
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Well i have been going to Sanibel since since 2005 ,and love it everytime i go..I am going down into Florida with 30,000 cases of Covid .but will take all precautions both to and from...and will there a full 3 days so will check things out and look at where i could get work...
    If it is meant to be ,it will be..if not then I stay where im at. .
    Right now enjoying James Taylor 2015 concert with Bonnie Raitt at Fenway park in Boston..live streaming..
    Really wonderful!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Pip Hope the bids start pouring in for you.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Kim – thanks for the suggestion for the pound cake. Plus…that’s something I can give Steve to take home

    Allie – a friend of ours came back from FL and he was saying that they’re stopping everyone at the FL welcome station, I’m assuming asking things like “where are you going” “how long are you staying there” “what is your reason for going”. But another friend of ours who lives in FL said that he was asked the questions, but then he had no problem going into the state. But you won’t have a problem since you’re flying

    – that 12 yolk pound cake sounds REALLY good.

    Went in the pool and my sunglasses broke. So went to WalMart. Wasn’t sure if they’d have the rack of sunglasses out, but they did. I got a pair like I had, wraparounds that are polarized. After dinner I’ll probably go back in the pool or the spa. Too hot for a walk

    Went in the spa and pool then took a shower.

    Nite all.

    Michele NC
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Got 2 box fans ready Incase of fireworks tonight.

    Went over calories oh well it’s a holiday I wanted some darn chocolate! So I had some.

    Amber Tx

    Got a sinus headache hoping allergies isn’t taking over y trying to get my passages inflamed. Turns ugly fast on me.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Happy 4th of July all. Didn't do anything exciting but did get four door frames sanded and primed. Will paint tomorrow. My husband had replaced most of the, but the frames in the hallway are the original 1956 pine. I can't stand using a mitre saw (actually, I like the saw, I find mitre cuts challenging). I just want the frames white to match new doors I'm getting put in. Figure if I end up hating the job I do on it I can always pay someone. Just seemed like a waste to get rid of the wood.

    Barbara-evidently for COVID 19 one of the treatments involve getting blood from survivors who have the antibodies and someway they give it to a sick person. Not sure of the technical points but have heard it discussed. Evidently is successful in some cases.

    I had the liquid form of the polio vaccine. Ironically, the old school gym where I got is is now county maintenance building at my complex. My DIL mother, while a child in Iran, developed polio after receiving the vaccine. She has become more crippled as time went on and she has had great difficulty the last 10 years or so.

    I got my small pox vaccine on my back instead of my arm. I remember it having a plastic cup type thing over it to protect it. They did that so I would have the scar on my arm. Have no idea if I have a visible mark from it.

    We have just had a nice heavy rain move through.Don't think it will do much for the heat but my grass can certainly use it. I gave a passing thought to watering the front yard but that has always struck me as wasteful for vanity.

    DIL is now permitted out of master bedroom. No one else in the family seems to have any symptoms. With the way things are in Arizona they aren't going for any testing unless necessary. I guess their whole system is getting overloaded.

    Karen in VT-not unusual to see a small bump up a day after some exercise. Really a pretty normal fluctuation.

    Just had a great FaceTime call with son, DIL and grandkids in Arizona. DIL looks very good. Kids were very excited for "fireworks" tonight (I think they got some sparklers).

    Off to bed. Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member
    thanks for the suggestion/reminder about the zucchini- I stuffed mine- used ground pork, marinara sauce, eggs, rolled oats and seasoning- Son tried it and said it was good- not sure if him and his girlfriend will have it or not. Husband saw it and said he thinks he will make a sandwich.
    I made my "ice cream sandwich"s using fat free cool whip(but Safeway brand), PB2 powder, mocha powder mixed and used graham crackers. Wrapped them and they are in the freezer now- not sure if they will freeze enough for tonight- if not, I will enjoy them tomorrow. Even junk foodie husband and son both like them too.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited July 2020
    Vaccines: I had smallpox on my arm (still have scar) and polio in the sugar cube. I had one dose of measles, mumps, rubella, and was in the age group where they hadn't realised yet we needed two doses. So I'm pretty sure I got measles in 2016 (I got a full body, unexplained, very measles-like rash which surprised two doctors), but just in case, I got the MMR vax last December. Then I got the Shingles vax in January. My tetanus is up to date, and I was vaccinated for several things (yellow fever, etc.) in 2012 because of our 8-month RTW trip. And I've had the flu vax the last couple years.

