
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies~
    having a sublime cup of tea.. and watching Kelly and Ryan.. and will get myself together and do a clean up around here as it is a Hot Mess.. I am a procrastinator..
    i spoke with my insurance guy and since my accident last year they have hiked my insurance by 600.00 so I am going to hunt down my own insurance for homeowners and car..
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Ginny Is this the brand you like?

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Barbie - D H got absolutely soaked as the heavens opened and the wind blew up. He had to change his pants when he got in. He found 2 x 80 teabags. Normally we buy the 480 packs but I haven't seen them for ages. :open_mouth: We get through at least 10 a day.
    He had also loaded up with fresh fruit and vegetables. :smiley:
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Other than the panic buying shortage the 1st weeks TP, beans, pasta, etc. there has been very little shortage here.

    The prime minister said if we stay closed the country's economy is likely to collapse. I don't have a good grasp of macro economics, nor of the budget management, nor of unknowns, but it seems conceivable.

    France makes a big chunk of income from tourism and culture things (museums, etc.) and there will be next to none of that in months to come.

    I didn't go out yesterday cause i had a fair bit of teaching to do. i have none till next Tuesday, but it was cold today with threat of rain and i just didn't feel like going out today. We are largely encouraged by many not to put a foot out the door but i go out for my permitted 1h walk almost every day.

    When i was reading my novel it somehow felt productive.
    I still have some books out from the library.
    I took out a couple of the rare novels they have in English. i took out Dracula. I never read it, though i once met an American guy originating from Transylvania (or his father maybe) and he had very pale skin, and was over-sensitive to sun, and had slightly pointy canine teeth, i found he drained my energy. (a bit of a manipulator and liar). true story LOL

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 967 Member
    edited April 2020

    When i was reading my novel it somehow felt productive.
    I still have some books out from the library.
    I took out a couple of the rare novels they have in English. i took out Dracula. I never read it, though i once met an American guy originating from Transylvania (or his father maybe) and he had very pale skin, and was over-sensitive to sun, and had slightly pointy canine teeth, i found he drained my energy. (a bit of a manipulator and liar). true story LOL

    I read Dracula shortly after we moved to our current place. I nearly always read at night, before bed, and that is how I started Dracula. Well, this house is on a canyon, has a large deck hanging over the canyon, lots of windows/sliding glass doors to the deck, AND is often rather windy. I had to stop reading that book at night. It's one of my favorites.

    Transylvania was one of my favorite vacation spots.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: The guardian article has excellent insight. I do not find the lockdown to be a relief, because I wasn’t stressed in the first place. I am retired and have no work worries. Many business people in my community are in forced lockout of their business premises. That is a terrible shame and needs to be managed in some other way than lockout. The dog groomer is happily in business. Customers drop their pets off at the door. The beauty shops for people are locked out. The rent still has to be paid, and there is not an income stream. It would be a good thinking if they could manage the number of people inside their doors the way the liquor store does with an outdoor line and only 5 customers inside at a time. Making staggered appointments might be another possibility. The marijuana shop in our town is selling its product by meeting customers at the door. The transactions take place on the sidewalk outside the store. The liquor store has a line outside, and only so many customers can be in the store at one time. Grocery stores are open but people are asked to maintain social distance of a 5 foot buffer with other customers. Some businesses are having a much harder time than others. :ohwell: My DH used to have a saying the irritated the dickens out of me, “Work smarter, not harder.” It is irritating to hear regularly, but a productive strategy.

    Lanette: I contacted Rori because I hadn’t heard from her in a while. I think that Lisa has also been in touch with her. She is safe and well, but there are challenges caused by a water leak from another condo that is upstairs from her. She was staying put rather than going to a hotel, the last I heard. Her DH is happiest at home. :star:

    Today is a “bright, bright sunshiney day.” (Johnny Nash, 1972)

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hubby managed to find mini tiny bag of spinach yeah!! Smallest bag I’ve ever seen but what a treat! He found a big bag of baby carrots. Mini tiny bag of mixed lettuce (no heads of lettuce). A few tiny tomatoes 🍅 to go with the huge onion y small one I found eating the onions like apple slices! He managed to find banana y avocado 🥑. Hard to find stuff here still y limited allowance but Dad said no restrictions in his town my cousin a few towns over (both 1-2hours away) also none. Our population so huge if they removed the limits the long lines would go home empty handed. He got small 4 packs of meat y found 2 small bags of chicken. No vegan meats for months now always sold out of them. Hoping his gout doesn’t flare up hard to get his diet needs.

