekend..
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,102 Member
    Thank you for the support. I do feel better!
    Annie in Delaware
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hi, I missed a few weeks again. ah, là, là! There are already 39 pages this month! and up another kilo! frightening to me! feel not myself, gaining weight. I like it better when I can keep up day to day or every 3 days at most. otherwise it becomes hard to even decently skim!

    So I'm responding to other posts, rather randomly.

    @ginnytez you are amazing wrapping all for Christmas so far in advance. you seem to be very industrious! thanks for your message, I'm not exactly an adjunct, but get adjunct pay, transformed into regular contract, but actually the contact at one place is illegal in many ways- I just discovered another recently. I'm relatively protected as they have to have classes in my field. to get rid of me they'd have to get rid of several teachers of the same field. they could very well choose to outsource some teaching or mutualise teaching between different schools and I'm sure that is a potential idea they have. the direction tends to be dishonest. I'm rather firm in my position but that hasn't made me the most popular with the admin these past years whereas all was great previously. It sounds like the turkey is no longer the main savoury food attraction at thanksgiving like it used to be. Do you feel your UTI or do you find out from an exam. I used to feel the slightest UTI but occasionally (not too often) I find out I have a slight one without that itchiness or whatever- just fatigue. Getting a real break from work is great.

    @bugglover I also feel it's a real struggle to see results - since about 55 for me. Before I could lose a few pounds pretty easily. I'm sorry about so many deaths. I

    @grandmaille, so we can develop celiac? interesting! I thought you just had it or not. was it cool to get DNA? I hesitate to do it.

    @LisaInAR I think you both look great! True what Klanders30 said. I remember when I was young my dad really fretting regularly about having a belly, and losing his hair and looking and getting old (in his 40s- he wasn't a young-looking 40s), but when he saw pics of then at 75 he said wow I was so young and vigorous!
    I'm not chipper this week. I had a crazy workday on Monday - about 12h almost non stop-teaching meetings, calls, then home and another hour on work related call.

    National strike on Tuesday. I participated in the strike and went to the protest and march. First I couldn't find my schools, then a college who has an ankle issue texted me and we tried to find others, but unsuccessful we had a coffee, he left then I found the others and spoke to a couple about an issue in our department- very helpful. And then I ran into this other guy in another union at one of my schools. unfortunately he alternates between working together and being rather against the other union -which mainly only helps the direction. Since we were walking together we found a more peaceful mood, thank goodness. I'm surprised how complex work relations can be at work.

    Wednesday I had 3h of class only. we were to start early to make up some time, but the students take 45 min to 1h to get there by foot (there's a massive subway strike) if they are able to come. I was exhausted and went home to rest all day. Went to the doctor the next day.

    Thursday went to GP. She was asking if I didn't want sick leave note? Here you can have up to 3 months sick leave in a year! I just read the average amount of sick days is around 30 per person! I've been sick 3 days in 11 years. My school -illegally-kept asking when I was going to make up sick days. Adjunct-type teachers are really poorly treated. They never ask that to admin employees (many of who are often out sick) nor full-time teachers. I went to 6h of classes. The classes were mostly quite good. Students again travel 45 min to 3h (walk, automated line, walk) to get to class. I have to feel honoured. I have some students who I have had for 5 years- 7 semesters. Though my subject is not the main subject I know their work and approach and help them to evolve, for sure. We do pre-master's thesis defences in class. it can help them get clear and prepared. Then one had a celebration of her master's thesis defence and I popped by the celebration-it was nice.

    Friday-bummer I left my computer chord at work and had to return. Totally not on my agenda. It was hard for us to find the key so it took a while. I ran into the DHR and he was unpleasant and impolite. Usually he's dishonest but pleasant and repectful.

    Went to counsellor (have only been 2 x and it's ok) and she suggested that I take sick leave next week. I was disappointed in the session (on my side) because I had some stressful things to deal with just before and spent the whole sessions just on blablabla, not super-useful.

    Here there have been national strikes since Dec 5. The most striking strike is the transport one. Many people can't get around normally : to work, etc. Many elementary schools have been closed at least one or some days. and many other things. There were 1.5 million on strike and in the streets on the 5th. (about 2.2% of of the TOTAL population, including children, retired people etc, who weren't on strike). Half that on the 10th. Another big strike day is planned for next Tuesday.

    I can usually get to work since I have a scooter. On major strike days it's more iffy but I declare myself on strike. Many colleagues manage to get to work and others just say they will make up the work later. a small number of engaged workers are on strike where I am, but in elementary schools some days were 80% strikers. The Sorbonne was totally closed and at least one art school and one architecture school have equally been totally closed. I go to work on the days that are not major protest days, but some colleagues, very engaged, (and possibly on more secure material footing) do not.

