Neighbor wanting Autistic Child to be Euthanized...



  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I don't think she should be charged, but a public shaming would be just as sweet, if not sweeter.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!!!

    The letter goes on to state:

    Crying babies, music and even barking dogs are normal sounds in a residential neighbourhood!!!!! He is NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He is a nuisance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him????????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!!

    T]hey should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science. What the hell else good is he to anyone!!!!

    You had a retarded kid, deal with it... properly!!!!! What right do you have to do this to hard working people!!!!!!!!!

    What the hell is wrong with some people? If anyone had ever said this about one of my music students they would have had the entire town chasing after them! It's just sickening how evil some people can be.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This letter is disgusting! If that was my child being attacked I would be pressing charges once they figure out who sent this letter. It makes me sad thinking that someone could be this nasty.

    Charged with what? They didn't actually threaten anyone.

    How about a hate crime?? I don't know about Canada but I sure hope that if something like this were to happen in the US that the person responsible would be charged with no less than someone who sent a hate letter to someone in the gay community or someone who burned a cross in someone else's yard simply because they did not like the color of their skin.

    I don't disagree that this is technically a hate crime, but sending one letter about one person is not likely to result in charges. They didn't threaten anyone. If they discover who wrote the letter, she will probably get a stern warning to leave that family alone, but, unless the publicity affects the way the police will respond, it won't go any further. If she continues to bother them, I am sure there will be repercussions, but I suspect a mental assessment will be the first thing they will do.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this?

    Yeah ... that's an odd take.

    I don't think politics has anything to do with it. I think a bad person is a bad person and it wouldn't surprise me if this particular bad person is left leaning OR right leaning. The letter was not really political (apart from the not contributing to society, but in context I'm not even sure the LR even meant it politically, it was just another hurtful thing to say).
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    I totally agree with you, Geekygirl!!!....well said!!
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I read that this morning too. Horrible.

    I wonder if it was a person without children in disguise as a "mother."

    I get that there are neighborhood noises that are annoying. The guy's mower at 730 in the morning drives me nuts. But, it's a fact of life. I'm not going to send him an evil letter.

    We need more compassion in this world.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    I think if this supposed "mother" knew how difficult life must be for the family in that household, including the autistic child, she'd be less inclined to spewing this kind of hateful crap.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.

    It came from history, Hitler was a man of the left, Margaret Sanger was a woman of the left, she was all about euthanizing people who she thought were undesirable. She was a darling and hero of the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which is where Hitler got many of his ideas. How about George Bernard Shaw? He was an early progressive, he thought people should have to justify their existence and benefit to society or be "humanely killed." I can go on with hundreds of examples both historical and current, but I think we're off topic at this point. If you are a liberal, I mean a real liberal of the Jeffersonian bent I applaud you, but if you're a liberal of the current definition, I feel sorry for you.

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.

    It came from history, Hitler was a man of the left, Margaret Sanger was a woman of the left, she was all about euthanizing people who she thought were undesirable. She was a darling and hero of the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which is where Hitler got many of his ideas. How about George Bernard Shaw? He was an early progressive, he thought people should have to justify their existence and benefit to society or be "humanely killed." I can go on with hundreds of examples both historical and current, but I think we're off topic at this point. If you are a liberal, I mean a real liberal of the Jeffersonian bent I applaud you, but if you're a liberal of the current definition, I feel sorry for you.


  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    On one hand, that lady is c*nt. The child isn't retarded. There is a difference between mental retardation and autism, but I don't expect some moron to understand that. On the other hand, the grandmother should not just put the kid outside to scream and upset the neighbors. She could be engaging him in some sort of activity that he enjoys and one that would keep him quiet and help him in the long run.
    This is what I was thinking, although with out the c*** word. I am an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher and have some experience with children (even older ones) who are on the autism spectrum. Some of you may not understand that children with severe autism can, and will, wail and scream for HOURS and HOURS at a time. I too was concerned that he may be left outside with no interaction because grandma can't stand the noise inside any more. Or he may simply be verbally stimming and not in distress at all. I notices that someone said that he is not "retarded." Children and adults on the autism spectrum can be range from profoundly cognitively delayed to brilliant.
    This is a problem that needs to be solved. Both for the child and for the neighbors. I feel so bad for his mom and grandma. They are just trying to raise a child. Hopefully the letter writer will get some much needed education.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.

    It came from history, Hitler was a man of the left, Margaret Sanger was a woman of the left, she was all about euthanizing people who she thought were undesirable. She was a darling and hero of the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which is where Hitler got many of his ideas. How about George Bernard Shaw? He was an early progressive, he thought people should have to justify their existence and benefit to society or be "humanely killed." I can go on with hundreds of examples both historical and current, but I think we're off topic at this point. If you are a liberal, I mean a real liberal of the Jeffersonian bent I applaud you, but if you're a liberal of the current definition, I feel sorry for you.


    Hitler was only "left" in the sense that he wanted to abolish capitalism. But he didn't want to do it for the "people" - it was only for the German people, and even then you had to fit into his chosen and very specific category. He was as "left wing" as Robert Mugabe is right wing for thinking that the state doesn't deserve handouts. The fact is left wing or right wing means nothing when describing the workings of a malevolent mind.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Just a small important note !! They do not know who sent this hate mail!!! So to comment on it was a "Mother" Is wrong. They claim it may have been someone in the neighbourhood.
    It's SIGNED "one pissed off mother". Assuming it's a mother seems logical.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The fact is left wing or right wing means nothing when describing the workings of a malevolent mind.

