April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    edited April 2020
    4-1 7k easy
    4-2 7k easy
    4-3 8k slow
    4-4 7k moderate
    4-5 7k moderate
    4-6 7k easy
    4-7 rest
    4-8 7k moderate
    4-9 7k easy
    4-10 7k easy
    4-11 7k easy
    4-12 7k moderate
    4-13 7k easy
    4-14 rest
    4-15 7k moderate
    4-16 11k slow
    4-17 7k moderate

    April Total: 110k
    April Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k

    2020 Total through March: 509k

    Cloudy and low 30s F this morning. Based on how my legs felt yesterday afternoon, was hoping the snow would bring about a rest day. But by this morning, legs felt fine, so what began as a planned easy run turned into a moderate run. Beat the snow, too!!!

    I don't think there's a way to do a "double spoiler," so pictures of my feet are out. Second toe is slightly shorter than big toe, third toe shorter than second toe, and we'll leave it at that. It's my second toe that blisters at the tip and has the multicolored nail, more on the left foot than the right.

    Now it's time to make chili and bake cornbread.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020K in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    5-23 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson OH
    6-20 Freedom Run 5k, Aurora, OH
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly silly question

    Is your second toe longer than your first?
    Is your third toe longer than your first?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.

    Ha ha! Yes and no. I don't have trouble with my second toenail turning black though. It is usually my 4th toenail although most of my black toenails have come after stubbing my toes so they are only partially black from running. :D

    I gave blood on March 5th, so I'm not eligible to give again until April 30th. But there are no blood donation centers here. The Rotary club has quarterly blood drives and that is when I donate. I don't know if they will have one with social distancing in place.

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I have run every year on my birthday since I started running in October 2016. This is the first year my birthday has fallen on a rest day. I'm not sure if I will sneak in a 5.2 run tomorrow or just wait until Sunday and do my scheduled 10 miles. Our park has been closed including the walking trail, but they have decided that as of Saturday they will reopen the walking trail as long as people social distance, but the basketball courts and playgrounds will still be closed. I'm really glad. I usually run through the park and that is where I like to take the dogs for their walks.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    All the toe talk... Mine just descend. They don't do anything cool.

    @Tramboman great job! You beat the snow!

    @katharmonic yes, I am hoping so!

    So for the Uncanceled Project I walked 5K with the kids and dog last night. It was great to get them outside - we found a creek where the kids and dog could play freely - they were all so happy and we got the miles in! At one point on the way back, I needed to jog to catch up to my son because he was in charge of the leash on the way back and a cyclist was coming really fast so I wanted to make sure we were all clear of each other. Well. It wasn't even jogging. It was hobbling. Straight. Up. Hobbling.

    Tomorrow I am scheduled for a half marathon for the same project but I may actually legitimately not be able to run it. I mean sure, I could probably phyiscally make the distance, but the pain in the knee is enough to where I don't even want to. It's enough to make me really consider going to the doctor except there's not much my pcp will do and I've gotten so much great feedback and what to actually do that I don't feel like my pcp is necessary. Anyway, the point is.... the pain is significant. but there's no swelling and the joint seems to be working properly - it just HURTS under the knee cap.

    I did all the exercises recommended after our walk last night and my quad does not hurt today. At all. So I'm hoping it'll be the same outcome for the knee.

    I can't wait to be running without pain again. :)
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly silly question

    Is your second toe longer than your first?
    Is your third toe longer than your first?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.

    Ha ha! Yes and no. I don't have trouble with my second toenail turning black though. It is usually my 4th toenail although most of my black toenails have come after stubbing my toes so they are only partially black from running. :D

    I gave blood on March 5th, so I'm not eligible to give again until April 30th. But there are no blood donation centers here. The Rotary club has quarterly blood drives and that is when I donate. I don't know if they will have one with social distancing in place.

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I have run every year on my birthday since I started running in October 2016. This is the first year my birthday has fallen on a rest day. I'm not sure if I will sneak in a 5.2 run tomorrow or just wait until Sunday and do my scheduled 10 miles. Our park has been closed including the walking trail, but they have decided that as of Saturday they will reopen the walking trail as long as people social distance, but the basketball courts and playgrounds will still be closed. I'm really glad. I usually run through the park and that is where I like to take the dogs for their walks.

