
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    edited March 2020
    Still around. On page 96. Heather! I’m so happy to hear Penny’s OK. I really want to see that place (Svalbard) some time.

    I really enjoy your newsy posts and your meal menus. I’d forgotten fennel. One veg that might still be available when I market next.

    Auntie Barbara, I think “The Stand” is very apropos. It’s possible I was thinking of “The Naked Sun”. It’s been sixty years or thereabouts since I read them. I still think “I, Robot” is a real classic.

    I’m working today, so I’ll probably read and post some more this evening. TTFN!

    SharonNear Seattle
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Made plain baked Chicken (small pieces all they had in a tiny bag)
    Drained the juice added unsweetened almond milk y a packet of garlic butter to a hamburger tuna helper I bought before the virus tetrazzini one.
    Bushes beans

    We haven’t had meat in awhile so this is a treat.

    Amber Tx

    More Great Depression Cooking with Glen y friends https://youtu.be/bVg8arEph_g
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Hello MFP friends. It has been quite a strange 2020, right? DH has been hospitalized twice once in Denver that resulted I. Multiple spevialist visits upon our return to Texas. He was diagnosised with H-Pyloric and given massive doses of antibiotics. Result was diarrhea for 40 days. Finally admitted to hospital in Dallas with C Diff. They were able to stop the diarrhea and get him hydrated so released him last Friday. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get all the medicine he needed so had to stay in Dallas. We were able to come home Monday afternoon and are so happy to be here.
    I have had three injections in my eye so am able to drive thank goodness.
    We have our puppy to walk and lots of weeds to pull. Lol
    Karen - thank you for your posts of the videos. It really lifted my spirits.
    Sorry I can’t go back and catch up but just know you have been In My thoughts.
    SueBDew in TX

    So so good to hear from you, I've thot often of you and hoped all was well. I'm sorry you and hubby have gone thru so much C-diff is a nasty thing to get rid of, very glad to know he's doing better and you are both at home now. Take care of each other <3

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: Sensible advice from the Australian government. Congratulations of the adoption of a kitty! :star: I had a kitty in college days and a bit beyond who was half Siamese and half traveling salesman. She looked very much like your Rhody. Beautiful! :star:

    Karen: The student choir singing from home is so special. It is heart touching heart. :heart: I’m sorry that your ex is foolish and endangering loved ones by visiting when he should not. :grumble:

    Tere: I’m happy to see your posting and sorry to hear that you have a skin condition that makes you uncomfortable. :flowerforyou:

    SuziQ: I love the humor and it is so valuable these days. Thank you! :laugh:

    Carol in GA: Can you have a package shipped to B-n-Law via Amazon or UPS? :flowerforyou:

    Kylia: Congrats on the new bloodwork results!

    Lanette: Love the dog mask. It seems like that must be an exceptionally tolerant dog. :smiley::bigsmile:

    KJ: The kids re having a grand time. You are a spectacular day care provider. :star:

    I have been getting correspondence from Comcast on a monthly basis. It is addressed my neighbor’s first and last name, at MY address. I’ve repeatedly called Comcast to tell them I am NOT their customer. Today was another example. The person I talked to said that she would take care of the matter. I hope it is true.

    I am rereading a series of books by a favorite author, Linda Lael Miller. I’ve enjoyed her writing for a long time. I have shelves of books and also am a customer of Library to Go. Reading for pleasure is one of the things that is not being compromised by world-wide health worries. YAY!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Day 16 of park closure. Beautifully sunny day outside but extremely windy bringing allergies up. Below are some isolation Keto dinners we have had lately. Easy to make!

    [img]https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/fv/nzdbckx pao6l.jpeg[/img]

    RV Rita
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Sue in Texas ~ So glad to hear from you. You were missed!

    Janet OKC ~ Healing thoughts for your niece and her husband. Hopefully, it's just a cold or allergies. Mine have been so bad for almost a month now.

    Amber ~ That is almost how I make potato soup. I use more chicken broth than milk in mine and perhaps a bit of cornstarch to thicken. Comfort food!

    Katla ~ I hadn't thought about Amazon. Will investigate as I know they do food deliveries from Whole Foods.

