
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Karen sent you a message about milkweed.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member

    I pay a fortune every month for tv, internet, and land line. We are in a contract with xFinity for another year. Hope we can make some changes when that is up. We tried ATT, but didn't like that.

    Allie ~ Hugs for little Homer

    I made an appointment to see an ENT dr tomorrow as the antibiotics the urgent care doc prescribed don't seem to be working. I know I have a deviated septum and am just so tired of my ear always feeling stopped up.

    Carol in Ga
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    I made an appointment to see an ENT dr tomorrow as the antibiotics the urgent care doc prescribed don't seem to be working. I know I have a deviated septum and am just so tired of my ear always feeling stopped up.

    Carol in Ga

    If you're thinking surgery for the deviated septum be prepared for a long miserable week after surgery. Of all the surgeries I've had I'd put this up there with getting four impacted wisdom teeth out at once. Can't see. Can't breathe. Can't eat. Or not well anyway. Lots of pain.

    We'll see what next week is like.

    Still hoping it is worth it. I'd do think it will be eventually because I have occasional brief moments when I can breath through the right nostril which was almost entirely blocked by the deviation and enlarged turbinates and it feels like I'm in some kind of wind tunnel with the blast of air I get!

    Meanwhile ... it is literally a pain.

    Speaking of which ...

    I sneezed for the first time since the surgery this evening. I saw stars!

    M in Oz

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Machka Many years ago, I had to have my nose cauterized due to constant nose bleeds. I remember how that was and just hope I don't have to have any surgery.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2020
    Barbara: Thanks for the kind thoughts for Boone and for our daughter’s family loss. He was a good old dog. I am sure they’ll be looking for another dog in the near future. :heart:

    Sarah: Apple makes watches, telephones, computers & ipads. I'm not sure what else. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: I like the message, “When you hear yourself saying “I should…” Stop and think. Is that your belief? Or is it someone else’s? Brilliant! Thanks for sharing. I don’t say ‘I should’ very often, but someone I know says ‘You should’ all too often. :grumble: I try hard not to tell my adult children “you should.”

    Pip: I’m so happy for you and Kirby. Enjoy your final count-down at work. :heart:

    Michele: Thank you for your kind thoughts for our daughter’s dog loss. I hope they find a new dog in the near future. I think of dogs and kitties as fur children. My daughter will be looking for a new fur child. :star: I love yoga class for the companionship and exercise. Until I can go back to class, I’ll be riding my terratryke on its trainer, taking long walks, and riding Arrow whenever I can. :star:

    Heather: Obesity is its own epidemic. It shortens lives and causes damage to heart, hip, back, arm & knee joints. I’ve known people who are in wheel chairs because of excessive overeating. I think it may be similar to alcoholism. :sad:

    We have “a bright, bright, sunshiney day” today. I’m hoping to sneak a little fun into it. In additional good news, I have beans and blueberries ready to pick in my little garden. There has been no recent deer trouble.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,194 Member
    yvonne in TX “ Katla et al - My sweet Philip is getting deafer all the time. I wish he'd go get checked out and do something about it, but between male pride and a tight budget I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon. It's a bit frustrating.”

    You described my DH perfectly!

    RV Rita
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Answered one question for myself today, now that I broke down and got my Fitbit - yardwork, at least the way I do it, burns some serious calories. My heart rate when I work on the elliptical works out to 153 avg beats per minute. On the rower, 139 bpm. While I was hauling hoses, weeding, and grubbing out flower beds, I averaged 137 for a solid 80 minutes, which is pretty respectable for a 60-year-old woman. Burned 600 calories in the yard, and another 400 during the 40 minutes of machine time for 1,000-calorie burn. I'll take it.

    Talking to y'all while I cool off from all the exercise... and will jump in the shower after that so I don't eat anything until after 11 a.m. Never could eat and then exercise, makes me totally 🤢 urpy. Lately, though, I've had my exercise done by 8:30 a.m., and then eaten breakfast, thereby adding calories that I honestly just don't need. If I can leverage the sheer length of exercising, I can try to get my eating window shorter, making it about 8 hours, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Need to do something, kinda stalled out weight-wise. Lengthening exercise and shortening the eating window may bump me off the stall.

    Onward, ladies,
    Lisa in AR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :)We love our cable tv. It is our recreation and entertainment. We don't travel or go to restaurants or concerts. We love to stay home. Jake's health keeps him sitting quite a bit and I ride my exercise bike and knit for hours watching TV. Jake likes movies and I like watching TV series from the past. Right now I'm watching "Magnum, PI" from the 80's and I just started recording "Cagney and Lacey". Soon there will be Major League Baseball.

    :) It will be warm today---over 70 degrees.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,914 Member
    Machka - I hope you start getting some relief soon.

    Heather - we pay for too many of those monthly subscriptions. Two of them my husband set up and I don’t have access to cancel. The other two I use regularly.

    Rita - that’s a wedding to remember

    Going to go see daughters new house when she texts to tell us to meet them. We’re going to the apartment so they can put some things in our car. Then one of us will drive their truck out to the new house as they have the UHaul to get there plus her car.

