

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,379 Member
    Hi there CJ !!!!! :D Missed you. <3

    We have a power cut. :o First one since we moved here. In our last house in the countryside we had them often.
    Of course, now days we can go on line and check it out. It's two postcodes. They said it would be on again between 5 - 8 pm. Might have to finish the dinner on the stove as the IP has stopped. :/ Left over lamb curry with lentils, spinach and peas. Raita.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,379 Member
    edited June 2020
    We are back on the grid! :drinker:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :) The bread is out of the oven and smells great. It should be ready to eat soon.

    :) The park manager came by this morning to mark the property line between our house and the house next door and to talk about the two ugly bushes we want to take down. He's a fun guy to talk to so we spent some time outside with him. It will be awhile before the landscaper comes to take down the ugly bushes and plant something new. Now we know where the utilities are buried and where the property line is so we do it right. It also started giving me some new ideas of what to do with that part of the yard--probably a lot of work for me and some expense.

    :) I have a doctor appointment this afternoon. It's an obligatory appointment with a new provider since my regular women's health provider retired. I have a prescription that has to be renewed. It's not because there's anything troubling me which is good news. I hate going to the doctor, especially when it requires taking off my clothes.

    :)C.J. good to see you again and glad you are OK and have been doing good things.

    :) My new CD player arrived yesterday and it's exactly what I wanted---good sound, plays CDs and cassettes, and also will play mp3 music files from a flash drive. I love new technology. This has been a great week for me---new socks and a new CD player and homemade bread. Life doesn't get any better than this.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    edited June 2020
    Allie - I think it's common for family members with dementia patients to forget that their loved one's can't be trusted with accuracy anymore. I witnessed it with my own Mom years ago that I had to fact check anything I said. Some family members don't take that into consideration. Hugs to you, it's a difficult position to be in working for family.

    Karen in VA - I read that article on white privilege last night it was well written I thought.

    Just taking 15 minutes at work.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    The reason for the lock on pocket door is a hook and eye latch at the top of the door..
    She forgets she eats and rummages in kitchen at nighttime.. she is an insulin diabetic.. so have to keep her sugar down...
    With this in place it has been at a good level..
    When I did the reading this morning it was only 89.so fed her first and her level went up..
    My brother is my brother .and love him dearly.. he is up in N.H. working on both the lake house and the beach house and staying up there.. so if i need something I have to let Jean know.
    I dont think I will be able to get Faith in the shower ..and im not going to force her...
    Will let Sheri know to do it tomorrow..
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,980 Member
    Hey everyone. Still alive but not kicking very well yet!

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    The reason for the lock on pocket door is a hook and eye latch at the top of the door..
    She forgets she eats and rummages in kitchen at nighttime.. she is an insulin diabetic.. so have to keep her sugar down...
    With this in place it has been at a good level..
    When I did the reading this morning it was only 89.so fed her first and her level went up..
    My brother is my brother .and love him dearly.. he is up in N.H. working on both the lake house and the beach house and staying up there.. so if i need something I have to let Jean know.
    I dont think I will be able to get Faith in the shower ..and im not going to force her...
    Will let Sheri know to do it tomorrow..


    Allie So sorry I got her name wrong. Faith. Faith Faith.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,461 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Terri R ~ Riding into a lamp post reminds me of all the incidents where people on their cell phones run into/fall into things. :):o:)

    The lamppost incident was a one off, after which I changed my ways on the bike. That’s one of the reasons I do not take out my phone when driving, and insist on DH giving his phone to me when he is driving us. I KNOW what happens when you aren’t paying attention.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,379 Member
    edited June 2020
    Karen - thank you for sharing the article on white privilege.
    My friend Ros successfully walked a tightrope between her black and white identity. And her black and white friends. I am in awe of how she did that. It makes me squirm now about the advice I gave her on how to manage her teenage boys, based on my experience with my hyper privileged white, middle class, sons. She listened. Sometimes she had a wry smile on her face, but she never said, "YOU HAVE NO F...... IDEA!" I meant well and I tried to understand, but I truly did have no idea why she had to be a Tiger Mum over those boys. What a great job she did.
    Almost every conversation we had was weighted with my white privilege, but she negotiated it all with a smile and a chuckle, and only occasionally exasperation. I am in awe. RIP my best friend.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla That's what it will take. Grassroots efforts supported by local police. How lovely and inspiring.


    Al Sharpton is an exhilarating orator.


    Karen in Virginia
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,461 Member
    edited June 2020
    A Personal Ulster perspective
    I am not qualified to walk in the shoes of someone of a different colour. However, the place I call home has a long record of a similar bias towards ‘people of the other sort’. The differences are not visible but just as destructive, hence our long history of sectarian strife, exacerbated by an intransigence on both sides.

    I was raised on one side of the divide, but had the advantage that my father did not buy into the whole ‘us and them’ scenario. He raised us to live and let live. I knew first hand what it was like as we had family friends and relatives of both persuasions.

    I can honestly say that I have no desire to know what religion most people profess as it is irrelevant to me. It’s not for me to judge which of us follows God in the ‘right’ way.

    As a teacher I was actively involved in cross border initiatives to educate children on both sides about the similarities between them rather than the differences.

    As a humanitarian Christian I became very disenchanted with organised religion, and emancipated myself from them a long time ago.

    Although things here seem to have improved since the Good Friday Agreement, sectarianism still holds considerable sway, and many people still vote along sectarian lines, which means we effectively live in the dark ages in many respects, as our assembly is set up so that both main parties can veto any national legislation which would bring us into the modern world.

    There are thriving ethnic communities in the Province but people of colour are not that common, except in the cities and around the university. It pains me to say that we have had a few incidences of racism, mostly against Eastern Europeans and orientals, but I’m heartened by the fact that they get much support from people in their localities. Most of it is due to ignorance and a fear of the unknown.

