

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather I wish I would have known Ros. Such a rare and wonderful human being she was.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Thinking about Luci grieving over Rocky... :'(
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    DrKatie-Easier said than done speaking up comes backlash in some cases it’s hard to gauge the scale of how badly they’ll over react. Some it’s shock face with an apology a little angry a few days out of embarrassment. Others go into total hysterics (good example what happened to hubby or the guy in the park over dog leash law you won’t believe it but that crazy woman got the poor dog back! ). Sad to say hysterics usually the response even in males. You learn young from relatives how to react for safety.Calm response is the best one. Of course that means sooner or later it swallowed by that members of society until it boils over like we’re seeing now in many countries.

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    Joyful June Calendar ...


    1. Look for what's good ... lots of things!!

    Cycling outside

    Things I've liked since being at home from the end of March ...

    Being home all day with my husband. I've got a better understanding of how his day goes.
    Spending time with Rhody, getting to know him and getting him settled into our home.
    Being able to go outside to walk, run or cycle in daylight, despite the fact that the daylight hours are getting shorter.
    Having the energy to exercise regularly.
    Seeing more people outside exercising. :)
    Being able to sleep at least half an hour more each night than I was.
    Being able to go for a nap in the afternoon occasionally.
    Not having to spend 9-10 hours a week commuting!!!
    Spending my days with a 180° view of the bay and trees and outside instead of a wall.
    Being in an environment that rarely gives me sore, itchy eyes, sore throat, cough, and the sneezes.
    Being able to clean this and that.
    Wearing casual, comfy clothes.
    Not having as much stuff vying for my time.
    More time to work on my two courses at uni.
    Working remotely at my own pace ... which might lead to continued remote work ... maybe ... hopefully!
    Being able to attend church online.
    Feeling much more relaxed and less stressed!

    Just to name a few. :)

    2. Reframe a worry and try to find a positive ...

    A worry?
    Well, one of my many worries is that I won't pass my courses. So I'll use that as motivation to start studying for my final exam tonight!! :)

    3. Think of 3 Things to be Grateful For

    The COVID-19 shutdown.
    Working from home.
    I could go on and on!

    4. Show Appreciation to Those Who are Helping Others

    I think of people like Rori, Tracey, Allie and the others here who are caregivers and especially caregivers to those with brain-related issues. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Also, co-incidentally, June 2 was Thank A First Responder day. My husband and I have been fortunate to be able to thank those who have helped him. Wonderful people!


    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Machka-You’ll pass the exams for sure don’t stress it.

    Amber Tx

    Thinking tomorrow walking,pizza 2 slices y a bowl of onion 🧅,broccoli,y cheddar soup.
    Crystal light tea ☕️ to go with it. Of course the 1/3rd burger 🍔 left over from today.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Paul Katemi Boot Camp DVD. This has a lot of plyo and I don’t want to do a lot of jumping so I wound up modifying a lot of things. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Dressed Up Drills DVD.

    Soup kitchen tomorrow!!!! First have to stop at the sheriff's dept to drop off some expired medications then give Lynette some coupons

    Oh, the lady across the street who went on vacation just called me. She came home early. If they’d come home when they were going to, they’d encounter the riots in Atlanta. She said they were ready to come home. When we go to the condo, I’d like to stay as long as possible.

    I just e-mailed the lady who owns the gym that I go to that’s really really clean and asked her if when the gyms reopen, would I be able to use the room where the bar and weights are, not at a class time. I’m thinking that I’ll be able to. I would be the only person in the room. I also asked her if I would be able to use the spinning bike but not at a class time. There may be one other person in the room with me. Update: she said yes