    For now I guess I have to design a welcome sign for my husband.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    We tried bringing one of our trykes in so we could watch TV & burn calories. The tryke was HUGE in our living room. We took it back to the garage, put it on its trainer & there both trykes stay. We have a good sound system out there & listen to great music from the good old days. I often take a book.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,993 Member
    Hanging with Alfie and Faith right now she is OCD about toilet paper so she is lying in bed rolling and unrolling it.ugh...
    Waiting to hear about Homer from either my daughter or Tom
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is National Give Something Away Day!

    "Giving benefits us all, too. It improves our community and puts much-needed services and assistance within the reach of those who need it most. The giver also benefits. Giving not only makes us feel good but it teaches gratitude, too. Whether we give financially or by offering our skills and services, we lift others up. Our words can be a gift, too. Showing empathy, encouragement, and compassion to someone during a time of need may make us feel vulnerable, but it empowers those we offer it to as well. You can also share your time with others by volunteering."

    Heather - Sprouted beans sound like an interesting thing to try in the Instant Pot! I love Indian food, so I'll be sure to check out Ivatra Pitri. Thanks for sharing that.

    Allie - Hope your Homer feels better soon.

    Katla - Our gym is still open too, but I'm not to keen on working out with a mask on. Also, they told me on the phone they're letting people remove their masks as long as they are six feet from other people. So the whole place is a stew of sweaty, steamy exhalations. Think I'll pass.

    Tracey - Hope you have a great holiday!

    Barbara - For now Philip is doing table massage only, which is better tha nothing. We talked about ways to resume chair massage at local venues but ultimately decided to stick with table massage in studio where he has more control over the environment. We bought a new multi-function air sanitizer, a box of disposable face masks for clients, disposable face cradle covers, and a gallon of hand sanitizer for his massage space. The chair massage was both a marketing tool to the local area and a pretty good income stream so we miss it, but the last thing he wants to do is be responsible for spreading the virus.

    Machka - Your doodle reminded me of a therapist who used to say, "Don't should on yourself!" Gave me a smile!

    Tina - I've been thinking about cutting the cable (or, in our case, the satellite TV). The only thing is, there are some shows I like to watch, especially when I'm on the stationary bike or Nordic Track. I considered switching to a streaming service like Sling but our internet service is so awful I'm not sure it would be reliable. On the other hand, I can usually stream from my desktop computer so the problem may just be weak wireless signal. We could solve that by dropping an ethernet cable to the TV. All of you cable cutters are making me think about it some more because the Dish TV bill is ridiculous!

    Rita - I love the nude wedding story!

    Many thanks for the kind welcome back! I love hearing about everyone's life, challenges, and victories.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Today is National Give Something Away Day!

    "Giving benefits us all, too. It improves our community and puts much-needed services and assistance within the reach of those who need it most. The giver also benefits. Giving not only makes us feel good but it teaches gratitude, too. Whether we give financially or by offering our skills and services, we lift others up. Our words can be a gift, too. Showing empathy, encouragement, and compassion to someone during a time of need may make us feel vulnerable, but it empowers those we offer it to as well. You can also share your time with others by volunteering."

    Tina - I've been thinking about cutting the cable (or, in our case, the satellite TV). The only thing is, there are some shows I like to watch, especially when I'm on the stationary bike or Nordic Track. I considered switching to a streaming service like Sling but our internet service is so awful I'm not sure it would be reliable. On the other hand, I can usually stream from my desktop computer so the problem may just be weak wireless signal. We could solve that by dropping an ethernet cable to the TV. All of you cable cutters are making me think about it some more because the Dish TV bill is ridiculous!

    -Yvonne in TX

    I am right on time for give something away day! Our neighbors daughter is moving in with her boyfriend. They were wanting a gas grill. We have one we rarely (as in once/twice a year) use. So, I get the space back on my back porch that it has been taking up and they get a gas grill! Win-win. However, I think I'm getting the better end of the bargain. (For those of you wondering how we can get along without a gas grill, we have a huge charcoal grill that we prefer and two smokers so we are covered).

    Where we are, we can't get good enough internet to cut the cable/satellite cord. A friend who lives in the Bay Area was giving us a hard time for not cutting the cord since we have Apple TV already. He was here for a week (just as lockdown started) and realized that our internet would never stream anything. We can watch Netflix, everything else has to buffer so much you get annoyed and stop watching.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    We cut the cord when we came to Arkansas in 2018, as we can get some overair digital channels here--four PBS channels, ABC, CW and MeTV, and the CW carries local news. None reached us in West Texas, so it wasn't an option. Also have fast Internet here, surprisingly enough, so all we're paying is the internet bill ($100) and no TV cable. We had Dish for a while, but it just was too much garbage, too little that we wanted to watch, and getting more expensive every year as well. We do subscribe to Prime for many other reasons, but we also get music and video through it, as well as access to the "free with commercials" channels like IMDB. Just got rid of Hulu, because we weren't using it, and we do have Netflix, but if they don't get some interesting stuff soon, we'll chop them too. Haven't paid for a landline phone in about ten years. There was one at the ranch, but we didn't pay the bill, the ranch did.

    - it's good to see you!
