February 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    @rheddmobile can you duct-tape your shoes on or something? I bet one of our ultra trail runners on here would know...

    @LoveyChar I'm being funny here, but I'm not sure I'd take any of the brother-in-law's advice. No breakfast before a marathon? Just eat whatever worked for breakfast before your long training runs. There should be porta-potties along the route, and tummy trouble can have all kinds of causes (like dumping sugar and unknown sports drinks into an empty stomach while running). Oh but I guess if you only eat burritos and didn't actually DO those training runs, then yes, skip breakfast and go run a marathon ;)

    They had so many drink stations and people handing out snacks but the porti-potty situation was scarce, at least I think so. Lines were ridiculously long.

    I ran a marathon last year where they technically had enough porti-potties (not many lines), but there were too many people using them and most of them were full and no longer functional by the second half of the race. :s

    It was the first time I ever encountered that.

    Oh geez, which leaves you with little choice...
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    @rheddmobile can you duct-tape your shoes on or something? I bet one of our ultra trail runners on here would know...

    @LoveyChar I'm being funny here, but I'm not sure I'd take any of the brother-in-law's advice. No breakfast before a marathon? Just eat whatever worked for breakfast before your long training runs. There should be porta-potties along the route, and tummy trouble can have all kinds of causes (like dumping sugar and unknown sports drinks into an empty stomach while running). Oh but I guess if you only eat burritos and didn't actually DO those training runs, then yes, skip breakfast and go run a marathon ;)

    They had so many drink stations and people handing out snacks but the porti-potty situation was scarce, at least I think so. Lines were ridiculously long.

    I ran a marathon last year where they technically had enough porti-potties (not many lines), but there were too many people using them and most of them were full and no longer functional by the second half of the race. :s

    It was the first time I ever encountered that.

    Oh geez, which leaves you with little choice...

    A wonderful, wonderful, wonderful spectator let me use her restroom when she saw me stop to check a full set of porti-potties. It's the kind of kindness you never forget!

    Awww that's sweet...
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    These are the tips we need @LoveyChar so keep 'em coming. I have always run before breakfast however I need to start working on an early breakfast and taking my long runs at 9:30 which is when all the races seem to be. I do have the same fear of being caught short mid race.

    You are awesome @LoveyChar and thank you for booking in for 2021 which gives me hope I won't want to never run a step again after!

    You're kind...but do NOT take my advice about the eating, not advice at all. Sleep, definitely. I should have laid down much earlier that night with a calmer mind.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @LoveyChar I hardly ever sleep well before a longer race. I've heard that's pretty common.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I actually think he may try next years marathon...we shall see. It's such an investment of time when you have younger kids but now we have all the time in the world. I would like to shoot for the half....but really need to focus on preventing injuries....I am the least flexible person in the world (muscularly speaking). My husband said his marathon training was an exercise in injury prevention with some long runs thrown in here and there😂
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    These are the tips we need @LoveyChar so keep 'em coming. I have always run before breakfast however I need to start working on an early breakfast and taking my long runs at 9:30 which is when all the races seem to be. I do have the same fear of being caught short mid race.

    You are awesome @LoveyChar and thank you for booking in for 2021 which gives me hope I won't want to never run a step again after!

    You're kind...but do NOT take my advice about the eating, not advice at all. Sleep, definitely. I should have laid down much earlier that night with a calmer mind.

    Does anyone sleep before a race? I know I never get more than 4 hours sleep before a race I care a lot about, no matter how much time I set aside!

    I started checking your updates about the 30k mark and got really nervous when your pace dipped into the 17 minute range. It’s good to find out you were just having a little bit of fueling / stomach issue and not injured! It seems like that 20 mile mark is when a lot of first time marathoners hit the proverbial wall. But you took it easy for a bit and then got right back on track! I’m betting I’m not the only person on the thread who was waiting with bated breath!

    Awwwwww I love that you were tracking, thank you...I got a little bit lazy at the 17 and stayed that way until about 22 miles. Run/walk, run/walk but the push was off. I did run the last four as slow as it was. I won't get lazy again. I feel guilty for not being sore enough. I feel like I could have pushed just a little harder. Really. But I get mad enough at myself, and I'll push a little harder in the future. I don't think it was the best I could have done, sadly.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I never liked spotify. I've only tried it for mysic but it was awful and didn't work well much of the time. One of the podcasts I listen to went exclusive to Spotify and fans are pretty split on if they will listen.

    I am not getting another app (and a bad one at that) for one podcast. I already have everything set up how I want on Stitcher. I've been using them since the beginning when it was like Stitcher, Apple or Google. So needless to say I'm no longer listening to that podcast lom
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    These are the tips we need @LoveyChar so keep 'em coming. I have always run before breakfast however I need to start working on an early breakfast and taking my long runs at 9:30 which is when all the races seem to be. I do have the same fear of being caught short mid race.

    You are awesome @LoveyChar and thank you for booking in for 2021 which gives me hope I won't want to never run a step again after!

    You're kind...but do NOT take my advice about the eating, not advice at all. Sleep, definitely. I should have laid down much earlier that night with a calmer mind.

    Does anyone sleep before a race? I know I never get more than 4 hours sleep before a race I care a lot about, no matter how much time I set aside!

    I started checking your updates about the 30k mark and got really nervous when your pace dipped into the 17 minute range. It’s good to find out you were just having a little bit of fueling / stomach issue and not injured! It seems like that 20 mile mark is when a lot of first time marathoners hit the proverbial wall. But you took it easy for a bit and then got right back on track! I’m betting I’m not the only person on the thread who was waiting with bated breath!

