
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Anniesquats100 i've been meditating more too.

    @exermom ha ha about cvs receipts!

    @trucker743 that seems really odd to wait 9 days for results. can you do tax work online? is there some work you daughter can do online?
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I hope i answered all who wrote me or shouted out. thank you for that! <3<3 missing a few days and the 500 messages are more than daunting!
    a close friend was feeling out of breath yesterday. i hope she's ok.

    i'm a renter and have 2 rental studios. I dragged on renting one out (first time ever), bad luck for me. impossible to go out to show it for past 2 weeks and for next 4 weeks. very easy to rent here. i'll see if i can get financial aid for that loss but not sure. there are 1500 max financial aid for small businesses and independant workers. renting a furnished apartment is considered non-commercial profit, so probably not, but i'll check and see.
    i thought my loan had a provision to stop payment for up to 12 months in case of whatever but it seems that was a previous loan and i have no provision for that; i have enough to get by no problem; i'll take a loss and it may impact overall financial situation but i'm not in dire straights nor living hand to mouth nor month to month, thank goodness.

    i would like to make some good use of this weird time and at the same time i don't want to cause stress on myself by asking for more than i can manage.
    distance teaching and weird shopping (long line for supermarket to keep it very empty and big social distance)and hygiene are time consuming.

    i hope you are all as well as can be. <3<3<3
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Margaret ~ I agree with what a few others mentioned. Your son's mental health is fragile and being told he can't/shuoldn't enjoy what gives him comfort will only increase his stress level. I have never smoked but my husband smoked from age 15 to 60. He finally quit when he had a heart attack and got four stints. It was very, very hard for him to do and for us who had to be around him.

    JMHO! <3 Said with love!

    Carol in GA
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Australia's latest ...


    Welcome to my world.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited March 2020
    We had some good news today in regards to our car. I took it to a guy to look at it after it left me stranded at work last night. Turns out it was a bad cell in our newish battery. It was still under warranty so it only cost me 20 for him to look at it.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Glad to hear that your vehicle is fairly easily fixed.

    I hope ours will be too when (if?) I can still get it in on Wednesday.

    I signed a contract today to join a Telehealth group.

    Karen in Virginia


    That is becoming more important here too.

    Machka Congratulations! Rhody looks like my grandson's foster fail: They call him all kinds of different names, so I don't know what his real name is. He's a purrmonster, too.

    "Foster fail"?

    Beautiful kitty!

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited March 2020
    My biopsy: I have a genetic skin condition called lichen planus. I have two types of topical cream with cortisteroids. The doctor gave me a shot of prednisone to help with the itching which it did to a degree. The bottom line is that I have to live with it and really try not to scratch the itch. It is just ugly and each spot looks like a scabby wound. So my summer clothing choices are maxi or midi length dresses or pants as I have a large out break on one leg. The outbreaks can take a year to 18 months to clear up. DH has to apply it to my backside and areas I can't reach. He has tried to make it funny by saying that we have foreplay every evening. All I can say is "Bless his heart, just bless his heart." Because with all this itching foreplay is the last thing on my mind. Then when he is finished applying the cream I feel like a greased pig! >:)

    I’m with Ginny in Ohio, transitioning to an electronic teleworking system is brutal. I work for Medicaid and we are doing everything we can to ensure that people are able to have financial insurance in order to get the medical services they need. Luckily the agency has supplied all the equipment needed to work from home (cell phone, lap top, docking station, additional monitor, keyboard, etc.). I am missing face-to-face interactions with my team but we are doing lots and lots of texting, conference calls, and meeting hangouts.

    Food for thought: When this is over there will be lots of clean houses, lots of babies and lots of divorces.

    Tere in RVA

    Sorry to hear about your skin condition. I hope the treatments work for you.

    Tomorrow is my first day doing work from home. I'm looking forward to it!! It will save me 1.5 hours a day in commute time which is fairly significant ... and that means I can sleep in a bit. :) I'll have to log in and say "hi" about 9 am ... but I could technically roll out of bed at about 9 am instead of 8 am. :smiley:

    My team is very quiet and each of us does our own thing, so that won't be much different. We'll see how it goes.

    And you're right. ;)

    Machka - so very happy that Rhody has joined your household. We've always loved black cats. Thanks for the link to your Flickr photos, I hadn't looked at them in a while. You live in a beautiful area. <3

    SW WA State

    It is nice here. I just hope that we'll be able to continue to see parts of it now and then over the next year.

    M in Oz