    Happy birthday, teammate!!!!
    Keep carrying us.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    Thanks @Tramboman !
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I have run every year on my birthday since I started running in October 2016. This is the first year my birthday has fallen on a rest day. I'm not sure if I will sneak in a 5.2 run tomorrow or just wait until Sunday and do my scheduled 10 miles. Our park has been closed including the walking trail, but they have decided that as of Saturday they will reopen the walking trail as long as people social distance, but the basketball courts and playgrounds will still be closed. I'm really glad. I usually run through the park and that is where I like to take the dogs for their walks.

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow! And definitely run! Because you can!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I have run every year on my birthday since I started running in October 2016. This is the first year my birthday has fallen on a rest day. I'm not sure if I will sneak in a 5.2 run tomorrow or just wait until Sunday and do my scheduled 10 miles. Our park has been closed including the walking trail, but they have decided that as of Saturday they will reopen the walking trail as long as people social distance, but the basketball courts and playgrounds will still be closed. I'm really glad. I usually run through the park and that is where I like to take the dogs for their walks.

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow! And definitely run! Because you can!

    Run 52 miles and take Sunday as a rest day gets my vote!

    But seriously do not neglect a rest day, do your B-Day run and take Sunday as a rest day is my real recommendation.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    @kgirlhart Happy birthday!!!!

    Toes: On my right foot, #1 & #2 are same length, #3 is shorter. Now, on my left foot, the one that had ortho surgery on, 4 or 6 screws in the base of the toes, #1 bends more to the outside (laterally), so #2 is slightly longer, but #3 is shorter again. Yes. I know. I'm "weird". Been told that my whole life. I fully embrace my weirdness!

    Today was a "rest" day and I had NO plans to run today, but when I woke up & saw it was snowing, I had to. I enjoy running in falling snow, and this will possibly be the last time to do so for several months. I had NO agenda other than to run in falling snow. I decided the route and distance as I went along. Wasn't fast (obviously, it's me!), wasn't spectacular, but I had fun. Now, I think I can tackle my last final: Healthcare Statistics & Analytics. Been a tough course for me, and I have a solid B, so crank this out & be DONE!

    GOAL: Run 2-3 times a week, virtual 5K on May 23rd

    Week 1: 3/31 - 4/5 - No run or walk. 2 runs the previous week w/bad headaches each. Decided not to run this week.

    4/7 - Ran 1.51 miles
    4/9 - Ran 2.01 miles
    4/11 - Walked 3.2 miles (total walked - 3.2 miles) GOAL - check, 2 runs

    4/16 - Ran 1.81 miles
    4/17 - Ran 1.56 miles (total run - 6.89 miles)
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,449 Member
    @kgirlhart Happy birthday (tomorrow)! Hope it is great, and I would try to get out for a run if the weather is good. (unless you have some other big plans to celebrate) :D
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    All this blood type talk is like a walk down memory lane back to HS/College Bio.....Interesting study a few weeks ago out of China (non-peer-reviewed so take it with a grain of salt) but Type A blood type was shown to have a higher risk of contracting Covid 19. The O blood type was the least likely. I am A- (as is my whole family - weird - did not plan that). Guess I need to bath in purell for a while longer.

    @rheddmobile I was a child, and vegetarian, I can guarantee I didn't eat any cow. I might be a mad cow, but that's down to genetics lol.

    Lol....some of the rules. I had to go to South Africa in the early 90s for work and because of that, visiting Sub-Saharan Africa, ruled me out of giving blood for several years.

    @pastorvincent For those of you who have earned said shirt, I say wear the hell outta them! I will be sporting my awesome Turkey Trot shirt from 2019!

    @janejellyroll I would love to paint my DD's room but will probably wait to get paint samples when its official to go do that sort of errand. So sadly, that forces the "it's time to vacuum" project that I have managed to ignore.

    @kgirlhart Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great run whichever you choose!

    @Camaramandy648 Sorry about all that pain....

    @Dreamer12151 That class sounds challenging and yet very timely. So many interesting stats in healthcare these days. ....Like who has longer second toes? And does it seem higher for the running population? Hmmm......

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @kgirlhart happy birthday! Cause its your birthday here today! I'd say run if you are up to it. I like to keep that kind of thing alive.

    I slept well last night, up with plenty of time to have breakfast before heading out. I'm weirdly excited for a training run haha
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    bearly63 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo I haven't given blood in ages and I did also have a heart murmur back in the day but it did seem to just go away which I thought was odd. We shall see. O+ is the universal donor correct?

    Nearly. O- is the universal donor. Ab+ being the universal receiver.

    If I recall right, O+ can give to any positive blood type, but can only receive type O. O- can give to anyone but can only receive O-. I did not know that about Ab+ though. I think I read that 0+ is the most common blood type?

    Here they are begging for blood cause all drives have been canceled. And if I recall right they can not store blood for an extended period of time.

    Yep. O- can only take O- blood, but can be given to every body else, even if they are positive or any other type. That's why in emergency situations, O- is what is given, blood typing is fairly quick but not instant, and if someone needs blood O- can be given without risk. However AB+ can receive every type. It has all the antibodies so it doesn't matter what they get.

    Note the above is only basics basic. There are actually way more types, and the whole + and - rh factor thing is actually really out of date now lol
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member

    Nice run @kgirlhart! I get it with the gloves and shorts - I have mild Raynaud's as well. Sometimes worse than others but I think I notice it more when it's actually not super cold out yet my hands are cold. Nice splits on your run, and you've been putting in some good miles this month!

    Thanks @katharmonic!

    And thanks for the birthday wishes @Teresa502 , @PastorVincent , @dreamer12151, @scott6255, @bearly63 and @avidkeo. I don't really have big plans since we are all grounded this year :'( , but I am definitely eating some cake!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    bearly63 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo I haven't given blood in ages and I did also have a heart murmur back in the day but it did seem to just go away which I thought was odd. We shall see. O+ is the universal donor correct?

    Nearly. O- is the universal donor. Ab+ being the universal receiver.

    If I recall right, O+ can give to any positive blood type, but can only receive type O. O- can give to anyone but can only receive O-. I did not know that about Ab+ though. I think I read that 0+ is the most common blood type?

    Here they are begging for blood cause all drives have been canceled. And if I recall right they can not store blood for an extended period of time.

    Yep. O- can only take O- blood, but can be given to every body else, even if they are positive or any other type. That's why in emergency situations, O- is what is given, blood typing is fairly quick but not instant, and if someone needs blood O- can be given without risk. However AB+ can receive every type. It has all the antibodies so it doesn't matter what they get.

    Note the above is only basics basic. There are actually way more types, and the whole + and - rh factor thing is actually really out of date now lol

    I have to admit the topic fascinates me. One thing nobody told me about, and I wasn't expecting, was to get a needle in the backside after my daughter was born because I'm negative and she's positive!

    It really annoys me that I can't give blood, especially when the banks are often begging desperately for my 'universal' type. If I ever get round to going back to the UK to visit family once all this crazy stuff is over I might try and see if they'll take it over there.

    @kgirlhart happy early birthday!
    @Avidkeo hope the run goes well and is enjoyable.

    My 'long' run tomorrow is 11.5km. By the time I factor in my 10 min walks to warm up and cool down, we're talking around 2 hours on the dreadmill. **sigh**
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    oooohhh blood and toes! Ya'll can't have my blood. My paternal grandfather died of CJD. I may have a zombie gene. I'm thinking if i can get it to smush with this virus, it'd be full on zombie makin's. O+ here and CMV +

    @dreamer12151 I'm a little jealous that you're done with the semester. I'm not looking forward to final the first week of may. I am in full on lazy mode. I just took an exam and prob made a 75-80. I don't care. I should still get an A in the class (per my excel calculations), with the way its weighted. I just didn't wanna study. haha!