    So ... if there's ever a vax for C19, I'll be in line! :)

    Online Friends: I've been a member of several forums over the years. I started with a diabetic cat forum because one of my cats at the time became diabetic. Unfortunately there was a very overbearing individual who thought I (and a few others) were doing it all wrong. The day she posted that she sat up till 2 am or something typing a long, long message (which filled the page) to me to correct me on everything I was doing wrong, and that her husband didn't understand her need to do that but she thought it was vitally important ... I had a good laugh and dropped out of the forum. As it happens, my diabetic cat who was 8 at the time went on to live to 16 years old and thus far was my favourite cat, my little hugging boy. <3

    From there I moved into cycling forums which have generally been a better fit for me. And it was on one cycling forum where I met my husband. I posted that I was planning to ride the Paris-Brest-Paris in France in 2003 ... a 1200 km randonnee with a 90 hour time limit including all breaks. He responded that he was planning to do the same thing. And that was about that. Then in August 2003, at the last control (rest stop) on the ride, with about 100 km to go, I was walking through a hall or gym or whatever it was with a plate of green beans and mashed potatoes when someone called my online name "Machka". I wondered who on earth would know that name ... and it was him! We chatted a bit and then went our separate ways but got to know each other online, and a bit in person over the years that followed.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Also went to a department store a little further away ... and won't likely return there any time soon. Too busy. Too many people not social distancing. Mostly elderly ladies who act like they are completely unaware of anything unusual going on. And packs of young guys wandering everywhere. Last time we were there, before C19, security removed a pack of them so this seems to be common behaviour in this particular store. But we got a few things we wanted ... and left the store as quickly as possible.

    I've been on the hunt for button-up shirts but they are surprisingly difficult to find. I saw a few linen shirts, but they're too scratchy for me. I saw several that are really short and that style doesn't suit me any more. But nice, smooth, hip-length button-up shirt in a colour other than white just aren't popular right now. Also, I don't want to spend much on button-up shirts since I don't really like them ... but I need to wear them for the next month or so.

    M in Oz

    Mission accomplished!

    Went to our usual department store and had a much better experience. I got myself 3 cotton button-up shirts on sale. :) And I didn't have hoards of people following me around. :)

    So I'll have something to wear to work when I return somewhere around the end of July, maybe early August. Unless we've had a second wave.


    Machka in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    I use zucchini (courgette) in an Italian type soup with tomatoes, pesto and borlotti beans. Here we call large ones marrow and these are stuffed but I’ve never used one.

    ALLIE good luck making your decision on moving, I’m sure you’ll get there you are so strong.

    HEATHER glad you’re feeling better. Nice memories of your early marriage.

    MACHKA glad your op went well here’s to happy breathing

    Although pubs reopened here yesterday DH and I didn’t venture out. Apart from the lack of social distancing which was inevitable there would be no atmosphere. We don’t go out primarily for the drink but for live music, chat a dance maybe (that’s just me DH doesn’t) Will probably be a while before we go.

    Stay safe

    Kate UK ❤️
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    MACHKA glad your op went well here’s to happy breathing

    Stay safe

    Kate UK ❤️

    Haven't had it yet ... this coming Friday. :)

    I'm just in the process of collecting stuff to make the recovery easier.

    M in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Viv UK: I also had the polio vaccine on a sugar cube. A knew a number of people who had polio. Mostly slight limps, but one girl in school had a brace and couldn’t do PE. I had all if the immunisations as a child. I also have BCG (smallpox) scar.
    Rebecca: 🥰Athena and her puppy!
    Heather: (((Hugs)))
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Re MFP, I do get cross with DH when he says things like, "you don't know who these people are", or "you can't trust anything anyone says online", "they could be anybody".
    Grrrrrr! To me that's implying that I'm an idiot. I trust my own judgement more than I trust his. :#

    When people say this to me, I look them straight in the eye and say
    “On the other hand, YOU could be a figment of my deranged imagination!” Mwhahaha