    I felt carpy yesterday - having to go back to work on Friday for the charger put me in a bad mood. A colleague was accusatory - whereas actually I majorly support all colleagues in our service- much more than anyone else. It upset me. But she was just stressed. She tends to be a bit negative sometimes. I like her- she's a work-friend, but I've seen her a bit obsessed and negative before. She also just lost her brother and I'm sure it's hard for her.

    Today is medium.
    I awoke feeling light-headed- again and had a hard time getting up. Had to go to lab for some tests- fasting- then got an omelet and coffee at a café nearby. And a GF strawberry coconut tartlet on the way home. It hit the spot but eats up all my carbs.

    My place is a mess again. For the past 3 years or so I've been unable to keep up w housework and paper work most of the time. it's super -depressing. I'm not sure if it's physical or emotional. It actually seems like a mix.

    I have had low WBC for about 10 years. 2.8 this time whereas normal is 4-11. I've been 2x to specialist who never find anything but I'm feeling like they don't look deeply. My present GP was surprised they never did a bone marrow analysis. It takes months to get an appointment usually...Maybe there are some private specialists that are more expensive and faster to get an appointment with. I can look into it.

    I tracked today so far after many many days of not tracking. [ /spoiler]
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I read mostly non-fiction these days - a lot of medicine, genetics, anthropology, archaeology, history, biography. I love to dig around in science.

    I read much more non-fiction too.

  • pjwrt
    pjwrt Posts: 166 Member
    Dudes, wasn't there an over-60 non-sexist thread somewhere?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did a Beachbody 10 Minute Trainer DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Pilates Plus DVD

    Lisa – I wouldn’t have a problem with Denise visiting at a later date, but the only thing is that I doubt she would. See, Pete doesn’t have a problem, no one is saying anything about PJ having a problem, it’s Denise but she’s saying that she needs to do what’s right for her family. No, she needs to do what she wants to do and that is not to see us. You have no idea how many times she’s said that she’d come down here during the summer, and she never has. Now I’m sure the excuse will be that PJ will be in the sun if he’s in the pool. But we have a cantilever umbrella so he wouldn’t be in the sun. She’s never been here so she doesn’t even know.

    M – I’ve calmed down some (I told you I was the emotional person, Vince is the very logical one). I would probably send PJ his gifts, Denise and Pete a gift certificate. But I don’t know what to get them for the third present since they never sent me their lists. I highly doubt Denise will send us anything. Denise plan? Surely you jest. But I’ve accepted that.

    Carol – I talked to Vince. Since Pete doesn’t have a problem driving all the way here, he’s probably feeling “we’ll do whatever you (Denise) want” just to shut her up. I wonder when they’ll mature. Decorating the Christmas tree I put my father’s ornament on the tree. He’s been dead 15 years! Seems like yesterday. I now think of him all the time. At the time he was alive I know I took him for granted. I keep telling myself that I need to enjoy myself, I can’t be a downer for Jess. I’m going to look at the positive – at least I don’t have to deal with Denise’s bitchiness.

    This lady I know has two tickets to the Nutcracker at the Green Room this afternoon. She wanted to donate them back to the Green Room. They are FANTASTIC seats. Unfortunately, we can’t go….Vince wants to put out more of the Christmas decorations and that’ll take most of the day. I told him that if it comes to it, I won’t go to church but I’ll help him. I really think God will understand. It’s not like I’m skipping mass because I don’t feel like going. So I gave them to the lady across the street from me whose husband is deployed to Afghanistan.

    Speaking of her, I talked to her yesterday to ask her if she would like the tickets. Anyway, she said that she was skyping with her husband and showing him all our decorations. She said "know that you're making people in the Middle East happy". Evidently, he also showed some of the guys he's with. I know that made Vince feel good. It probably also makes him more inclined to do more.

    SuziQ – that bike build sounds really neat. How did you earn the points? You had a great response to those people who didn’t like the fact that they weren’t asked first.

    Barbie – yea for Jake!!!

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Well taking a break have been going non stop since 6 am getting ready for my little get together.. quick break and then back at it..
  • pjwrt
    pjwrt Posts: 166 Member
    pywrt you are welcome to start one.

    Again thank you Barbie for keeping this group going. I do think if there is a guy out there who would start a similar site for men it would be great.

    Men and woman do face some of the same issues. Saying this I also think men and woman face different issues as they age too. This group has been a wonderful support for women in this age group as we work to stay healthy as we age.

    We do get an occasional guy posting. I think they quickly realize this just is not the right site for them.

    In other words this is a non-judgmental open group that happens to be women.

    I do not post on any other site here. I did a few years ago and quickly got tired of the negative and sometimes even nasty comments.

    Thank you again for all my friends here. Have a wonderful day!

    :heart: Margaret

    Godz belowz, I'm a man with three generations of daughters: I know my place.

    I'm not much of a poster, but been around the internet since 1993, I bet I don't have more than 5k total posts in 27 years.

    Thanks, I'll find my place here. Don't worry about me. I'll just put on my big boy pants, saddle up, and try to break my new Stage 2 Harley build.