    I’m thinking that the gym where I take the extremepump class is opening sooner more for financial reasons than anything else. They were always moderately clean. They say that they’ve contracted with a company to be sure the place is clean, but I wonder if they really have. Truthfully, since I’m at somewhat of a higher risk being 65, is it REALLY needed? The governor just put us on phase 2 and we won’t be going to phase 3 until the end of June when gyms are supposed to open. Maybe I can just use the weights at the other gym so I’d be by myself. Update: I pretty well decided that I wasn’t going to go. Then the girl who teaches the class sent an email asking how everyone felt. I told her that we just went to Phase 2. Let’s see how this all works out. Plus, this is all new territory, and there are going to be “blips”, things that weren’t anticipated. I would rather they get those taken care of first. She understood

    Ran to Food Lion and got Vince his milk, then went to Aldi. Didn’t get much at all. Habitat for Humanity is open on Thurs, Fri and Sat so I stopped in there. Did they ever raise their prices! I got 3 exercise DVD’s, they’re $3 each. They used to be $2. They advertised a used Instant Pot mini for $55. Brand new it’s $60. So I just came home. Will probably go in the pool. If that Instant Pot is still there (and I doubt it) the next time I go there, I may consider it. Update: went in the pool and strung a bit of popcorn. See, if I get hot stringing, I just jump into the pool. Works

    Karen VA – thanks so much for clearing this up. Now we know!

    Heather – isn’t it amazing how much we don’t like not having electricity and can’t wait to get it back?

    All this talk of bread making makes me sad that I sold my breadmachine. Maybe if there’s a smaller one, I can put that on my Christmas list

    Terri – when I was looking for a new car, one thing that I absolutely insisted upon was Bluetooth. I like having the Sirius XM but if I didn’t have it, I would live. But I wouldn’t consider the car without the Bluetooth. I also wanted a backup camera. I thought it would be helpful down in FL but I find that it’s most helpful when I’m parallel parking. That’s something I didn’t think of. I don’t use it for much, but when parallel parking it does come in handy.

    Well, Vince just told me that Jess saw the owner of the dog and the dog didn’t make it. Evidently, the seizure went on for so long that his temperature rose and it destroyed some of the organs. He said she was very upset that it happened

    Hi Michelle

    Michele NC
    Who is feeling sad right now
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Congratulations on earning complements from the health authority for doing a great job managing the pandemic! You have a challenging time to deal with and earned every word of praise. ❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Lisa in AR, what a dear picture! Was it made in celebration of some event? Looks so festive!

    Glad to hear you are tracking again, BTW. I was given some fudge and I can’t not eat it. Fortunately my posts of shame should end tomorrow. I faithfully record every item that goes in my mouth and every weigh in, which is almost every day.

    The candy hasn’t even helped me gain from the surgery weight loss, darn it.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    edited June 2020
    Coronavirus spreading faster than ever before
    Although some nations are seeing coronavirus cases starting to dip, the virus is spreading faster than ever on a global scale.


    Although Australia is starting to open, my husband and I are taking things slowly. I don't know how long it is since we've been out among people ... a week, maybe two. We go out for exercise and smile at the people we see across the road as we walk and cycle, but we're still definitely social distancing.

    I could get very used to a hermit-like lifestyle. As the state opens, I'm starting to think about where we might be able to go on a weekend (after my exam) that is far away from everywhere, but has decent cycling options. I'd even be tempted to go internet-free for that weekend or so. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Tracey I missed something. Why has it been 5 years since you've seen your mom? :'(
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Cases in Brighton and Hove have suddenly increased by 7. We had none for a few days. Sometimes there's a blip and then it stops again, but I hope it's not all the tourists we had over the warm weekends. I should think they took their germs home with them after mixing on the beaches.
    The schools haven't opened in the city yet as the council don't think it's safe. My grandchildren are at school part time, because of their mother's job.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK ❤️
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,522 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: follow up call for Joe’s cologard, cleaning: 10 mins Dining rm; carryover cleaning 12 mins Bedrooms, 10 mins Living Rm, 3 mins Guest Bth, 2 mins Master Bth.
    Bonus: casaba, beit alpha cucumber, haricot and pepper seeds into egg cartons, 8 mins misc vacuuming, 54 mins misc cleaning, BB&B info from community college, picked up paper at firehouse,,
    Get to do: bottle return, T’ai Chi, Grocery outlet for bottled water for GB SDA soup kitchen, Freddie’s for bday gift card, line dance in park, call library to schedule pickup Tuesday? invest 18 mins cleaning Master Bath, 26 mins decluttering and cleaning Office; mat work, BB&B, practice new dances (Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; transplant parsley, pineapple, rose geranium, Stinky; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; call stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s Stove to determine if finish cleaning and start de-rusting feasible; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Joyful June 4: show appreciation to those helping others=emailed gold beach soup kitchen, will drop off a couple cases of bottled water Sunday.