    This statement I can agree with. Sociopaths just use political platforms to justify their behaviors. That doesn't mean that people who share similar views are all sociopaths.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    boils on the *kitten* of humanity.

    I am going to borrow this if that's okay. I hope they track down the person that did this and lock her up and play really annoying whaling all day for the rest of her life. @!$#%^&*()
    I think that sums it up.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.

    It came from history, Hitler was a man of the left, Margaret Sanger was a woman of the left, she was all about euthanizing people who she thought were undesirable. She was a darling and hero of the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which is where Hitler got many of his ideas. How about George Bernard Shaw? He was an early progressive, he thought people should have to justify their existence and benefit to society or be "humanely killed." I can go on with hundreds of examples both historical and current, but I think we're off topic at this point. If you are a liberal, I mean a real liberal of the Jeffersonian bent I applaud you, but if you're a liberal of the current definition, I feel sorry for you.


    Hitler was only "left" in the sense that he wanted to abolish capitalism. But he didn't want to do it for the "people" - it was only for the German people, and even then you had to fit into his chosen and very specific category. He was as "left wing" as Robert Mugabe is right wing for thinking that the state doesn't deserve handouts. The fact is left wing or right wing means nothing when describing the workings of a malevolent mind.

    Exactly. This is the grossest kind of generalization...Hitler was also a hard-core devout Catholic. By your logic, that must mean that all Catholics secretly want to ethnically cleanse anyone who isn't. I'm not trying to create a sub-argument on this thread, but come on. You're demonstrating the exact type of mentality that you're accusing "left" people of having.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.

    It came from history, Hitler was a man of the left, Margaret Sanger was a woman of the left, she was all about euthanizing people who she thought were undesirable. She was a darling and hero of the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which is where Hitler got many of his ideas. How about George Bernard Shaw? He was an early progressive, he thought people should have to justify their existence and benefit to society or be "humanely killed." I can go on with hundreds of examples both historical and current, but I think we're off topic at this point. If you are a liberal, I mean a real liberal of the Jeffersonian bent I applaud you, but if you're a liberal of the current definition, I feel sorry for you.


    Hitler was only "left" in the sense that he wanted to abolish capitalism. But he didn't want to do it for the "people" - it was only for the German people, and even then you had to fit into his chosen and very specific category. He was as "left wing" as Robert Mugabe is right wing for thinking that the state doesn't deserve handouts. The fact is left wing or right wing means nothing when describing the workings of a malevolent mind.

    Realistically there is no right or left anymore, there are only statists and non statists, and both are found on the right and the left. But as defined in Hitler's time he was on the left, his views on government were more in line with US democrats than republicans at the time. Now days, he'd be a statist, as would 99% of congress, and every president in my lifetime regardless of party. Fundamentally when it comes to the direction of government there is little difference between the right and the left at this point.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My oldest son is autistic, so this really pisses me off. Hitler held some of the same views as this person, it seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada, it wouldn't surprise me coming from many parts of the US either.


    See, this baffles me. I saw this sort of idea expressed several times yesterday in various comment boards too, and I can't understand it at ALL. I'm a very "left leaning" Canadian, and an atheist, and when I saw this letter I was beyond horrified. I don't understand why people would think "left leaning" people are more likely to say things like this? The whole point of being "left leaning", not to take over the conversation, is to be inclusive of everyone and understanding of the needs of other people regardless of who they are. This letter is exactly the opposite of what left-wing people represent. Where did that idea even come from??

    Also, in terms of hate laws in Canada vs. the US, to give you an idea of what it's like in Canada, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church aren't even allowed in Canada because of their hateful beliefs and actions. That's the kind of hate laws we have in Canada. We don't tolerate that kind of nonsense lol.

    It came from history, Hitler was a man of the left, Margaret Sanger was a woman of the left, she was all about euthanizing people who she thought were undesirable. She was a darling and hero of the progressive movement of the early 20th century, which is where Hitler got many of his ideas. How about George Bernard Shaw? He was an early progressive, he thought people should have to justify their existence and benefit to society or be "humanely killed." I can go on with hundreds of examples both historical and current, but I think we're off topic at this point. If you are a liberal, I mean a real liberal of the Jeffersonian bent I applaud you, but if you're a liberal of the current definition, I feel sorry for you.


    Hitler was only "left" in the sense that he wanted to abolish capitalism. But he didn't want to do it for the "people" - it was only for the German people, and even then you had to fit into his chosen and very specific category. He was as "left wing" as Robert Mugabe is right wing for thinking that the state doesn't deserve handouts. The fact is left wing or right wing means nothing when describing the workings of a malevolent mind.

    Exactly. This is the grossest kind of generalization...Hitler was also a hard-core devout Catholic. By your logic, that must mean that all Catholics secretly want to ethnically cleanse anyone who isn't. I'm not trying to create a sub-argument on this thread, but come on. You're demonstrating the exact type of mentality that you're accusing "left" people of having.

    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.


    :huh: Your metaphors have lost me...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.

    I think the main point we're all trying to make is that this letter was a nasty person doing a nasty thing and nothing to do with politics.
This discussion has been closed.