    Carol in GA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I use both almond milk y chicken broth in mine Carol feel it balances it out nicely.


    For those using restaurant/grocery food apps watch the price changes Top supposed to be a save you money special. Bottom normal every day price. $3 more for ulterior FAKE special. Just be careful check regular prices area with the specials y coupons by email to figure out which is actually the cheapest. With the way things are right now the prices are all over the place not monitored well even by companies.

    Amber Tx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Loving all of the kitties and puppies! Pip- I adore that pic of Rocky, Bullwinkle and Floyd! Are you still going into work? Or are you able to work from home, now?
    Also loving all of the music videos!
    I got my grocery shop done this morning and picked up a couple more tubs of Eucerin lotion. I can tell already (and I am not shouting this from the roof tops) but I foresee a run on lotions within the next couple of weeks. Because if people are washing like they should be, their hands are going to be chapped. I wash my hands a lot, normally, but I can tell I am doing it even more because I am going through my "thick" lotions really fast. IN regards to shopping; I have to admit it was SO HARD for me to NOT bring my reusable bags into stores (stores around here are not allowing them, anymore). I was still able to use them in Aldi. I also love to see how their cashiers have always, and continue to, squirt their hands with sanitizer in between each transaction.
    The kids really had a great time for Have a Ball Day (no pics; I was too busy throwing and dodging balls) and our Kitchen Beach Party.

    Jackson, the four year old in my care, asked me what the "party" is for Monday. !! :o I informed him that we can't have parties everyday; because that would make party days not that special. So...he settled for a normal Monday with fun things to do. lol I am going to have to think up activities and crafts for the week of April 6-10. I was scheduled to take that week off, but due to the virus and most likely new families needing my help, I postponed my vacation. I have an interview with a doctor/nurse family on Monday evening. Care will (most likely) start for their 2 year old on Tuesday. Three days a week, from 6:30-4:30. It is an hour earlier than my normal open time, but they are having a hard time finding someone, and I can be flexible.
    Suebdew- so good to hear from you! Glad you and your hubby are home, now! What a month you have had!!

    So...that is pretty much all that is new in my little corner of the world. Going to be doing some housework, laundry, daycare planning and baking this weekend. I have some brown bananas that are begging to become muffins and thought I would also make some cinnamon rolls for Tim and Colin. They are being good and staying out of my hair! :D

    Love to you all! Think of you daily! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Love that pic of the kids too. Still going to work. Since the gym is closed I ride to work. 13.22mi one way
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Progress with my almost year here so far:
    1.50+ lb loss (yo-yo between 50-53lbs loss)
    2.Went from shuffle when walking to now can run for short bursts every other day y walking normally
    3. Went from unable to get up from diaper changes to I do 20-30 sit-ups a day can get up alone or grabbing something other times
    4. Unable to jump to jump roping 20-30 jumps per day.
    5. Unable to pick stuff up without injuries to now can pickup 40lb JR no injury or big bag of food to move it up to 10lbs.
    6. Unable to clean the tub to I’m slow but can wipe it down.

    Amber Tx

    Here is hoping my progress continues
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Kelly so cute!! Getting myself more into a rountine is helping. The painting group I am in will meet Monday on Zoom and I hope our choir will try it again on Wednesday. I plan to talk to a former colleague of mine on Monday outside his house. I walk by his house daily when I take walk with my son.

    So many more people are outside walking and biking. I may have mentioned this already the changed the speed limits from 30 to 25 on major arteries and 20 on side streets. Good timing with the sudden influx of pedestrians.

    Heather so sorry for you financial hit. Many here are feeling it too with job loss and losses in our stock market.I know that doesn't make it any easier on you. You are not alone.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    stat for the day:

    Zwift bike trainer- 55.44min, 16.7amph, 142amhr, 159mhr, 400elevation, 15.50mi= 601c
    Apple Watch- 621c

    amazing. I weighed myself b4 and after. as usual, 2lbs gone, it's water, but still
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Janetr OKC - praying for your niece y her hubby that the beat this virus!

    No news on my Aunt still. I’m the last to know in that family so just waiting to hear anything at all

    Amber Tx

    Watching Netflix with Hubby while we try to pass the time by Zoning out