    Awwwwww I love that you were tracking, thank you...I got a little bit lazy at the 17 and stayed that way until about 22 miles. Run/walk, run/walk but the push was off. I did run the last four as slow as it was. I won't get lazy again. I feel guilty for not being sore enough. I feel like I could have pushed just a little harder. Really. But I get mad enough at myself, and I'll push a little harder in the future. I don't think it was the best I could have done, sadly.

    Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.
    In my opinion, it's better to have finished with a little left in the tank than to have tried to push it a little and injured yourself.
    Learn lessons for next year, but don't dwell on them. You successfully completed your first marathon - that's what you should be thinking about and enjoying.

    Loving this, thank you...
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Technically supposed to be a rest day, but that makes Friday also a rest day, and I'd like to move Saturday's run up... I am not so good at following plans.


    Hey you're on it, though, racking up those miles and this is a short month! You go girl!!!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    I'm fascinated by all the options you guys listen to whilst you run. I just listen to the voices in my head.


    Haha, I hope they're telling you good things!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I'm fascinated by all the options you guys listen to whilst you run. I just listen to the voices in my head.

    I don't usually listen to podcasts when I run, only if it's a very short one. Podcasts are for commuting and for hiding behind in my very noisy open plan office! When I run, I listen to Zombies, Run!, which is tremendous fun!

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    hmaddpear wrote: »
    I'm fascinated by all the options you guys listen to whilst you run. I just listen to the voices in my head.

    I don't usually listen to podcasts when I run, only if it's a very short one. Podcasts are for commuting and for hiding behind in my very noisy open plan office! When I run, I listen to Zombies, Run!, which is tremendous fun!

    I also listen to Zombies, Run! but it is getting annoying because I've been done and I just listen to the same stuff over and over again to get supplies and materials.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @avidkeo - Sorry about Elton. Do they automatically transfer your tickets to the January concert or refund the money and you have to start all over?
    @autumnblade75 - I don't think it matters much if you rearrange the plan to better fit your life. I did that all the time. Mostly just need to get in the requisite miles and rest days.
    @johnisrunning and @Camaramandy648 - we used to love going to NYC when our daughter was younger. We had a great friend who knew so much about the architecture and the history and we would always walk around different parts of the city with him. Also all the good places to eat! We would wait in line at TKTS to get off price theater tickets and I have walked and run in Central Park. It is a really great, fun city!
    @Scott6255 - you and I have similar heart rates. Mine is a touch lower at resting but I can't get it to 150 either.

    I agree that the most important thing is to track your resting HR (an indication of recovery) and average and max HRs over time. You will see where you typically are and know if your body needs more rest, is struggling or maybe you are coming down with something. It can also alert you if there is something wrong.

    I listen to music when I run and have a pretty extensive running playlist that I like. I use Spotify, love it and have never had an issue with it. I did get premium when it was $0.99 for the year and it still is... Also I don't download to my watch I connect and listen from my phone so that may be why I have no issues.

    Time for a monthly question - What is your all time favorite place that you have run?
    Mine is the National Mall in Washington DC followed closely by Fort Mason up to and over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco!

    0.99c! Woah! It's like $15nzd so around 10usd for a month here!

    I also hope Elton is OK. Absolutely rather he cancel and get better than push through. Fortunately we keep the tickets, they just transfer to the new date, so I'll be hanging out for another year!

    Excellent monthly question. I love running the walkway here in NP. It's a treat when I get to.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @Avidkeo I never liked spotify. I've only tried it for mysic but it was awful and didn't work well much of the time. One of the podcasts I listen to went exclusive to Spotify and fans are pretty split on if they will listen.

    I am not getting another app (and a bad one at that) for one podcast. I already have everything set up how I want on Stitcher. I've been using them since the beginning when it was like Stitcher, Apple or Google. So needless to say I'm no longer listening to that podcast lom

    That's disappointing. I'm not sure I like how Spotify run their business model. It feels a bit all or nothing. And agreed the app is awful. Shame about losing a favourite podcast. I'm one who gets fairly attached and actually support a few of my favourites on patreon - only at low levels mind lol.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    I love NYC probably because my son lives there! He went to college there and stayed. I told him to join a running group and train for a race so he might meet some running buddies or perhaps a girl. 😉. He runs along the Hudson as he lives on Wall st. I have run in the park on a Sunday and it was packed - never felt alone. So beautiful!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I thought I'd take the dog for a short run as a warm up to my weights. Well, she was not into it and we did .8. Yup. 🤣

    @Avidkeo The spotify exclusive one has a patreon. For $10/month I could get their RSS feed but that's a little steep for me right now.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,134 Member
    hmaddpear wrote: »
    I'm fascinated by all the options you guys listen to whilst you run. I just listen to the voices in my head.

    I don't usually listen to podcasts when I run, only if it's a very short one. Podcasts are for commuting and for hiding behind in my very noisy open plan office! When I run, I listen to Zombies, Run!, which is tremendous fun!

    I also listen to Zombies, Run! but it is getting annoying because I've been done and I just listen to the same stuff over and over again to get supplies and materials.

    Same here. I have done the "New Adventures" but I don't like them as much as the original story. I am really ready for season 9.

    For rhe monthly question: I haven't run in many different places so I guess my favorite so far was in Colorado last May when we were on vacation. It wasn't a race, but it was my first out of state run and the mountains were a really pretty place to run.