    Joe’s labs update
    got an automated system voicemail yesterday. When I returned the call, the automated system asked me if I was Joe, I replied No, ended up going through some hoops but was finally put through to Pierre. Told him I was sorry he was unlucky enough to be stuck with my call, went through the history. He advised the automated call was to serve two purposes: 1-let us know the kit had been dispatched, we’d see it in 3-7 business days; and 2- to go over important information about the test. When he started to go over the info with me I asked if Joe could call him back later when he returns home. I think Joe will be more accepting of instructions that don’t come from me ;} Meanwhile, it’s on my calendar to follow up if the kit is not received by Friday June 12.

    Heather I’d love a pic of your herbal windowsill ;) Toffee popcorn topping and filling, salted caramel sauce, OH my mouth is watering. Bravo to your son for the 2 yrs AF and all that cycling. Sounds like he deserves a Mum-cooked meal soon as it’s safe. Your exercise habits and bonus calories have got me thinking… Walnut bread with strong blue cheese, savory! Is your cooktop gas?
    Allie what Karen in Va and Barbie said. Read it a third time. You ARE a heck of a woman and don’t deserve that crap.
    Karen, yes that is an excellent article. While I can never truly understand what people of color have gone through, so many of the those instances could as well have been “. . .because of your gender.”
    Looks like Rocky Mtn National Park won’t have much trouble maintaining social distancing :lol:
    Barbie Washington state’s Phase 2 gathering limits (5) are stricter than Oregon’s Phase 1 (25). Our Phase 2 looks like your Phase 3. Your Phase 4 will require continued social distancing even at large public events. Our Phase 3 won’t happen until “reliable treatment or preventative is available”. New socks?
    Welcome back CJ!
    Pip what is that gentler treatment called? Joe refuses to powerwash out of concern for the siding. And could you send us your guy and his crew? :laugh:
    Margaret wouldn’t it be great if the decision makers were required to use the systems for which they are responsible? Starting with public transportation. And send their kids to school in the public schools in their district? Like firemen and policemen used to be required to live in the neighborhoods they served? [sigh] but you’re right, morality cannot be legislated.
    Terri thanks for your perspective on growing up and living in N. Ireland. :love: your Celtic soul.
    Amber Humor and grace, well done!
    Tracey what you said to Katla about your hopes for the youth of today. :heart:
    Welcome @mira128180 Michelle in MS!
    Rebecca and Tracey :love: the pics. I confess to grandparent envy, mine passed before I was born.
    Michele in NC :cry:
    Machka that “everything is going to be all right” meme ((hugs)) Sometimes I just want my Mama or my Papa. :cry:

    Invested a good part of the day cleaning. Joe asked "Who's coming to visit?" He was surprised that no one is coming, I was just trying to catch up. All but the Office are in reasonable shape, good thing as tomorrow will be busy, no time for cleaning :lol:

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps=6647  vits=4 log=4 CI<CO=4 CI<250<CO=3 Tumble & Shadow 5=1 mfp=3 clean 10 mins=3 outside=2 up hill=2
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=1 rx= dance=1
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=2 play=0 sew=0