    As someone from a working class background, I have suffered some degree of deprivation, and social and educational inequality in my younger days. I am happy to say that it did not deter me in the long run. On the contrary, it has contributed to me becoming a strong independent woman.

    It is my belief that ALL lives matter, and that everyone deserves the same treatment and opportunities, irrespective of race colour or creed.

    I am a bit of an anomaly in that I am a British citizen with a thoroughly Celtic soul.

    ☘️ Irish Terri.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    MFP recording imaginary food calories for me again. Grrr using paper y a calculator it shows me 500calorie or more over I’ll only be 35cal over in truth but it recorded an imaginary item which I cannot erase or see. So my nutrition info off too which throws off my estimates on salt even to vitamins . Come on MFP work! My stuffs not showing up in other spots no clue why. Any way to fix it ? I got no clue.

    White Privilege- I have no clue started out my life being told I’m not white enough because I’m mixed having racist relatives on 1 side of my family I didn’t need to go out to be attacked. Hubby likes to joke tho cause I look white can pass as one if I don’t speak so He says I should become a Mute 🤐 .Once I speak cats out of the bag lol they ask what race I am. Or if their a hairstylist they get confused by me y Daughters hair. I gasp if you do not clean a babies shoes with rubbing alcohol!! So dirty but not how white culture does things sometimes I forget say something get a baffling expression on their faces. They mention foods I’ve never heard of...Hubby took me out for my 1st chicken fried steak 🥩 after marriage he found out I didn’t know what one was at all until I worked in restaurants but still had never ate one. I hated it was gross to me what a weird combination but I’m not big on gravy I can make it cause mom did for herself but I cannot handle the flavor hubby either.I had trouble liking moms cooking as a kid but lived Dads families cooking from gazpacho to nacho soups huge tortilla goat meat tacos with goat cheese on top y goat milk candies. I find myself cringing 😬 a lot around many folks who say things against another race I don’t say anything because I don’t want them to feel bad since they just insulted me unknowingly or my family members race or part of their races. Like when one stated Native Americans are all theives she went on y on them walked off. Friends of mine (Pure bred 100% Native American his kids are 1/2 white) he leaned over said breathe Dont let her steal your breath. We laughed cried y said that was nuts went to the fair grounds together with our families (my 3rd cousin used to host the pow wows). I then got on stage I was given the microphone to do stand up comedy. The powwow y fair were same day same park some we’re getting angry with each other over race (white against Native vice versa) so I started. My jokes were about what it’s like to be mixed race. To bring awareness yet laugh y learn at the same time.How I can’t be mad at either side because I stole my OWN blanket gave it back took it away gave it back took it away then gave it back. The laughter erupted they stopped arguing they came up had peace for the whole day. Yes that would be an Indian giver joke (White in me fighting with the red side).
    Another was more serious by the end folks understood shook hands were more understanding the mixed race kids y adults joined in to my jokes with their own . How our hearts are brown ,red,Blk,yellow,or white but our skin is not (mixed race truth). What it’s like trying to convince someone that your not just the outside skin color that your also your other parents race too. Then I turned into what stereotypes have you heard about the other race then to a person of that color to answer if it’s true ,false,or in the middle. It definitely showed them who each other was when folks wouldn’t ask one I did since I’m neutral (the benefit of being mixed or mixed privilege we can call it the gift of eyes open). A friend of mine half Native American half Black also joined in on fighting with ones self is like he is head of Native American Black league. Then we ended in prayer for our families y praise for those Native Americans y any other races who served in the armed forces. Some find what they see on the protests strange. Prayer is not strange ,understanding one another is not a bad thing,but there is a fine line that can be crossed such as over reaching like asking another to bow 🙇‍♀️ 🙇 🙇 🙇‍♀️ at your feet to apologize. Preserving the dignity of all being on equal ground is the goal 🥅 - not for another to take the spot of the other to be the new Lord of the land. Breaking bread 🥖 forgive y become equals that should be the goal. Took alot for Women to be equal as much as we are now. With time change will come for All it’s where the river of life is flowing -just don’t paddle against the currents.

    Amber Tx

    Hubby arrived from seeing the streets with McDonald’s we still got pizza.Im slowly eating on my meal so I don’t go over y feel full. 1/3rd -2/3rd of the burger got to save for tomorrow so I stay in my budget.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    Well i am home and very tired...
    But have the next 5 days off
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,820 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Trying to use a spoiler for the first time and I'm not doing too well so far:

    Yesterday I witnessed a wonderful event in our local town. The senior class in our high school is graduating tomorrow, but yesterday they wanted to weigh in on the events in Minnesota. They received help in setting up a public gathering in our town square from the County Sheriff’s office. I went to the event. Our County Sheriff personally helped them organize a march to the park and stood by watching them present their comments on the tragedy in Minnesota.

    Two senior girls collaborated on setting up a vigil in the county courthouse park. The first speaker identified herself as a Native American. She had many powerful thoughts about policing to share and introduced the second speaker. The second speaker, also a graduating senior, identified herself as mixed race including African American, White and Native American. They each talked about quality policing and fairness. It was a moving presentation.

    Tomorrow these girls and their classmates will be receiving their high school diplomas in the same park where they talked about equality and fairness yesterday evening.

    I am proud of the girls who led, and our County Sheriff, who helped them organize a safe and respectful protest.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Katla - I truly hope that the youth of today makes some serious changes to our world.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rocky Mountain National Park opens tomorrow; this photo is from yesterday:

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Amber, you are too kind to worry about racist commentor’s feelings. I think you should call them out on their BS.