    Amber Tx

    Have a good day guys taking JR outside again. He still won’t touch the grass. Our stores have no plants to plant folks have bought all edible types of plants to fruit trees. Big city HOAs vote on what’s allowed so by the time we get an answer back there not going to be available in store anymore. Used to seeing neighbors with mounds of dirt to gardeners with their HOA y city permits to plant displayed . Tons of trucks dropping off trees to bushes. This year nothing. Not even patio furniture being delivered. Definitely a different world 🌎 . Our yards where the whole neighborhood electrical boxes are located to meters. If power goes out they’re are workers flooding our yard to repair it. So got to watch JR like a hawk.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,227 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited April 2020
    Heather I find I have to reboot my Kindle every once in awhile. I have to hold the on/off button for at least 20 seconds and then it will reboot. The first time it happened I thought my Kindle was toast then I read what to do on line. I admit most of the time I read my books from my laptop. It is easier. At night I read with sunglasses on and put the laptop on night light. I still do read from the Kindle if I read outside.

    I find grocery shopping very stressful. Too many still are not wearing masks. Many I need to get a Cosco membership. The other alternative is a store called Byerly's. The it is much nicer to shop in less crowded and wide aisles. The only thing I don't like is they don't let you take your cart out and an employee has to walk the cart out and you feel you need to tip them. Because of social distancing I would rather take my own cart out. So I have time to decide what I will do.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Ketone Karen-yes that is the brand I get. Thanks for sharing the recipe-I think I will give that a try. Sounds fairly easy and tasty.

    RV Rita-putting turtle in lake is as good an idea as any. We have "rescued" turtles before. They end up wandering where they want so who know how long she/she will stay where you put him.

    Work going fairly well today. Quite cool here so I am wearing sweats-may change sweatshirt to a slightly better top for a video meeting I have at two, and maybe freshen up my hair a bit. Took a bit longer lunch break today so I can use up some vacation time. May take off tomorrow afternoon and get some cleaning done.

    Well, off to get ready to go "back on the clock."

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,694 Member
    edited April 2020
    Well I started a fasting app, so it can keep track of how long I have been fasting, just one more thing I don't have to think about. Then I started up another app to tell me to drink more water! Something I need to think more about!😁. Technology ain't it grand?
    Eating pretty simple today. Avocado toast with tomatoes, salad and hearty chicken soup with rice and cabbage.💖
    Hugs to all.💖
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER just catching up with Repair Shop from last night was some of it a repeat Sure I'd seen the miners lamp before

    Kate UK
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Update on me:

    So we are doing okay. I finally have the eating under control. I guess as I have adjusted to the new normal, I am under less stress? So I stress eat less?

    Also, not drinking a fancy coffee every day has helped.

    I still go into work once or twice a week. It is unavoidable, but I wear a mask if I run out of my office, and in any case, there are not very many people around.

    Thankfully, hubby and I both still have our jobs. It's a little hard not to feel guilty about that because so many people are suffering. Our minor inconveniences pale in comparison to what some families are going through. And no, we did not qualify for any stimulus money. Which is fine with us. We had talked about donating it to the local food bank if we were going to get any, but alas, nada.

    Every weekend I fight the urge to drive the three hours up to see my mom. I know it is unwise and against the spirit of both Oregon and Washington's stay at home/stay safe policies. So I am not going to do it. She went through a period of depression last week -- couldn't find motivation to do anything, slept a lot during the day, but I think she is snapped out of that. She and her neighbors are getting braver about sitting outside, distant from each other, to chat, so I think that is helping.

    I don't usually bake bread, but all the talk about yeast, has made me want to start. Lol

    Much love to everyone and strength to those who need it.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited April 2020
    Kate UK - YES, it is billed as a new programme, but I have seen all those before. I think they have just combined previous episodes and mixed them. But it is definitely not new. Annoying that it counts as new. :#
    I've been watching Kirsty doing her crafts, even though I have no intention of doing them myself. Very relaxing. :D Very misleading.

    I'm still watching The A Word, about an autistic boy. It accompanies my rowing in the afternoon on iplayer. Only one episode to go, but a new series starts next week. I love to have a good box set to keep my exercises company. In the morning with DH we listen to BBC Radio 4. Today was a repeat of a programme about a famous mathematician. Gauss. Fascinating. We asked Max one of the conundrums that the guy solved at the age of 8 and Max already knew it! :o What number do you get if you add every number from 1 to 100? (Find the short version) :D
    I wish I had been taught all this stuff at school, because now I find it fascinating. I was TERRIBLE at Maths and failed my GCE the first time. Now I love all the history of mathematicians and their discoveries.

    Going to watch a programme I recorded ages ago about gravity tonight as there is nothing else on apart from a repeat of Lewis. There are no programmes being made at the moment, so we have a thin time ahead.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx