Neighbor wanting Autistic Child to be Euthanized...



  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.


    :huh: Your metaphors have lost me...

    I was accused of generalizing, (painting with broad strokes) I was asking for a narrower context of the topic. Or were you being sarcastic?

    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.


    :huh: Your metaphors have lost me...

    Yeah me too...first you say that the views of the letter writer "seems to be pretty prevalent on the left, so I'm not surprised when something like this happens in a left leaning country like Canada" then you say there's no such thing as left or right, then you accuse me of being too black and white when I say that you're making generalizations...?

    Left and right ARE political philosophies, that's the whole point, but MY point is, as a "left-leaning" person, I'm telling you, "left-leaning" people don't support the sort of things this woman wrote in this letter. If you want to start making definitions and generalizations, "left-leaning" people are more likely to support public health care and help for the needy, which is pretty well exactly the opposite of this person's assertions in the letter she wrote. Again, I'm not trying to take the thread off-track from the original subject, but I was really surprised when I saw multiple people making the assumption that this woman was some sort of "left wing commie" and I felt the need to address it. It doesn't make any sense and is the opposite of reality.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.


    :huh: Your metaphors have lost me...

    I was accused of generalizing, (painting with broad strokes) I was asking for a narrower context of the topic. Or were you being sarcastic?


    I'm confused, because as the other poster pointed out, you went from an extremist view to a neutralized one, then accused the poster of denying you the right to define your views of political affiliations. I'm just completely lost at this point.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I didn't call you black and white, whatever that means, I asked you to make it black and white, define left and right. As to your thoughts on health care,

    Nevermind, I'm not going down that road here, I sent you a message, you can reply there if you like, but your last two posts in this thread have pretty much answered my queries.

    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.


    :huh: Your metaphors have lost me...

    I was accused of generalizing, (painting with broad strokes) I was asking for a narrower context of the topic. Or were you being sarcastic?


    I'm confused, because as the other poster pointed out, you went from an extremist view to a neutralized one, then accused the poster of denying you the right to define your views of political affiliations. I'm just completely lost at this point.

    lol I'm glad it's not just me!
  • Thewifesbigfatso
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    By all means then, make it black and white for us by defining the left and right for us by virtue of their political philosophies. Give me a smaller brush with which to paint.

    I think the main point we're all trying to make is that this letter was a nasty person doing a nasty thing and nothing to do with politics.

This discussion has been closed.